1X k ERA > +AR@1-@ @>;@,(ŭƭŭ!!( 頠(!!( 򬠠2((( ---- Softside presents ----77-@A %+7AR@<p6.CRIME#-@@7-@@E-@%O(7<,[B2yi-@%p( >+ -@%&@'(7<,+ F6. ADVENTURE'-@@ ;-@@ Q-@%@&[(7<,mB2y-@%@&( H+ -@%@ &'(7<,+ P-@A d A//(& Mrs. Fenwick has been kidnapped, and++(#is now hidden in some unknown loca-//(&tion. You must sift through the clues&&(you will find, and rescue her!(//(& In this adventure I will become your,,($eyes, ears and hands. You will tell**("me what to do with simple two word!!(commands such as GET AXE.++(#To move, type GO and the direction,,,($to move, NORTH, EAST, SOUTH or WEST,//(&or simply type the first letter of the--(%direction, N, E, S or W. To obtain a++(#list of what you are carrying, type(INVENTORY or just I."(, A1 A6//(&My vocabulary is limited, so I may not@,,($understand everything you tell me toJ,,($do. If one way of wording somethingT++(#does not work, try another. People^,,($having trouble are usually trying toh))(!do something beyond their (or my)r( capability.|(UU(LSome special commands in this game are++(#ź Closely examines an object**("ź Saves the game to disk or( tape.//(&ĺ Loads a previously saved game#(#( Ġ-@@#(Run from isk or ape fF:Ad,"@X*AdAU<-@@#Y(Running CRIME ADVENTUREf%D:CRIME1 F:Ad,@EA0&'AdAU'-@@#0''(Hit when tape is ready :AdAUD5 A -@@#!! AdAU F:Ad,"AUA0$L +V""( Š[))(! (c) 1981 SoftSide Publications`(j$' D:CRIME.BAS