HOW TO USE ANTIC MUSIC PROCESSOR›BY STEVEN LASHOWER›› Antic Music Processor (AMP) is a›powerful assembly language program›requiring a minimum 48K memory.›› Antic Music Processor can play›four voices over a range of 5 1/2›octaves. Songs with more than 10,000›notes can be entered quickly and›easily by anyone who knows how to›read sheet music and has an›elementary knowledge of music theory:›XXX››USING THE PROGRAM›› Use DOS command C to copy the›AMP2.EXE file to another disk that›has a DOS.SYS file. Then, use DOS›command E to rename AMP2.EXE to›AUTORUN.SYS. DON'T try to run the›Antic Music Processor directly from›the monthly Antic Disk. Turn off›your computer and remove all›cartridges. Place the disk in drive›1. Hold down the [OPTION] key if›you're using an XL or XE. Antic›Music Processor will load and run›automatically.›XXX›› Following are the Original Antic›Music Processor commands:›(See the article in this issue for›a complete explanation of the New›Commands!)›› [L]oad a song - press [L], then›enter the filename of a song to load›from disk. With Version 2, you can›load files from drive 2 by simply›adding the drive number, as in›D2:FILENAME.EXT.››XXX›› [P]lay Music - plays the music in›memory. AMP will ask you for the›voices and measures to play. The›highlighted voice numbers are played.›To toggle a voice on or off, type the›number (1-4) of that voice. Press›[RETURN] after choosing voices.››XXX›› Select Measures [x,y] - Specify a›starting measure, x, and an ending›measure, y. If no measures are›selected, the song will play from›beginning to end. (Lyrics will run›correctly only if the song plays from›the beginning.) Press [RETURN] after›making your selection, and the song›will begin. Press [START] to return›to the main menu before the song›ends.››XXX› [E]dit Music - On entering the›editor, the Voice #1 column will be›highlighted and the first measure of›each voice will be displayed. At the›bottom of the screen are the status›lines, showing:›› 1. Number of beats in the present›measure (For example: Beats=0).›› 2. The current Meter and Tempo›(For example: Meter=4/4 and Tempo=100›beats per minute).›› 3. The key signature (For example:›Key=0#).›› 4. The amount of memory left for›entering notes (For example:›Mem=31250).›XXX›› The following Music Editor Command›Specifications are written in›Backus-Naur Form. The following›explanations of these terms assume›the reader has an elementary›knowledge of music theory:››NOTES AND RESTS›› Note[Acc][Oct][Dur][Env][/Dyn]:Res›t [Dur]›XXX› Note: A-G› Rest: R› Accidental (Optional): #:F:N (1)› Octave (Optional): 1-6 (2)› Duration (Optional):›D:D.:D..:D3:^X (D=W:H:Q:E:S:T:Z;›X=1-255)› Envelope: ):>:':" (3)› Dynamic -- quietest to loudest:›PPP:PP:P:MP:MF:F:FF:FFF:F1:F2:F3:F4:F›5:F6:F7›› Bracket symbols [ ] separate›different options. If not specified,›all optional items take on the values›shown in the status lines at the›bottom of the screen.›XXX›› A note can be followed by an›accidental -- sharp (#), flat (F), or›natural (N). You don't need to enter›sharps or flats if they're in the key›signature. Accidentals carry through›until the end of a measure, or until›you specify a new accidental. For›example, C# remains sharp until you›enter CN, or start the next measure.›› Note C, octave 4 (C4) is middle C.›If you do not specify the octave, the›octave number of the note nearest the›previous note is used. For example,›a C following a B3 is interpreted as›C4, not C3.›XXX›ENVELOPES›› ) Ties notes together› > Normal note envelope (not›printed on screen)› ' Slightly faster decay than >› " Fastest note decay (staccato)›››MEASURES AND TEMPO›› M - Insert measure marker.›› Tx - Change Tempo to x (x=35›(slowest) to x=290 (fastest). )›XXX››CURSOR COMMANDS›› [CONTROL] [ARROW] key combinations›move the cursor in the direction of›the arrow. [SHIFT] [UP-ARROW] moves›the cursor to the next measure, and›[SHIFT] [DOWN-ARROW] moves it to›previous measure.››CONTROL COMMANDS›› Mx - Display measure x.› MET=x/y - Change meter (x=1-32,›y=1:2:4:8:16:32).›XXX› KEY=na - Key signature (n=0-7,›a=#:F). For G major, enter KEY=1#.› P - Play Notes showing in current›edit column.››DELETE AND RESTORE››[DELETE] - Remove the last character›in the data entry line.› [CONTROL] [DELETE] - Remove the›note at the cursor.› [CONTROL] [INSERT] - Restore the›note at the cursor.›XXX›CUT AND PASTE› [SHIFT] [DELETE] - Place the note›at the cursor in the buffer.› [SHIFT] [INSERT] - Place the notes›in buffer at the cursor.› [SHIFT] [CLEAR] - Clear all data›in the buffer.››MISCELLANEOUS›› [ESCAPE] returns you to the main›menu. This works at any point in the›program except during playback, when›you should use [START].›XXX› [C] Clear Music - Press [C] to›clear all notes from the computer's›memory.›› [T] Tempo - Playback speed can be›selected by pressing [T] from the›main menu, or embedding tempo›commands with the notes. Tempo can›range from 35 (slowest) to 290›(fastest).›› [S] Save File - Type in the›filename and press [RETURN].›› [D] Disk Directory - Pressing›[RETURN] without specifying a›filename will list all of the files›XXX›on the disk in drive 1. Specify the›drive and file name to see a listing›of files on other drives. For›example, enter D2:*.* to see all the›files on the disk in drive 2. Once›the directory has been displayed, you›can [L]ock, [U]nlock or [D]elete a›file.››[F] Format Disk - PERMANENTLY erases›ALL DATA from current disk in the›specified drive. Use with caution.›HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH