ATR2DISK.ARC Converts *.atr files to REAL floppy disks index This file Wraps your *.exe and *.com files with CRC protection Atr2disk.arc Converts those *.ATR files to real a8 disks CRC-32 file checker cth_sfx.sfx Creates SelFeXtracting files filenote.arc Appends a filenote to files frag.sfx Graphically displays the fragmentation of your drives. longlib.arc Long integer arithmetic programmer's library Makes a HELP function for your *.m65 programs out of text files readit.sfx Uses a SAM like voice to read text files shell.sfx Command shell enhancement, 3.2d Shell33A.SFX Command shell enhancement, 3.3a ShellGX.sfx Command shell enhancement, 3.3g/3.3gx snap33m.arc Snapshot, two virtual computers in one sound_u.arc Digitized sound utility, plays *.wav files Term8016.arc 80 column terminal program Tgames.arc A few text adventure games