Dir2Atr version 01.00.00 by B.F. Schreurs, email address: stack@xs4all.nl This program is freeware. You shouldn't have to pay for it. The Turbo Assembler source is also available. Set your browser to: www.xs4all.nl/~stack and download the source code or other nice utilities for your Atari XL/XE. Very short description follows... This program is parameter driven (i.e. no fancy screens or graphic stuff). The syntax is as follows: DIR2ATR [drive1:][path1] [drive2:][path2] [/M][/D][/A] or to give an example: DIR2ATR C:\DIRIN\ C:\DISKOUT\ /M /A or DIR2ATR C:\DIRIN\SUBDIR\ C:\DISKOUT\MYDOS\ /D or DIR2ATR G:\ H:\XLDISK\ or DIR2ATR I:\XLFILES\ M:\DISKS\ /A Use this exact syntax, remember it's only a hack . Let me explain. At drive1 and/or directory path1, you specify where the Atari XL/XE files are located. Do not forget to stop at the "\", no need to specify a file mask. At drive2 and/or directory path2, you specify the location where the output disks will be stored. These will be in the range of 001.ATR thru 999.ATR This amount of disks will be sufficient I think. If you specify the following: DIR2ATR C:\XLFILES\ D:\XLDISKS\ the program will collect all files from the directory XLFILES on drive C, store them on ATR disk images (storing as many files on one disk as possible before creating the following disk image), and store them in directory XLDISKS on drive D. You can also specify the following optional parameters: /M Places MYDOS version 4.5.3 on the .ATR disk images. The program will copy C:\MYDOS\DOS.SYS and C:\MYDOS\DUP.SYS from your hard drive to the disk image. If you don't have this directory on your C drive, create it. If the DOS.SYS and DUP.SYS files are missing, get them from my webpage. /D Places DOS 2.5 on the .ATR disk images. The program will copy C:\DOS25\DOS.SYS and C:\DOS25\DUP.SYS from your hard drive to the disk image. If you don't have this directory on your C drive, create it. If the DOS.SYS and DUP.SYS files are missing, get them from my webpage. /A Normally the DIR2ATR program starts creating disk images from 001.ATR but if you specify the /A option, it will retrieve the nnn.ATR image with the highest number of the target directory and adds images from that point on. So if 026.ATR is the highest number in the target directory of D:\XLDISKS\, then it will start with image disk 027.ATR This is basically it. If you still got questions, you probably didn't understand a word I've written. You'd better re-read this document again then. If you still got questions left, you can email them to me. With some luck, I'm able to answer them . Suggestions, ideas or improvements are welcome too. That does not mean that I will follow them up though. I needed this program, and it works, I hope it works for you too. If you don't like it, you can download the code and change it! . Enjoy!