he OPTION key, then hit the appropriate letter from the choices at the bottom of the screen. The cursor will appear in the portion of the check you have chosen.›Type in the new entry, or press RETURN for no change. When you're satisfied with all entries, press OPTION to return to the editing function.››TO REVIEW YOUR CHECKS›If you press RETURN, you'll again be presented with the original options at the bottom of the screen. Press the SELECT key to advance through the month, check by check. If you wish to change something, press OPTION, then follow the same procedures for editing as outlined above.›When you reach the last check for that month, MicroCheck will return you to the original options. If you want to stop reviewing your checks before you reach the end, just press the letter E to end.››When you have finished entering, editing and reviewing your checks, press OPTION and SELECT simultaneously. The new data for that month will be saved to disk.››EDITING THE AUTO FILE›Sometimes you may find it necessary to change one of the entries in your AUTO file. You can do this by entering the letter A in response to the ENTER MONTH prompt. After the file has loaded, use the SELECT key to choose the entry you need to work on. Editing is then accomplished in the same manner as above.›You may erase an entire AUTO file and start fresh, by choosing the new auto option from the utilities menu.››STARTING A NEW YEAR›The MicroCheck year runs from January to December, so when Father Time turns his job over to that chubby little gut in the diaper, it's time to clean up your checking file.›To do this, load the utilities module, then select the new year option. Make sure you have backed up your data disk before continuing!›After being suitably warned that you'd better know what you're doing, you will be asked to insert your data disk. If your data is on the same disk as the program, just press any key. MicroCheck will then go happily on its way, moving all uncancelled checks into a special file known as MONTH00.DAT. At the same time, it will create new monthly files and clear out all of the last year's transactions (you did make that backup disk, right?) Your AUTO file, balance and personal information will, of course, remain unchanged.››NEEDLE IN A HAYSTACK›One of MicroCheck's handiest features is its ability to find a specific check or group of checks. Boot up your MicroCheck program disk. From the main menu, choose the SEARCH CHECKS option, then press START to run the program.›After you insert your data disk, the search parameter entry form will appear. Prompts at the bottom of the screen will guide you as you enter information.›First, you must enter the starting and ending dates for the search. For example, if you wish to search for checks from January to March, you would enter 01 as the starting date and 03 as the ending date. If you wish to search only one month, enter that month as both the starting and ending date. For example, 05 as the starting date and 05 as the ending date will search only the month of May. If you don't enter a starting or ending ate, and just press RETURN, the dates 00 and 12 will be entered automatically.›You must then enter the check numbers you want to find. Numbers must be entered in four digits (i.e., 0001, 0897, 8756, etc.) If you'd like to search for checks numbered 874 to 967, you would enter 0874 as the starting number and 0967 as the ending number. If you don't enter a starting or ending number, and just press RETURN, the word ALL will appear as the search parameters.››Next, the amounts you wish to search for must be entered. Any amount from $0.00 toe $9999.99 will be accepted. If you do not enter a starting or ending amount, and just press RETURN, the above amounts will be entered automatically.›Finally, the payee to be searched for must be entered. If you wish, you may enter only the first few letters of a payee. For example, if you wish to search for checks with Frank's Pizza as the payee, you could simply enter FRA as the payee. Of course, if you've also written checks to Frannie Smith and Frabble Lumber, these will also be fair game for the search. If you wish to get a list of your deposits, enter DEPOSIT as the payee.›After the payee has been entered, you will be asked if all the entries are okay (OK). Answer by pressing Y or N. If you answer N, you'll have to reenter your parameters. If you answer Y, you'll be asked if you would like a printout. Again, press Y or N. If you answer N, the checks will be listed to your TV screen. If you answer Y, the checks will be listed to both the screen and your printer.›Once a search has been started, it may be aborted at any time by holding down the OPTION key.›When the search is completed, you will be asked if you wish to search again or return to the main menu.››SOME SEARCH EXAMPLES›Let's say you want to search for all checks written to Frank's Pizza. Since you want to look through every month, you just press RETURN for the starting and ending dates. The months 00 and 12 are entered automatically.›You don't care what the check number is either, so press RETURN twice. The word ALL is automatically entered as the starting and ending number.›You're not interested in the amount (at least, not as a search parameter), so, again press the RETURN key twice. The amounts $0.00 and $9999.99 are entered automatically.›Enter FRANK in the payee field and press RETURN. When asked if the entries are okay, press Y. When asked if you want a printout, answer N (unless, of course, you do want a printout). The search now begins, and any checks made out to Frank's Pizza will appear on the screen.›Now, let's try something a little more complicated. Let's say you want to find all checks written from the month of March to the end of June, with amounts between $10.00 and $100.00.›For the starting and ending dates, enter 03 and 06, respectively. For the starting and ending numbers, just press RETURN. The word ALL is automatically entered in both number fields. For the starting and ending amounts, enter 10 and 100. For payee, simply press RETURN. The word ALL appears as payee. Press Y if you entries are satisfactory. Answer N for a printout, and the search begins. All checks that fit the above parameters will be printed to the screen.››BALANCING YOUR ACCOUNT›To balance your account, simply select the BALANCE ACCOUNT option from the main menu. Press START to run the program.›Enter your ending balance and the month you wish to work on, as prompted. You'll find your ending balance somewhere on the bank statement. It is not the last balance in your checkbook. Also remember that, if you've started a new year recently, there may be checks in month #0 that need to be cleared.›If there are no checks entered for the month requested, you will see the message NO ENTRIES FOR THIS MONTH.›At the top of the screen are the commands used with the account balancer. Press C to move the cursor. Press * to cancel or uncancel a check. Press M to toggle between a check and its memo. Press P to see the next page of entries. Press N to work on a new month. Press E to end your work and balance the account.›You balance your account with MicroCheck the same way you do it by hand. The only difference is that, now, the computer will do all the figuring for you. Go through your bank statement item by item. Press the * for each entry cleared by the bank. When you've cleared all the items in one month, press N to work on another. When all the transactions on your statement have been accounted for, press the E and watch the computer go to work.›When MicroCheck has finished its calculations, it will display a final report. If all is well, you'll be rewarded by a short musical interlude. If the account doesn't balance, you'll be given a "raspberry". If the latter happens, please don't punch out your computer. It's not its fault!›Just one final suggestion...It's a good practice to keep a backup copy of your data. Your checking information is too important to risk losing it to a silly accident. Every time you update your account, you should update you backup.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<