Classics\Gilmore_Adam\ - subtunes missing
Classics\Gilmore_Adam\ - tune 0 doesn't exist (silence)
Classics\Munns_Richard\ - tune doesn't play first note (drum)
Demos\ - strange noise after tune end
Games\Classic\ - sample at the beginning is missing
Games\ - tune probably doesn't play under original settings
Games\Classic\ - tune falls out of synch after about 0:35
Unsorted\ - tune plays wrong after repeating
Various\Eisenhammer_Zdenek\ - strange noise after tune end
Various\Hard_Software\ - rogue note at the beginning
Various\Hard_Software\ - rogue note at the beginning
Various\Husak_Jakub\ - strange note at the end of subsong #1
Various\Kwiatek_Grzegorz\ - strange sounds at 0:48
Various\Kwiatek_Grzegorz\ - tune plays twice as fast after repeating
Various\Liebich_Tomasz\ - tune 0 doesn't exist (distorted sounds)
Various\Majewski_Tomasz\ - tune doesn't reinit well after repeating