;here, we assign our POINTER to a ›;special memory location. This is›;how we can use POINTERs like a POKE›;statement.› ›;In BASIC try this:›; 10 POKE 710,0›;and the same thing will happen.›;The number 0 is the way the computer›;knows black. And 710 is the ›;address where your Atari keeps the›;text background color.›››PROC background()›› BYTE POINTER bkgnd›› bkgnd=710› bkgnd^=0››RETURN›››;Here I will show you how a POINTER›;can change a parameter. Let's say›;an employee wants to deduct $20›;from his salary for the United Way›;every paycheck.›;Now you can just send his salary›;to this PROC and it will make this›;decuction for you. ››;I assume most of you think it›;would be easier to use a global›;salary variable.››;Yes, that is another way to do it ›;but this PROC would loose its›;"independence."››PROC chng_value(CARD POINTER wage)›› PrintE("United Way deduction: $20")› wage^=wage^-20›RETURN››PROC main()›› CARD salary››› background()›› salary=300› Print("Your salary is: ")› PrintCE(salary)›› ;Send the› chng_value(@salary) ;deduction PROC› ;the address of› ;the variable››› Print("Your takehome pay is: ")› PrintCE(salary)› ›RETURN›››