;This is a simple graphing program›;›› ›;This FUNC gets the value that we›;are going to plot. The 2 %C and›;254s in the "From 2 to 18:" line›;are to erase the old value from the›;screen that was input the last time›;the FUNC was called›››BYTE FUNC get_input()›› BYTE how_many›› DO› Position(2,21)› PrintE("What is the upper Y limit?")› PrintF("From 0 to 18: %C%C",254,254)› how_many=InputB()› UNTIL how_many<19› OD›RETURN(how_many)›››››PROC main()›› BYTE i,› j,› y,› value›› Print("}") ; clear the screen››;* Set up the chart *›› FOR i=1 TO 4› DO› PrintF("|%E|%E|%E|%E%E")› OD›› PrintE("")› PrintE(" 1 2 3")› › ›;* Get 3 values to plot and then›; plot them *›› ›› FOR j=1 TO 3› DO› y=18› value = get_input()› FOR i=1 TO value› DO› Position(7*j+2,y)› Print("*")› y = y - 1› OD› OD››RETURN››