Workings:››What this program does is sends an ansi code that askes the caller for his›current cursor position... If in ansi there computer will sends some codes to›the bbs.. there for the bbs will know that the caller is using ansi.. ›››Ok This is what My MODULE>WAITCALL looks like from lines 2150 to 2159 ›These are the Lines that will Sense if the caller is in ansi or not ›Line 31200 turns Ansi On (A=1) or Ansi Off (A=2) then the routine is run››IMPORTANT!! replace all (DEL) by hitting the Escape Key and then pressing›Delete Back Space!!›Also!!! replace all (ESC) by Hitting the Escape Key TWICE..›One more thing.. ANSI IS CASE SENSITIVE THIS WILL NOT WORK IF YOU HAVE :›(ESC)[6N››You Must BE CAREFULL when Entering this file.. I know this works Because›I have an IBM right Next to me. and I use it to call my board with ansi.. ›and to make ansi.screens.. ››2150 Poke 1610,C0:Temp$=" ":Temp$=Str$(Bdr):X=Usr(Wsta,25,Adr(Temp$)):Gosub 1100:Z=C0›2152 A=1:Gosub 31200:? "Press [RETURN].....(ESC)[6n(DEL)(DEL)(DEL)(DEL)...";:A=0:Gosub 31200›2155 Get #C4,A:If A=155 Then X=Usr(Wsta,14,C1):Temp$="Atascii ":? :Goto 2180›2156 If A=Asc("(ESC)") Then A=1:Gosub 31200:Temp$="(ESC)[0;7;44;37m[(ESC)[5mAnsi(ESC)[0;7m] ":Gosub 2158:Goto 2180›2157 Goto 2160›2158 Get #C4,A:If A<>Asc("R") Then 2158›2159 Return ›31200 Poke 1599,A:X=Usr(1695,34,A):X=Usr(1695,35,A):X=Usr(1695,14, Not A):Return››One More Thing.. In line 2156 You can change that to what you want.. I have›the screen go blue with white characters then inverse print [ then flash Ansi›then unflash ] then regular mode.. (I ›and and one very very very last thing.. I just added this to the program››on line 2156 inbetween the gosub 2158 and goto 2180 have this: :? "(ESC)[k":››what that does it clears the line that says press return.... why press it if›you didnt have too! :)›› This is how I had it in my version of 2.2 before going to these more modified modules. It will work in Atari Basic and it should work on any version of Waitcall used. The lines I was working on are the lines used to determine Ascii,Atascii,v52 and now ansi. These lines should not change from version to version but check before typing in you may find only partial change is needed to add the above code.› ›Road Warrior› › This info was originally supplied to me by the Hobit out of Florida, used by him, Ring Bearer, Xdroid, Sir Roz and myself plus others. So it does work!!›