›› ****** ****** *******› * * * *› * * * *› ****** ****** *› * * *› * * *› * ****** *››Programmers Speech Tool››› Documentation file.› By Dean Garraghty›››@››The programmers speech tool.›Rev.1.00a by Dean Garraghty.›This is a public domain disk.››› This disk offers you the›opportunity to add speech to your›very own BASIC programs.You need no›extra hardware!! On this disk are›14 ready to use speech files,which›can easily be used in your programs›usng the loader modules,and›initializer included on this disk.›A little knolage of BASIC would be›useful,but is not neccessary.›››@›››THE INITIALIZER:›› This single program contains›the machine code routines for both›loading and playing the samples.›This must always be run before›using any speech.Line 50 should be›altered to load and run the program›which the speech is contained in.››E.g. RUN"D:PROG.BAS"››Don't forget to take the REM out›before saving this program to your›disk.Also erase line 60,55,56,57›before re-saving it to your disk.› The init. program is called:›› D:INIT.RUT››@››cont......››and should be called this when›saving it to your disk(after the›modifications listed above).Use:›› SAVE"D:INIT.RUT"››to save the program on your disk.›››@›››THE LOADER MODULES:›› These modules contain the›programs to load and play the ›samples.There is one program per›sample.All the modules start at ›line 10,but could be altered to fit›in your programs.Once the sample›has been loaded,it can be played›any number of times,anywhere in›your program.Line 110 contains the›sample player command,and this is›what is used to play the sample.›This command can be used any number›of times throughout your program.› The modules are in LIST format›so they can be merged with your›program.To merge one in type:››@›››cont......›› ENTER"D:NAME.LST"››NAME refers to the module name.A ›list of these is shown later on.› All the REM's should be erased›from the modules.Of course,the ›actual speech file has to be copied›from this disk,to your disk.This›can be done by using DOS 2.5 option›O.All speech files have the .SPL›extender.A list of filenames is ›given later on.›››@›››USING MORE THAN 1 SAMPLE AT A TIME:›› It is possible to have more›than one sample in memory at a›time.This means that more than one›phrase can be used in a program.›However,this is a little more›difficult,and will require the use›of a calculator(or a very good›brain!!).Before I can explain how›to do this,I will first have to›explain how the speech system ›works.› In the load section the OPEN#1›line contains the name of the ›speech file.The next line calls up›the M/C routine to load in the bits›at high speed.The next line closes›the input file.››@›cont.......›› The X=USR has 4 numbers in›brackets,separated by commas.The›first two numbers always remain the›same.The second two numbers are the›ones to be re-calculated.The first ›of these two numbers is the memory›start address for the sample.›The second is the file length.Each›module has a different 4th number,›becuase each sample is of a ›different length.› You should plan out which ›samples you will be using first.›The first sample to be strored›should be loaded at the address›which is preset(the 3rd number).›@›cont......››The 4th number should be the same.›The second sample to be loaded,›should be at address:›› 10240+4th number+1››The 4th number refers to the 4th›number of the first sample.This›will give you the load address for›the second sample.You can have as›many samples as you like.BUT there›is a limited amount of memory ›space.Look at the number of sectors›that each of your samples takes up›on the disk.Add these numbers.If›@›cont......››the number is less than 263 then›you will be o.k.Just follow the›instructions above for the 3rd,4th,›etc. samples to be used.Don't ›forget that each sample file you›use will have to be on your disk to›be able to use them.You will also›have to renumber the lines of the›modules for sample 2,3,4,etc. ›before merging in.Each sample will›need its own X=USR statement and›OPEN# statement,and CLOSE ›statement,so leave these in.And›that's about it for loading,now on›to the playing part.››@›cont......››This is nearly the same as the›loading process.Again the first 2›numbers in brackets are always the›same.The 3rd and 4th numbers are›the ones to alter.The 3rd number›is the starting PAGE,and the 4th›number is the ending PAGE.The page›number is the address number ›divided by 256(this is where the›calculator is useful!!).E.g.:›› the preset page is 40,and the›preset address is 10240. 10240/256›=40.›› The end page is the load ›length divided by 256 + the start›page.›@›cont......››If a page number turns out to be›a non-integer(i.e not a whole ›number) then round it off to the›down number.E.g.9.3 would become ›9.Now work out the start and end›pages for your samples,and note›these numbers so you know what›they are when you need to use the›sample.››Don't worry if you don't understand›all this.I've included an example›program on the disk,which uses more›than one sample.This can be run by›typing RUN"D:EXAMPLE".You should›press BREAK and then LIST it to›get an idea of how to use multiple›samples.›@››THE SAMPLE NAMES,MODULE NAMES AND ›THEIR CORRESPONDING SPEECH:››(This list should be noted down if›you don't have a printer).››SPEECH: SAMPLE MODULE› NAME NAME› (.SPL): (.LST):››GAME OVER GAMOVER GO›GREAT SCORE GRESCOR GS›WELL DONE WELDON WD›PRESS START›TO START AG. PSTSA PSTSA››PRESS FIRE›TO START AG. PFTSA PFTSA›@››cont......››PRESS ANY›KEY TO GO ON PAKTGO PAKTGO››THE END THEND TE›ERROR ERROR ERROR›HELLO HELLO HELLO›GOODBYE GOODBYE GOODBYE›GOOD LUCK GOLUCK GOLUCK››THIS PROG.›IS (c) TPIC TPIC››DISK ERROR DERR DERR›NOT AN OPT. NAO NAO›››@››cont......››The sample names have .SPL after›names listed.The modules have .LST›after the names listed.›››End of documentation.›(c)Dean Garraghty 1988.›10/11 Sept. 1988.››Note: the speech samples were›created using "REPLAY" from 2-bit›systems,Ltd. The runner code on›this disk is from 2-bit. These›facts should ALWAYS be mentioned›when using speech files from this›disk in your own programs.››@›››From:› Dean Garraghty,› 62,Thomson ave,› Balby,› DONCASTER,› DN4 0NU,› ENGLAND.››