1 +AR@1-@ @(ŭƭŭ!!( 頠(!!( 򠱹2((( ---- Softside presents ----7-@A <g +-@@+(J A C K=-@@E(THEW-@@g( R I P P E RF{-@@(( <-@@X-@@%@n@)@t-{(|J/  -@@/( P-@A d A--(% As a constable of Scotland Yard you((( have been assigned to patrol the--(%Whitechapel section of London to seek//(&out one Jack the Ripper and put an end++(#to his murderous crimes of passion.(//(& In this adventure I will become your,,($eyes, ears and hands. You will tell**("me what to do with simple two word//(&commands such as GET AXE or GO STAIRS.,,($To move, type the direction you wish--(%to go in, NORTH, EAST, SOUTH or WEST,//(&or simply type the first letter of the--(%direction, N, E, S or W. To obtain a++(#list of what you are carrying, type(INVENTORY or just I."(, A1 A6//(&My vocabulary is limited, so I may not@,,($understand everything you tell me toJ,,($do. If one way of wording somethingT++(#does not work, try another. People^,,($having trouble are usually trying toh))(!do something beyond their (or my)r( capability.|(~# (Some notes on this game:#(,,($ If you are asked a question during))(!the game you may answer by simply(typing your response.--(% In this game there are multiples of--(%some objects (such as keys). To keep--(%me from getting confused, never carry,,($more than one or leave more than one(in the same place.( -@@#(Run from isk or ape rF:Ad,"@X*-@@#Q(!Running JACK THE RIPPER ADVENTUREcAdAUr% D:JACKRIP1 F:Ad,@EA0&'-@@#'AdAU0''(Hit when tape is ready :AdAUD5 A -@@#!! AdAU F:Ad,"AUA0$L +V''( ˠŠҠ[))(! (c) 1981 SoftSide Publications`(j$' D:JACKRIPR