› Æéìå Âáóå ÉÎÆ Æéì庛›First 10 Bytes of file:››Byte 1-2: # of file entries, High/Low›Byte 3-10 Reserved for future.››File Entries = 256 bytes each:››Byte 1: 1=Active, 0=Deleted›Byte 2-3: High/Low Byte, # D/L's›Byte 4-11: Unused/Reserved›Byte 12: Directory [A-Z]›Byte 13-20: Filename›Byte 21-23: Extender›Byte 24-26: Pointer into Desc. H/M/Low›Byte 27-28: Size of Desc. High/Low›Byte 29-31: Size of file, H/M/Low›Byte 32-34: Date, H/M/L›Byte 35-37: Time, H/M/L›Byte 38-39: U/L'rs Account #, H/Low›Byte 40-59: Uploader's Name›Byte 60-96: Brief Desc.›Byte 97-256: Keywords (10 bytes per KW)››› Íåóóáçå Âáóå ÄÉÒ æéì庛›Byte 1: Maximum # of Msg's in Base›Byte 2: Last Message Pointer›Byte 3-4: Hi/Lo times base has wrapped›Byte 5-10: Reserved››Message Entries = 128 bytes each:››Byte 1: 1=Active, 0=Deleted›Byte 2: Received Flag›Byte 3: Sender was Sysop/SigOp Flag›Byte 4: # of Replies›Byte 5: Unused›Byte 6: Topic #›Byte 7: Unused›Byte 8: Message received via the net›Byte 9-19: Unused›Byte 20-21: Account Receiver, Hi/Lo›Byte 22-23: Account Sender, Hi/Lo›Byte 24-25: Next Reply, Hi/Lo›Byte 26-27: Reply to Message, Hi/Lo›Byte 28-30: Pointer into base, Hi/M/Lo›Byte 31-32: Size of Message›Byte 33-35: Date Posted›Byte 36-38: Time Posted›Byte 39-58: Receivers Name›Byte 59-78: Senders Name›Byte 79-98: Title›Byte 99-118: Topic›Byte 119: Net type of orig. Post›Byte 120-121: Node # of original Post›Byte 122-123: Msg # of original Post›Byte 124: Net type of Reply›Byte 125-126: Node # of Reply›Byte 127-128: Msg # of Reply››Note: Bytes 119-128 are unused in versions prior to v3.0 and the above listing will be implemented for v3.0 and above. It is not safe to use the unused bytes in these headers without first consulting with The Shadow, as they may be used in future revisions.››› ÐÁÓÓ×ÏÒÄ®ÆÌÅ Óåôõ𺛛Byte 1: 0=Unused, 1=Used, 2=Deleted› 3=Blacklisted (Still in Use)›Byte 2: Time Remaining›Byte 3: Time limit›Byte 4-5: # of Calls, Hi/Lo›Byte 6-7: # of U/L's, Hi/Lo›Byte 8-9: # Msgs Posted, Hi/Lo›Byte 10-11: # of D/L's, Hi/Lo›Byte 12-16: Command Mask›Byte 17-29: Section Mask›Byte 30: Bit 1=V52, Bit 2=CLR› Bit 3=HDR, Bit 4=LNF› Bit 5=BRK, Bit 6=80C› Bit 7=CLS, Bit 8=CNT›Byte 31: Screen Length›Byte 32: U/L Ratio›Byte 33: Clear Screen Code›Byte 34-35: Unused›Byte 36: E-Mail Waiting›Byte 37: F-Mail Waiting›Byte 38: 0=Normal, 20=Permanent›Byte 39-40: Unused›Byte 41-43: Last Call Date›Byte 44-46: Last Call Time›Byte 47-86: Memo Info›Byte 87-96: Telephone #›Byte 97-102: Password›Byte 103-122: User Name/Handle›Byte 123-152: User Macro›Byte 153-204: Message Pointers›Byte 205-256: File Pointers››Note: The above is for Pre-Version 3, and v3.0 and up will have slightly different PW files.››