›FILE2PC.DOC:››FILE2PC.OBJ is an Atari program found on your ATARI.ATR disk image›file located on the distribution diskette. If you run this program›on your Atari, it will cause SIO2PC to go into the file transfer mode.›Just follow the prompts on the Atari. You can read the technical ›details in the README.DOC file if you're interested.›This file transfer function has been much requested. A lot of people›seem to have text files on their Atari's and want to transfer them to›their PC's so the can pick them up on the PC's word processor.›I should tell you that the usual warnings apply to this: Different word›processors use different formatting control codes. This is true even if›you aren't going to a different computer. Plus, the Atari has its own›method of ending a line. It uses an EOL (9B hex or 155 decimal) to tell›its editor to drop the cursor down one and move to the left margin. The›PC, on the other hand, uses two codes, CR & LF or carriage return and›line feed. They are hex codes 0D and 0A (decimal 13 and 10). There are›utilities available which translate codes like these. There was one›called CHANGE on PC Magazine's utilities disk. Unfortunately, it only›works with files up to 40K in size.››A common denominator is the so call ASCII file, which is free›of specific non-standard formatting commands. (Like this file.) If your›Atari word processor will output a plain ASCII file, you may want to›use the option before sending it to the PC. Some Atari progarms will›allow you to use an OS feature which lets you PRINT to a disk file.›This should yield a plain ASCII file. Also, if you wanted to send it›to your PC's printer, it should definitely be ready to go in this ›format.››Anyway, you will probably want to use a filter program to change your›9Bh's to CR/LF's as a minimum. Note that 9Bh looks like a "cents"›symbol on my PC. To see it, hold down ALT on the PC and type 155 on›your numeric keypad. Also note that, in many cases, using PRINT_THRU and›sending your printer output to a PC file is an easier (and better)›method of file transfer than FILE2PC.››