A@L}5 _$% l0$)$$Hȱ$ UhL" `e$$%`$%`  R@W!( L(1   Y I`  d  Ld M * @  $ % CC$$)ǥ%1 Udߥ$9%: !0 S$% DD˙`  }J)Lr BEEF AND POTATO CASSEROLE( - 62 BEXCELLENT 1 HRK a400F @2 lb Potatoesz }A1/2 C Butter or Margarine( 6B1/2 C CreamQ b1 Egg (beaten)z }1/4 tsp Nutmeg (ground)( 63 tsps SaltQ f3 Onions (chopped)z }!2 lbs Stewing Beef (1/2" cubes)( ;1/2 C Beef StockQ h1/2 tsp Black Pepperz } 1 Bay Leaf( @1/4 C dry BreadcrumbsQ T@z }A( B1. Cook the unpeeled potatoes until tender. Drain, Peel & mash. Beat in 3 }Mtbsps butter, cream, egg, nutmeg, & 1 1/2 tsps Salt until very light &Q [fluffy.z }( L2. Melt the remaining butter in aQ large saucepan. Saute the onions for } 5 minutes.( +Q v@3. Add the meat & cook over a highz }Aheat, stirring constantly, until the Bmeat is browned. Mix in the stock, thepepper, bay leaf, & remaining salt. }@Cook over a low heat for 20 minutes. Discard the bay leaf.Q Tz }4. In a greased casserole, arrange as many layers as possible the potatoes & meat mixture, starting & ending with}the potatoes.( +Q @5. Sprinkle with the bread crumbs & }LAdot with a little butter. Bake in a B400F oven for 25 minutes or untilQ \browned.z }CBEEF STEW TOULOUSE( - 62 7GREAT> D40 MINK oHOT 3 tbsps Butter or Margarinez }<3 lbs Rump Steak (cut in 1/2" cubes) 2 Onions (sliced)Q p2 Tomatoes (peeled & sliced)z } 2 tsps Salt( ?1/4 tsp Black PepperQ e@1 C uncooked Ricez }A1 can Corn Niblets (drained)( KB1 C Green Pepper (finely sliced)Q c1/4 tsp Saffronz }2 tsps Brown Sugar( =1 C Dry White WineQ b1 C Beef Stockz }1/8 tsp Cinnamon( +Q Tz }B1. Melt the butter in a large saucepan& brown the meat in it.Q T@z }cA2. Add the onions, tomatoes, salt & Bpepper. Cover & cook over medium heat for 10 minutes.z }( 3. Mix in the rice, corn, green pepperthe saffron, sugar, wine, stock and }[cinnamon. Cover & cook over low heat for 20 minutes or until the rice is tender.z }WEST INDIAN BEEF STEW( - 62 26*6> G2 1/2 HRSK pHOT @3 lbs Chuck Steak (1" cubes)z } A1/2 C Flour( 6B2 tsps SaltQ b1/2 tsp Pepperz } 1/3 C Oil( B1 large Onion (chopped)Q l1 clove Garlic (crushed)z }$1 lb Tomatoes (peeled & quartered)( @1 tsp powdered GingerQ h2 C half-cooked Ricez }( +Q @1. Toss the beef in a mixture of the !}oAflour, salt & pepper. Heat the oil in Ba large saucepan & brown the meat in it very well. Pour off fat.z "}( 2. Add the onion & garlic & cook untilthe onion begins to brown, stirring #} frequently.( +Q 3. Mix in the tomatoes & ginger. Cover$}C# & cook over low heat for 2 hours.( + Q @ 4. Add the rice & cook for another 20 %}%9minutes or until the rice is tender. B BEANS AND BEEFQ V 8[ `GREATg p3 1/2 HRSt HOT &} 2 C dried Beans (your choice)( 6 3 tbsps OilQ 3 lbs Chuck Steak (bite-size pieces) '} 2 Onions (chopped)( 8 2 tbsps HoneyQ _ 2 tsps Saltz (} 1/2 tsp Pepper( F 1 1/2 tsps Prepared MustardQ T@ z )}A ( B 1. Soak the beans in enough water to cover overnight. Simmer the beans in *}$ the water in which they soaked for( h about 20 minutes. Drain the beans & reserving the water.z +} ( e 2. Heat the oil in a large saucepan & saute the onions.z ,} ( _ 3. Add the meat & cook until the meat @ is browned.z -}A ( B 4. Mix the honey, salt, pepper & the mustard with the reserved bean water. .}3 (Add more water if necessary to make 3 Cups.)Q T z /}v 5. Add the beans to the meat. Mix well & stir in the liquid, cover & simmer for about 3 hours or until meat isz 0} tender.( M GROUND BEEF AND MACARONI CASSEROLEQ V@ 4[ pEXCELLENT 1 1/2 HRSt 350F 1}A 1 C Macaroni( =B 2 Onions (chopped)Q l 4 stalks Celery (sliced)z 2} 1 Red Pepper (chopped)( J 2 1/2 tbsps Butter or MargarineQ d 1 lb Ground Beefz 3} 1 can Mushroom Soup( 6 1 can WaterQ Z Saltz 4}  Pepper( ; 1/2 tsp MarjoramQ m@ 2 tbsps Parsley (chopped)z 5}A ( +B Q 1. Cook the macaroni in salted boiling6}C water until just tender.( + Q 2. Saute the onions, celery & the red 7}7^ pepper in the butter for about five minutes. Add the meat & cook for about5 minutes.z 8}( 3. Mix in the soup, water, salt and @pepper to taste, marjoram & parsley. 9}A( LB4. Put the cooked macaroni in theQ bottom of a greased casserole dish. :}KCover with meat mixture. Cover & cook in a 350F oven for about 1 hour.Q tGROUND BEEF AND CELERY CASSEROLEz ;} 4 GREAT 1 1/4 HRS" D350F 1/2 bunch Celery (sliced)Q e1 Onion (chopped)z <}2 tbsps Butter or Margarine( 1 SaltQ \@ Pepperz =}A4 tbsps Flour( ;B1 lb Ground BeefQ g4 Tomatoes (sliced)z >}1 1/4 C Beef Stock( +Q dBISCUIT TOPPING:z ?} 1 C Flour( J2 1/2 tbsps Butter or MargarineQ XMilkz @}( +Q v@1. Saute the celery & onion in thez A}"Abutter. Put in a casserole dish.( +BQ 2. Season & flour the meat & brown it B}ǁin the butter. Add to the casserole with the tomatoes & stock. Cover and cook in a 350F oven for 45 minutes. C}( 3. While the meat is cooking, make thebiscuit topping by mixing the flour D}with the butter & adding enough milk to make a soft dough. Roll out to a @thickness of 1/2". Cut into rounds & E}0Aput on top of casserole. Glaze with Bmilk.Q Tz F}f4. Cook the casserole with the biscuittopping uncovered for about 15 minutestill golden brown.z G}"SHIN OF BEEF/VEGETABLE CASSEROLE( - 62 7GREAT> C3 HRSK f325F 2 lbs Shin of Beefz H}C 2 tbsps Oil( 82 tbsps FlourQ e@1 tsp Dry Mustardz I}IA1 1/2 tsps Salt( BB1 1/2 tbsps Brown SugarQ h2 1/2 C Tomato Juicez J} Salt( 3 PepperQ r1/2 Cauliflower (in flowerets)z K}1 Carrot (sliced)( ;1 Onion (sliced)Q h1 C Celery (chopped)z L}1 Green Pepper (chopped)( +Q T@z M}TA1. In a frypan heat the oil & brown Bthe meat. Remove to a casserole dish. z N}M2. Mix the flour, mustard, salt and brown sugar in the frypan with theQ remaining oil. Slowly add the tomato O}ijuice, stirring constantly. Pour over the meat. Cover & cook for about two hours in a 325F oven.z P}( 3. Remove bones & cut meat into bite @size pieces. Add vegetables & cook forQ}6Aanother 45 minutes or until vegetablesare tender.Q cPEPPER POT STEWz R} 6 EXCELLENT 2 1/2 HRS" DHOT 2 lbs Stewing Beef (lean)Q _1/4 C Flourz S} 2 tbsps Oil( 93 C Beef StockQ c1 1/2 tsps Saltz T}1 C Carrots (sliced)( A1 large Potato (diced)Q e@1 Onion (chopped)z U}A1/2 tsp Black Pepper( DB2 tbsps Parsley (chopped)Q Tz V}( 1. Cut beef in 1" cubes. Cover meat with flour & brown on all sides in hotW}oil in a large saucepan.( +Q 2. Add salt & stock & cook covered, X}$for about 2 hours or until meat is( 2tender.Q T@z Y}LA3. Add vegetables, pepper & parsley & cook until vegetables are tender.Q rRUMP STEAK AND OLIVE CASSEROLEz Z}C 4 GOOD 3 HRS" :325F 1 lb Rump SteakQ _3 tbsps Oilz [}[1 Carrot (sliced)( B2 small Onions (sliced)Q l3 stalks Celery (sliced)z \}1 1/4 C Red Wine( =1/2 C Wine VinegarQ m@2 tbsps Parsley (chopped)z ]}A1 clove Garlic (crushed)( 8B4 PeppercornsQ Z Saltz ^}  Pepper( 73/4 lb BaconQ 1/4 lb Black Olives (halved & pitted) _} 4 Tomatoes( +Q Tz `}1. Heat the oil in a saucepan. Saute the carrot, onions, & celery for 10 @minutes. Add half the red wine, all ofa}Athe vinegar, parsley, garlic, salt & Bpepper, peppercorns to taste. Bring toa boil, reduce heat & simmer for 15 b}minutes. Cool.( +Q v2. Cut the meat into cubes & coverz c}<with strained marinade. Allow to standfor about 1 hour.Q Tz d}v3. Fry the bacon until crispy. Remove the bacon & brown the drained steak. @Put into a casserole dish. Add thez e}:Amarinade to the meat with the bacon, Bwine, & olives.Q Tz f}$4. Cover & cook in a 325F oven for( sabout 2 hours. Add sliced tomatoes forthe last 15 minutes of cooking.z g}FRUITY HOTPOT( - 62 26*6> C2 HRSK u350F 1 1/2 lbs Braising Steak (cut-up)z p}hhpp}i}}j}>@nnww}k}01}l}CGH}m}m_? MAIN DISH BEEFA MAIN DISn}H BEEFBC MAIN DISH BEEF MAIN DISH BEEF5 MAIN DISH BEEFV MAIN DISH BEEF MAIN DISH BEEF@` MAIN DISH BEEF o}MAIN DISH BEEF@0 MAIN DISH BEEFX MAIN DISH BEEFB) MAIN DISH BEEF$ MAIN DISH BEEF& MAIN DISH BEEF MAIN DISH 8}2 Onions (sliced)( ;3 Cooking ApplesQ n@ (peeled, cored & sliced)z q}A3 Tomatoes (sliced)( 5B1 tbsp OilQ m Curry Powder (to taste)z r}1/3 C Currants( 81/3 C RaisinsQ f1 1/2 C Beef Stockz s}1 1/2 tbsps Flour( 1 SaltQ f1 tbsp Brown Sugarz t}3 Eggs (hard-boiled)( D2 tbsps Parsley (chopped)Q T@z u}A( B1. Heat oil in a large saucepan. Then lightly fry the meat, onions, & applesv}auntil golden brown. Add the tomatoes, & curry powder to taste & cook for 5 minutes more.z w}( 2. Place the mixture in a casserole dish. Stir in the currants & raisins. x}+Cover & cook in a 350F oven for 2 hrs.Q @3. Blend the flour with a little watery}LA& stir into the casserole. Season to Btaste with salt. Add brown sugar.Q Tz z};4. Garnish with slices of egg & the chopped parsley.Q cBEEF STROGANOFFz {} 6 *  1 1/2 HRS" FHOT 2 tbsps Butter or MargarineQ 3 lb Rump Steak (cut into thin strips)|}3 large Onions( A1/2 lb fresh MushroomsQ `@2 Bay Leavesz }} A1 tsp Salt( 9B1/8 tsp PepperQ n1 tsp Worcestershire Saucez ~}C 1/2 C Water( 51 C SherryQ b2 C Sour Creamz }( +Q 1. Melt butter in a Dutch Oven or fire}h proof casserole dish. Add meat & the  onions & saute until meat is brown & @ onions golden brown.z }A( B 2. Add mushrooms, bay leaves, water, salt, pepper, & worcestershire sauce. }` Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover & cook slowly for 1 hour. Remove from heat & cool.z }( u 3. Gradually add sherry. Reheat & cook!for another 1/2 hour. Cool again.z }!( m!4. When ready to serve add sour cream & reheat but do not boil.z }A!LEFTOVER BEEF CASSEROLE( -B! 62 26*6> FVARIABLEK n400F !2 C Beef (chopped, cooked)z }!2 medium Onions (sliced)( E!1 tbsp Butter or MargarineQ p!2 C Carrots (sliced, cooked)z } !1 tsp Salt( 9!1/4 tsp PepperQ v"4 medium Potatoes (cooked, mashed)z } "1/2 C Cream( E"1 tsp Worcestershire sauceQ n@"4 tbsps Bread Crumbs (dry)z }A"1 tbsp Butter or Margarine( +B"Q T"z }E"1. Melt butter in a frypan & saute the"onions until golden brown.Q T"z }"2. Put the onions on the bottom of a "casserole dish. Add a layer of chopped#beef & a layer of carrots. Continue }_#layering until beef & carrots are all #used. Season with salt & pepper after @#each layer.z }A#( IB#3. Cover with mashed potatoes.Q T#z }D#4. Mix cream with worcestershire sauce#& pour over the potatoes.Q T#z }J#5. Mix bread crumbs with melted butter#& sprinkle on top of casserole.Q T$z }CD$6. Cook uncovered in a 400F oven untilbrowned & heated through.Q c@$CHILI CON CARNEz }A$ 4 EXCELLENT 2 HRS" >HOT B$2 lbs Boneless BeefQ m$ (ground or small cubes)z } $3 tbsps Oil( C$3 Onions (thinly sliced)Q l$1 Green Pepper (chopped)z }$1 lb Tomatoes (chopped)( 6$2 tsps SaltQ h%1/2 tsp Black Pepperz }% Chili Powder (to taste)( D%2 cloves Garlic (crushed)Q n@%1 lb Kidney Beans (canned)z }A%( +B%Q %1. Heat the oil in a saucepan. Saute }6%the onions & green peppers for about %10 minutes.Q T%z }$%2. Add the meat & cook over medium( _%heat, stirring constantly, until meat &is browned.z }&( &3. Mix in the tomatoes, salt, pepper, @&chili powder, & garlic. Cover & cook }EA&over low heat for 1 1/2 hours. Add a B&little water if necessary.Q T&z }H&4. Add the beans, taste for seasoning & cook for 15 minutes longer.Q c&FAMILY MEAT PIEz }& 6 GREAT 1/2 HR" <400F &2 lbs Ground BeefQ n'1 tbsp Butter or Margarinez }'1 Beef Stock Cube( C'1 1/2 C hot Tomato JuiceQ p@'1 C Carrots (cooked, sliced)z }A'1 C Peas (cooked)( @B'1/2 C Celery (sliced)Q Z' Saltz }'1 Egg (seperated)( D'3 C Mashed Potatoes (hot)Q T'z }'( '1. Season meat with salt & brown in (butter, stirring occasionally, until }(meat browns.( +(Q @(2. Dissolve the stock cube in the hot }IA(tomato juice & add to meat. Cook for B(5-8 minutes. Remove from heat.Q T(z }CE(3. Add cooked vegetables to the meat &(season to taste with salt.Q T(z }(4. Beat the egg yolk & add to mashed (potatoes. Fold in the stiffly beaten )egg white. Spread the bottom of baking}n)dish with 1/2 of the potatoes. Add the)meat & vegetable mixture & top with @)remaining mashed potatoes.z }A)( k5. Bake in 400F oven for 15 minutes. )BRAISED LIVER CASSEROLEz }) 4 *  1 1/4 HRS" B350F )1 lb Beef or Lamb LiverQ _)1/4 C Flourz })1 1/2 tsps Salt( 9)1/4 tsp PepperQ _*2 tbsps Oilz }*2 Carrots (cubed)( ;*1 Onion (sliced)Q j@*1 Red Pepper (chopped)z }A*2 Potatoes (sliced)( 9B*1 C Beef StockQ m*1/2 lb Tomatoes (chopped)z } *1 Bay Leaf( +*Q T*z }L*1. Cut liver in 2" squares. Roll in *seasoned flour. Brown in hot oil.Q T+z }+2. Remove liver & brown carrots, the +onion, pepper & potatoes. Remove the @+vegetables & blend in any remaining }DA+flour left from dredging liver. Stir B+in beef stock & tomatoes.Q T+z }j+3. Combine gravy with liver and the +vegetables. Add bay leaf & pour into +casserole dish. Cover.z }+( K4. Bake in 350F oven for 1 hour.Q f,LEFTOVER BEEF STEWz }, 6 GREAT 1 HR" FHOT ,2 tbsps Butter or MargarineQ a@,2 tbsps Flourz }A,2 C dry Red Wine( 5B,1 tsp SaltQ h,1/2 tsp Black Pepperz },2 Tomatoes (peeled, chopped)( E,3 White Onions (quartered)Q r,6 Potatoes (peeled, quartered)z },2 tbsps Parsley (chopped)( 8,1/4 tsp ThymeQ ^-1 Bay Leafz }CM-4 C Beef (cooked, cut in small cubes) -1/2 lb Green Beans (cut 1" pieces)Q T@-z }A-( B-1. Melt butter in a saucepan. Blend in-the flour until browned. Gradually add}@-the wine, stirring constantly, until -at the boiling point.Q T-z }s-2. Add salt & pepper, tomatoes, onions-& potatoes, parsley, thyme & bay leaf..Cook over low heat, 45 minutes.z }.( .3. Add the beef & the beans & cook for15 minutes longer. Discard bay leaf. }A.RED CABBAGE AND BEEF STEW( -B. 62 27*7> C2 HRSK _HOT .2 tbsps Oilz }".3 lbs Chuck Steak (cut 1" cubes)( C.2 Onions (thinly sliced)Q _.2 tsps Saltz }.1/2 tsp Black Pepper( >.1 tsp Caraway SeedsQ e/2 C Boiling Waterz }/1/4 C Vinegar( >/4 tbsps Brown SugarQ @/4 C Red Cabbage (coarsely shredded) }A/1 tsp powdered Ginger( +B/Q T/z }ǁ/1. Heat oil in saucepan & brown meat /& onions. Add salt, pepper, caraway /seeds & water. Cover & cook over low }/heat for 1 hour.( +/Q v02. Mix in vinegar, sugar, cabbage,z }q0ginger & a little more water if it is 0required. Recover & cook for another hour or until meat is tender.z }A0BEEF WITH EGGPLANT CASSEROLE( -B0 62 27*7> B1 HRK h350F 02 lbs Fillet of Beefz }01 medium Eggplant( 601/4 C FlourQ ]01/3 C Oilz }04 medium Tomatoes (chopped)( C01 clove Garlic (crushed)Q _12 tsps Saltz }11/2 tsp Black Pepper( 811/4 tsp BasilQ m@13 tbsps Parsley (chopped)z }A11/4 C dry Bread Crumbs( +B1Q T1z }C+11. Cut beef into 1/4" thick slices. 1Q 12. Peel eggplant & slice 1/4" thick. }T1Dip eggplant in the flour. Heat 1/4 C 1oil in a frypan. Brown eggplant in it.2z }$23. Arrange eggplant on bottom of a( [2greased casserole dish with the beef @2on top.z }A2( B24. Heat remaining oil in frypan, saute2the tomatoes, garlic, salt, pepper, }ǁ2basil, & parsley. Cook over low heat 2for 10 minutes stirring frequently. 2Spoon over the beef. Sprinkle with the}2bread crumbs.( +2Q 5. Bake in a 350F oven for 35 minutes.}3POTATO-BEEF PIE( -3 62 7GREAT> B1 HRK d325F @32 lbs Ground Befz }$A33 tbsps melted Butter or Margarine( :B32 1/2 tsps SaltQ h31/2 tsp Black Pepperz }31/4 tsp Marjoram( D32 medium Carrots (sliced)Q b33 White Onionsz } 3 (quartered, lightly browned)( E34 Potatoes (thinly sliced)Q o41 C Cheddar Cheese (grated)z }4( +4Q @41. Mix together beef, butter, marjoram}$A4& 1 1/2 tsps salt, 1/4 tsp pepper.( +B4Q 42. Spread half mixture in a buttered }4casserole dish.( +4Q 43. Arrange carrots, onions, & potatoes}$4over it. Cover with remaining meat( 34mixture.Q T5z }L54. Sprinkle with remaining salt, and 5pepper & bake in 325F oven for 45Q \@5minutes.z }A5( jB55. Sprinkle the cheese on top & bake for 15 minutes longer.z }5BEEF AND SAUERKRAUT( -5 82 26*6> C2 HRSK HOT 53 lbs Chuck Steak (bite-size pieces) }52 large Onions (chopped)( 652 tbsps OilQ _63 tsps Saltz }C61/2 tsp Pepper( 861 tsp PaprikaQ r@61 1/2 lbs Sauerkraut (drained)z }A61 C Boiling Water( 5B61 Bay LeafQ T6z }6( 61. Heat oil in large saucepan. Saute 6the onions until transparent. Brown }6the meat on all sides.( +6Q v72. Add the salt, pepper & paprika,z }M7cover & cook over low heat for about 720 minutes, stirring occasionally.Q T@7z }A73. Add sauerkraut to the meat & onionsB7& cook for 10 minutes. Add the boiling7water & the bay leaf, cover & cook for}\7about 1 1/2 hrs or until the meat is 7cooked well. Remove bay leaf before serving.z }7SWEET AND SOUR BEEF( -7 62 27*7> C3 HRSK eHOT 83 lbs Blade Steakz }8 (cut into bite-size pieces)( 682 tbsps OilQ f@84 Onions (chopped)z }A81 1/2 tsps Salt( G3 1/2 HRSK iHOT :1 1/2 lbs Chuck Steakz }: (cut into 1" cubes)( F:2 tbsps Butter or MargarineQ m@:2 medium Onions (chopped)z }A:1 clove Garlic (crushed)( 9B:3 tsps PaprikaQ g: pinch of Marjoramz }C:1 1/2 tsps Salt( J:1 medium Green Pepper (chopped)Q :3 medium Tomatoes (peeled & quartered)}:4 medium Potatoes (diced)( +:Q T;z }T;1. In large saucepan, melt butter and ;saute the onions until transparent. @;z }$A;2. Add the steak, garlic, paprika,( dB;marjoram & salt. Cook, stirring until ;meat is browned.z };( ;3. cover with water & simmer for about;1 1/2 hrs. Add more water if necessary};( v;4. Add green pepper, tomatoes and the 2. Saute onions in the same frypan, }s>adding more oil if necessary. Add to >the meat with tomatoes, pepper, garlic@>& rosemary, bay leaf & mustard.z }A>( B>3. Mix the tomato soup with 1/2 C of >water & pour over meat & vegetables. }>Stir to mix.( +>Q v>4. Cover & cook in a 350F oven forz }>2 1/2 to 3 hours.( +>Q ?5. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and }Cserve with fluffy rice.( >?BARCELONA BEEF STEWQ V@? 6[ lEXCELLENT 2 HRSt 325F }A?3 lbs Rump Steak( 9B?6 slices BaconQ _?2 tsps Saltz }?1/2 tsp Pepper( C3 HRSK HOT F1 1/2 lbs Chuck Steak (cut in cubes) }F2 lbs Potatoes (cubed)( FF2 tbsps Butter or MargarineQ eF3 Onions (sliced)z }F Salt( 3F PepperQ eG2 C Boiling Waterz }G2 tbsps Parsley (chopped)( +GQ T@Gz }TAG1. Heat the butter in a large saucepanBG& saute the onions until golden brown.Gz }+G2. Add the meat & brown on all sides. GQ G3. Add potatoes, salt, pepper to taste}+G& boiling water & parsley. Mix well. GQ H4. Cover tightly & cook over gentle  }2Hheat for 3 hours or until the meat is tender.Q Z@HHOTPOTz !}AH 4 *  2 1/2 HRS" =350F BH1 lb Stewing SteakQ _H2 tbsps Oilz "}H1 Onion (chopped)( BH1 stalk Celery (sliced)Q kH1/2 lb Carrots (sliced)z #}H1/2 Green Pepper (chopped)( 3H1 OrangeQ ZI Saltz $} I Pepper( +IQ T@Iz %}YAI1. Cut the steak into cubes & brown inBIthe hot oil. Put meat in a casserole Idish.z &}I( pI2. Saute the onion & celery in the oilIuntil onion is golden brown.z '}I( I3. Put the onion, celery, carrots and Jpepper in the casserole with the meat.(}CJ( MJ4. Squeeze the juice from half theQ @Jorange & grate the rind. Mix the juice)})TAJ& rind with meat & vegetables. Add theBJsalt & pepper & half cover with water.Jz *}ǁJ5. Slice the remaining 1/2 orange intoJslices. Arrange these on top of the Jhotpot. Cover & cook in a 350F oven +}GJfor 2 hours, or until meat is tender. Add more water if necessary.Q iKSPICY STEAK CASSEROLEz ,}K 4 *  2 1/2 HRS" @300F K1 1/2 lbs Round SteakQ k@K1 1/2 tbsps plain Flourz -}AK2 tbsps Brown Sugar( 5BK1 tsp SaltQ gK1/2 tsp Mixed Spicez .}K1/2 tsp Ginger( B1 HRK g400F O1/2 Onion (chopped)z <}O1/2 Green Pepper (chopped)( =O2 C grated CarrotsQ e@O2 lbs ground Vealz =}AO1/2 C Cracker Crumbs( 5BO1 tsp SaltQ hO1/4 tsp Black Pepperz >}O1 tsp Worcestershire Sauce( >O1/4 tsp dry MustardQ fO1/2 C Tomato Juicez ?}O( +OQ P1. Mix onion, green pepper, carrots, &@}Pground meat together.( +PQ @P2. Add cracker crumbs, salt, pepper, A}EAPworcestershire sauce, & mustard. Add BPtomato juice & blend well.Q TPz B}$P3. Shape into a loaf & place in an( MPoiled casserole. Cover & bake in aQ P400F oven for 40 minutes. Uncover and C}bake another 20 minutes.( BPVEAL AND NOODLE SUPREMEQ VQ 6[ _GOODg l2 HRSt 300F D}Q2 lbs Veal (cubed)( 6Q1/4 C FlourQ _@Q2 tsps Saltz E}AQ1/2 tsp Pepper( DBQ1/4 C Butter or MargarineQ jQ1 small Onion (sliced)z F} Q1 C Water( 9Q1/2 lb NoodlesQ sQ1/4 lb fresh Mushrooms (sliced)z G}Q1 tsp Sesame Seeds( 9Q1 C Sour CreamQ oR1/4 C buttered Bread Crumbsz H}R( +RQ @R1. Roll veal in seasoned flour. Brown I} ARin butter.( +BRQ R2. Add onion & water & simmer, coveredJ}Rfor about 1 - 1 1/2 hours.( +RQ uR3. Cook noodles in boiling saltedz K}Rwater until tender. Drain.( +RQ S4. Mix the meat with the noodles, the L}GSmushrooms, sesame seeds & sour cream Sin a casserole dish. Top with buttered@Sbread crumbs & bake in a 300F oven forM}Mabout 45 minutes.( BW2 tbsps Brown SugarQ lW1 clove Garlic (crushed)z ^}C W1/4 C Oil( CW1 lb Green Peas (cooked)Q TWz _}_W( W1. Brown sesame seeds in a saucepan. XMix together sesame seeds, onions, soy`}Xsauce, sugar, garlic & half the oil. XMarinate the beef in this mixture for @X1 hour at room temperature. Remove thea}AXmeat, reserving the sauce.( +BXQ vX2. Heat remaining oil in a frypan.z b}ǁXBrown the meat over a high heat. Add Xthe marinade & peas. Bring to a boil &cook over medium heat for 10 minutes. c}XBRAISED BEEF IN BEER( -X 62 6GOOD> C3 HRSK bHOT Y4 slices Baconz d}Y2 Onions (sliced)( ?Y1 C Celery (chopped)Q h@Y2 C Carrots (sliced)z e}AY1 lb Mushrooms (sliced)( C2 HRSK _LOW ^1 lb Prunesz x} ^2 C Water( C^1 1/2 C Onions (chopped)Q e@^3 lbs Chuck Steakz y}A^2 tbsps Butter or Margarine( :B^1 1/2 tsps SaltQ ^^1 Bay Leafz z}^3 tbsps Lemon Juice( >^3 tbsps Brown SugarQ b^1 tsp Cinnamonz {}^1 C Orange Juice( T^3 lbs Sweet Potatoes (peeled/sliced) _z |}_( n_1. Soak prunes in water for one hour. @_Drain & reserve the water.z }}A_( [B_2. Brown the onion & the meat in the _butter.z ~}_( _3. Add salt, bay leaf, lemon juice, _sugar, cinnamon, & the prune water. }+_Cover & cook over low heat for 2 hrs. _Q `4. Add the prunes, orange juice, and }i`sweet potatoes & cook for another 45 `minutes or until the meat is tender. Discard the bay leaf.z }A`BEEF STEW WITH DUMPLINGS( -B` 62 27*7> C3 HRSK _HOT `4 Tbsps Oilz }C=`3 lbs Round Steak (cut in 6 pieces) `3 Onions (chopped)Q ]`1 C Flourz }`2 C Beef Stock( :`2 Tbsps VinegarQ aa1/2 Tsp Thymez }:a1/2 Tsp Black Pepper (fresh ground) a2 1/2 Tsps SaltQ i@a3/4 Tsp Baking Powderz }Aa1/4 Tsp Marjoram( DBa3 Tbsps Parsley (chopped)Q ca pinch Cayennez }a3 Tbsps Butter or Margarine( h45 MINUTES HOT @p4 lbs Chicken Piecesz } Ap2 tsps Salt( ?Bp1/2 tsp White PepperQ mp1/2 C Butter or Margarinez }p1/2 C Whisky( ;p1 Onion (sliced)Q hp1 C Carrots (grated)z }p2 C Tomatoes (chopped)( 8p1 1/2 C CreamQ Tqz }q( Tq1. Season chicken with salt & pepper. @qz }FAq2. Melt the butter in a saucepan and Bqbrown chicken on all sides.Q Tqz }pq3. Add the whisky & cook over a high qheat for 2 minutes. Add the onions, qcarrots, tomatoes and cream.z }q( vq4. Bring to a boil, cover & cook over rlow heat for 1/2 hour or until thez }chicken is tender.( BrPILAF WITH LAMB PATTIESQ V@r 4[ [_*_g k1 HRt 400F }Ar4 slices Bacon( EBr2 tbsps Mustard (prepared)Q br1 C Brown Ricez }Cr1 Onion (thinly sliced)( ;r2 C Tomato JuiceQ Trz }rLAMB PATTIES:-( +rQ ds1 lb Ground Lambz }s2 tbsps Mustard (prepared)( 5s1 tsp SaltQ b@s1/4 tsp Pepperz }As( +BsQ s1. Cut bacon into small pieces & brown}ksslowly in frypan. Add 2 tbsps mustard s& brown rice. Stir over low heat untilsbrown & heated through.z }s( vs2. Add the onion & tomato juice and tbring to boiling point. Put into az }tcasserole dish.( +tQ @t3. Make lamb patties by combining the }8Atlamb, mustard, salt & pepper & shapingBtinto patties.Q Ttz }ǁt4. Arrange lamb patties on top of ricetmixture & bake, uncovered, in a 400F toven until patties are brown on top }]t(about 15 minutes). Cover & bake untiltrice is well cooked (about 20 to 30 minutes).z }uPORK AND SAUERKRAUT STEW( -u 62 26*6> G1 1/4 HRSK bHOT @u4 slices Baconz }9Au2 lbs Pork Boneless Boston Shoulder Bu1 tbsp PaprikaQ lu2 to 3 tsps Caraway Seedz } u1 tsp Salt( Ju1 clove Garlic (finely chopped)Q vu1 can Sauerkraut (16 oz., drained)z }u1 1/2 C Water( Cu4 medium Onions (sliced)Q vv10 small New Potatoes (about 1 lb)z }v1/2 tsp Salt( <v Snipped ParsleyQ l@v3/4 C Sour Cream (dairy)z }Av( +BvQ vFry bacon slices in Dutch oven over }Evmedium heat until crisp; remove bacon vand drain on paper towels.Q Tvz }vvTrim excess fat from pork shoulder;cutvpork into 1" pieces. Brown pork pieceswin bacon fat; drain. Sprinkle porkz }Gwwith paprika, caraway seed, 1 tsp saltwand the garlic. Stir in sauerkraut, @wwater,onions and potatoes. Sprinkle }qAwwith 1/2 tsp salt. Heat to boiling; Bwreduce heat. Cover and simmer until wpork is tender, about 1 hour.z }w( wCrumble the bacon; sprinkle bacon and wparsley over pork mixture. Serve with } sour cream.( DwDEVILED CRAB AND SCALLOPSQ Vx 6[ mFANTASTIC 45 MINt 375F }x1/4 C Butter or Margarine( Gx1/4 C Onion (finely chopped)Q a@x3 tbsps Flourz }Ax3/4 tsp Salt( LBx1 tsp thick Steak Sauce (bottled)Q px1/2 tsp Worcestershire Saucez }x dash Tabasco( :x1 C Light CreamQ ^x1/3 C Milkz }x1/2 C dry Sherry( Hx1 lb Sea Scallops (quartered)Q y2 cans King Crabmeat (7 1/2 oz size) }y( 4yTOPPING:-Q T@yz }JAy1 tbsp Butter or Margarine (melted) By1/4 C seasoned Dry Bread CrumbsQ TyX b(packaged)z }y( +yQ ly1. Preheat oven to 375F.z }y( y2. In 1/4 C hot butter in medium saucezpan, saute onion until golden - about }z5 minutes. Remove from heat.( +zQ @z3. Stir in flour, salt, steak sauce, }$AzWorcestershire, Tabasco, cream and( 0Bzmilk.Q Tzz }Yz4. Bring to boiling, stirring; reduce zheat, and simmer 1 minute. Remove fromzheat.z }z( Jz5. Stir in sherry and scallops.Q T{z }s{6. Drain crabmeat, removing any of the{cartilage. Break crabmeat into large @{pieces. Add to scallop mixture.z }A{( LB{7. Turn into shallow, 1 1/2 quartQ ^{casserole.z }C{( n{8. Make Topping: Combine butter with {crumbs. Sprinkle over top.z }{( {9. Bake 25 to 30 minutes, or until the|mixture is bubbly and heated through. }5|Nice served with lemon-buttered fresh asparagus.Q j@|CLASSIC CRAB CASSEROLEz }A| 10 EXCELLENT 45 MIN" G350F B|1 pkg Shell Macaroni (small)Q m|1/2 C Butter or Margarinez }|1/2 C Green Pepper (chopped)( G|1/2 C Green Onion (chopped)Q k|1/2 C All-Purpose Flourz } |1 tsp Salt( <|1 tsp Dry MustardQ h}1/4 tsp White Pepperz } }1 qt Milk( }3 cans King Crabmeat (7 1/2 oz, drain)@}1 can Button Mushrooms (3 oz, drain) }nA}1 can Chopped Mushrooms (3 oz, drain) B}1 can Pimientos (4 oz, drain, chopped)}1 tsp Worcestershire Saucez }}1/4 tsp Tabasco( F}2 C Cheddar Cheese (grated)Q T}z }}( L}1. Cook macaroni as package labelQ ~directs; drain. Preheat oven to 350F. }~( v~2. Meanwhile, in hot butter in Dutch @~oven, saute pepper and onion untilz }0A~tender - about 5 minutes. Remove from B~heat.Q T~z }ǁ~3. Stir in flour, salt, mustard, and ~pepper until well blended. Gradually ~stir in milk. Bring to boiling, and }T~stirring constantly; reduce heat, and ~simmer 3 minutes. Remove from heat. z }4. Add macaroni, crab, mushrooms, the pimiento, Worcestershire, and Tabasco;@mix until well blended. Turn into a }#A13"-by-9"-by-2" inch baking dish.( @BSprinkle with cheese.Q Tz }M5. Bake, uncovered, 30 minutes, until bubbling hot and cheese is melted.Q qJOHN WAYNE'S CHEESE CASSEROLEz } 8 GREAT 1 HR" L325F 2 cans Green Chilies (4 oz,drain)Q v1 lb Monterey Jack cheese (grated)z }C1 lb Cheddar Cheese (grated)( 74 Egg WhitesQ _@4 Egg Yolksz }A2/3 C canned Evaporated Milk( 8B (undiluted)Q `1 tbsp Flourz }1/2 tsp Salt( 91/8 tsp PepperQ n2 medium Tomatoes (sliced)z }( +€Q 1. Preheat oven to 325F. Remove seeds }from chilies and dice.( +Q @2. In large bowl, combine the grated }mAcheeses and green chiles. Turn into a Bwell-buttered , shallow, 12"-by-8"-by 2" inch, 2 qt. casserole.z }( 3. In large bowl, with electric mixer at high speed, beat egg whites just }9until stiff peaks form when beater is slowly raised.Q Tz }4. In small bowl with electric mixer combine egg yolks, milk, flour, salt, @and pepper; mix until well blended.  }A( B5. Using rubber scraper, gently fold beaten whites into egg yolk mixture.  }( t6. Pour egg mixture over the cheese mixture in casserole; with fork,z  }"ooze" it through the cheese.( +‚Q 7. Bake 30 minutes. Remove from oven }ICKENA MAIN DISH HAM MAIN DISH LAMB MAIN DISH LAMBr MAIN DISH LAMB| MAIN DISH SEAFOODw MAIN DISH SEAFOOD }A MAIN DISH SEAFOODu MAIN DISH STEWP MAIN DISH VEALN MAIN DISH VEAL MAIN DISH VEGETABLE MAIN MEAL BEEF9 r}#and arrange sliced tomatoes, over( Mlapping, around edge of casserole.Q vBake 30 minutes longer, or until az }silver knife inserted in center comes ƒout clean. Garnish with a sprinkling of chopped green chiles, if desired. }LAMB AND BEAN STEW( - 62 CVERY GOOD 2 HRSK HOT @3 lb Boneless Lamb (cut in 1" cubes) } A1/3 C Oil( =B4 Onions (chopped)Q ] Parsleyz }C2 1/2 tsps Salt( ?3/4 tsp Black PepperQ e1/3 C Lemon Juicez }1 Lemon (quartered)( <„3 C Boiling WaterQ n2 lb Kidney Beans (canned)z }( +Q @1. Heat 2 tbsps of the oil in a large }0Asaucepan. Brown lamb in it. Remove theBlamb.Q Tz }q2. Heat the remaining oil in saucepan.Add the onions and parsley; cook for 5minutes, stirring frequently.z }( …3. Return the meat, add salt, pepper, lemon juice, lemon and boiling water. }( `4. Cover and cook over low heat for @1 1/4 hours.z }A( nB5. Add the undrained beans and cook for another 15-20 minutes.z }GROUND LAMB CURRY( - 62 26*6> D45 MINK kHOT 2 lb Ground Lamb (lean)z }1 Onion (finely chopped)( D†2 cloves Garlic (crushed)Q c2 1/2 tsps Saltz }1/2 C Butter or Margarine( C2 Onions (thinly sliced)Q m@ Curry Powder (to taste)z }A1 tbsp Tomato Paste( 5B2 C YogurtQ o2 potatoes (peeled & cubed)z }1/4 C Ground Almonds( +Q Tz }]1. Mix together lamb, chopped onion, ‡garlic and 1 1/2 tsps salt. Shape into1" balls.z  }( 2. Melt the butter in large saucepan. @Saute the sliced onions until golden !}LAbrown. Add the meat balls and cook forB5 minutes, turning the meat ballsQ _frequently.z "}( 3. Mix the curry powder with tomato paste, yogurt and remaining salt. Mix #}hinto the saucepan with the meat balls.ˆCook over low heat for 10 minutes, andstirring frequently.z $}C( 4. Add the potatoes and almonds. Cover@and cook for 20 minutes over low heat.%}%Add more water if necessary.( GBTUNA AND VEGETABLE CASSEROLEQ V 6[ `GREATg m1/2 HRt 450F &}1/2 C Butter or Margarine( <1 Onion (chopped)Q n1/2 Green Pepper (chopped)z '}3 tbsps Flour( 5‰1 tsp SaltQ b1/4 tsp Pepperz (}1/4 tsp Paprika( 91/8 tsp NutmegQ `@1 1/2 C Milkz )}A1 tbsp Lemon Juice( KB1 large can Tuna (packed in oil)Q f1 can Corn Nibletsz *}1 C Crackers (crushed)( T1/4 lb Cheddar Cheese (thinly sliced) z +}( Š1. Melt butter in the top of a double boiler. Add onion and green pepper and,}$saute until onion is golden brown.( +Q @2. Gradually add flour, salt, pepper, -}E-Apaprika, and nutmeg. Blend well. PlaceBdouble boiler top over simmering waterand add milk. Cook, stirring constant .}_until mixture is thick and smooth. Addlemon juice and tuna oil and cook for 10 minutes.z /}( M‹3. Flake the tuna and alternate inQ layers the tuna, cracker crumbs, corn,0}cheese and sauce.( +Q @4. Bake in 450F oven for 15-20 minutes1}or until well done.( FBPOTATOES WITH HAM CASSEROLEQ V 4[ [_*_g m1/2 HRt 350F 2}1/4 C Sour Cream( 83 tbsps CreamQ ^1 tsp Saltz 3}!2 1/2 tbsps Butter or Margarine( oŒ1 lb cooked Potatoes (thinly sliced) 4 hard-boiled Eggs (sliced)z 4}1/2 lb Ham (chopped)( G1 1/4 C Bread Crumbs (fresh)Q s@2 1/2 tbsps Butter or Margarinez 5}A( +BQ 1. Blend together the sour cream, salt6} and cream.( +Q 2. In a well-buttered casserole dish, 7}arrange 1/3 of the potatos with layer of sliced egg on top. Pour over 1/3 ofthe cream mixture. Add another 1/3 of 8}the potatoes, sprinkle with 2/3 of thechopped ham. Pour the remaining cream @mixture over. Top with the rest of the9} Apotatoes.( +BQ 3. Mix the remaining ham with bread :}$crumbs and melted butter. Sprinkle( Jover the top layer of potatoes.Q Tz ;}+4. Bake in a 350F oven for 30 minutes.Q Tz <}( +Q Tz =}~>}D~?}?~@}~A}~B}~C}~D}~E}~F}~G}~H}~I}~J}~K}~L}~M}~N}~O}~P}D~Q}Q~R}~S}~T}~U}~V}~W}~X}~Y}~Z}~[}~\}~]}~^}~_}~`}~a}~b}D~c}c~d}~e}~f}~g}~h}~i}~j}~k}~l}~m}~n}~o}~p}~q}}}GMAIN MEAL BEEF@. MAIN MEAL BEEFMAIN DISH BEEF VEALN MAIN DISH VEAL MAIN DISH VEGETABLE MAIN MEAL BEEF9 5C')TUz|/EE