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It works on the XL or XE series of Atari computers. It's almost too good to be}G true and should be a definite must for all XE or XL Atari owners.Turbo BASIC, in addition to offering 42 more commands and }  22 more functions than Atari BASIC, gives the user 1603 more bytes of program space by "hiding" part of itself under the XL/ }XE's operating system. It also runs 3 times faster than Atari BASIC, includes most DOS commands, has advanced graphics and p }rogramming functions, and is insensitive to lower case or inverse characters for most commands.TURBO BASIC COMMANDS: Name  } *Syntax DescriptionDisk I/O:BLOAD/ =BLOAD "D:name"H Binary loads file name (DOS option L with /N).BRUN  } IBRUN "D:name"Binary load and run file name (DOS option L).DELETEM DELETE "D:name"Deletes the file name (DOS optio} n D).DIR 3DIRDisk directory (DOS option A).= DIR "Dn:*.*" Directory of drive n, note that wildcard extenders }may be used.LOCK OLOCK "D:name"Locks the file name (DOS option F).RENAMES RENAME "D:old,new"Renames the file name (}DOS option E).UNLOCK bUNLOCK "D:name"Unlocks the file name (DOS option G).GraphicsCIRCLEf CIRCLE x,y,rPlots a ci}6rcle with center at x,y and radius r. CIRCLE x,y,r,r2; R2 is an optional "vertical radius" for true circles or ellipses.}CLS )CLSClears the screen.CLS #6. WClear screen opened in channel 6.FCOLOR[ FCOLOR nDetermines fill color.F}ILLTO kFILLTO x,yA fill command analagous to the BASIC commands "POSITION x,y: XIO 18,#6,0,0,"S:"PAINTp PAINT x,yAno}ther type of fill command, this one is a recursive routine that will fill any closed object as long as x,y are inside it.EX}T ATEXT x,y,a$bit-blocks text in a$ at x,y.Memory:DPOKEF DPOKE m,vPokes location m,m+1 with 2-byte integer v (0} <= v <= 65535).MOVE MOVEm,m1,m2 Block transfer; moves m2 (number of bytes) from starting position m to new starting} position m1.-MOVE n-MOVE m,m1,m2Same as MOVE but copies starting with the last byte of the block.BPUTt BPUT #n,a}Kdr,lenBlock Put; same as FOR I=0 TO len-1:PUT #n,PEEK (adr+I):NEXT IBGETQ BGET #n,adr,lenBlock Get; same as FOR I=0 T}*O len-1:GET #N,A: POKE adr+I):NEXT I%PUT0 %PUT #n,aUntil now, there was no convenient way to put numeric values onto d}Gisk or cassette files other than by using PRINT, which converted them to strings first, a slow and cumbersome process. %PUT }Aputs the number to the device "as is," in 6-byte FP format.%GETG %GET #n,AGet a number stored with %PUT from the devic}ue and store it in variable A. Again, this is much faster than using "INPUT #n, A".Structured Programming:REPEATy REPE}$ATStart a REPEAT-UNTIL loop.UNTIL) UNTIL Terminate when condition met.WHILE WHILE Start a WHILE-WEND loop}% to end when condition met.WEND+ QWENDTerminate a WHILE-END loop.ELSEW ELSEOptional extension for IF. The I}\F condition must not be followed by a "THEN", but terminated by end-of-line or colon.ENDIFa ENDIFEnds an IF-ELSE-ENDIF  }or IF-ELSE condition. Note that this allows an IF condition to span more than one BASIC line, provided the "IF" statement is !}"structured as shown in Note 4.DO) ODOStarts an "infinite" DO loop.LOOPU LOOPCycle back to the start of a DO loo"}p.EXIT -EXITExit a DO-LOOP loop.PROC3 PROC nameStart definition of procedure.ENDPROC ENDPROCEnd definition #}of procedure.EXEC XEXEC nameExecute procedure name.General Programming:PAUSE] PAUSE nPause processing for n/6$}0 seconds.RENUM RENUM n,i,jRenumber the program starting at line n,first number is i, increment is j. This function w%}sill handle GOTOs, TRAPs, and all other line references except those which involve variables or computed values.DELz DEL&} n,iDelete lines n-i.DUMP" DUMPDisplay all variables and values. For numeric arrays, the numbers are the DIMed value'}s plus one. For strings, the first number is the current LENgth of it and the second number is the DIMed size of it. DUMP a(}Glso lists procedure names and labels with their line values.DUMP nameO DUMP to device name, such as "P:" or "D:DUMP.D)} AT".TRACE 5TRACETrace program during execution.> ETRACE -R yTurns trace mode off (Default).DSOUND} *}DSOUND n,f,d,vForm of SOUND which activates channel-pairing for increased frequency range. DSOUND Turns off all sounds.GO+} TO +GO TO nAlternate form of GOTO.*L3 T*LTurn line-indent on (Default).^ *L -Turns line-indent off.*F,}C *F (or *F +)Special mode for FOR..NEXT loops which corrects a bug in Atari BASIC.Seems that in Atari BASIC, an "il-}-legal" reverse loop like "FOR X=2 TO 1:PRINT X:NEXT X" will execute once even though the condition is met initially (X is alr.}eady greater than 1).Turbo BASIC fixes this bug, but leaves it available for Atari BASIC programs which may take advantage /}_of it.*F -Turns off the special FOR..NEXT mode to make Turbo BASIC act like Atari BASIC.*Bg *B (or *B +)Command w0}hich allows the break key to be trapped via the "TRAP" command within a program.*B -Turns off the special BREAK key mode.1}-- ]--Special form of REM which puts 30 dashes in a program listing.Line Labels:#e # nameAssigns the curre2}nt line number to the label name. This is a convenient way to get around the problem of renumbering when using variables as 3}line numbers. Labels can be thought of as a special form of variable, as they occupy the variable name table along with the 4}"regular" variables. We also believe that the number of variables allowed has been increased from 128 to 256 to allow for th5} e addition of these labels.GO#' fGO# nameAnalagous to the GOTO command.Modifications:CLOSEk CLOSEClose channe6} ls 1-7.DIM DIM a(n)Will automatically assign a value of zero to all elements of the numeric array being dimensioned,7}o and null characters to all elements of a string (The LEN is still variable, however, and initially zero).GETv GET nam8}ieWait for a key press, assign the value to name. Same as "OPEN #7,4,0,"K:":GET #7,name:CLOSE #7".INPUTn INPUT "text";a,9}Zb...Prints text as a prompt before asking for variable(s), same as Microsoft-BASIC.LIST` LIST n,List program from lin:}e n to end. ON ON a EXEC n1,n2,... Variation of ON...GOSUB for procedures. N1, n2 and so on are names of procedures to b;}ne run.ON a GO# n1,n2,...Similar to ON...GOTO except that line labels are used instead of line numbers.POPu POPThis<}E command now pops the runtime stack for all four types of loops.PUTL PUT nSame as "PRINT CHR$(n)";RESTORE RESTORE=}? #nameRestores the data line indicated by the label name.RNDF RNDParentheses are no longer needed at the end of this>}C9 command, but it will still work if they are there. SOUND> ^SOUND Turn off all sounds.TRAPd TRAP #nameTRAPs to the l?}?Rine referenced by the label name.TURBO BASIC FUNCTIONS:Arithmetic/LogicHEX$X HEX$(n)Convert n to hex string.DEC@} ]DEC(a$)Convert hex string A$ to decimal.DIV n DIV iInteger quotient of n/i.MODd n MOD iInteger remainderA} of n/i.FRAC 8FRAC(a)Fractional part of a.TRUNC= kTRUNC(a)Truncates fractional part of a.RANDo RAND(n)GeneraB}tes random number 0-n.$" #$'nAllows input of hexidecimal numbers, but they are converted to decimal. Ex: "FOR I=$C}*0600 to $067F" => "FOR I=1536 to 1663".&3 Rn & i 8-bit boolean AND.! nY \! ib y8-bit boolean OR.EXOR} D}/ n EXOR i8-bit Exclusive-OR.Memory:DPEEK4 XDPEEK(m)Double-PEEK of m,m+1.TIME^ TIMETime of day(numeric). TIMEE}$ 1TIME$ Time of day string, HHMMSS.INKEY$5 `INKEY$Returns last character typed.INSTRe INSTR(x$,a$)Returns relF}ative location of start of string A$ within X$ (returns 0 if not found). The match must be exact; strings with the same lettG}Zers but differences in case or type (normal or inverse) will not be found.INSTR(x$,a$,i)` ispecifies the starting poinH}t of the search.UINSTR UINSTR(x$,a$)Same as INSTR, does not distinguish between case or inverse characters. Ex: UINSTR(I}"HeLlO","hello") returns 1.UINSTR(x$,a$,i)Specifies optional starting point.ERR ERRValue of last error number.ERL J} ERLLine last error occurred at.Constants:%0 %1 %2 %3 These four constants simply stand for the numbers 0-3, respectK}ively. The difference with using these in a program is that "X=1" requires 10 bytes, whereas "X=%1" only needs 4 (numbers reL}quire 7 bytes, 6 for the number plus an identifier preceeding it. It is always a good practice to make variables for numbersM} that are used more than three times in a program).NOTES:1. Variable, Procedure and Label names may contain the underscN}ore (_) character.2. To print a double-quote (") in a text string, use two of them together, instead of the Atari BASIC meO}thod of using CHR$(34). Ex: "TEST";CHR$(34);"TEXT" becomes "TEST""TEXT" in Turbo-BASIC, both of which produce the output => P}GTEST"TEXT.3. Upon initial boot-up, TURBO-BASIC looks for a BASIC file named AUTORUN.BAS. If it finds an AUTORUN.BAS file, Q}Qit will automatically load and run this file.4. Turbo-BASIC also prints out English descriptions of all errors, including R}several new ones for errors involving the new commands: Error - 22 ?NEST = Loops not properly nested. Error - 23 ?WHILE = WENS}D with no corresponding WHILE. Error - 24 ?REPEAT = UNTIL with no corresponding REPEAT. Error - 25 ?DO = LOOP with no correspT}onding DO. Error - 26 ?EXIT = EXIT is outside a loop. Error - 27 ?XPROC = Error executing PROC. Error - 28 ?EXEC = ENDPROC wiU}th no corresponding EXEC. Error - 29 ?PROC = Procedure does not exist. Error - 30 ?# = Label does not exist. Also, Error 15 hV}as been expanded to include an UNTIL which relates to a REPEAT which has been deleted.4. A multiline IF is constructed likW}e this:10 IF X > 10 20 )PRINT X-10 30- CGO# TOO_BIG 40 ELSE 50G QPRINT X 60U GO# X_IS_OK 70 ENDIFNote also the use X}of line labels in the GOTO statements.5. TURBO BASIC is compatible with the DOS 2.5 ramdisk driver for 130XE's (and 65XE's Y}and XL models with ram upgrades).nts.5. TURBO BASIC is compatible with the DOS 2.5 ramdisk driver for 130XE's (and 65XE's "27 ?XPROC = Error executing PROC. Error - 28 ?EXEC = ENDPROC with no corresponding EXEC. Error - 29 ?PROC = Procedure does no[}t exist. Error - 30 ?# = Label does not exist. Also, Error 15 has been expanded to include an UNTIL which relates to a REPEAT\}V which has been deleted. 4. A multiline IF is constructed like this:10 IF X > 10 20Z gPRINT X-10 30k GO# TOO_BIG 40 ELS]}E 50 PRINT X 60 GO# X_IS_OK 70 ENDIFNote also the use of line labels in the GOTO statements.5. TURBO BASIC is compa^}tible with the DOS 2.5 ramdisk driver for 130XE's (and 65XE's and XL models with ram upgrades).nts.5. TURBO BASIC is compa`GO# X_IS_OK70 ENDIFNote also the use of line labels in the GOTO statements.5. TURBO BASIC is compatible with the DOS 2.5`} ramdisk driver for 130XE's(and 65XE's and XL models with ram upgrades).ts.5. TURBO BASIC is compatible with the DOS 2.5K Text Tidier 1.0 by Dave Yearke As you may recall, we received from a Dutch users' group Turbo BASIC, a language for XLb}G/XE computers which is compatible with Atari BASIC but offers over 60 new features and is three times faster. Well, they've dc}cone it again, this time they sent us the Turbo BASIC Compiler, a program which compiles BASIC programs so they run three timed}s faster than Turbo BASIC! I wanted to write a program to demonstrate the power of these two new programs, so after a few nige}hts of work Text Tidier was born. Text Tidier was designed to eliminate much of the editing that goes into processing filesf} downloaded from such services as CompuServe. These files often have excess spaces for justification, carriage returns every g}line, and all kinds of other annoying things that must be weeded out. The most bothersome types of text files are those whichq}57?BCcdb%DOS SYSb*)DUP SYSbSAUTORUN SYSb AUTORUN BASbVTURBOBASDOCb'aTIDIER DOCb README DOCb$COMPILERDOCCpbPMMOVE TURb PUTGET TURbSPIELE TURb TURBOIO TURb&TIDIER TURbP&COMPILERCOMbXvRUNTIME COMq use the Control-J Control-M combination for linefeed and carriage return. For MS-DOS machines that's fine, but our Ataris usr}e a totally different character. In its simplest form, Tidier strips out linefeeds (^J) and turns ASCII carriage returns (^s}M) into ATASCII returns (code 155). It also breaks down the file into smaller pieces that will fit into a word processor liket}G AtariWriter or PaperClip. I've downloaded files that were over 100K long, far too big to fit into any word processor for theu}u Atari! When you run the program, the first thing it asks for is the maximum file size for the output files. 12,000 is pretv}ty good for AtariWriter, although this depends on what DOS is being used, whether a printer driver is loaded, and so on. For w}PaperClip, I've found that on my XL about 24,000 bytes can be loaded, although I would recommend about 20,000 so you have roox}m to edit the file. Next it asks for the Input file. Put the disk in the drive and enter the name. If you don't enter a devicy}e like "D:" it will default to drive one. All Output files will be named "SPLIT.0xx", where "xx" is the number of the file bez}ing written, starting at zero. Be careful not to overwrite any existing files with the same name! Now come the formatting p{}arameters. When it asks "CONVERT RETURN TO SPACE (Y/N)" type "Y" if you want all carriage returns to be converted. This is ni|}ce if you want to reformat the text in your word processor. This option only converts single returns; if it encounters more a}}fter the first one it will leave them alone because it assumes that it is a break between two paragraphs. The next option, "T~}IDY UP SPACING (Y/N)", is probably the most powerfull. It will get rid of multiple spaces between words, excess spaces before} return characters, convert ASCII Tab characters (^I) to 5 spaces, and will make sure that two spaces follow all periods, col}ons, question marks, and exclamation points, and that one space follows all commas, even if it has to add them. One note: it }will not add spaces to periods which have no spaces after them, because it can't tell if it is part of a decimal number. Th}e next option, "PROMPT BEFORE WRITING (Y/N)", should get a "Y" response if you need to switch disks between reading and writi}ng, and an "N" response if you want to let it go without interruption. The "BREAK FILES ON SPACE (Y/N)" simply assures that a} word won't be split over two files (this may not work if the last word before writing is over 15 characters long, but that's} pretty rare). The last option is a convenience to those with the AtariWriter or PaperClip word processors. If you select eit}Gher "A" or "P" at the prompt, it will write the "chain next file" command at the end of all files except the last one. In add}EEition, it will put a paragraph symbol where it thinks it's appropriate, and convert the ASCII formfeed character (^L) to its }AW or PC equivalent. If you select "N" for "neither", then the paragraphs will be indented five spaces and formfeeds will be }left alone. By the way, the program only allows character codes within the range 26-127, plus CR (13) and FF(12). Character}s higher than 127 have the high bit stripped to make them "normal," while control characters are ignored. If you want to allo}w inverse and control characters (although this can be a potential problem with true ASCII files; control characters can have} bizarre meanings, and true ASCII does not allow character codes higher than 127. If you get any, it's probably a transmissio}n error), change line 215 to: 215 REPEAT :GET #1,N:UNTIL (N<>LF) This will only filter linefeed characters. This program wa}s written out of necessity, but I also had a lot of fun doing it. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please} let me know (I can be found lurking at the meetings or on BATES in the "Ask Dave Y!" message base). I'd like to correct any }bugs you find (gasp!) quickly, and any features I haven't thought of we'll make part of Text Tidier 2.0! like to correct any hǛTHE TURBO COMPILER Documentation and Operating Instructions by Dave Arlington Original Program by Frank OstrowskiThis docu}mentation is provided by the Western New York Atari Users Group and may be reprinted freely provided this credit is included.}TURBO-BASIC Contents:=-1. ATARI DOS 2.52. AUTORUN.BAS - Menu program that works wit}h drives #1-8. RUNs, LOADs, ENTERs, BASIC & ML files. Includes MiniDOS, printer handler (Epson), and a ".DOC" file reader. BA}SIC. (Jim Chapman, S*P*A*C*E)3. AUTORUN.SYS - Turbo-BASIC programinglanguage binary file. It is set up asa AUTORUN.SYS f}ile for convenience.4. README.DOC - This file.5. TURBOBAS.DOC - Documentation of allthe commands, functions, and feature}sof the Turbo-BASIC interpreter.6. TCOMPILR.DOC - Documentation on howto use the Turbo-BASIC compiler. Thiswill create }Ga "compiled" form of a BASIC program that is 3-5 times faster.7. TIDIER.DOC - Documentation on a complete application pro}gram writtenentirely in Turbo-BASIC.8. COMPILER.COM - Turbo-BASIC compilerbinary file. Load this binary file fromDOS to }start it up.9. RUNTIME.COM - This is needed for allcompiled Turbo-BASIC programs. See theTCOMPILR.DOC file for more deta}il.10. PMMOVE.TUR - Turbo-BASIC program that demo's Player/Missle graphics.11. PUTGET.TUR - Demo of fast I/O method of }Turbo-BASIC.12. SPIELE.TUR - Graphics demo program.13. TURBOIO.TUR - Demo of I/O commands.14. TIDIER.TUR - Sample appli}cation program written in Turbo-BASIC. See thedocumentation, TIDIER.DOC for details.mands.14. TIDIER.TUR - Sample appliX I know everyone is still rubbing their hands in glee over TURBO-BASIC, the new public domain Basic interpreter imported from} Holland and Germany. This month we are proud to present a new treat from our international friends overseas, the TURBO COMPI}LER.The TURBO COMPILER will increase the speed of your TURBO BASIC programs 3-5 times and regular Atari BASIC programs can }be speeded up to 10-15 times faster. Unfortunately, like TURBO BASIC, the TURBO COMPILER will only run on the XL/XE series of} computers. In addition, the finished compiled programs will also only run on the XL/XE series.The TURBO COMPILER is very e}asy to operate. It can be used with more than one disk drive, even Drive 8, the 130XE ramdisk. On the TURBO COMPILER disk, yo}u will find several files. The important ones for the operation of the TURBO COMPILER are COMPILER.COM and RUNTIME.COM. Befor}e you begin, you should prepare two disks. The first one should be a blank formatted disk with DOS.SYS and DUP.SYS written on} it. Your second disk should contain your BASIC program (TURBO or ATARI BASIC).To begin, insert the TURBO COMPILER disk int}o your drive and turn your computer on. When it has finished loading you will be in TURBO BASIC. Type DOS to get to the DOS 2}.5 menu. Choose DOS Option 'L', Load Binary File and load the file COMPILER.COM. After a short while, you will see a full scr}een with brief instructions on how to use the compiler. At any time that you are on this screen, you may reboot your system b}Gy hitting Control-R or you may return to DOS by hitting Control-D. You will be asked if you really want to do this and prompt}ed to answer Y/N.To compile your programs, remove the TURBO COMPILER disk from the drive and insert the disk with the progr}am you want to compile. (If you have two drives, insert your disk with the program to compile in Drive 2 and the blank DOS di}sk in Drive 1.) Press the number 1 key (Number 2 if you have two drives). A complete listing of all the files on that drive w}ill appear on the screen with one highlighted in inverse video. Using the arrow keys, highlight the file you want to compile }and hit Return. That's all there is to it!At the top of the screen, you will see the line numbers fly by as the program is }compiled. When it is finished, you will be prompted for a file name to save your compiled program under. It has to have an ex}tender of CTB (for Compiled Turbo Basic). The program will not let you use any other extender. At this time, if you have one }drive, you should remove your disk with your original program on it and replace it with your blank DOS disk. If you want your} compiled program to be an AUTORUN file, you should name it AUTORUN.CTB. Then the file will automatically load and run at boo}tup time.There is one more step that you must do to get a completely runnable compiled program. Go back to DOS and copy the} file RUNTIME.COM from the TURBO COMPILER disk to the disk with your compiled program on it. Rename the RUNTIME.COM file to t}he name AUTORUN.SYS. Your disk is now ready to go. The TURBO COMPILER does not compile to runnable code, you must run the RUN}TIME.COM file to run your compiled program.One technical note on the TURBO COMPILER: If you're not familiar with other comp}ilers for the ATARI computers, you should know that many have trouble compiling certain types of statements or insist that yo}u organize your program structure in a certain way. So far none of these problems have occured on any programs we have tested} with the TURBO COMPILER. The only statement that wouldn't compile so far is the END statement. The only program structure th}at we have had trouble with is a FOR-NEXT loop that has two or more NEXTs for one FOR. For example: 10 FOR X=1 TO 5 20 IF X=3}G THEN NEXT X 30 NEXT X Other than those two examples, we have had no problems compiling any type of program, either TURBO or }ATARI BASIC. Please let us know of any problems you run into compiling any types of statements or programs.Whether you prog}ram in TURBO BASIC or just want to turbocharge your old Atari BASIC programs to super speed, I'm sure you will find the TURBO} COMPILER will fit all your speed needs. harge your old Atari BASIC programs to super speed, I'm sure you will find the TURBO)X 30 NEXT X  Other than those two examples, we have had no problems compiling any type of program, either TURBO or}p ATARI BASIC. Please let us know of any problems you run into compiling any types of statements or programs.v Whether} you program in TURBO BASIC or just want to turbocharge your old Atari BASIC programs to super speed, I'm sure you will fi}nd the TURBO COMPILER will fit all your speed needs.e your old Atari BASIC programs to super speed, I'm sure you will fi7Cnd the TURBO COMPILER will fit all your speed needs.d OperatingQ ^Instructionsj by Dave Arlington 7Q>?j ~ DECLARINIPM_BAUEEINXYLOOK1PMLOOK2LOOK3LOOK4LEER:UY<]a>fgnouw@}!}@  " (* 02 9: ABHdPLAYER/MISSLE STEUERUNGn. IN TURBO-BASICx!}8von Wolfgang CzernyTP +@1<iPPE<)CC=+!@Hms* @Sw,)"@!}B )"@C)"@E)"@a#.'!@H28* @S<F'6-&@HJU#"@BYi#68,-8,%@mx$#"@C|!}#68,-8,&@.#"@E"2#68,-8,&@6A8#"@aEU#68,-8,%@YtB!8,!AU!68,-zL!} !8, 9!68,-AUV!8,!AU!68,-?K`!8, Q!68,-AUjB2G%8,t3"!}@39C:,%A$%8@!&,@*5~3"@9P39C:,%A%8@TY,@]h3"@l39C:,%A6!}%8@ ,@3"@"939C:,%A%8@=B,@FiF3T'O'9@mt,9@x,.'!};@ ,;@",8';@&-,;@1S,B';AV,L'A0@WhV'#`'-@lp@tj'"!}C67<,.>:,t' ~'-@"&@*Q'"67<,.>:,' '-@UY@]'"67<,.>:,' '!}-@ @'"67<,.>:,' ) LOOK1)!!0,1,2,4,8,144,224,224,240,0) LOOK2")!!0,240,224,224,144!},8,4,2,1,0,) LOOK36)0,128,64,32,16,9,7,7,15,0@) LOOK4J)0,15,7,7,9,16,32,64,128,0*Q*T*O+&6-F:A!} ,&@@ 2&BBy +6-$AV6-@6G+#AY@bKy#SINGLE RES. +-B2VB2Y*+}!}4+ >+-AAH+AUR+ \+-A$AAVf+9C:,%AVp+ +B68@!} ,-@P -68@,-@P"*B68@.3,-@`7B+B68@FK,-@`OW-68@[`,-@pdlB68@pu,-@py+-!}68@ ,-@-68@ %,-@)U+Q+T.O.''9C:,%A$%8@Y^,@b.''9C:,%A%8@!},@ &.''9C:,%A5%8@*/,@3M/''9C:,%A%8@QV,@Ze/-@im@q/B2G!} %8,&/ 0/B2w@$Q:/Q D:PMMOVE.TURLOOK4LEER:UY<]a>fgnouw@} ?&A@%&-.4 T - %PUT und %GET Demo - - von Frank Ostrowski -(%}%Td(%PUT Demonstrationn9A)K,x(Creating Array-@OSAW 68,-c T( PRINT %}FileT 6-`--@ $@(*0J D:RNDTST.DAT-@NRAV`(@d8, @%}**( PRINT: +`&,'@PC SekundenT 6-`--@GK@OQWq D:RNDTST.DAT"-@uyA}%} ,@*68,-6 @@.HJ**( INPUT: +`&,'@PL SekundenTH D:RNDTST.DAT^L D:RNDTST.%}2DAThTr( %PUT File|T 6-`--@6:@>@F` D:RNDTST.DAT-@dhAlvc@z8%}, @1**( %PUT : +`&,'@P5Y SekundenT 6-`--@]a@egm D:RNDTST.DAT%} -@A d@$@68,- @D^**( %GET : +`&,'@Pb SekundenH D:RNDTS%}.T.DAT&L D:RNDTST.DAT D:PUTGET.TUR4 T - %PUT und %GET Demo - - von Frank Ostrowski -($.G AXMIRROLOADPIDECLARXKLAPXKLAPPXKLAPPXCOPYXCOPYYCOPBGETPIPUTPIEFFEKTCOLCOLCOLYXDEMCO)}LYCOPYYCOPYLEERTEXTEI$%,-37E;;=CG9KMSW;[_g!?K? '(/078?@GHOPWX_`ghopvb@)} =h>!% U:)gdSPIELEREIEN MIT DEMn MOVE BEFEHL IN TURBO BASICss-xVON )}WOLFGANG CZERNYTPPEPPPPPPPPFTO&&)};A ,;A,;A ,,467@0=,.%67AAN,.467@R`,.467@dq,.%67Au,.46)}7@ ,.467@(,.%67A,9,.467@=d,.QBTOP%%9U:@h,%A8@C:,A)}%%9C:,U:@",%A8@A&-$$Y37@;Q DIES IST EIN##YWvA TEXTFENSTER  MAz)} %%9C:,U:@,%A8@A"+  MA/S*P4Q>TO-@W[@_wP -Av})}6@@ 119C:,%&@@#U:@'6,%Av&@@:Q   MAUPQTpOP -)} A8@6@@(119C:,%&@@,2U:@6E,%Av&@@I PPQTXOlPv )}-AvA8@6@@*119C:,%&@@.4U:@8G,%Av&@@K PPQT@OTP^)}- A8@@@-h))9C:,%U:@16,%A8:@%@@DTr | MAXPQT(#O<#PF#)}-A8@Av@@,P#))9C:,%U:@0?,&A8@%@@CSZ# d# MAWn#Px#Q'T'O$'P.')}- A8'??9U:@ ',%$@@+1U:@5<,%$@@@D%@ HL@ P`B' L' MAdV'P`'Qs'Tt'O)}'P'-)A'??9U:@-4,%$@@8<%@ @FU:@JQ,%$@@UY@ ]m' ' MAq'P')}Q'T*O+9C:,U:@!G,Av +Q.T.O.9U:@K,C:,Av.Q2O2AdAU)}2<2'A@@F'A A2AAHM@J2'AA'A AH3A)}C@@ M@63'AAH'A @@:U3AAM@Y"3=F:Ad,AU,3Q63T)}:O:*6-@6-@p!''6--9*: +@1=E6-@ IT:-@X\A`d@hu:)6-%@y)}!@P)6-@%:6-'@)6-:6-$E:,6-$G:,:%!AQBQ@: ,%%:$$6-+%,')}@$E:%%@&,;$$6-+%,'@*4$G:%%@8,; /%%; $;Q D:TURDEM.TURCOLYXDEMCO(h-:TURBOPRUEWER''A515A9<@ABHMd-Turbo-I/O V1.0-}9von Julian F. Reschke(c) Happy Computer 1985P-[;@9_i,$6-o.-@-}@9 8"67<,.>:,B 6-%L VA5(Fehler!`JJ104,104,104,10,10,10,10,170,104,104,157,6-}6,3,104,157,69,3,104,157,68jDD3,104,157,73,3,104,157,72,3,32,86,228,132,212,169,0,133,213,96t~Zur Demonstration:-} 1 +@$ '0@!'-1@1:-@LA@PY#,_#/A&A -}- A@##,)#/AA&  A`Bild abspeichern++Anfangsa-}Zdresse: PEEK(88)+256*PEEK(89)Laenge: 192*40=7680Befehl: Schreiben=11++@^b@fhn D:TEST.PIC -}EE6-?:C:,<@<@"Y[bcjkrsy ;2}    %&-.56=>EFMNUV]^efmnuv}2}C #A()/3?7; }A@A!HI"PQ#XY$`a%hi&oq'xy(}2}) *+,E"&-EE*..H26/E:>0\FBF1FJN2`GRV3G[\4bgd##}-2}-Gi##-- ***Text Tidier 1.0*** --n##-- by Dave Yearke forK --s##-- POKEY, the official --x##-- ne2}wletter of the 1--}##-- Western New York7 b--##-- Atari Users' Group. --##}-2}H--PPPT] E 6.-$i@#LR(0W p -g++aAt,"f,2 }-$i@# 5 A]?< )g)=++!@&9,)+",)+",,1+,?6-VA' ")" *6-@2 }6-A 6-f@ 6-g7 +",6-h%i@*6-AB-@1\4A7AA+",*+",\02 },+",*+",*(++",)+",)+",)+",,0\  +,:%+",*++",)+",)+",)+",,267<,. :6-%g +",2 }67<,.  6-%g++",)+",)+",,2 >+!g,+7&g<&g,4 ,&6-&g)@,G/A2?"A'8+",)+",*67<2 }%@ ,. t46-%h%i8\,+",*+,*+,P1A6A; 6-6-67<,.>:,@ ++&, @x,**+2}>", GE JPOFTTY]^LlA6-h@BA(!ERROR. PLEASE CHECK AND RESTART.EPIPLc 6-g2} h)-h@:!  END OF FILE.%P)PmPr-h@>**w DONE.PP| -gi%i* .  FI2}LE!g S A.  WRITTEN.TO: -h$h6 %INSERT DESTINATION DISK, PRESS RETURN:P)2}Ah@bf 6-%g(  67<,.0@67<,.>:+],%@Hf,A67%g<%g,2}.>:%@H ',H67%g<%g,.>:@"+,067%h<%%h,.:6-%%iH67<,.>:,]67%g<%g,.>:AH,067%h<2}#%h,.IA67%i<%%i,.O6-%@'H]67<,.>:,A-$i@#L BhC:,B:,h(/-@2}@#  7i,/-@8!@#% -h$h**-)  INSERT SOURCE DISK, PRESS RETURN-P ) -h$2}2h**AA!Q&T+O02f@@6YMh%i5-h6h:2f@@]Mg?   2DQITN2}COSv67<,.>:@Y,#6-%g&@*>67<,.>:A6,F6-%gI@b67<%@]a,.f pp6-%@tsAvAX2}%Q]TbOg&&;BPP,;@)0,;@4@,l";@DK,"@eOQWq! 6-f6-f!6. 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