p0TP›››››› p0TP ›››››› I wrote two programs, AMS2MMS and AMS2MMSV, to convert›› ADVANCED MUSICSYSTEM II (AMS II) files to Midi Music System›› (MMS) format. All of my personal music files are in AMS II›› format, so I wrote the programs to only support that input›› format. However, most files are in AMS (the original product›› from APX) format. My programs would not properly handle those›› files. Therefore, I wrote AMS1AMS2, which converts files from›› AMS to AMS II format.›››››› It is written in Action!, and is heavily based on the›› original programs. It looks and acts the same. The only›› meaningful differences are that the message prompts will have›› changed slightly and the output files will have a file›› extender of AM2, to identify them as AMS II files.›››››› To run the program, simply load it from the DOS menu (or›› from a menu program). Select 1 to convert a file or 2 to›› quit. From this point, just follow the prompts. The program›› will default to drive 1 if you do not specify a drive. You do›› not need to specify a file extender for the output file›› because it will always be set to AM2 by the program.›››››››››››››››››› The files produced by this program can then be processed›› by AMS2MMS or AMS2MMSV, allowing you to listen to some of›› those great old AMS files on your synthesizer using MMS.›››››› The main difference between the file formats in the two›› versions of AMS relates to how tied notes are handled. In AMS›› II, the note is flagged as being tied by having 128 added to›› the note number. In AMS, a non-tied note is stored with a›› duration value 3 less than normal, and a short rest (also of›› duration 3) is inserted after the note. My program searches›› out the existence of these short rests and deletes them,›› adding 3 to the duration of the previous note. If the rest is›› missing and the two adjacent notes are the same tone, then›› the first note is assumed to be tied to the second, and so I›› add 128 to the note number and extend its duration by 3.›››››› One other difference causes problems with some of the›› converted files. There are 10 numbers on the front of an AMS›› file; the first 8 hold the number of measures and offsets to›› the last notes in each of the four voices, the ninth number›› is the tempo and the tenth is usually 30. If this last number›› is higher, then the music plays faster than the tempo value›› would imply (e.g. a 60 causes it to play twice as fast). AMS›› II files also have 10 numbers, but the last one has a›››››››››››››› different meaning. When reading the AMS file, I check to see›› if the tenth number is 30, and issue a warning message if›› not. It turns out that most of the demo files on the original›› AMS disk do not convert properly because of this problem. I›› have not found any other files as yet which do not have a 30›› as the tenth number.›››››› I have used this program to convert dozens of excellent›› AMS files. I hope you will find it as useful as I do.››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››