The following is a capture from some fixes from Tony Di Napoli for versions 2.xx of Carina:›› Óåãôéïî   Ãáòéîá Óõððïòô ÂÂÓ¡ › Íåóóáçå  559 of 649› Ìåæô áô  7/1/93 - 4:17:49am› Óåîô ôï  The Shadow› Óåîô Âù  0-TONY DI NAPOLI› Ôïðéã    CARINA V2.6 FILES› Ôéôìå    Fixes for 2.6 Carina Files›_______________________________________›› ÉÃέÎåôº ü²·üÓåìåãôüÓáãòíôï® ÃÁü›› As promised, I finally finished reviewing the Carina 2.6 package for variables that are the same as, or begin with, reserved keywords used by BXL/BXE. Sorry it took so long, but other, higher priority, demands kept getting in the way of finishing this.›› a. The following files in MODULE are okay; I didn't find any variables that could potentially be a problem for BXL/BXE:›› AREACODE, FILEVIEW, GATEWAY, GOFIX, NETTIME, TRANSFER, UPLOAD, and WAITCALL.›› b. The following files in MODULE contain one or more variables that could potentially be a problem for BXL/BXE:›› BOOTBBS: ERRGO› CM_TRAN: ERRGO, DIR› FILECOM: CP› FILERECV: ERRGO, DIR, CP› FILETRAN: CP, SYS, LOCAL› MAILCOM: CP› MAILTRAN: CP, SYS› QUIKWAY: ERRGO, DEL› USERCOM: CP› XY_TRAN: ERRGO, DIR›› c. The following files in SYSMOD are okay; I didn't find any variables that could potentially be a problem for BXL/BXE:›› ACE_EDIT, ADDKEY, CARTRAN, PCP_DIAL›› d. The following files in SYSMOD contain one or more variables that could potentially be a problem for BXL/BXE:›› ACE_NET: ERRGO, DIR, SYS, MOVE› COMPACT: ERRGO› COPY: ERRGO› EDIT: ERRGO, CP› FILEVAL: CP, MOVE› ICN_EDIT: ERRGO› ICN_NET: ERRGO, DIR, SYS, MOVE› MAKEINDX: ERRGO› MAKEVOTE: ERRGO, CP SYS, BLOAD, NUM› MSGMAKER: DIR, CP› SYSCOM: DIR, CP› SYSMENU: DIR› TERM: ERRGO› USEREDIT: ERRGO, DIR, CP, LOCAL› BANNEDIT: CP›› e. In reviewing the above files, I did find numerous variables assigned but never used and a few cases of string variables used but never dimensioned (though not a problem because the line number they appeared on was never used or referred to).›› f. I did not list BREAK, which in many of the files has been changed to BRK, because it does not conflict with BXL/BXE keywords. I did, however, change all instances of BREAK in my copy of Carina 2.6, just for standardization.›› g. You also changed ERRGO to EG in some of the files, but not all. I used EG in all those you had not yet changed.›› h. The variable names I chose to use are listed below in hopes that others who change them use the same names, for standardization, if no other reason.›› EG=ERRGO, BRK=BREAK, DR=DIR, SY=SYS, MV=MOVE, COP=CP, LCL=LOCAL, BLD=BLOAD, NM=NUM.›› i. DEL (DELNAME$) is used in QUIKWAY, but since it is not referred to or used in any other file, I just eliminated it altogether.›› If sysops choose to use BXL or BXE to run Carina, they must change the variable names I listed or you can bet they will encounter problems. I hope this helps.›_______________________________________››The End....›› Îïôå Æòïí Óèáäï÷º›› I am almost in total agreement with Tony's choices for replacement except for the CP=COP, I would prefer that one to be CPR instead of COP because it actually stands for Command Processor, and COP sounds a bit too much like it could stand for Copy instead.....››The Shadow››