Ri @ O (}AR@50@@ O0@@  AY '@@d'B7t@--(%}             ÆÒÕÓÔÒÁÔÉÏΠ           --(% Written by Rodney E. Haun --(% (c) 1986 Computers As Tutors VS(KThis game is included in the BELLCOM library with the author's permission V(--(%++(#When the title screen appears press ++(#the ÓÅÌÅÃÔ key to choose either one!))(!or two players. If you choose one"++(#then you will play the computer. If#))(!two play then use joystick #1 for$((( player one, and #2 for player 2.%(&++(#You must complete three levels each'**("with three phases. The person with(**("the most points at the end will be)( the winner.*(+((( The program will give you a more,))(!detailed explaination of what you-&&(have to do to win. Have fun!!!.--(%/@.(% Press ÓÔÁÒÔ and prepare to play @AY@40 F:B2y,@@H1% D:FRUSTRAT€D2:FRUSTRAT.BAS