;D:KERMIT.ACT›;›; KERMIT protocol›; for Atari Home Computers›; version 1.2›; (C) 1984 John Howard Palevich›; to be distributed free of charge›;›;Started September 24, 1983› ›;Start code above T: and/or R:›;by compiling while those devices›;are in RAM. There ought to be a›;better way!› ›MODULE› ›DEFINE MAXPACK = "94"› ›BYTE ARRAY› RECPKT(MAXPACK),› PACKET(MAXPACK),› FILNAM,› SBUF(2050)› ›DEFINE› EOFs = "-1",› SOH = "1",› CR = "13",›› MAXTRY = "5",› MYQUOTE = "'#",› TRUE = "1",› FALSE = "0"› ›BYTE› LMARGN = $52,;OS LEFT MARGIN› CH = 764, ;OS CH VARIABLE› RTCLOCK = 20,;OS CLOCK IN JIFFYS› CRSINH = $2F0, ;OS CURSOR INHIBIT FLAG› BACKS, ;CHAR TO SEND FOR BACK S› baud, ;baud rate variable› dial, ;nz for tone dialing› DISKN, ;DEFAULT DISK› DNUM, ;port num› localecho, ;local echo flag› PARITY, ;communication parity› ERRORNUM, ;ERROR NUMBER› debug, ;debugging flag› › STATE,› PADCHAR,› EOLN,› QUOTE› ›INT› SIZE,› N,› RPSIZ,› SPSIZ,› PAD,› TIMINT,› NUMTRY,› OLDTRY,› FD,› REMFD,› IMAGE,› HOST› ›INCLUDE "D1:SYSALL.ACT"›INCLUDE "D2:KIO.ACT"› ›; This is where KCOM#.ACT is›;included. Include the KCOM file›;which matches the comunications›;device and/or modem you wish to use.›;›; For an 850 and a Hayes SmartModem,›;include KCOM850.ACT›;›; For the ATARI 1050,›;include KCOM1050.ACT›;›; For any other set of devices, write›;your own KCOM functions, and include›;that file here.› ›INCLUDE "D2:KCOM1030.ACT"›INCLUDE "D2:KFUNC.ACT"›INCLUDE "D2:KPRO.ACT"›INCLUDE "D2:KTTY.ACT"›INCLUDE "D2:KMENU.ACT"› ›; --- END OF D:KERMIT.ACT ---››