;This program prints 2 words in›;alphabetical order.››PROC main()›› CHAR ARRAY first(20),› second(20)›› › PrintE("Enter EXIT for the first word to end")› PutE()›› DO› Print("Give me a word: ")› InputS(first)› Print("Give me another word: ")› InputS(second)› PutE()› PrintE("Alphabetized they are:")›› IF SCompare(first,second)<0 THEN› PrintF(" %S %S%E%E",first,second)› ELSEIF SCompare(first,second)>0 THEN› PrintF(" %S %S%E%E",second,first)› ELSE› PrintF("They are equal!%E%E")› FI›› UNTIL SCompare(first,"EXIT")=0› OD››RETURN››