To: SYSOP Operators From: Zoom Telephonics, Inc. Subject: SYSOP Purchases of Zoom High Speed FaxModem Products This is a description of the Zoom Telephonics program for purchases of high-speed Zoom Faxmodems by bulletin board system operators (SYSOPS). Under this program operators of bulletin boards may purchase high-speed Zoom products at special prices. The V.FAST Class products are based on Rockwell technology. They will provide full V.32bis compatibility with 14,400 bps send/receive faxing, plus Rockwell's faster V.FAST Class speeds of 19,200 bps, 24,000 bps and 28,800 bps. Data speeds of 19,200 bps and higher have not been standardized by the ITU-TSS but Rockwell has pledged that V.FAST Class products will communicate with Rockwell's implementation of the ITU-TSS endorsed V.FAST (28,800bps) standard at the higher V.FAST Class speeds ie., 19,200 bps or 24,000 bps. The following rules apply in order to qualify for this special pricing: 1) The BBS must be available for access at least 30 hours a week. 2) The Zoom FaxModem must be used on the bulletin board, maximun order of 2 units per current bbs line. 3) The use of the Zoom FaxModem on the board must be acknowledged. 4) The SYSOP must agree to use the Zoom FaxModem on the bulletin board for at least nine months. 5) The SYSOP will not resell the Zoom FaxModem as a new product, if the product is resold after nine months of use on the bulletin board. 6) Zoom FaxModem packages purchased under this program will be marked "NOT FOR RESALE". Orders must be submitted along with a completed and signed copy of the Sysop Questionnaire/Order Form. Payment must accompany order. Payment may be made with check, money order, Mastercard, Visa, or American Express. Orders may be placed by fax or by mail. Orders placed by fax must be accompanied by a Mastercard, Visa, or American Express number. Mail orders should be mailed to: Zoom Telephonics, Inc. Attention: Dan Vassily/Sysop Orders 207 South Street Boston, MA 02111 Fax Orders may be sent to: 1-617-423-9231 Questions or comments about this sysop purchasing program should be directed to the ZOOM Tech Support BBS: 1-617-423-3733 Leave mail for Dan Vassily Order Form and Questionnaire for Zoom Telephonics SYSOP Program Your Name:____________________________________________ BBS Name:_____________________________________________ BBS Phone Number:______________________________________ Your Daytime Voice Phone:_________________________________ Hours of BBS Operation: From:_______________________________EST To:_________________________________EST Days of Week:_________________________________________ How long has the board been in operation?___________________ Which BBS software do you use?___________________________ Please setup an account to log on to your BBS. We must be able to view the file & message bases and view logoff/logon list to verify your operation. Please assign an access level equivalent to. For log on name and password, please use ZOOM as the first 4 characters. Your BBS Password (If any):_____________________________ Our log on first name: ZOOM____________________________ Our log on last name: ZOOM____________________________ Our log on password: ZOOM____________________________ YOUR SIGNATURE below indicates that you have reviewed all information provided in this questionnaire and all responses are accurate. Your signature further indicates that you have read and accept all conditions required for purchase of a Zoom/Modem through the Zoom Telephonics SYSOP program. Please print your name:___________________________________ Please sign your name:___________________________________ Date of signature:_______________________________________ ORDER FORM Product Ordered: Quantity Extended Amount Zoom/modem VFP V32bis internal @ $99.00 V.32bis 14400 bps uncompressed operation plus V.42bis, MNP 2-5, send/receive fax at 14400 bps for IBM PC and compatibles, includes 16550 UART. _______________________ Zoom/Modem VFX V32bis External @ $119.00 for IBM compatibles, V.32bis 14400 bps uncompressed operation plus V.42bis, MNP 2-5, send/receive fax at 14400 bps, fifteen status indicator lights ______________________ Zoom/Modem VFX V32bis External @ $130.00 for MacIntosh, V.32bis 14400 bps uncompressed operation plus V.42bis, MNP 2-5, send/receive fax at 14400 bps, fifteen status indicator lights. Includes MacIntosh Cable. ______________________ Zoom/FaxModem VFP 24K Internal @ $99.00 V.32bis, plus 24,000 bps uncompressed operation, S/R 14.4 fax, for IBM compatibles, includes 16550 UART ______________________ Zoom/FaxModem VFX 24K External @ $119.00 V.32bis, plus 24,000 bps uncompressed operation, S/R 14.4 fax, fifteen status indicator lights, for IBM compatibles _____________________ Zoom/FaxModem VFX 24K External @ $130.00 V.32bis, plus 24,000 bps uncompressed operation, S/R 14.4 fax, fifteen status indicator lights, for MacIntosh _____________________ Zoom/FaxModem VFP 28.8 Internal @ $139.00 V.32bis, plus 28,800 bps uncompressed operation, S/R 14.4 fax, for IBM compatibles, includes 16550 UART _____________________ Zoom/FaxModem VFX 28.8 External @ $159.00 V.32bis, plus 28,800 bps uncompressed operation, S/R 14.4 fax, fifteen status indicator lights, for IBM compatibles ___________________ Zoom/FaxModem VFX 28.8 External @ $170.00 V.32bis, plus 24,000 bps uncompressed operation, S/R 14.4 fax, fifteen status indicator lights, for MacIntosh ___________________ Shipping: Add $6.00 per order __________ International shipping may cost more. Total: ___________________ Method of payment: Check or money order enclosed, made payable to Zoom Telephonics. _____ MasterCard _____ Visa _____ American Express