MAKADISK.EXE›››NOTE: Now that SIO2PC allows you to install a PC file as a disk image,›there really isn't much use for MAKADISK.EXE. I will still include it›in case anyone does find it useful.››The purpose of this program is to allow you to take a PC file and convert›it into an Atari ramdisk image so your Atari can read it. For instance, you ›may have a modem on your PC only, and want to download Atari files. Or, you›may want to write program source code on your PC, because it has an 80 column ›screen, and send it to the Atari for compiling.››At present, this program is basic - it allows you to put only one file to›a standard single density ramdisk image. You should then boot the Atari up›with SIO2PC and copy the file to a "full featured" ramdisk image (one›created by SIO2PC and your Atari DOS. Then you may as well delete the›MAKADISK created ramdisk image, it has served its purpose. You can't write›more files to it, the VTOC isn't correct.››Note that another utility may be useful. I want to make one, but they are ›available in public domain (PC Magazine's utilities disk has one). The›utility needed is to translate PC "end of line" codes (CR and LF) to the›Atari EOL code, which is hex 9B. If you are translating text files, you›will probably need this. Binary files (such as executable programs) ›shouldn't generally be translated.››Note that MAKADISK asks for three things:››The name (or pathname) of the PC file to be converted to Atari.››The name of the PC's ramdisk image file. This is the name you will give›SIO2PC when you load the ramdisk image. I use an .ATR extension for›all my ramdisk images stored on the PC, but you can use what you want.›Note, MAKADISK doesn't tell you if there's already a file by that name, ›so be careful.››The name of the Atari version of the file. This is the name you will see›in the first position on your Atari screen whan your ask DOS for a ›directory.›