----------------------------- The Atari MIDI Processor 2.0 Programmed By Steven Lashower (C) 1993 ArgoSoft Productions ----------------------------- READ_ME.DOC - Print out this file Revision: 11/14/93 The following improvements have been added in AMP Version 2.1: -------------------------------------------------------------- * Improved Note Editing (with the mouse): - Double-click on any note in any voice column brings a copy of that note down to the Data Entry Line where it can be edited. - Click on any note in any voice column will: 1) Highlight the voice column containing that note 2) Bring that voice's cursor to that note Import Support: --------------- AMP 2.1 can read in the following file formats: 1) The Antic Music Processor Notes: Tempo in the Antic Music Processor is relative, that is 35=Slow and 390=Fast. There is no correlation between these numbers and beats per minute. Therefore, when importing an Antic Music Processor file, the tempo might have to be tweaked a little for proper playback speed. 2) Advanced Music System I/II Notes: Imports all files with no problems. 3) MIDI Music System Notes: Imports all files with no problems. 4) Standard MIDI File (Format 0 or 1) Notes: AMP imports most SMF files with no problem. However, some complicated multi-track sequences might lose some notes when imported into AMP. In this case, the tracks must be simplified. EditTrack's "Unmix" feature works great for this. Registering the Program ----------------------- Don't forget to full out the Product Registration card in the back of the manual! It's the only way we can let you know of any upgrades and enhancements to AMP! Your serial number and version number are found in "ABOUT AMP" in the GEM "Desk" menu. Bugs ---- If you find any, please let us know. AMP is continuously being enhanced and upgraded...and that includes fixing bugs! Addenum ------- Just a warning when using screen savers with AMP - some of them decide to black out and save the screen while AMP is in the middle of playing a song. For this reason, you might wish to turn your screen saver off while using AMP.