This file contains a short overview of DISPLAY and the files you need. It includes a list of files that you should read. DISPLAY can view, convert, manipulate, read and write images and movies. It can create movies and slide-shows. DISPLAY supports a wide variety of graphic and movie formats (8-24 bit). With the image manipulation tools, it's more than just a viewer/converter. To use all options you will need both, and Be sure to use the directory tree option for unpacking (i.e. pkunzip -d) The following filelist is for version 1.88 contents of ------------------------ DISPLAY.EXE - the executable program for 386 and above DISPLAY.PIF - PIF file to run DISPLAY in MS-Windows 3.1 GO32.EXE - the dos-extender required to run display INSTALL.EXE - the install program INSTALL - documentation to install display manually EMU387 - needed for machines without FPU CONFIG.DIS - the configuration file BRIEF.DOC - quick help CHANGE - history of display RUNME.BAT - batchfile to start display README.1ST - the file you are reading FILE_ID.DIZ - description file for ftp DOC/DISPLAY.FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions DOC/MATCH.DOC - documentation for unix-like wildcards DOC/ATI_16M.DOC - documentation for the ATI graphic-card DOC/SHEET.TPL - example file for contact-sheet making DOC/DISPLAY.DOC - documentation for display DOC/VDRIVER.DOC - documentation for video drivers DOC/REPORT.FMT - error report form COPY/COPYING.CB - copyright COPY/COPYING.DJ - copyright COPY/COPYMISC.DOC - copyright DRIVER/*.GRN - video drivers DRIVER/*.GRD - video drivers UTIL/FINDJPG.C - source for findjpg.exe UTIL/FINDJPG.EXE - extract JPEG image from file UTIL/VESAINFO.C - source for UTIL/VESAINFO.COM - program to check your graphic-card UTIL/MAKEFILE - makefile to compile vesainfo.c UTIL/PIECES/VESAINFO.C - source for contents of ------------------------ DRVSRC/*.ASM - source for video drivers DRVSRC/*.INC DRVSRC/MAKEFILE DRVSRC/*.C DRVSRC/*.H DRVSRC/VESA/*.H - source for vesa video driver DRVSRC/VESA/*.INC DRVSRC/VESA/MAKEFILE DRVSRC/VESA/*.C DRVSRC/VESA/*.ASM DRVSRC/VESA/*.OBJ DRVSRC/VESA/DOCS/VESA.TXT DRVSRC/VESA/PAGING/VESA.C DRVSRC/VESA/PIECES/*.C FONTS/*.FNT - font library for use with display Most people won't need the, but if you want to create contact- sheets you'll need the fonts. It's highly recommended to read display.doc (the file is short and not well written but you'll learn many useful things about display). It is located in the doc\ subdirectory. You can use an editor or lister or use the F1 key. There is another important files you should read: display.faq. If you want to change the configuration of display take a look inside the config.dis file. Although you can change most things from inside display you'll understand some things much better, if you've read the comments in the configuration file.