MAE is a 6502/65816 Assembly language development system for the Atari 8-bit. Here are some feature highlights: Excellent full screen editor with key macros, automatic 'JSR' and return to subroutine and data labels, block moves and copies, and multiple undo. Compatible with XEP80 and other 80 column devices. 64 and 80 column high-speed software drivers also included. High level of integration between editor, assembler, and debugger. The editor can take you directly to lines that had assembly errors. The debugger can reference labels in the symbol table and assemble single program lines. True local labels. Full text-substitution assembler macros. Full 65816 and 24-bit support. Uses only 1.25K of main system memory. Most of the code resides in bank select. (Still runs in 64K, but you'll only have 13.75K for source buffer). Still being supported! John Harris