?S I +AI(%════инструцтионс═фор═╖смоотх═оут╖════ ( (##( To load 'SMOOTH OUT' type:(6(6( ENTER>:@4, D:SMOOTH.LST>:@4,2K(H(= By doing this, you may merge this program with your own.K(<oo(f This program must be used with GTIA mode 9. It will smooth out the pixels so they don't lookF( too big.PoA(9 Type your program of your picture at lines 110-4999.D(o(% A demonstration can be seen by firstZYY(Q LOADing 'SMDEMO.BAS', then ENTERing the file 'SMOOTH.LST', and typing RUN.─ D:SMOOTH.BAS