32000 REM PROGRAM: DUMPGR8.LST 32001 REM BY: Glen G. Hosey Tacoma, WA 98433 32002 REM DUMP YOUR SCREEN TO PRINTER IN FULL-PAGE SIZE FORMAT 32003 REM This routine will dump a GRAPHICS 8 screen to the printer in about 3 minutes 20 seconds 32004 REM The upper left of the printout is the lower left of the screen; 32005 REM The upper right of the printout is the upper left of the screen. 32006 REM Width=6.4", Height=10.0" 32007 REM The total memory requirement of this routine is 2019 bytes (including the strings) with REMs removed. 32008 REM Use "GOTO 32100" to access the routine. The routine will not alter screen display in any way. 32009 REM Variables used: AA$, BB$, XX, YY, ZZ, SCREEN 32010 REM The resulting printout will be dark and well defned. Each bit of the original screen memory will now 32011 REM occupy four bits in the resulting printout. 32012 REM This routine will run as-is on GEMINI 10X/15X printers. Other printers may require changes to the 32013 REM printer control codes in lines 32140 and 32170 32014 REM RAM used other that strings: 32015 REM $CB-$D2 (203-210) 32016 REM $0600-$06AB (1536-1707) 32017 REM 32100 DIM AA$(384),BB$(384) 32110 RESTORE 32200:ZZ=0:FOR XX=0 TO 171:READ YY:POKE 1536+XX,YY:ZZ=ZZ+YY:NEXT XX 32111 IF ZZ<>21538 THEN ? "DATA ERROR":END 32120 SCREEN=PEEK(88)+256*PEEK(89):SCREEN=SCREEN+(40*191) 32130 TRAP 32190:CLOSE #5:OPEN #5,8,0,"P:" 32140 ? #5;CHR$(27);"A";CHR$(8):FOR XX=SCREEN TO SCREEN+39 32150 AA$=CHR$(0):AA$(384)=CHR$(0):AA$(2)=AA$:BB$=AA$ 32160 ZZ=USR(1536,XX,ADR(AA$),ADR(BB$)) 32170 LPRINT CHR$(27);"K";CHR$(128);CHR$(1);AA$:LPRINT CHR$(27);"K";CHR$(128);CHR$(1);BB$ 32175 NEXT XX 32180 GOTO 32180 32190 ? "ERROR #";PEEK(195):END 32200 DATA 104,104,133,204,104,133,203,104,133,206,104,133,205,104,133,208,104,133,207,160,0,162,193,202,208 32210 DATA 1,96,177,203,133,209,41,128,133,210,165,209,74,41,96,5,210,133,210,165,209,74,74,41,24 32220 DATA 5,210,133,210,165,209,74,74,74,41,6,5,210,133,210,165,209,74,74,74,74,41,1,5,210 32230 DATA 145,205,200,145,205,165,209,41,1,133,210,165,209,10,41,6,5,210,133,210,165,209,10,10,41 32240 DATA 24,5,210,133,210,165,209,10,10,10,133,209,41,96,5,210,133,210,165,209,10,41,128,5,210 32250 DATA 145,207,136,145,207,56,165,203,233,40,133,203,165,204,233,0,133,204,24,165,205,105,2,133,205 32260 DATA 165,206,105,0,133,206,24,165,207,105,2,133,207,165,208,105,0,133,208,76,23,6