p0TP›››››› p0TP ›››››› Ever since buying our first (of several) Atari›› computers, an Atari 800, many years ago, I have enjoyed using›› our computers to make music. I bought many of the music›› programs for the 8-bit Atari's, and after buying our 520ST,›› added a Roland synthesizer and Yamaha tone generator because›› of the ST's excellent MIDI capabilities. I even bought the›› MIDI-MATE interface from Hybrid Arts (so that the old 800›› would not feel left out).›››››› When the December 1988 copy of ANTIC arrived in the›› mail, I immediately went out and bought the disk version, to›› get a copy of the ANTIC MUSIC PROCESSOR (AMP from now on). I›› tried it and liked it, and so I proceeded to convert many of›› my AMS II files using the supplied converter program.›› However, several problems quickly came to light. Since it is›› written in Basic, it is quite slow of course. Some of my›› files are quite large, and my patience started to wear thin.›› Also, it had problems with files which did not include all›› four voices (a minor bug which was easy to fix).›› Unfortunately, a more serious problem quickly became evident.›› It did not handle AMS tempo values properly at all. It simply›› divided them by 5, like it did the durations for notes. This›› does not work right at all, and produced meaningless tempos.›››››››››››››› It was time to fix these problems, so I pulled out my Action!›› cartridge and started coding.›››››› A while back, I had written several similar programs,›› also in Action!, to convert AMS files to other formats. I›› used one of these as a model, and quickly had AMSTOAMP›› working. It even converted AMS tempos accurately.›› Unfortunately, AMP itself does not deal with tempos properly.›› If you take an AMS song and plot a graph of elapsed times›› versus various tempos, you get the expected exponential curve›› (double the tempo, halve the time; double it again, and halve›› the time again). If you do the same with AMP, you get a›› straight line graph. This means that my converted AMS tempos›› did not work out right at all. Some songs played too fast›› while others played too slow. I fixed this in my program by›› adding a conversion table, mapping the AMS tempos to tempo›› numbers which seemed to work out in AMP (most of the time›› anyway).›››››› The program was now working just fine. I used it to›› convert all my better AMS II files, with excellent results. I›› even ran one of my earlier programs to convert many excellent›› AMS (the original program from APX) files to AMS II format,›› and then further converted them to AMP, again with excellent›› results. I hope that the program will work out as well for›››››››››››››› you as it did for me.››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››››