SCREENS› by Joseph J. Wrobel› Copyright 1986››› Reference Manual››Foreword››Utilities are to programmers as tools›are to craftsmen. They are not an›end, but a means to an end. They do›not create, but aid in the process of›creation. "SCREENS" is a utility.›When it loads into your computer, it›doesn't "do" anything but increase›your potential. Novice programmers›will find it eases the implementation›of some tasks which would be rather›difficult to accomplish otherwise›(like freely mixing text with›graphics or restricting user input›fields). Advanced programmers will›find it provides an easy route to›professional looking software via the›definition of multiple independent›virtual screens. [For an example of›some of "SCREENS" capabilities, boot›up your system using the "SCREENS"›diskette (refer to the "Loading the›program" section below), then load›and run the BASIC program entitled›"DEMO".]››It is the purpose of this manual to›acquaint the novice and the advanced›programmer alike with the›capabilities and uses of "SCREENS".›The approach taken in Section 1 is to›introduce the features in a logical›order, with simple programming›examples accompanying the›introduction of each new feature.›Section 2 is a concise review of›"SCREENS" commands to be used as a›reference section once the user has›become familiar with the various›functions. Section 3 gets more into›the fundamental operation of›"SCREENS" and is primarily intended›for the inquisitive advanced›programmer.››Before we get started, the author›wishes to emphasize his strong desire›to make "SCREENS" not only a useful›utility but also a "used" utility.›Any suggestions for improvement in›the program or this manual are most›welcome. Further, the author is›willing to discuss any modification›or software development which may be›required for a specific commercial›application of "SCREENS".››"SCREENS" requires an ATARI 400, 800,›XL or XE computer with a minimum of›32 kilobytes of memory and a›compatible disk drive.››The source code for "SCREENS" was›edited and assembled using the›SynAssembler (copyright Synapse›Software) on a 48kB ATARI 800›computer system. This manual was›composed on an ATARI 520ST using›STWriter Elite (copyright Atari,›Inc.). ATARI is a trademark of Atari,›Inc.››› Table of contents›› Tutorial› Overview› Loading the program› Initial conditions› Opening a window› Window parameters› Printing to a window› Inputting from a window› Changing the parameters› Acceptable parameter values› Additional NOTE/POINT functions› Other XIO commands› Handler errors›› Reference›› Details› Introduction› Program installation› Memory usage› OS variables used›› Appendix A - Window image format›› Appendix B - Expanded font format›› Appendix C - Useful tables››› Tutorial››Overview››Each of the multiplicity of standard›display modes on ATARI computers›consist of columns and rows of›pixels; pixels are the smallest›discretely addressable picture›elements in the display. The number›of columns and rows and the size and›nature of the pixels vary from mode›to mode. For example, in GRAPHICS 24›the display consists of 320 columns›and 192 rows of fine pixels which can›either be on or off. In GRAPHICS 0,›the display consists of 40 columns›and 24 rows of pixels which actually›comprise characters for this display›mode.››One consistency across all the ATARI›display modes is the co-ordinate›system used to locate a pixel on the›display. The ATARI system designates›the leftmost pixel column of the›display as column 0 and the topmost›pixel row as row 0. Pixel positions›are then referenced to this origin.›Thus, a pixel which is in the tenth›column from the left and the fifth›row from the top is in column 9, row›4.››What "SCREENS" allows you to do is to›designate an arbitrary rectangular›area in a display as an independent›screen, or window, and to output to›or input from that window without›effecting the rest of the display.›The way you designate the area of the›display the window is to occupy is to›specify (1) the column and row pixel›position in standard co-ordinates of›the window's upper left corner and›(2) the number of columns and rows›the window is to contain.››Position and size are just two of the›characteristics you are able to›specify for each window. We'll›discuss the others later. But it›brings up the question of how you›communicate such information to the›system. The ATARI operating system›supports such communication through›its Central Input Output (CIO)›protocol. To take advantage of this›protocol, "SCREENS" installs a device›called "W:". This device handles all›the functions supported by "SCREENS"›including defining a window, writing›to it, reading from it and all the›special functions to be described›later.››ATARI BASIC provides a number of›commands which allow the programmer›to interface with CIO. These include›OPEN, CLOSE, GET, PUT, INPUT, PRINT,›ENTER, LIST, NOTE, POINT, STATUS and›XIO. Each of these functions can be›used with device "W:". In the›discussion which follows, these BASIC›commands will be used in examples›which demonstrate "SCREENS" features,›as it is assumed that the reader has›familiarity with ATARI BASIC. Of›course, any language which uses the›CIO protocol can communicate with›"W:" in an analogous fashion. The›details of this communication are›discussed in Section 3.››Loading the program››Turn on your disk drive. When the›busy light extinguishes, insert the›"SCREENS" program diskette in the›drive (label up and towards you) and›close the door. Turn the computer›power switch on (non-XL models should›have the BASIC cartridge installed).›The ATARI disk operating system (DOS)›and "SCREENS" will both autoload.›When the autoload is complete, the›program name will be displayed along›with the version number; below it the›copyright notice and the READY prompt›will appear.››"SCREENS" supports the use of the›ATARI 850 Interface; if you wish the›"R:" handler to be installed at›power-up, turn on the 850 Interface›before you power up your computer. It›will auto-load along with DOS and›"SCREENS".››"SCREENS" exists on your program›diskette as a file named AUTORUN.SYS.›Neither the diskette nor the file are›copy-protected. To transfer the›AUTORUN.SYS file to another diskette,›follow the DOS instructions for file›copying. On any ATARI DOS diskette to›which the "SCREENS" AUTORUN.SYS file›is copied, it is a wise precaution to›also create a MEM.SAV file. Without›it, a DOS call from BASIC will›corrupt the "W:" device handler.››Some DOSs do not support the›immediate loading and execution of›AUTORUN.SYS files on power-up. For›these DOSs, follow the instructions›for loading machine language files.››Initial conditions››Once "SCREENS" has auto-loaded, the›"W:" device handler is installed. It›will neither interfere with normal›system operation nor be lost on›SYSTEM RESET. The only noticeable›system difference (other than the›existence of "W:") is a 3311 byte›decrease in free RAM. It is in this›"stolen" RAM that the "W:" device›handler resides.››Opening a window››Before you can use a window, it must›first be opened. This is done,›logically enough, using the OPEN›statement. The format of the OPEN›statement for device "W:" is› OPEN #iocb_no,io_type,reset_flag,› device_id›where iocb_no is an integer from 1 to›8 which specifies the input-output›control block used to communicate›with the device being opened, io_type›is an integer which specifies the›direction of data flow (4=input,›8=output and 12=both), reset_flag is›an integer which, if non-zero, causes›the parameters of the opened device›to be reset and device_id is a string›constant or variable of the form›"W#:" where # specifies a unit number›from 1 through 9 ("W:" defaults to›"W1:").››That's a lot of words, which may›become easier to understand if we use›an example. Let's interpret the OPEN›statement:› OPEN #3,8,0,"W6:"›What it says is 'assign unit 6 of›device "W:" to IOCB 3 for output and›don't reset that unit's current›parameters'.››If we wanted the parameters reset, we›could change the statement to read› OPEN #3,8,1,"W6:"›If we further wanted to OPEN the›device for both input and output, we›would use› OPEN #3,12,1,"W6:"›We could also use variables in the›statement. For example,› IOCB=3:IOTYPE=12:RESET=1:A$="W6:"› OPEN #IOCB,IOTYPE,RESET,A$›is equivalent to the OPEN statement›in the previous paragraph which used›only constants.››To close a window, one issues the›CLOSE command. The format for this›command is simply› CLOSE #iocb_no›where iocb_no is the same number used›for opening the window. The result of›the CLOSE command is to close off the›previously opened CIO channel for›communication to the window and free›up that channel for other use.›Neither the display nor the window›state is altered by the CLOSE›command.››As noted above, device "W:" supports›units one through nine. This means›that up to nine independent windows›can be defined at any one time. Each›will have its own set of parameters.›The windows can be defined to overlap›on the display. If they do so, then›what happens in one may effect what's›displayed in the other. If you wish›to overlay windows in your program,›you have to be mindful of possible›interaction. "SCREENS" provides a way›for you to save individual windows›and recall them back to the display.›We'll describe that process later.››Window parameters››Right now let's discuss the›parameters which the user gets to set›for each window. There are fifteen›altogether. Four have to do with›window placement. Two determine›window position; the user sets the›pixel position (column and row) of›the upper left corner of the window.›Two determine window size; the user›sets width and height of the window›in pixels.››Seven parameters deal with the›display of text in the window. Two of›these determine character placement;›the user sets the row and column›offset in pixels from the upper left›corner of the window to the upper›left corner of the character cell of›the next character to be displayed.›These two parameters allow you to›position text randomly inside the›window. Two parameters determine›character size; the user sets the›height and width of the character›cell in pixels. The character cell is›the size of the box on the display›set aside for each character.››The three other parameters having to›do with text display are as follows.›One parameter is the base address of›the character set to be used. This›parameter can be changed to take›advantage of user-defined character›sets. One parameter is a flag which›tells the device whether the selected›character set is defined as an 8 by 8›matrix (like the standard ROM›character set) or whether it is a›specially designed 16 by 16 higher›resolution set ("SOFT.SET", an›example of a 16 by 16 font, is on›your "SCREENS" diskette). One›parameter sets the color to be used›to display the character; it is›analogous to the BASIC COLOR›parameter but applies only to text›printed in the window.››The four remaining parameters do a›variety of useful things. One›parameter is the ASCII value of the›character to be used as the cursor›when receiving input from a window;›the cursor can also be turned off.›One parameter sets the logic to be›used when displaying a character; you›have the choice of AND, EOR, OR or›overwrite. This effects the way a›character is printed atop information›which may already exist on the›display. One parameter locks the›window to prevent it from clearing or›scrolling. Finally, one parameter is›the value of np_index; the use of›this parameter will be discussed›later.››When the user specifies that the›window parameters be reset when a›window is opened, the parameters take›on the following values. The upper›left corner of the window is set to›the upper left corner of the display.›The window size is set to the maximum›window size (320 by 192). The›character cell is placed in the upper›left corner of the window and sized›to 8 by 8. The base address of the›character set is set to that of the›ROM set, and the character size flag›is zeroed indicating an 8 by 8›matrix. The character color is set to›255, which is interpreted as COLOR 1›in a two-color mode, COLOR 3 in a›four color mode, and so on. The input›cursor is an inverse space, the›display logic is overwrite, the›window is unlocked and np_index is›zero.››Printing to a window››Let's write a little program to see›what all of this means. We'll use›graphics mode 8 as our display mode›and write "HELLO" to the graphics›display.› 10 GRAPHICS 8› 20 OPEN #1,8,1,"W:"› 80 PRINT #1;"HELLO"› 150 CLOSE #1› 160 END››If you run this program with›"SCREENS" installed, you will find›that, as advertised, the word "HELLO"›shows up in the upper left hand›corner of the display. Note that the›text looks just like standard ATARI›text because we are using the ROM›character set and printing into an 8›by 8 character cell, the same as is›used in the GRAPHICS 0 text mode.››You should have expected the "H" to›show up where it did on the display.›As was stated, when the parameters›are reset, the window and the›character cell are placed in the›upper left corner of the display. But›what about the rest of "HELLO"? Note›that each character is positioned one›character cell width to the right of›the preceding character›automatically. That is, the›parameters which specify character›placement are automatically adjusted›after each character is displayed to›point to the next character cell to›be filled.››Add two lines to our sample program›by typing› 60 FOR X=1 TO 2› 90 NEXT X›pressing RETURN after each line. Now›run the program again. Note that the›second "HELLO" prints right below the›first. "W:" treats the end-of-line›character generated at the end of the›first PRINT statement just like the›text editor does in GRAPHICS 0; it›positions the next character at the›beginning of the next line on the›display. The only other character›which has a special effect on the›window is the clear display›character, ASCII 125. If the window›is not locked, sending this character›to a window will cause the window to›clear and the character position to›be set to the upper left corner of›the window.››Add another line to our sample›program by typing› 70 PUT #1,125›and pressing RETURN. Now run the›program again. Note that the window›cleared between printing the first›and second "HELLO" and that the›second "HELLO" printed at the top›left corner of the display.››Now type LIST "W:" and press RETURN.›Note that the program is listed on›the display right below the "HELLO".›Why does this happen? Well, when›BASIC lists a program to a device, it›first opens it. This process does not›reset "W:". Hence the "W:" device›handler remembers where the next›character was to be placed and›continues on from there.››List the program to "W:" a few more›times. What happens when the text›reaches the bottom of the graphics›display? Scrolling! Logic is built›in to "W:" which scrolls the text in›the window whenever you attempt to›print beyond the bottom of the›window. As noted above, this can be›overridden by locking the window in›case scrolling is not desired.››Now let's modify our program a bit.›Type› 10 GRAPHICS 7›and press RETURN. Now run the program›again. Note that the character cell›size is still 8 by 8 and the›characters themselves are still from›the standard ATARI set, but now they›are bigger and in color. The›difference is due to the difference›in pixel size and type between›graphic modes 7 and 8.››List the program to "W:" twice and›watch the window scroll. Note that›again it does so when the text›reaches the bottom of the graphics›display. Because of the coarser›resolution of graphics mode 7,›however, less lines are printed›before scrolling must occur. But "W:"›knew that and scrolled when it had›to! That's because "W:" checks its›size and position relative to the›current graphics mode every time a›character is printed. If the graphics›mode is changed between characters›such that the boundaries of the›window now exceed the boundaries of›the display, the window is re-sized›automatically. Thus, although we›started out by resetting the window›size to 320 columns by 192 rows, just›before the first character was›displayed (the "H" from "HELLO) the›window was re-sized to fit in›graphics mode 7, i.e. to 160 columns›by 80 rows.›What happens now if we switch back to›GRAPHICS 8? Let's find out. Type› GRAPHICS 8›and press RETURN. Now list the›program to "W:" a few times. Note›that "W:" retains the smaller window›size that it was forced into while›printing to the graphics 7 display.››One further feature of the text›output function of "W:" is that it›responds to the control-1 protocol,›i.e. text display is interrupted if›the "1" key is pressed while the›CONTROL key is depressed and then›continues when this process is›repeated. List the program to "W:"›again and try it out.››Inputting from a window››The input function supported by the›"W:" device handler employs the›keyboard handler to actually get›characters from the keyboard and then›displays them using the window's›current character color, size, font›and display logic. When input is done›through a window, all characters›entered at the keyboard (with a few›exceptions) are accepted as input,›printed to the window and returned to›the calling program. The following›program is a simple example of›inputting through a window. Clear the›previous program, then type this›program in and run it.›› 10 GRAPHICS 7› 30 OPEN #1,12,1,"W:"› 80 GET #1,X:? CHR$(27);CHR$(X);:› IF X<>155 THEN 80› 90 CLOSE #1› 140 END››In this example, the GET command is›used to input one character at a›time. The returned character is then›printed in the text window as a check›that the input function is working›properly. Type a number of different›characters from the keyboard to see›how the program functions. Pressing›the RETURN key, the BREAK key or›control-3 ends the program.››There are two keys which act as›editing keys during input. The›"delete back space" key backs up the›displayed cursor one character cell›and, if the window is using overwrite›display logic, erases the previous›character. The returned ASCII value›for this key is 126. The "clear" key,›when pressed while SHIFT or CONTROL›is depressed, moves the cursor to the›beginning of the line and, if the›window is using overwrite display›logic, clears the current input line.›The returned ASCII value for these›key combinations is 125. Try running›the sample program again and note the›behavior of these editing keys.››Now let's add some lines to our›sample program to demonstrate some›additional input features. The›following two lines will limit the›size of our input window to 128›pixels across by 8 pixels high. Since›we are using the default 8 by 8›character cell size, this will limit›our window to one line of 16›characters. Type the following› 40 XIO 100,#1,1,0,"W:"› 50 X=128:Y=8:POINT #1,X,Y›pressing RETURN after each line.››The next two lines will change our›input cursor to the underline›character. Type the following› 60 XIO 100,#1,6,0,"W:"› 70 X=ASC("_"):Y=0:POINT #1,X,Y›pressing RETURN after each line.››Now let's set up to enter a string›from BASIC. Type the following› 20 DIM A$(15)› 80 INPUT #1,A$›pressing RETURN after each line.››Finally, let's print out the returned›string in the text window after›inputting it from "W:". Type the›following› 100 FOR I=1 TO LEN(A$)› 110 PRINT CHR$(27);A$(I,I);› 120 NEXT I› 130 PRINT›pressing RETURN after each line.››Now run the program and experiment›with entering data and using the›editing keys. Note that if fifteen or›fewer characters are entered and then›the RETURN key is pressed, the›receiving string variable (A$)›correctly holds the entered data. If›more than fifteen characters are›entered before RETURN is pressed, the›window scrolls and the additional›characters are displayed in the input›window. They are not returned into›A$, however, because they don't fit›in the fifteen character dimensioned›length of A$. Note also the effect of›the editing keys. Their major effect›is on the display; no characters are›removed from the string returned to›A$, although some are removed from›the display. The ASCII characters of›the editing keys are returned,›however, and they may be used in a›"smart" input routine to re-construct›the correct input value.›››The following is a such a "smart"›input routine. It is set up to input›a device and filename, such as›"D2:FILENAME.EXT". The maximum number›of characters to be input is fifteen.›The routine uses the GET function to›accept characters from the window and›properly responds to the use of the›two editing functions. Type in the›following lines› 10 GRAPHICS 8:MAX=15:› DIM IN$(MAX+1)› 20 OPEN #1,12,1,"W:"› 30 XIO 100,#1,0,0,"W:":› X=96:Y=72:POINT #1,X,Y› 40 PRINT #1;" Device & name:"› 50 X=96:Y=80:POINT #1,X,Y› 60 XIO 100,#1,1,0,"W:":› X=8*(MAX+1):Y=8:POINT #1,X,Y› 70 XIO 100,#1,6,0,"W:":› X=ASC("_"):Y=0:POINT #1,X,Y› 80 TRAP 170› 90 I=1:IN$=""› 100 GET #1,X› 110 IF X=125 THEN 90› 120 IF X=126 AND I=1 THEN 100› 130 IF X=126 AND I>1 THEN I=I-1:› IN$(I)="":GOTO 100› 140 IF X=155 THEN 170› 150 IN$(I)=CHR$(X):I=I+1:› IF I=MAX+2 THEN 90› 160 GOTO 100› 170 TRAP 40000› 180 CLOSE #1› 190 PRINT IN$› 200 END›pressing RETURN after each line. Now›run the program and check it out.››This piece of code can easily be›modified to act as an input›subroutine in any BASIC program. See›also the "GETDEMO" program on your›"SCREENS" diskette.››Changing the parameters››The user can change any and all of›the individual window parameters at›any time, providing the window is›open. And likewise, the user can›check on the current value of any of›the parameters of any open window.›The protocol for doing either›operation starts by issuing an XIO›command to the window of interest.›The form of the XIO command for this›purpose is› XIO 100,#iocb_no,np_index,0,› device_id›Both iocb_no and device_id have been›described previously. The variable›np_index is an integer number from 0›to 10. It tells the window which›parameters you wish to read or set.›The table below is a partial list of›allowed np_index values and the›associated window parameters.››np_index parameters› 0......window position› (column & row)› 1......window size› (width & height)› 2......character position› (column & row)› 3......character cell size› (width & height)› 4......character set address› & size› 5......character color &› display logic› 6......cursor character› 7......lock flag››The way the individual parameters are›read and written is through the use›of NOTE and POINT, respectively. For›example, if you wished to set the›character cell size for a given›window to 13 pixels wide by 19 pixels›high, you would first execute the XIO›100 command with np_index set to 3.›Assuming the window was opened›through IOCB 2, you would then›execute the following statement› X=13:Y=19:POINT #2,X,Y›(Recall that ATARI BASIC does not›allow the use of numeric constants in›the arguments of the POINT statement,›i.e. the statement POINT #2,13,19›would generate a syntax error.) The›next character printed would fill a›13 by 19 pixel cell.››Clear the previous program, then›enter a new program by typing› 10 GRAPHICS 7› 20 OPEN #1,8,1,"W:"› 30 XIO 100,#1,3,0,"W:"› 40 X=13:Y=19:POINT #1,X,Y› 50 XIO 100,#1,5,0,"W:"› 60 FOR X=1 TO 3› 70 Y=0:POINT #1,X,Y› 80 PRINT #1;"HELLO"› 90 NEXT X› 150 CLOSE #1› 160 END›pressing RETURN after each line. Now›run the program. Note that the›characters in the word "HELLO" are›printed in cells that are thirteen›pixels wide and nineteen pixels high.›Also, the three "HELLO"'s are all›different colors due to the POINT›statement in line 70.››When you want to check on a window›parameter, use the NOTE command. For›example, in the case of window size,›the value of np_index would first be›set to 1 by executing the XIO 100›command. Then, assuming the window›was opened through IOCB 1, executing›the following command› NOTE #1,X,Y›would place the column position of›the upper left corner of the window›in X and the row position in Y.››Add another three lines to the sample›program by typing› 100 XIO 100,#1,1,0,"W:"› 130 NOTE #1,X,Y› 140 PRINT X,Y›pressing RETURN after each line. Now›run the program again. Note that the›window width and height are correctly›printed out as 160 and 80›respectively.››Not all the parameters are passed in›pairs. For example, in the case of›the cursor character only a single›value is passed. In such cases, only›the first parameter in the POINT›command has meaning, the second›parameter is arbitrary, and the NOTE›command will always return zero as›the value of the second parameter.››The value of np_index is readable via›the STATUS statement. Assuming a›window was opened through IOCB 4, you›could read the current value of›np_index for that window by executing›the statement› STATUS #4,X›which would place the current value›of np_index into the variable X.››Modify the sample program by typing› 110 STATUS #1,N› 120 PRINT N,›pressing RETURN after each line. Run›the program again. The value of›np_index is displayed along with the›window width and height.››Acceptable parameter values››ATARI BASIC restricts the first›parameter passed in the POINT›statement to be an integer from 0 to›32767 inclusive; the first value›returned by NOTE can be an integer›from 0 to 65535 inclusive. The second›argument of both statements must be›an integer from 0 to 255 inclusive.›Any value within these limits can be›passed to the device "W:" without›generating an error. However, if the›values passed are out of range for a›given parameter they may be modified›or ignored.››The maximum values for window›position and size depend on the›display mode resolution. In turn, the›maximum values for character position›and size depend on window size (note:›maximum character width is 255›regardless of window size). Before a›character is printed to the display,›these values are checked. If the›column/row position equals or exceeds›the number of columns/rows supported,›then that parameter is set to zero.›If either size parameter exceeds the›maximum allowable value, then it is›set to that maximum. If any size›parameter is set to zero by the user,›it will be set to one by the›handler.››The character base pointer can be any›address from 0 to 65535; it does not›have to be on any particular memory›boundary. Because of the above-noted›limitation in the POINT statement,›there is a problem in passing values›greater than 32767. To get around›this problem, the second argument of›the POINT statement is employed. The›most significant bit in the second›argument is ORed with the most›significant bit of the high order›byte of the passed address. Thus, in›order to pass a character base›address greater than 32767, use the›following bit of BASIC code› X=ADDRESS:Y=SIZE› IF X>32767 THEN X=X-32768:Y=Y+128› POINT #1,X,Y›Since only the least significant bit›of the second argument is used to›indicate the character set size, the›addition of 128 will not alter its›effect.››Character color can be set to any›number from 0 to 255 inclusive. If a›larger number is passed, only the›least significant byte is kept. All›eight bits of this byte are stored,›but when a character is displayed›only those bits needed to specify›color in the active graphics mode are›used. For example, in graphics mode›eight, only the least significant bit›controls the color; in graphics mode›seven, the two least significant bits›are used; and so on.››The valid values for character›display logic range from 0 to 3›inclusive; a larger value may be›passed, but only the two least›significant bits are kept. The table›below shows the logic type associated›with each legal value›› value logic› 0......overwrite› 1......and› 2......or› 3......exclusive-or››Overwrite means that the bit map of›the character cell to be displayed›replaces the data previously present›on that segment of the display. AND›means that the bit map of the›character cell to be displayed is›logically ANDed with the current›display data on a a bit by bit basis,›and the result displayed. Thus, a bit›will be set only if it is on in both›the character cell and the previous›display. The OR and EXCLUSIVE-OR›options behave like the AND option›except the logic used to create the›actual display is different. With OR,›a bit is set if it is on in either›the character cell or the previous›display. With EXCLUSIVE-OR, a bit in›the display is unchanged if the›corresponding bit in the character›cell is zero and inverted if the›corresponding bit is one. The›exclusive-or operation is reversible;›writing the same character twice to›the same location using exclusive-or›logic results in a return to the›original display.››Attractive text displays can be›created by mixing and overlaying text›using different display logic. To›view some, load and run the BASIC›program named "LOGIC" from your›"SCREENS" diskette. This BASIC›program demonstrates just a few›possibilities; you can explore others›by modifying the DATA statements.››The cursor character can take on any›value from 0 to 255 inclusive. If a›larger value is passed, only the›least significant byte is kept. A›value of 155 for the cursor character›indicates that no cursor is to be›displayed.››The window lock flag is either 0 or›1; passing any value other than zero›causes the parameter to be set to›one, i.e. the window is locked.›Locking the window has three distinct›effects: (1) the window will not›clear; printing an ASCII 125 to the›window will cause the ATASCII symbol›for this character to be displayed,›(2) the window will not scroll;›attempting to print past the bottom›of the window will cause the text to›wrap around on the bottom line and›(3) the frame drawn with the XIO 102›command (see below) will invert the›data under the frame instead of›writing over it.››Additional NOTE/POINT functions››There are three additional NOTE/POINT›functions beyond those described in›the previous two sections. These are›treated separately because they do›not deal with window characteristics.›Rather, they are used to store and›retrieve window images to and from›memory. The table below gives the›three additional values of np_index›and the parameters associated with›the NOTE and POINT commands when›these values are in effect.›› np_index NOTE/POINT parameters› 8......byte count/store address› above with compression› 10......start address/retrieve› address››When np_index is set to 8, the NOTE›function will return as its first›argument the amount of memory space›required in bytes to store the image›of the window in memory; zero is›always returned for the second›argument. If the user wishes to store›away the window, sufficient memory›must be allocated somewhere in RAM.›This can be done by dimensioning a›string variable of sufficient size to›hold the image or by employing unused›RAM. To store away the window, the›user now executes a POINT command›(with np_index still equal to 8)›having its first argument equal to›the starting address of the allocated›RAM. For memory addresses greater›than 32767, the user must employ the›second argument as described in the›paragraph above which discussed the›character base pointer.››The use of NOTE and POINT when›np_index is set to nine is identical›to that described in the previous›paragraph. The difference in behavior›is that when np_index equals nine,›the window image is stored in a›compressed format. Most often this›will result in a significantly›smaller RAM requirement to store the›window. Sometimes, however, when a›window image is sufficiently complex,›the attempt at compression will›actually require more space. The user›should routinely check both methods›of storage, and select the one which›requires the lesser RAM space.››When a window is stored in RAM, it is›not automatically erased from the›display. In fact, there is no›modification of the display. By›storing a window away, however, the›user can now modify the display at›will knowing that the image has been›stored away and can be recalled›intact later. Once the window image›is transferred to RAM, it can even be›stored on cassette or disk. Other›programs can recall that window image›into RAM and then transfer the image›to the display.››The window image is retrieved from›RAM using the POINT command with›np_index set to 10. All the user must›do is set the first argument equal to›the RAM address at which the window›resides. Once again, if the address›is greater than 32767, the second›argument is used to indicate that›condition. The same command is used›whether the image was stored with or›without compression. The "W:" handler›is able to distinguish the two types›of storage and reconstruct the window›image from either.››Note that when a window is retrieved,›it does not have to be retrieved to›the same IOCB or to the same device›unit, i.e. a window stored from "W3:"›does not have to be retrieved to›"W3:". Further, the window to which›the image is retrieved need not be›the same size or use the same›graphics mode as the window from›which the image was stored. When a›window image is stored, information›about its size is stored along with›it. When the image is retrieved it›will be automatically sized to fit›the current window and the image›pixels will be modified, if›necessary, to be compatible with the›current graphics mode. This is a very›powerful feature of "SCREENS" which›can be used to reduce or expand›images and combine images from›multiple sources.››The logic used when retrieving a›window image to the display is›determined by the same parameter›which determines the character›display logic. It is set, as›described previously, by using the›XIO 100 command with np_index set to›5. The display logic values are›interpreted the same for window›retrieval as for character display.›Thus, a retrieved window image can›overwrite or logically AND, OR or›EXCLUSIVE-OR with the current display›data.››The last function to be discussed is›the use of the NOTE command with›np_index set to 10. In this case, the›value returned for the first›parameter is the starting address of›the "W:" handler in RAM; zero is›always returned for the second›parameter. Since the handler does not›need to reside at a set address, this›function is a convenience for those›users who need to know the handler's›exact RAM location.››Other XIO commands››There are two additional XIO commands›recognized by the "W:" handler›besides the XIO 100 command used to›set np_index. These are XIO 101 and›XIO 102. Both can be used to frame›the current window, but they act in›somewhat different fashions.››When the XIO 101 command is issued›with both parameters set to zero, a›solid frame is drawn, one pixel wide,›at the inside boundary of the window.›The frame is actually part of the›window and will be cleared, scrolled›and stored along with the rest of the›window. If the first parameter is›non-zero then the boundaries of the›window are first moved out that›number of pixels before the frame is›drawn. If the second parameter is›non-zero then the boundaries of the›window are moved in that number of›pixels after the frame is drawn.›Thus, assuming the window is not at›the outer boundaries of the display,›one could draw a frame one pixel wide›just outside the current window›boundaries by using the command› XIO 101,#1,1,1,"W:"›The window will grow by one pixel in›all directions, the frame will be›drawn inside that new boundary, then›the window will be reduced to its›original size.››When the XIO 102 command is issued›with both parameters set to zero, all›the data inside the window is›inverted, i.e. all the bits which are›0 are set to 1 and all the bits that›are 1 are set to 0. If the first›parameter is non-zero then the›boundaries of the window are first›moved out that number of pixels›before the window is inverted. If the›second parameter is non-zero then the›boundaries of the window are moved in›that number of pixels after the frame›is inverted, and then the window is›inverted again inside its new›boundaries. Thus, assuming the window›is not at the outer boundaries of the›display, one could draw a frame one›pixel wide just outside the current›window boundaries by using the›command› XIO 102,#1,1,1,"W:"›The window will grow by one pixel in›all directions, the image will be›inverted inside that boundary, then›the window will be reduced to its›original size and inverted again.››Note that there is a distinct›difference between drawing the frame›this way using XIO 102 as opposed to›employing the XIO 101 command. Using›XIO 102, you have not destroyed the›image which previously resided in the›area which is now "frame" since it›has just been inverted and not›overwritten. (Note: this is also true›for the XIO 101 command if the window›is locked.) The process can be›reversed by repeating the same XIO›102 command used to draw the frame,›and the display is now returned to›its original condition. Furthermore,›the size of the frame drawn by the›XIO 102 command is a function of the›size of the arguments. To draw a›frame four pixels wide, use the›command› XIO 102,#1,4,4,"W:"›The command› XIO 101,#1,4,4,"W:"›on the other hand, will draw a single›pixel frame spaced four pixels away›from the edges of the original›window.››As with all XIO commands, the values›of the two parameters are limited to›integers from 0 through 255›inclusive.››Handler errors››The only error generated by the "W:"›device handler is ERROR 146. This›error will occur in two situations:›(1) an attempt to use an unsupported›XIO command, e.g. XIO›122,#1,0,0,"W:", or (2) an attempt to›set np_index to a value greater than›ten, e.g. XIO 100,#1,43,0,"W:". The›handler will "pass along" the ERROR›136 which is generated if a control-3›is entered while inputting text from›"W:". Also, if the BREAK key is›pressed during input or output, the›program will be STOPPED.››› Reference››character color››the color used to display each›character. Set/read as the first›argument of the POINT/NOTE command›executed with np_index set to five.››character display logic››determines how a character or›retrieved window merges with data on›a display. Set/read as the second›argument of the POINT/NOTE command›executed with np_index set to five.› value logic› 0......overwrite› 1......and› 2......or› 3......exclusive-or››character font››bit map of the character set to be›displayed. The starting address of›the character font is set/read as the›first argument of the POINT/NOTE›command executed with np_index set to›four. If the address is greater than›32767, it can be passed with the›POINT command by using the following›BASIC code› IF X>32767 THEN X=X-32768:Y=Y+128› POINT #1,X,Y››character position››the offset in pixels from the upper›left corner of the window to the›upper left corner of the next›character cell to be filled. The›horizontal and vertical offsets are›set/read as the first and second›arguments of the POINT/NOTE command›executed with np_index set to two.››character size››the size in pixels of the character›cell. The height and width are›set/read as the first and second›arguments of the POINT/NOTE command›executed with np_index set to three.››clearing a window››is performed by outputting an ASCII›125 in a PRINT or PUT command, e.g.›PUT #1,125. When a window is cleared,›the window area is blanked (all›display data set to zero) and the›character position is automatically›set to zero horizontal and vertical›offset. If a window is locked, the›window will not be cleared and the›"SHIFT CLEAR" symbol will be›displayed.››closing a window››is performed with the CLOSE command,›e.g. CLOSE #1. Neither the window›parameters nor the display is›effected.››cursor character››is the character displayed as a›cursor when inputting from a window.›The ASCII value of this character is›set/read as the first argument of the›POINT/NOTE command executed with›np_index set to six. If its value is›155, then no cursor is displayed.››font size››is set/read as the second argument of›the POINT/NOTE command executed with›np_index set to four. A value of 0›indicates an 8 by 8 character set,›any other value indicates a 16 by 16›character set.››framing a window››is performed using either the XIO 101›or XIO 102 command, e.g. XIO›101,#1,0,0,"W:" could be used to draw›a frame just inside the current›window boundary. See the section on›"Other XIO commands" for variations.››handler location››is read as the first argument of the›NOTE command executed with np_index›set to 10. Its value is the starting›address of the RAM memory occupied by›the "W:" handler.››inputting text from a window››is performed using the GET or INPUT›statement, e.g. GET #1,X. The data›returned are the ASCII values of the›keyboard input. As the data is input,›it is displayed using the currently›defined character set, size, color›and logic.››inverting a window››is performed using the XIO 102›command, e.g. XIO 102,#1,0,0,"W:".›All the bits in the window are›inverted, i.e. all zeroes become›ones, all ones become zeroes.››loading a window image from disk››is performed in a three step process.›First, the initial two bytes of the›image file must be read to determine›the window image size. Then a space›in memory must be located of›sufficient size to hold the data.›Finally, the remainder of the data is›read from the file into memory. The›following BASIC code demonstrates›this process.› OPEN #1,4,0,"D:FILENAME.WDW"› GET #1,L:GET #1,H:SIZE=256*H+L› DIM IMAGE$(SIZE)› IMAGE$(1)=CHR$(L)› IMAGE$(2)=CHR$(H)› FOR I=3 TO SIZE:GET #1,X› IMAGE$(I)=CHR$(X):NEXT I› CLOSE #1››loading window parameters from disk››assumes the data has been stored in a›file as described under "saving›window parameters to disk". The›following BASIC code demonstrates the›process.› OPEN #1,12,1,"W:"› OPEN #2,4,0,"D:FILENAME.PRM"› FOR I=0 TO 7› XIO 100,#1,I,0,"W:"› INPUT #2,X:INPUT #2,Y› IF X>32767 THEN X=X-32768:Y=Y+128› POINT #1,X,Y:NEXT I› CLOSE #1:CLOSE #2››locked & unlocked window status››is determined by the state of the›window lock flag. This flag is›set/read as the first argument of the›POINT/NOTE command executed with›np_index set to seven. A value of 0›indicates an unlocked window; any›other value indicates a locked›window.››np_index››is set as the first argument of the›XIO 100 command, e.g. XIO›100,#1,7,0,"W:". Its value can be›read using the STATUS command, e.g.›STATUS #1,X. Valid values for›np_index are zero through ten›inclusive.››opening a window››is accomplished using the OPEN›command, e.g. OPEN #1,8,1,"W:". The›window parameters are reset if the›third argument is non-zero, as it is›in the example, otherwise they are›unchanged.››overlaying windows››can be accomplished by (1) opening›the window to overlay the current›display and defining its parameters,›(2) storing the current window›contents to RAM, then (3) clearing›the window. The window can now be›printed to, input from, etc. When the›use of the overlay window is›complete, the previously stored›window image is retrieved from RAM›with overwrite display logic and the›overlay window closed.››printing text to a window››is performed using the PUT or PRINT›statement, e.g. PUT #1,X. The data›output to "W:" are the ASCII values›of the characters to be displayed.›They are displayed using the›currently defined character set,›size, color and logic. Two special›characters are recognized: ASCII 125›which clears the window and ASCII 155›which causes a display "carriage›return/line feed", moving the›character position to the beginning›of the following line.››retrieving a window from RAM››is accomplished using the POINT›command with np_index set to ten. The›first argument is the address in RAM›of the window image data. The›following BASIC code is an example of›this process.› X=ADR(IMAGE$):Y=0› IF X>32767 THEN X=X-32768:Y=Y+128› POINT #1,X,Y››saving a window image to disk››is accomplished by saving to disk›that part of RAM into which the›window image has been stored.› OPEN #1,8,0,"D:FILENAME.WDW"› PRINT #1;IMAGE$;› CLOSE #1›See "storing a window image to RAM".››saving window parameters to disk››is accomplished by reading the›parameters using the NOTE function›and writing them to a file. The›following BASIC code demonstrates the›process.› OPEN #1,12,0,"W:"› OPEN #2,8,0,"D:FILENAME.PRM"› FOR I=0 TO 7› XIO 100,#1,I,0,"W:"› NOTE #1,X,Y› PRINT #2;X:PRINT #2;Y› NEXT I› CLOSE #1:CLOSE #2››storing a window image to RAM››is performed in a three step process.›First, the window image size is›determined by using the NOTE command›with np_index set to eight (normal)›or nine (compressed). Then a space in›memory is reserved of sufficient size›to hold the data. Finally, the window›image is transferred to RAM using the›POINT command with np_index set to›eight or nine. The following BASIC›code demonstrates this process.› XIO 100,#1,8,0,"W:"› NOTE #1,NSIZE,DUMMY› XIO 100,#1,9,0,"W:"› NOTE #1,CSIZE,DUMMY› SIZE=CSIZE:TYPE=9› IF NSIZE32767 THEN X=X-32768:Y=Y+128› POINT #1,X,Y››window position››the offset in pixels from the upper›left corner of the display to the›upper left corner of the window. The›horizontal and vertical offsets are›set/read as the first and second›arguments of the POINT/NOTE command›executed with np_index set to zero.››window size››the size in pixels of the window. The›height and width are set/read as the›first and second arguments of the›POINT/NOTE command executed with›np_index set to one.››› Details››Introduction››The purpose of this section is to›provide some additional details on›the structure and workings of the›"W:" device handler. No additional›features will be described. The›information will be most useful to›those interested in non-BASIC›applications or applications which›require the handler to be co-resident›with other software. This section is›not meant to be tutorial in nature;›many sections assume an intimate›knowledge of the ATARI operating›system.››Program installation››The "W:" device handler resides in a›33 sector AUTORUN.SYS file. This file›loads into RAM at starting address›$6C00 (the 27kB boundary). It›initially occupies just under 4kB of›RAM space. The starting address was›chosen so that, in a multiple file›boot, "SCREENS" would load beyond any›non-relocatable application with›which it was merged, yet be›compatible with a 32kB system.››The application is installed by an›INIT routine which is later›jettisoned. This routine's primary›functions are to (1) load the 850›interface module handler if the 850›is connected and powered up, (2)›relocate the "W:" device handler so›that it begins at the current MEMLO›address, (3) adjust all the absolute›memory addresses in the handler code›to adapt to its new location and (4)›point the DOSINI vector to the›handler initialization routine. The›handler initialization routine, which›after installation is vectored to on›SYSTEM RESET, first does a JSR to the›vector which had been in DOSINI just›prior to installation of the "W:"›handler. It then re-installs the›device in the handler table,›repositions MEMLO to just beyond the›device handler code and resets the›parameters for all nine device›units.››The application also has a RUN vector›which points to a routine which puts›the program title, the version number›and the copyright notice on the›display. This RUN routine is not›critical to handler operation. Thus,›the "W:" handler AUTORUN.SYS file›need not be the final file in a›compound AUTORUN.SYS file, i.e. its›RUN routine does not need precedence.›Although some thought has been given›to compatibility with other AUTORUN›programs, certainly there are cases›which will not yield to a simple›merging of the files. In particular,›any file which does not relocate yet›has a RUN routine which must be›executed cannot be easily merged.››Memory usage››Once it is installed, the "W:" device›handler uses only two blocks of RAM.›The largest block, of course, is the›3311 bytes occupied by the handler›itself. Because the handler is›relocatable, the position of the›block is not fixed. For this reason,›the NOTE function with np_index set›to ten was designed to provide the›starting address of the handler›routine.››The other block of employed memory is›on page zero. Thirty-two bytes from›$E0 to $FF inclusive are used as›working space whenever the "W:"›device is accessed. Other routines›can use this zero-page memory with›impunity, however, because the "W:"›handler puts the values found there›in temporary storage while it's›working, then restores them when it›has completed its job. The only›necessary precaution is with›interrupt routines; if an interrupt›routine employs any of the handler's›zero page locations, it must do so in›a fashion which restores them to›their original value when the›interrupt is complete.››OS variables used››The "W:" handler relies on the›following operating system variables›to be used as described in the OS›Technical Users' Notes: BOTSCR,›BRKKEY, DINDEX, DOSINI, HATABS,›ICAX1Z, ICAX2Z, ICAX3, ICAX4, ICAX5,›ICCOMT, ICCOMZ, ICDNO, ICDNOZ, MEMLO,›SAVMSC, SIOCB, SIOV, SSFLAG. Some of›these variables rate individual›attention.›SAVMSC is assumed to point to the›first byte of the memory mapped›display. BOTSCR and DINDEX together›are used to describe the current›graphics display mode; they determine›the display and pixel size used by›the "W:" handler. Note that the›handler does not recognize mixed mode›displays other than the standard›graphics modes with text windows.›Using "W:" in a custom mixed mode›display is possible, but tricky,›since only a single resolution and›display size is assumed. Manipulation›of SAVMSC and DINDEX will give you›some degree of control.››ICCOMZ contains the function number›of "special" commands. This applies›to the XIO function number. This also›applies to the "special" commands›NOTE and POINT. The NOTE command uses›the function number $26; the POINT›command uses the function number›$25.››ICAX1Z and ICAX2Z are where CIO puts›the values passed in the first and›second arguments respectively of the›OPEN and XIO commands. The values›passed with the NOTE and POINT›commands are placed in locations›ICAX3, ICAX4 and ICAX5. In›particular, ICAX3 and ICAX4 contain›the low and high byte respectively of›the first argument; ICAX5 contains›the value of the second argument.››One point already mentioned numerous›times is the limitation ATARI BASIC›puts on the value which may be passed›as the first argument of an XIO›command. This necessitated some›additional code when the value›exceeded 32767. The way the handler›determines the value of the high byte›of the first argument passed by an›XIO command is using the following›code› LDA ICAX5,X› AND #$80› ORA ICAX4,X›The most significant bit of the first›argument (ICAX5) may effect the high›byte of the first argument (ICAX4).››› Appendix A››Window image format››The window image is comprised of two›parts - an eight byte header and the›actual image data. The first two›bytes of the header are the low and›high bytes respectively of the count›of the total number of bytes in the›window image, including header. The›next two bytes of the header are the›low and high bytes respectively of›the number of pixel columns in the›window. The next two bytes of the›header are the low and high bytes›respectively of the number of pixel›rows in the window. The next byte of›the header is the number bits per›pixel in the window; sixteen is added›to this number if the window data is›in compressed format. The final byte›of the header is a mask byte showing›where the valid window data begins in›the first image data byte. This mask›is necessary because the window image›is not "left-justified" inside the›image data, i.e. it does not›necessarily begin at a byte boundary.›Thus, it is necessary to indicate›where the valid image data begins.›This is done by the bits which are›set in the mask byte.››In the uncompressed storage format,›all bytes in a line which hold any›part of the window image are stored›in order from left to right. Image›data is stored in a line by line›format, top to bottom, just as it›appears in the display RAM. This is›akin to the "standard" method of›storing an ATARI graphics image. In›fact, appending the appropriate›header to a "standard" graphics image›file will convert it into a window›image file.››Let's take an example of storing a›window image which is in fact a whole›GRAPHICS 24 display. What would the›header for this image look like if it›were stored uncompressed? The header›bytes would have the following›values:› 8 30 64 1 192 0 1 255›There are 8+30*256=7688 total bytes›in the image. The image is›64+1*256=320 pixels wide by›192+0*256=192 pixels high. There is 1›bit per pixel. All the data in the›first byte is valid (all bits of the›mask are 1).›In the compressed storage format, the›same data bytes are stored and in the›same order as described above.›However, the data is stored in›sequences. Each sequence is comprised›of a count byte followed by one or›more data bytes. There are two types›of sequences. If the count byte has a›value of 0 to 127 inclusive, then it›is a repetitive sequence representing›the repeat of the following data byte›count+1 times. If the count byte is›128 to 255 inclusive, then it is a›non-repetitive sequence of count-127›distinct data bytes.››Using this technique to store the›data pattern <1 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6›6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 9> would result›in the data pattern <130 1 2 3 7 4 9›6 130 7 8 9>. The example shows a›compression of 50%, from 24 to 12›bytes. Obviously, the degree of›compression depends strongly on the›repetitiveness of the data and, in›fact, the compressed mode can›sometimes require more storage space›than the uncompressed mode. For that›reason, it is always prudent to check›both means of compression to›determine the more efficient one.››› Appendix B››Expanded font format››The "W:" handler will accept both 8›by 8 and 16 by 16 character fonts.›The format of the former has been›established by the format of the›standard ATARI character font in ROM.›Each character is represented by›eight bytes; each byte represents one›line in the character in sequence›from top to bottom. Each bit in a›byte represents a pixel in the 8 by 8›character cell; if it's set then that›bit is "on" when the character is›displayed. The 16 by 16 character set›is laid out in an analogous fashion.›Each character of the set is›represented by 32 bytes of data. Each›pair of bytes represents a line of›the character in sequence from top to›bottom. The first byte of each pair›represents the eight leftmost bits of›the character cell; the second byte,›the rightmost bits. The order of›display of the bits is the same as in›the 8 by 8 set, namely, the most›significant bit in the byte is the›leftmost pixel. The order of the›characters in the 16 by 16 character›set is identical to that in the 8 by›8 set.››› Appendix C››Useful tables››XIO number function› 100.........set np_index› 101............frame› 102............invert›››np_index parameters› 0......window position› (column & row)› 1......window size› (width & height)› 2......character position› (column & row)› 3......character cell size› (width & height)› 4......character set address› & size› 5......character color &› display logic› 6......cursor character› 7......lock flag› 8......byte count/store address› above with compression› 10......start address/retrieve› address›››logic parameter value logic type› 0..............overwrite› 1..............and› 2..............or› 3..............exclusive-or›››default window characteristics›window position: column=0, row=0›window size: width=320, height=192›character position: column=0, row=0›character cell size: width=8,› height=8›character set: address=57344 (ROM),› matrix=8x8, color=255› logic=overwrite›cursor character=160 (inverse space)›lock flag=0 (unlocked)›np_index=0›››