MARCO PIXEL EDITOR 2.1›----------------------›Author: Marco alias Marek Chorvat, 1994,95››This editor is determined to painting pictures in Gr.15, that means 160x192 pixels in 4 colors.››MPE supports work with disk drive and with Turbo 2000 cassette system (special interface for 2000 Bd speed needed). In memory p›rogram occupies these addresses: $0400-$06FF,$2000-$27FF,$C000-$CFFF. Memory from $2800 to $BFFF is used for editation of pictu›re and location $D800-$F5FF is used as internal ramdisk.›Program runs with any DOS, but Memlo must be less than $2000. Program was tested with DOS 2.5, BIBO DOS 6.4 and MDDOS.›When MPE loads, opening screen appears. Press any key you'll get into edit modus, where you can see status row and edit section›.››Edit modus:›In status row are following informations:›X,Y= position of left upper corner of the screen›A,B= position of cursor››Commands in edit modus:›A,B,C,Space = Write a letter, which is representing by one color, that means A=color 1, B=color 2, C=color 3, Space=color 0.›Arrows, CTRL+arrows = Move cursor.›SHIFT+arrows = Move screen.›O,P,L,; = Move cursor diagonally.›Return = Move cursor diagonally left and down.›DBS = Delete back space.›CTRL+DBS = Delete a letter - like in the Basic.›CTRL+Insert = Insert a space.›CTRL+I = Insert clear row.›CTRL+E = Erase row.›CTRL+F = Horizontal fill with letter, which is under cursor to another same letter.›CTRL+X = Vertical fill with letter, which is under cursor to another same letter.›CTRL+B = Mark upper left corner of block.›CTRL+M = Mark bottom right corner of block.›CTRL+P = Copy marked block on position given by co-ordinates of cursor (A,B).›TAB = Move cursor into the center of screen.›ESC = Go to picture modus.››Notes: If the explanation mark will appear in right side of status row, it means that computer is doing some more difficult wor›k and you should wait a moment.›If some strange letters will appear on the screen, or letters you wrote seem like lost, it is because of an error in operating ›system. Atari wrong computes lo byte of LMS in video ram, which is bigger than 4 KB. By the way, video ram of edit section take›s about 30 KB.›Try to move the screen to the right until the letters will appear. This error is only in edit modus, so in picture modus is all› o.k.››Picture modus:›Status row is in the bottom of screen and there are following informations:›1,2,3;0: numbers of colors for point A, B, C and for background color=Space.››Commands in picture modus:›ESC = Go to edit modus.›1,2 = Change color 1(A).›3,4 = Change color 2(B).›5,6 = Change color 3(C).›9,0 = Change color 0(background).›CTRL+N = Clear picture. In right side will appear letter P, that means the computer is awaiting our confirmation. Return=clear,› other key=cancel.›CTRL+Z = Write picture in internal ramdisk. Do not use, if you arerunning under Dos, which is using free place under ROM ($D800›-$F5FF).›CTRL+M = Read picture from ramdisk.›CTRL+S = Swap current picture with picture in ramdisk. In this way you can edit 2 pictures at same time.›CTRL+E = Export. It makes a copy of picture in location $7100-$8EFF. Now you can leave MPE by pressing Start+Select+Reset and y›ou will get into Dos. Now just save picture in Binary format.›T = Turbo 2000 manager. Here you can load or save picture on cassette recorder in this high speed cassette system.›D = Disk manager. You can choose number of drive by pressing key 1-9.After loading directory (L), you can move with arrows and ›choose file to load. If the exclamation mark will apeear on the left side of screen, it means that on disk are more than 56 fil›es. This indicator is because program can't read other 8 files. MPE automatically detects if file is compressed (CPI), or norma›l (PIC or something else). Function save (S) is normal save, Write (W) is compressed save. Press ESC to cancel.››Other functions:›Reset of computer makes initialization of colors on 13,9,5,0.›RESET = Restart WITHOUT initialization of DOS (Device D:). If you are working with disk drive, you need to push Start+Reset.›START+RESET = Restart WITH initialization of DOS. Do not use, if you aren't using Dos, because system will probably crash.›OPTION+RESET = Cold start of computer. Picture in internal ramdisk will be saved in memory.›START+SELECT+RESET = Go to DOS.››Last words:›This graphics editor was developed for internal needs of members of computer group GMG, but after 1.5 year (in which was develo›ped 7 versions of this program), I decided to expand it for all 8 bit Atari users as FREEWARE.›Nice painting.› Marco of GMG››Address: Marek Chorvat› Polna 11› 97405 Banska Bystrica› Slovakia› Europe››email:,››WWW:› ("-" means tilde)››