Page 58,132 Title EMULATE.ASM 65C02 Emulator (65C02 Processor) ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Name: EMULATE.ASM 65C02 Emulator (65C02 Processor) ; ; Group: Emulator ; ; Revision: 1.00 ; ; Date: January 30, 1988 ; ; Author: Randy W. Spurlock ; ; Change History: ; 07/11/94 Mike Munoz ; Modified the routine to emulate the atari ; ; (1) BX is no longer the stack. The stack has been moved ; to variable 'Astack' defined in Hardware.asm. ; Register BX is used as a general purpose register, ; to replace the operations that used register BP. ; Register BX is also used in Atari.asm to speed up ; the Write_Memory algorithm. ; ; (2) BP is dedicated to the hardware update counter. The ; count in BP is set during Hardware_Update() in ; Hardware.asm. ; ; (3) The macro 'Fetch' has been modified to use an indirect jump ; from the Opcode_Table. This requires an additional 11 ; clock cycles, but eliminates the uniform size constriant ; for each of the 6502 opcode routines. The modifications ; to 'Fetch' resulted in opcode routines that were bigger ; than 64 bytes. I originally increased the opcode ; routine size to 128 bytes, but that left me with only ; 32K bytes for the other routines and data. I could have ; used another segment for the other routines, but I ; opted to keep all of the code in one segment. ; ; (4) Added a macro called 'Tick' the decrments the BP ; register by the value Cxx where xx is the opcode ; number. The values for Cxx are defined in ; and represent the approx. clock cycles required for each ; instruction. This was added so that the Atari graphics ; could be updated at approx. the correct time. ; ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Module Functional Description: ; ; This module contains all the code for the 65C02 CPU ; emulation. This module MUST be linked first as the placement ; of the opcode routines is instrumental in execution. ; ; The following register convention holds true for all opcode routines: ; ; Registers on Entry: ; ; BX - 65C02 Stack pointer register (BH = 01) ; 07/11/94 BX is no longer the stack ; CH - 65C02 X index register ; CL - 65C02 Y index register ; DH - 65C02 processor flags register ; DL - 65C02 Accumulator register ; SI - 65C02 Program counter register ; DI - 65C02 Effective address ; DS - Apple RAM segment ; ES - Video memory segment ; FL - Direction flag is cleared (Move forward) ; ; Registers on Exit: ; ; DH - 65C02 processor flags updated ; ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Changes: ; ; DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION ; -------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------- ; 1/30/88 1.00 Original ; ;****************************************************************************** Page ; ; Public Declarations ; Public Emulator ; Emulator entry point Public Op_Fetch ; Fetch next opcode entry point ; ; External Declarations ; Extrn Exit:Near ; Exit routine (Atari) Extrn Initialize:Near ; Emulator initialization (Atari) Extrn Read_Memory:Near ; Read 65C02 memory routine (Atari) Extrn Write_Memory:Near ; Write 65C02 memory routine (Atari) Extrn Flag_Encode:Byte ; CPU flag encoding table (DATA) Extrn Flag_Decode:Byte ; CPU flag decoding table (DATA) Extrn System_Flag:Byte ; system flag byte (DATA) Extrn Emulate_Flag:Byte ; Emulator interrupt flag byte (DATA) Extrn Hardware_Update:near ; update display and other hardware (HARDWARE) Extrn Jsr_Steal:Near ; override jsr if necessary (Hardware) Extrn Astack:Byte ; Atari stack pointer (Hardware) ; ; Define any include files needed ; Include ; Include the macro definitions Include ; Include the equate definitions .286c ; Include 80286 instructions Page ; ; Define the emulator code segment ; Emulate Segment Word Public 'EMULATE' ; Emulator code segment Assume cs:Emulate, ds:Nothing, es:Nothing ;****************************************************************************** ; Opcode table ; ;****************************************************************************** Opcode_Table Equ This Word Dw Op_BRK ; Software break procedure Dw Op_ORA_DIIX ; OR accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_COP ; Co-processor enable procedure Dw Op_ORA_S ; OR accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_TSB_DP ; Test and set memory bits procedure Dw Op_ORA_DP ; OR accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_ASL_DP ; Shift memory left procedure Dw Op_ORA_DIL ; OR Accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_PHP ; Push processor status procedure Dw Op_ORA_I ; OR accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_ASL ; Shift accumulator left procedure Dw Op_PHD ; Push direct page register procedure Dw Op_TSB_A ; Test and set memory bits procedure Dw Op_ORA_A ; OR accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_ASL_A ; Shift memory left procedure Dw Op_ORA_AL ; OR accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_BPL ; Branch if plus procedure Dw Op_ORA_DIIY ; OR accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_ORA_DI ; OR accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_ORA_SIIY ; OR accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_TRB_DP ; Test and reset memory bits procedure Dw Op_ORA_DIX ; OR accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_ASL_DIX ; Shift memory left procedure Dw Op_ORA_DILIY ; OR accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_CLC ; Clear carry flag procedure Dw Op_ORA_AIY ; OR accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_INC ; Increment the accumulator procedure Dw Op_TCS ; Transfer accumulator/stack procedure Dw Op_TRB_A ; Test and reset memory bits procedure Dw Op_ORA_AIX ; OR accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_ASL_AIX ; Shift memory left procedure Dw Op_ORA_ALIX ; OR accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_JSR_A ; Jump to subroutine procedure Dw Op_AND_DIIX ; AND accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_JSL_AL ; Jump to subroutine procedure Dw Op_AND_S ; AND accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_BIT_DP ; Test memory bits procedure Dw Op_AND_DP ; AND accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_ROL_DP ; Rotate memory left procedure Dw Op_AND_DIL ; AND accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_PLP ; Pull processor status procedure Dw Op_AND_I ; AND accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_ROL ; Rotate accumulator left procedure Dw Op_PLD ; Pull direct page register procedure Dw Op_BIT_A ; Test memory bits procedure Dw Op_AND_A ; AND accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_ROL_A ; Rotate memory left procedure Dw Op_AND_AL ; AND accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_BMI ; Branch if minus procedure Dw Op_AND_DIIY ; AND accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_AND_DI ; AND accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_AND_SIIY ; AND accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_BIT_DIX ; Test memory bits procedure Dw Op_AND_DIX ; AND accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_ROL_DIX ; Rotate memory left procedure Dw Op_AND_DILIY ; AND accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_SEC ; Set carry flag procedure Dw Op_AND_AIY ; AND accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_DEC ; Decrement the accumulator procedure Dw Op_TSC ; Transfer stack > accumulator procedure Dw Op_BIT_AIX ; Test memory bits procedure Dw Op_AND_AIX ; AND accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_ROL_AIX ; Rotate memory left procedure Dw Op_AND_ALIX ; AND accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_RTI ; Return from interrupt procedure Dw Op_EOR_DIIX ; XOR accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_WDM ; Future expansion procedure Dw Op_EOR_S ; XOR accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_MVP ; Block move previous procedure Dw Op_EOR_D ; XOR accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_LSR_D ; Logical shift memory right procedure Dw Op_EOR_DIL ; XOR accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_PHA ; Push accumulator procedure Dw Op_EOR_I ; XOR accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_LSR ; Shift accumulator right procedure Dw Op_PHK ; Push bank register procedure Dw Op_JMP_A ; Jump procedure Dw Op_EOR_A ; XOR accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_LSR_A ; Logical shift memory right procedure Dw Op_EOR_AL ; XOR accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_BVC ; Branch if overflow clear procedure Dw Op_EOR_DIIY ; XOR accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_EOR_DI ; XOR accumulatoe with memory procedure Dw Op_EOR_SIIY ; XOR accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_MVN ; Block move next procedure Dw Op_EOR_DIX ; XOR accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_LSR_DIX ; Logical shift memory right procedure Dw Op_EOR_DILIY ; XOR accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_CLI ; Clear interrupt disable procedure Dw Op_EOR_AIY ; XOR accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_PHY ; Push Y index register procedure Dw Op_TCD ; Transfer acc. to direct page procedure Dw Op_JMP_AL ; Jump procedure Dw Op_EOR_AIX ; XOR accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_LSR_AIX ; Logical shift memory right procedure Dw Op_EOR_ALIX ; XOR accumulator with memory procedure Dw Op_RTS ; Return from subroutine procedure Dw Op_ADC_DIIX ; Add with carry procedure Dw Op_PER ; Push relative address procedure Dw Op_ADC_S ; Add with carry procedure Dw Op_STZ_D ; Store zero to memory procedure Dw Op_ADC_D ; Add with carry procedure Dw Op_ROR_D ; Rotate memory right procedure Dw Op_ADC_DIL ; Add with carry procedure Dw Op_PLA ; Pull accumulator from stack procedure Dw Op_ADC_I ; Add with carry procedure Dw Op_ROR ; Rotate accumulator right procedure Dw Op_RTL ; Return from subroutine procedure Dw Op_JMP_AI ; Jump procedure Dw Op_ADC_A ; Add with carry procedure Dw Op_ROR_A ; Rotate memory right procedure Dw Op_ADC_AL ; Add with carry procedure Dw Op_BVS ; Branch if overflow is set procedure Dw Op_ADC_DIIY ; Add with carry procedure Dw Op_ADC_DI ; Add with carry procedure Dw Op_ADC_SIIY ; Add with carry procedure Dw Op_STZ_DIX ; Store zero to memory procedure Dw Op_ADC_DIX ; Add with carry procedure Dw Op_ROR_DIX ; Rotate memory right procedure Dw Op_ADC_DILIY ; Add with carry procedure Dw Op_SEI ; Set interrupt disable flag procedure Dw Op_ADC_AIY ; Add with carry procedure Dw Op_PLY ; Pull Y index from stack procedure Dw Op_TDC ; Transfer direct page to acc. procedure Dw Op_JMP_AIIX ; Jump procedure Dw Op_ADC_AIX ; Add with carry procedure Dw Op_ROR_AIX ; Rotate memory right procedure Dw Op_ADC_ALIX ; Add with carry procedure Dw Op_BRA ; Branch always procedure Dw Op_STA_DIIX ; Store accumulator procedure Dw Op_BRL ; Branch always procedure Dw Op_STA_S ; Store accumulator procedure Dw Op_STY_D ; Store Y index register procedure Dw Op_STA_D ; Store accumulator procedure Dw Op_STX_D ; Store X index register procedure Dw Op_STA_DIL ; Store accumulator procedure Dw Op_DEY ; Decrement Y index register procedure Dw Op_BIT_I ; Test memory bits procedure Dw Op_TXA ; Transfer X index to acc. procedure Dw Op_PHB ; Push data bank procedure Dw Op_STY_A ; Store Y index register procedure Dw Op_STA_A ; Store accumulator procedure Dw Op_STX_A ; Store X index register procedure Dw Op_STA_AL ; Store accumulator procedure Dw Op_BCC ; Branch if carry clear procedure Dw Op_STA_DIIY ; Store accumulator procedure Dw Op_STA_DI ; Store accumulator procedure Dw Op_STA_SIIY ; Store accumulator procedure Dw Op_STY_DIX ; Store Y index register procedure Dw Op_STA_DIX ; Store accumulator procedure Dw Op_STX_DIY ; Store X index register procedure Dw Op_STA_DILIY ; Store accumulator procedure Dw Op_TYA ; Transfer Y index to acc. procedure Dw Op_STA_AIY ; Store accumulator procedure Dw Op_TXS ; Transfer X index to stack procedure Dw Op_TXY ; Transfer X index to Y index procedure Dw Op_STZ_A ; Store zero procedure Dw Op_STA_AIX ; Store accumulator procedure Dw Op_STZ_AIX ; Store zero procedure Dw Op_STA_ALIX ; Store accumulator procedure Dw Op_LDY_I ; Load Y index register procedure Dw Op_LDA_DIIX ; Load accumulator procedure Dw Op_LDX_I ; Load X index register procedure Dw Op_LDA_S ; Load accumulator procedure Dw Op_LDY_D ; Load Y index register procedure Dw Op_LDA_D ; Load accumulator procedure Dw Op_LDX_D ; Load X index register procedure Dw Op_LDA_DIL ; Load accumulator procedure Dw Op_TAY ; Transfer acc. to Y index procedure Dw Op_LDA_I ; Load accumulator procedure Dw Op_TAX ; Transfer acc. to X index procedure Dw Op_PLB ; Pull data bank register procedure Dw Op_LDY_A ; Load Y index register procedure Dw Op_LDA_A ; Load accumulator procedure Dw Op_LDX_A ; Load X index register procedure Dw Op_LDA_AL ; Load accumulator procedure Dw Op_BCS ; Branch if carry flag set procedure Dw Op_LDA_DIIY ; Load Accumulator procedure Dw Op_LDA_DI ; Load accumulator procedure Dw Op_LDA_SIIY ; Load accumulator procedure Dw Op_LDY_DIX ; Load Y index register procedure Dw Op_LDA_DIX ; Load accumulator procedure Dw Op_LDX_DIY ; Load X index register procedure Dw Op_LDA_DILIY ; Load accumulator procedure Dw Op_CLV ; Clear overflow flag procedure Dw Op_LDA_AIY ; Load accumulator procedure Dw Op_TSX ; Transfer stack to X index procedure Dw Op_TYX ; Transfer Y index to X index procedure Dw Op_LDY_AIX ; Load Y index register procedure Dw Op_LDA_AIX ; Load accumulator procedure Dw Op_LDX_AIY ; Load X index register procedure Dw Op_LDA_ALIX ; Load accumulator procedure Dw Op_CPY_I ; Compare Y index with memory procedure Dw Op_CMP_DIIX ; Compare acc. with memory procedure Dw Op_REP ; Reset status bits procedure Dw Op_CMP_S ; Compare acc. with memory procedure Dw Op_CPY_D ; Compare Y index with memory procedure Dw Op_CMP_D ; Compare acc. with memory procedure Dw Op_DEC_D ; Decrement memory procedure Dw Op_CMP_DIL ; Compare acc. with memory procedure Dw Op_INY ; Increment Y index register procedure Dw Op_CMP_I ; Compare acc. with memory procedure Dw Op_DEX ; Decrement X index register procedure Dw Op_WAI ; Wait for interrupt procedure Dw Op_CPY_A ; Compare Y index with memory procedure Dw Op_CMP_A ; Compare acc. with memory procedure Dw Op_DEC_A ; Decrement memory procedure Dw Op_CMP_AL ; Compare acc. with memory procedure Dw Op_BNE ; Branch if not equal procedure Dw Op_CMP_DIIY ; Compare acc. with memory procedure Dw Op_CMP_DI ; Compare acc. with memory procedure Dw Op_CMP_SIIY ; Compare acc. with memory procedure Dw Op_PEI ; Push indirect address procedure Dw Op_CMP_DIX ; Compare acc. with memory procedure Dw Op_DEC_DIX ; Decrement memory procedure Dw Op_CMP_DILIY ; Compare acc. with memory procedure Dw Op_CLD ; Clear decimal mode flag procedure Dw Op_CMP_AIY ; Compare acc. with memory procedure Dw Op_PHX ; Push X index register procedure Dw Op_STP ; Stop the processor procedure Dw Op_JMP_AIL ; Jump procedure Dw Op_CMP_AIX ; Compare acc. with memory procedure Dw Op_DEC_AIX ; Decrement memory procedure Dw Op_CMP_ALIX ; Compare acc. with memory procedure Dw Op_CPX_I ; Compare X index with memory procedure Dw Op_SBC_DIIX ; Subtract with carry procedure Dw Op_SEP ; Set status bits procedure Dw Op_SBC_S ; Subtract with carry procedure Dw Op_CPX_D ; Compare X index with memory procedure Dw Op_SBC_D ; Subtract with carry procedure Dw Op_INC_D ; Increment memory procedure Dw Op_SBC_DIL ; Subtract with carry procedure Dw Op_INX ; Increment X index register procedure Dw Op_SBC_I ; Subtract with carry procedure Dw Op_NOP ; No operation procedure Dw Op_XBA ; Exchange A & B accumulators procedure Dw Op_CPX_A ; Compare X index with memory procedure Dw Op_SBC_A ; Subtract with carry procedure Dw Op_INC_A ; Increment memory procedure Dw Op_SBC_AL ; Subtract with carry procedure Dw Op_BEQ ; Branch if equal procedure Dw Op_SBC_DIIY ; Subtract with carry procedure Dw Op_SBC_DI ; Subtract with carry procedure Dw Op_SBC_SIIY ; Subtract with carry procedure Dw Op_PEA ; Push absolute address procedure Dw Op_SBC_DIX ; Subtract with carry procedure Dw Op_INC_DIX ; Increment memory procedure Dw Op_SBC_DILIY ; Subtract with carry procedure Dw Op_SED ; Set decimal mode flag procedure Dw Op_SBC_AIY ; End of subtract with carry procedure Dw Op_PLX ; End of pull X index procedure Dw Op_XCE ; Exchange carry/emulation procedure Dw Op_JSR_AIIX ; Jump to subroutine procedure Dw Op_SBC_AIX ; Subtract with carry procedure Dw Op_INC_AIX ; Increment memory procedure Dw Op_SBC_ALIX ; Subtract with carry procedure Subttl Opcode 00 - BRK Stack/Interrupt Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_BRK () Software Break ; ; Increment program counter past the signature byte ; Push the program counter onto stack ; Set the b (Software break) and r (Reserved) flag bits ; Encode flag bits from 80x86 to 65C02 ; Push the processor flags onto stack ; Set the i (Interrupt disable) flag bit ; Load program counter with interrupt vector (FFFEh) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_BRK Proc Near ; Software break procedure ; Used for debug ; call Exit inc si ; Increment past signature byte mov ax,si ; Get the program counter Push_16 ; Push program counter onto stack mov al,dh ; Get the 65C02 status flags or al,CPU_B ; Set the b and r flag bits xor ah,ah ; Convert flag value to full word mov bx,ax ; Setup to encode the flag value mov al,cs:[bx + Flag_Encode]; Get the encoded flag value Push_8 ; Push the 65C02 flags onto stack or dh,CPU_I ; Set the i flag bit mov si,ds:[BRK_VECTOR] ; Load PC with interrupt vector Ticks C00 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_BRK Endp ; End of software break procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 01 - ORA DP Indexed Indirect, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ORA_DIIX () OR Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the ORA operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ORA_DIIX Proc Near ; OR accumulator with memory procedure DoDIIX ; Setup the effective address OpORA ; Do the ORA operation (Update n,z) Ticks C01 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ORA_DIIX Endp ; End of OR accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 02 - COP Stack/Interrupt (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_COP () Co-processor Enable ; ; Increment to the next opcode ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_COP Proc Near ; Co-processor enable procedure inc si ; Increment to the next opcode Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks C02 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_COP Endp ; End of co-processor enable procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 03 - ORA Stack Relative (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ORA_S () OR Accumulator with Memory ; ; Increment to the next opcode ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ORA_S Proc Near ; OR accumulator with memory procedure inc si ; Increment to the next opcode Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks C03 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ORA_S Endp ; End of OR accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 04 - TSB Direct Page (65C02 ONLY) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_TSB_DP () Test and Set Memory Bits Against Accumulator ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the TSB operation (Update flag bit z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_TSB_DP Proc Near ; Test and set memory bits procedure DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpTSB ; Do the TSB operation (Update z) Ticks C04 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_TSB_DP Endp ; End of test and set bits procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 05 - ORA Direct Page Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ORA_DP () OR Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the ORA operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ORA_DP Proc Near ; OR accumulator with memory procedure DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpORA ; Do the ORA operation (Update n,z) Ticks C05 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ORA_DP Endp ; End of OR accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 06 - ASL Direct Page Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ASL_DP () Shift Memory Left ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the ASL operation (Update flag bits n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ASL_DP Proc Near ; Shift memory left procedure DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpASL ; Do the ASL operation (Update n,v,z,c) Ticks C06 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ASL_DP Endp ; End of shift memory left procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 07 - ORA DP Indirect Long/RMB Reset Memory Bit 0 Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ORA_DIL () OR Accumulator with Memory (Normal) ; Op_RMB_0 () Reset Memory Bit 0 (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Do the reset memory bit 0 operation ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ORA_DIL Proc Near ; OR Accumulator with memory procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz ORA_DIL ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpRMB 01h ; Perform the reset memory bit 0 jmp Short RMB_0 ; Go fetch the next instruction ORA_DIL: inc si ; Increment to the next opcode RMB_0: Ticks C07 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ORA_DIL Endp ; End of OR accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 08 - PHP Stack/Push Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_PHP () Push Processor Status Register ; ; Set the r (Reserved) flag bit ; Encode flag bits from 80x86 to 65C02 ; Push 65C02 status flags onto stack ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_PHP Proc Near ; Push processor status procedure mov al,dh ; Get the 65C02 processor flags or al,CPU_R ; Make sure reserved bit is set xor ah,ah ; Convert flag value to full word mov bx,ax ; Setup to encode the flag value mov al,cs:[bx + Flag_Encode]; Get the encoded flag value Push_8 ; Push 65C02 status flags onto stack Ticks C08 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_PHP Endp ; End of push processor status procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 09 - ORA Immediate Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ORA_I () OR Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the ORA operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ORA_I Proc Near ; OR accumulator with memory procedure DoImm ; Setup the effective address OpORA ; Do the ORA operation (Update n,z) Ticks C09 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ORA_I Endp ; End of OR accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 0A - ASL Accumulator Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ASL () Shift Accumulator Left ; ; Shift the accumulator left ; Update the 65C02 processor flags (n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ASL Proc Near ; Shift accumulator left procedure shl dl,1 ; Shift the accumulator left Flgnzc ; Update the n, z, and c flags Ticks C0A ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ASL Endp ; End shift accumulator left procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 0B - PHD Stack/Push (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_PHD () Push Direct Page Register ; ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_PHD Proc Near ; Push direct page register procedure Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks C0B ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_PHD Endp ; End of push direct page procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 0C - TSB Absolute (65C02 ONLY) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_TSB_A () Test and Set Memory Bits Against Accumulator ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the TSB operation (Update flag bit z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_TSB_A Proc Near ; Test and set memory bits procedure DoAbs ; Setup the effective address OpTSB ; Do the TSB operation (Update z) Ticks C0C ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_TSB_A Endp ; End of test and set bits procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 0D - ORA Absolute Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ORA_A () OR Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the ORA operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ORA_A Proc Near ; OR accumulator with memory procedure DoAbs ; Setup the effective address OpORA ; Do the ORA operation (Update n,z) Ticks C0D ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ORA_A Endp ; End of OR accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 0E - ASL Absolute Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ASL_A () Shift Memory Left ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the ASL operation (Update flag bits n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ASL_A Proc Near ; Shift memory left procedure DoAbs ; Setup the effective address OpASL ; Do the ASL operation (Update n,z,c) Ticks C0E ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ASL_A Endp ; End of shift memory left procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 0F - ORA Abs. Long/BBR Branch Bit 0 Reset Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ORA_AL () OR Accumulator with Memory (Normal) ; Op_BBR_0 () Branch on Bit 0 Reset (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Read the memory location ; If bit 0 is reset ; Update the program counter ; Endif ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ORA_AL Proc Near ; OR accumulator with memory procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz ORA_AL ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address ; If _type ; call Read_Memory ; call routine to read 65C02 memory ; Else mov al,ds:[di] ; Read the 65C02 memory value ; Endif mov ah,al ; Save the 65C02 memory value lodsb ; Get the program counter offset test ah,01h ; Check for bit 0 set/reset jnz BBR_0 ; Jump if bit 0 is set cbw ; Convert offset into a full word add si,ax ; Compute the new program counter jmp Short BBR_0 ; Go fetch the next instruction ORA_AL: add si,3 ; Increment to the next opcode BBR_0: Ticks C0F ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ORA_AL Endp ; End of OR accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 10 - BPL Program Counter Relative Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_BPL () Branch if Plus ; ; Get the program counter offset byte ; If the n flag is clear ; Update the program counter ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_BPL Proc Near ; Branch if plus procedure lodsb ; Get the program counter offset test dh,CPU_N ; Check the 65C02 n (Negative) flag jnz _BPL ; Jump if the n flag is set (Negative) cbw ; Convert offset into a full word add si,ax ; Compute the new program counter _BPL: Ticks C10 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_BPL Endp ; End of branch if plus procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 11 - ORA DP Indirect Indexed, Y Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ORA_DIIY () OR Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the ORA operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ORA_DIIY Proc Near ; OR accumulator with memory procedure DoDIIY ; Setup the effective address OpORA ; Do the ORA operation (Update n,z) Ticks C11 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ORA_DIIY Endp ; End of OR accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 12 - ORA DP Indirect (65C02 ONLY) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ORA_DI () OR Acumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the ORA operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ORA_DI Proc Near ; OR accumulator with memory procedure DoDI ; Setup the effective address OpORA ; Do the ORA operation (Update n,z) Ticks C12 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ORA_DI Endp ; End of OR accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 13 - ORA SR Indirect Indexed, Y (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ORA_SIIY () OR Accumulator with Memory ; ; Increment to the next opcode ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ORA_SIIY Proc Near ; OR accumulator with memory procedure inc si ; Increment to the next opcode Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks C13 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ORA_SIIY Endp ; End of OR accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 14 - TRB Direct Page (65C02 ONLY) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_TRB_DP () Test and Reset Memory Bits Against Accumulator ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the TRB operation (Update flag bit z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_TRB_DP Proc Near ; Test and reset memory bits procedure DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpTRB ; Do the TRB operation (Update z) Ticks C14 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_TRB_DP Endp ; End of test and reset procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 15 - ORA DP Indexed, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ORA_DIX () OR Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the ORA operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ORA_DIX Proc Near ; OR accumulator with memory procedure DoDIX ; Setup the effective address OpORA ; Do the ORA operation (Update n,z) Ticks C15 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ORA_DIX Endp ; End of OR accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 16 - ASL DP Indexed, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ASL_DIX () Shift Memory Left ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the ASL operation (Update flag bits n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ASL_DIX Proc Near ; Shift memory left procedure DoDIX ; Setup the effective address OpASL ; Do the ASL operation (Update n,z,c) Ticks C16 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ASL_DIX Endp ; End of shift memory left procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 17 - ORA DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y/RMB Reset Memory Bit Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ORA_DILIY () OR Accumulator with Memory (Normal) ; Op_RMB_1 () Reset Memory Bit 1 (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Do the reset memory bit 1 operation ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ORA_DILIY Proc Near ; OR accumulator with memory procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz ORA_DILIY ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpRMB 02h ; Perform the reset memory bit 1 jmp Short RMB_1 ; Go fetch the next instruction ORA_DILIY: inc si ; Increment to the next opcode RMB_1: Ticks C17 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ORA_DILIY Endp ; End of OR accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 18 - CLC Implied Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_CLC () Clear Carry Flag ; ; Clear the 65C02 carry flag ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_CLC Proc Near ; Clear carry flag procedure and dh,Not CPU_C ; Clear the 65C02 carry flag Ticks C18 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_CLC Endp ; End of clear carry flag procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 19 - ORA Absolute Indexed, Y Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ORA_AIY () OR Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the ORA operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ORA_AIY Proc Near ; OR accumulator with memory procedure DoAIY ; Setup the effective address OpORA ; Do the ORA operation (Update n,z) Ticks C19 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ORA_AIY Endp ; End of OR accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 1A - INC Accumulator (65C02 ONLY) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_INC () Increment the Accumulator ; ; Increment the accumulator ; Update the 65C02 processor flags (n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_INC Proc Near ; Increment the accumulator procedure inc dl ; Increment the accumulator Flgnz ; Update the n and z flags Ticks C1A ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_INC Endp ; End of increment accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 1B - TCS Implied (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_TCS () Transfer Accumulator to Stack Pointer ; ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_TCS Proc Near ; Transfer accumulator/stack procedure Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks C1B ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_TCS Endp ; End of transfer accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 1C - TRB Absolute (65C02 ONLY) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_TRB_A () Test and Reset Memory Bits Against Accumulator ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the TRB operation (Update flag bit z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_TRB_A Proc Near ; Test and reset memory bits procedure DoAbs ; Setup the effective address OpTRB ; Do the TRB operation (Update z) Ticks C1C ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_TRB_A Endp ; End of test and reset bits procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 1D - ORA Absolute Indexed, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ORA_AIX () OR Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the ORA operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ORA_AIX Proc Near ; OR accumulator with memory procedure DoAIX ; Setup the effective address OpORA ; Do the ORA operation (Update n,z) Ticks C1D ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ORA_AIX Endp ; End of OR accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 1E - ASL Absolute Indexed, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ASL_AIX () Shift Memory Left ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the ASL operation (Update flag bits n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ASL_AIX Proc Near ; Shift memory left procedure DoAIX ; Setup the effective address OpASL ; Do the ASL operation (Update n,z,c) Ticks C1E ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ASL_AIX Endp ; End of shift memory left procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 1F - ORA Absolute Long Indexed, X/BBR Branch Bit 1 Reset Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ORA_ALIX () OR Accumulator with Memory (Normal) ; Op_BBR_1 () Branch on Bit 1 Reset (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Read the memory location ; If bit 1 is reset ; Update the program counter ; Endif ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ORA_ALIX Proc Near ; OR accumulator with memory procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz ORA_ALIX ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address ; If _type ; call Read_Memory ; call routine to read 65C02 memory ; Else mov al,ds:[di] ; Read the 65C02 memory value ; Endif mov ah,al ; Save the 65C02 memory value lodsb ; Get the program counter offset test ah,02h ; Check for bit 1 set/reset jnz BBR_1 ; Jump if bit 1 is set cbw ; Convert offset into a full word add si,ax ; Compute the new program counter jmp Short BBR_1 ; Go fetch the next instruction ORA_ALIX: add si,3 ; Increment to the next opcode BBR_1: Ticks C1F ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ORA_ALIX Endp ; End of OR accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 20 - JSR Absolute Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_JSR_A () Jump to Subroutine ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the JMP operation ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_JSR_A Proc Near ; Jump to subroutine procedure DoAbs ; Setup the effective address OpJSR ; Do the JSR operation Ticks C20 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_JSR_A Endp ; End of jump to subroutine procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 21 - AND DP Indexed Indirect, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_AND_DIIX () AND Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the AND operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_AND_DIIX Proc Near ; AND accumulator with memory procedure DoDIIX ; Setup the effective address OpAND ; Do the AND operation (Update n,z) Ticks C21 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_AND_DIIX Endp ; End of AND accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 22 - JSR Absolute Long (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_JSL_AL () Jump to Subroutine ; ; Increment to the next opcode ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_JSL_AL Proc Near ; Jump to subroutine procedure add si,3 ; Increment to the next opcode Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks C22 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_JSL_AL Endp ; End of jump to subroutine procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 23 - AND Stack Relative (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_AND_S () AND Accumulator with Memory ; ; Increment to the next opcode ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_AND_S Proc Near ; AND accumulator with memory procedure inc si ; Increment to the next opcode Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks C23 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_AND_S Endp ; End of AND accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 24 - BIT Direct Page Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_BIT_DP () Test Memory Bits Against Accumulator ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the BIT operation (Update flag bits n, v, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_BIT_DP Proc Near ; Test memory bits procedure DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpBIT ; Do the BIT operation (Update n,v,z) Ticks C24 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_BIT_DP Endp ; End of test memory bits procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 25 - AND Direct Page Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_AND_DP () AND Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the AND operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_AND_DP Proc Near ; AND accumulator with memory procedure DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpAND ; Do the AND operation (Update n,z) Ticks C25 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_AND_DP Endp ; End of AND accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 26 - ROL Direct Page Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ROL_DP () Rotate Memory Left ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the ROL operation (Update flag bits n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ROL_DP Proc Near ; Rotate memory left procedure DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpROL ; Do the ROL operation (Update n,z,c) Ticks C26 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ROL_DP Endp ; End of rotate memory left procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 27 - AND DP Indirect Long/RMB Reset Memory Bit 2 Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_AND_DIL () AND Accumulator with Memory (Normal) ; Op_RMB_2 () Reset Memory Bit 2 (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Do the reset memory bit 2 operation ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_AND_DIL Proc Near ; AND accumulator with memory procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz AND_DIL ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpRMB 04h ; Perform the reset memory bit 2 jmp Short RMB_2 ; Go fetch the next instruction AND_DIL: inc si ; Increment to the next opcode RMB_2: Ticks C27 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_AND_DIL Endp ; End of AND accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 28 - PLP Stack/Pull Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_PLP () Pull Processor Status Register ; ; Pop the 65C02 status flags from stack ; Merge in the current r (Reserved) flag bit ; Decode flag bits from 65c02 to 80x86 ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_PLP Proc Near ; Pull processor status procedure Pop_8 ; Pop 65C02 status flags from stack and al,Not CPU_R ; Make sure reserved bit is clear and dh,CPU_R ; Mask off all but the reserved bit or al,dh ; Merge in current reserved bit value xor ah,ah ; Convert flag value to full word mov bx,ax ; Setup to decode the flag value mov al,cs:[bx + Flag_Decode]; Get the decoded flag value mov dh,al ; Update 65C02 processor status flags Ticks C28 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_PLP Endp ; End of pull processor status procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 29 - AND Immediate Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_AND_I () AND Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the AND operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_AND_I Proc Near ; AND accumulator with memory procedure DoImm ; Setup the effective address OpAND ; Do the AND operation (Update n,z) Ticks C29 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_AND_I Endp ; End of AND accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 2A - ROL Accumulator Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ROL () Rotate Accumulator Left ; ; Move 65C02 carry flag into real carry ; Rotate the accumulator left ; Update the 65C02 processor flags (n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ROL Proc Near ; Rotate accumulator left procedure mov al,dh ; Get 65C02 processor status flags shr al,1 ; Move 65C02 carry flag into real carry rcl dl,1 ; Rotate the accumulator left rcr al,1 ; Save carry result in AL register or dl,dl ; Set the n and z flags correctly rcl al,1 ; Restore the carry result Flgnzc ; Update the n, z, and c flags Ticks C2A ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ROL Endp ; End of rotate accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 2B - PLD Stack/Pull (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_PLD () Pull Direct Page Register ; ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_PLD Proc Near ; Pull direct page register procedure Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks C2B ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_PLD Endp ; End of pull direct page procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 2C - BIT Absolute Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_BIT_A () Test Memory Bits Against Accumulator ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the BIT operation (Update flag bits n, v, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_BIT_A Proc Near ; Test memory bits procedure DoAbs ; Setup the effective address OpBIT ; Do the BIT operation (Update n,v,z) Ticks C2C ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_BIT_A Endp ; End of test memory bits procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 2D - AND Absolute Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_AND_A () AND Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the AND operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_AND_A Proc Near ; AND accumulator with memory procedure DoAbs ; Setup the effective address OpAND ; Do the AND operation (Update n,z) Ticks C2D ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_AND_A Endp ; End of AND accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 2E - ROL Absolute Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ROL_A () Rotate Memory Left ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the ROL operation (Update flag bits n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ROL_A Proc Near ; Rotate memory left procedure DoAbs ; Setup the effective address OpROL ; Do the ROL operation (Update n,z,c) Ticks C2E ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ROL_A Endp ; End of rotate memory left procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 2F - AND Absolute Long/BBR Branch Bit 2 Reset Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_AND_AL () AND Accumulator with Memory (Normal) ; Op_BBR_2 () Branch on Bit 2 Reset (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Read the memory location ; If bit 2 is reset ; Update the program counter ; Endif ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_AND_AL Proc Near ; AND accumulator with memory procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz AND_AL ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address ; If _type ; call Read_Memory ; call routine to read 65C02 memory ; Else mov al,ds:[di] ; Read the 65C02 memory value ; Endif mov ah,al ; Save the 65C02 memory value lodsb ; Get the program counter offset test ah,04h ; Check for bit 2 set/reset jnz BBR_2 ; Jump if bit 2 is set cbw ; Convert offset into a full word add si,ax ; Compute the new program counter jmp Short BBR_2 ; Go fetch the next instruction AND_AL: add si,3 ; Increment to the next opcode BBR_2: Ticks C2F ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_AND_AL Endp ; End of AND accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 30 - BMI Program Counter Relative Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_BMI () Branch if Minus ; ; Get the program counter offset byte ; If the n flag is set ; Update the program counter ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_BMI Proc Near ; Branch if minus procedure lodsb ; Get the program counter offset test dh,CPU_N ; Check the 65C02 n (Negative) flag jz _BMI ; Jump if n flag is clear (Positive) cbw ; Convert offset into a full word add si,ax ; Compute the new program counter _BMI: Ticks C30 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_BMI Endp ; End of branch if minus procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 31 - AND DP Indirect Indexed, Y Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_AND_DIIY () AND Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the AND operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_AND_DIIY Proc Near ; AND accumulator with memory procedure DoDIIY ; Setup the effective address OpAND ; Do the AND operation (Update n,z) Ticks C31 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_AND_DIIY Endp ; End of AND accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 32 - AND DP Indirect (65C02 ONLY) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_AND_DI () AND Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the AND operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_AND_DI Proc Near ; AND accumulator with memory procedure DoDI ; Setup the effective address OpAND ; Do the AND operation (Update n,z) Ticks C32 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_AND_DI Endp ; End of AND accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 33 - AND SR Indirect Indexed, Y (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_AND_SIIY () AND Accumulator with Memory ; ; Increment to the next opcode ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_AND_SIIY Proc Near ; AND accumulator with memory procedure inc si ; Increment to the next opcode Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks C33 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_AND_SIIY Endp ; End of AND accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 34 - BIT DP Indexed, X (65C02 ONLY) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_BIT_DIX () Test Memory Bits Against Accumulator ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the BIT operation (Update flag bits n, v, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_BIT_DIX Proc Near ; Test memory bits procedure DoDIX ; Setup the effective address OpBIT ; Do the BIT operation (Update n,v,z) Ticks C34 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_BIT_DIX Endp ; End of test memory bits procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 35 - AND DP Indexed, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_AND_DIX () AND Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the AND operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_AND_DIX Proc Near ; AND accumulator with memory procedure DoDIX ; Setup the effective address OpAND ; Do the AND operation (Update n,z) Ticks C35 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_AND_DIX Endp ; End of AND accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 36 - ROL DP Indexed, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ROL_DIX () Rotate Memory Left ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the ROL operation (Update flag bits n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ROL_DIX Proc Near ; Rotate memory left procedure DoDIX ; Setup the effective address OpROL ; Do the ROL operation (Update n,z,c) Ticks C36 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ROL_DIX Endp ; End of rotate memory left procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 37 - AND DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y/RMB Reset Memory Bit Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_AND_DILIY () AND Accumulator with Memory (Normal) ; Op_RMB_3 () Reset Memory Bit 3 (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Do the reset memory bit 3 operation ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_AND_DILIY Proc Near ; AND accumulator with memory procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz AND_DILIY ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpRMB 08h ; Perform the reset memory bit 3 jmp Short RMB_3 ; Go fetch the next instruction AND_DILIY: inc si ; Increment to the next opcode RMB_3: Ticks C37 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_AND_DILIY Endp ; End of AND accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 38 - SEC Implied Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_SEC () Set Carry Flag ; ; Set the 65C02 carry flag ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_SEC Proc Near ; Set carry flag procedure or dh,CPU_C ; Set the 65C02 carry flag Ticks C38 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_SEC Endp ; End of set carry flag procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 39 - AND Absolute Indexed, Y Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_AND_AIY () AND Accumulator with Memroy ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the AND operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_AND_AIY Proc Near ; AND accumulator with memory procedure DoAIY ; Setup the effective address OpAND ; Do the AND operation (Update n,z) Ticks C39 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_AND_AIY Endp ; End of AND accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 3A - DEC Accumulator (65C02 ONLY) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_DEC () Decrement the Accumulator ; ; Decrement the accumulator ; Update the 65C02 processor flags (n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_DEC Proc Near ; Decrement the accumulator procedure dec dl ; Decrement the accumulator Flgnz ; Update the n and z flags Ticks C3A ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_DEC Endp ; End of decrement accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 3B - TSC Implied (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_TSC () Transfer Stack Pointer to Accumulator (16-Bit) ; ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_TSC Proc Near ; Transfer stack > accumulator procedure Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks C3B ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_TSC Endp ; End of transfer stack procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 3C - BIT Absolute Indexed, X (65C02 ONLY) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_BIT_AIX () Test Memory Bits Against Accumulator ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the BIT operation (Update flag bits n, v, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_BIT_AIX Proc Near ; Test memory bits procedure DoAIX ; Setup the effective address OpBIT ; Do the BIT operation (Update n,v,z) Ticks C3C ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_BIT_AIX Endp ; End of test memory bits procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 3D - AND Absolute Indexed, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_AND_AIX () AND Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the AND operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_AND_AIX Proc Near ; AND accumulator with memory procedure DoAIX ; Setup the effective address OpAND ; Do the AND operation (Update n,z) Ticks C3D ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_AND_AIX Endp ; End of AND accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 3E - ROL Absolute Indexed, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ROL_AIX () Rotate Memory Left ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the ROL operation (Update flag bits n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ROL_AIX Proc Near ; Rotate memory left procedure DoAIX ; Setup the effective address OpROL ; Do the ROL operation (Update n,z,c) Ticks C3E ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ROL_AIX Endp ; End of rotate memory left procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 3F - AND Absolute Long Indexed, X/BBR Branch Bit 3 Reset Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_AND_ALIX () AND Accumulator with Memory (Normal) ; Op_BBR_3 () Branch on Bit 3 Reset (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Read the memory location ; If bit 3 is reset ; Update the program counter ; Endif ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_AND_ALIX Proc Near ; AND accumulator with memory procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz AND_ALIX ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address ; If _type ; call Read_Memory ; call routine to read 65C02 memory ; Else mov al,ds:[di] ; Read the 65C02 memory value ; Endif mov ah,al ; Save the 65C02 memory value lodsb ; Get the program counter offset test ah,08h ; Check for bit 3 set/reset jnz BBR_3 ; Jump if bit 3 is set cbw ; Convert offset into a full word add si,ax ; Compute the new program counter jmp Short BBR_3 ; Go fetch the next instruction AND_ALIX: add si,3 ; Increment to the next opcode BBR_3: Ticks C3F ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_AND_ALIX Endp ; End of AND accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 40 - RTI Stack/RTI Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_RTI () Return from Interrupt ; ; Pop the 65C02 processor flags from stack ; Merge in the current r (Reserved) flag bit ; Decode flag bits from 65c02 to 80x86 ; Pop the return address from the stack ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_RTI Proc Near ; Return from interrupt procedure Pop_8 ; Pop 65C02 processor flags from stack and al,Not CPU_R ; Make sure reserved bit is clear and dh,CPU_R ; Mask off all but the reserved bit or al,dh ; Merge in current reserved bit value xor ah,ah ; Convert flag value to full word mov bx,ax ; Setup to decode the flag value mov al,cs:[bx + Flag_Decode]; Get the decoded flag value mov dh,al ; Update 65C02 processor status flags Pop_16 ; Pop the return address from the stack mov si,ax ; Update the program counter Ticks C40 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_RTI Endp ; End of interrupt return procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 41 - EOR DP Indexed Indirect, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_EOR_DIIX () Exclusive-OR Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the EOR operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_EOR_DIIX Proc Near ; XOR accumulator with memory procedure DoDIIX ; Setup the effective address OpEOR ; Do the EOR operation (Update n,z) Ticks C41 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_EOR_DIIX Endp ; End of XOR accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 42 - WDM Implied (SPECIAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_WDM () Reserved for Future Expansion/Mixed CPU Code Execution ; ; If CPU type is mixed (Motorola/Intel) ; call the Intel (808x) code at DS:SI ; Else normal CPU ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_WDM Proc Near ; Future expansion procedure test cs:[System_Flag],MIXED_CPU jz Normal_WDM ; Jump if a normal CPU type (Not mixed) lea ax,cs:[Mixed_WDM] ; Get the return address offset push cs ; Setup the return push ax ; address value push ds ; Setup to call push si ; the Intel code at DS:SI retf ; Return to the Intel code at DS:SI jmp Short Mixed_WDM ; Go fetch the next 65C02 opcode Normal_WDM: inc si ; Increment to the next opcode Mixed_WDM: Ticks C42 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_WDM Endp ; End of future expansion procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 43 - EOR Stack Relative (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_EOR_S () Exclusive-OR Accumulator with Memory ; ; Increment to the next opcode ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_EOR_S Proc Near ; XOR accumulator with memory procedure inc si ; Increment to the next opcode Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks C43 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_EOR_S Endp ; End of XOR accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 44 - MVP Implied (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_MVP () Block Move Previous ; ; Increment to the next opcode ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_MVP Proc Near ; Block move previous procedure add si,2 ; Increment to the next opcode Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks C44 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_MVP Endp ; End of block move previous procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 45 - EOR Direct Page Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_EOR_D () Exclusive-OR Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the EOR operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_EOR_D Proc Near ; XOR accumulator with memory procedure DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpEOR ; Do the EOR operation (Update n,z) Ticks C45 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_EOR_D Endp ; End of XOR accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 46 - LSR Direct Page Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_LSR_D () Logical Shift Memory Right ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the LSR operation (Update flag bits n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_LSR_D Proc Near ; Logical shift memory right procedure DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpLSR ; Do the LSR operation (Update n,z,c) Ticks C46 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_LSR_D Endp ; End of shift memory right procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 47 - EOR DP Indirect Long/RMB Reset Memory Bit 4 Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_EOR_DIL () Exclusive-OR Accumulator with Memory (Normal) ; Op_RMB_4 () Reset Memory Bit 4 (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Do the reset memory bit 4 operation ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_EOR_DIL Proc Near ; XOR accumulator with memory procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz EOR_DIL ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpRMB 10h ; Perform the reset memory bit 4 jmp Short RMB_4 ; Go fetch the next instruction EOR_DIL: inc si ; Increment to the next opcode RMB_4: Ticks C47 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_EOR_DIL Endp ; End of XOR accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 48 - PHA Stack/Push Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_PHA () Push Accumulator ; ; Push accumulator onto the stack ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_PHA Proc Near ; Push accumulator procedure mov al,dl ; Get the accumulator value Push_8 ; Push accumulator onto the stack Ticks C48 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_PHA Endp ; End of push accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 49 - EOR Immediate Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_EOR_I () Exclusive-OR Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the EOR operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_EOR_I Proc Near ; XOR accumulator with memory procedure DoImm ; Setup the effective address OpEOR ; Do the EOR operation (Update n,z) Ticks C49 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_EOR_I Endp ; End of XOR accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 4A - LSR Accumulator Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_LSR () Logical Shift Accumulator Right ; ; Shift the accumulator right ; Update the 65C02 processor flags (n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_LSR Proc Near ; Shift accumulator right procedure shr dl,1 ; Shift the accumulator right Flgnzc ; Update the n, z, and c flags Ticks C4A ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_LSR Endp ; End of accumulator shift procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 4B - PHK Stack/Push (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_PHK () Push Program Bank Register ; ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_PHK Proc Near ; Push bank register procedure Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks C4B ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_PHK Endp ; End of push bank register procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 4C - JMP Absolute Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_JMP_A () Jump ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the JMP operation ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_JMP_A Proc Near ; Jump procedure DoAbs ; Setup the effective address OpJMP ; Do the JMP operation Ticks C4C ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_JMP_A Endp ; End of jump procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 4D - EOR Absolute Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_EOR_A () Exclusive-OR Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the EOR operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_EOR_A Proc Near ; XOR accumulator with memory procedure DoAbs ; Setup the effective address OpEOR ; Do the EOR operation (Update n,z) Ticks C4D ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_EOR_A Endp ; End of XOR accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 4E - LSR Absolute Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_LSR_A () Logical Shift Memory Right ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the LSR operation (Update flag bits n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_LSR_A Proc Near ; Logical shift memory right procedure DoAbs ; Setup the effective address OpLSR ; Do the LSR operation (Update n,z,c) Ticks C4E ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_LSR_A Endp ; End of shift memory right procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 4F - EOR Absolute Long/BBR Branch Bit 4 Reset Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_EOR_AL () Exclusive-OR Accumulator with Memory (Normal) ; Op_BBR_4 () Branch on Bit 4 Reset (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Read the memory location ; If bit 4 is reset ; Update the program counter ; Endif ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_EOR_AL Proc Near ; XOR accumulator with memory procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz EOR_AL ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address ; If _type ; call Read_Memory ; call routine to read 65C02 memory ; Else mov al,ds:[di] ; Read the 65C02 memory value ; Endif mov ah,al ; Save the 65C02 memory value lodsb ; Get the program counter offset test ah,10h ; Check for bit 4 set/reset jnz BBR_4 ; Jump if bit 4 is set cbw ; Convert offset into a full word add si,ax ; Compute the new program counter jmp Short BBR_4 ; Go fetch the next instruction EOR_AL: add si,3 ; Increment to the next opcode BBR_4: Ticks C4F ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_EOR_AL Endp ; End of XOR accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 50 - BVC Program Counter Relative Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_BVC () Branch if Overflow Clear ; ; Get the program counter offset byte ; If the v flag is clear ; Update the program counter ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_BVC Proc Near ; Branch if overflow clear procedure lodsb ; Get the program counter offset test dh,CPU_V ; Check the 65C02 v (Overflow) flag jnz _BVC ; Jump if v flag is set (Overflow) cbw ; Convert offset into a full word add si,ax ; Compute the new program counter _BVC: Ticks C50 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_BVC Endp ; End of overflow branch procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 51 - EOR DP Indirect Indexed, Y Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_EOR_DIIY () Exclusive-OR Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the EOR operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_EOR_DIIY Proc Near ; XOR accumulator with memory procedure DoDIIY ; Setup the effective address OpEOR ; Do the EOR operation (Update n,z) Ticks C51 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_EOR_DIIY Endp ; End of XOR accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 52 - EOR DP Indirect (65C02 ONLY) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_EOR_D () Exclusive-OR Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the EOR operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_EOR_DI Proc Near ; XOR accumulatoe with memory procedure DoDI ; Setup the effective address OpEOR ; Do the EOR operation (Update n,z) Ticks C52 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_EOR_DI Endp ; End of XOR accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 53 - EOR SR Indirect Indexed, Y (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_EOR_SIIY () Exclusive-OR Accumulator with Memory ; ; Increment to the next opcode ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_EOR_SIIY Proc Near ; XOR accumulator with memory procedure inc si ; Increment to the next opcode Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks C53 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_EOR_SIIY Endp ; End of XOR accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 54 - MVN Implied (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_MVN () Block Move Next ; ; Increment to the next opcode ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_MVN Proc Near ; Block move next procedure add si,2 ; Increment to the next opcode Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks C54 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_MVN Endp ; End of block move next procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 55 - EOR DP Indexed, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_EOR_DIX () Exclusive-OR Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the EOR operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_EOR_DIX Proc Near ; XOR accumulator with memory procedure DoDIX ; Setup the effective address OpEOR ; Do the EOR operation (Update n,z) Ticks C55 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_EOR_DIX Endp ; End of XOR accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 56 - LSR DP Indexed, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_LSR_DIX () Logical Shift Memory Right ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the LSR operation (Update flag bits n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_LSR_DIX Proc Near ; Logical shift memory right procedure DoDIX ; Setup the effective address OpLSR ; Do the LSR operation (Update n,z,c) Ticks C56 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_LSR_DIX Endp ; End of shift memory right procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 57 - EOR DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y/RMB Reset Memory Bit Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_EOR_DILIY () Exclusive-OR Accumulator with Memory (Normal) ; Op_RMB_5 () Reset Memory Bit 5 (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Do the reset memory bit 5 operation ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_EOR_DILIY Proc Near ; XOR accumulator with memory procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz EOR_DILIY ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpRMB 20h ; Perform the reset memory bit 5 jmp Short RMB_5 ; Go fetch the next instruction EOR_DILIY: inc si ; Increment to the next opcode RMB_5: Ticks C57 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_EOR_DILIY Endp ; End of XOR accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 58 - CLI Implied Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_CLI () Clear Interrupt Disable Flag ; ; Clear the interrupt disable flag ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_CLI Proc Near ; Clear interrupt disable procedure and dh,Not CPU_I ; Clear the interrupt disable flag Ticks C58 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_CLI Endp ; End of clear interrupt procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 59 - EOR Absolute Indexed, Y Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_EOR_AIY () Exclusive-OR Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the EOR operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_EOR_AIY Proc Near ; XOR accumulator with memory procedure DoAIY ; Setup the effective address OpEOR ; Do the EOR operation (Update n,z) Ticks C59 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_EOR_AIY Endp ; End of XOR accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 5A - PHY Stack/Push (65C02 ONLY) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_PHY () Push Y Index Register ; ; Push Y index register onto stack ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_PHY Proc Near ; Push Y index register procedure mov al,cl ; Get the Y index register value Push_8 ; Push Y index register onto stack Ticks C5A ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_PHY Endp ; End of push Y index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 5B - TCD Implied (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_TCD () Transfer Accumulator (16-Bit) to Direct Page Register ; ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_TCD Proc Near ; Transfer acc. to direct page procedure Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks C5B ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_TCD Endp ; End of transfer accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 5C - JMP Absolute Long (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_JMP_AL () Jump ; ; Increment to the next opcode ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_JMP_AL Proc Near ; Jump procedure add si,3 ; Increment to the next opcode Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks C5C ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_JMP_AL Endp ; End of jump procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 5D - EOR Absolute Indexed, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_EOR_AIX () Exclusive-OR Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the EOR operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_EOR_AIX Proc Near ; XOR accumulator with memory procedure DoAIX ; Setup the effective address OpEOR ; Do the EOR operation (Update n,z) Ticks C5D ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_EOR_AIX Endp ; End of XOR accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 5E - LSR Absolute Indexed, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_LSR_AIX () Logical Shift Memory Right ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the LSR operation (Update flag bits n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_LSR_AIX Proc Near ; Logical shift memory right procedure DoAIX ; Setup the effective address OpLSR ; Do the LSR operation (Update n,z,c) Ticks C5E ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_LSR_AIX Endp ; End of shift memory right procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 5F - EOR Absolute Long Indexed, X/BBR Branch Bit 5 Reset Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_EOR_ALIX () Exclusive-OR Accumulator with Memory (Normal) ; Op_BBR_5 () Branch on Bit 5 Reset (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Read the memory location ; If bit 5 is reset ; Update the program counter ; Endif ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_EOR_ALIX Proc Near ; XOR accumulator with memory procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz EOR_ALIX ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address ; If _type ; call Read_Memory ; call routine to read 65C02 memory ; Else mov al,ds:[di] ; Read the 65C02 memory value ; Endif mov ah,al ; Save the 65C02 memory value lodsb ; Get the program counter offset test ah,20h ; Check for bit 5 set/reset jnz BBR_5 ; Jump if bit 5 is set cbw ; Convert offset into a full word add si,ax ; Compute the new program counter jmp Short BBR_5 ; Go fetch the next instruction EOR_ALIX: add si,3 ; Increment to the next opcode BBR_5: Ticks C5F ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_EOR_ALIX Endp ; End of XOR accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 60 - RTS Stack/RTS Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_RTS () Return from Subroutine ; ; Pop the return address from the stack ; Increment the return address ; Update the program counter ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_RTS Proc Near ; Return from subroutine procedure Pop_16 ; Pop return address from the stack inc ax ; Increment the return address value mov si,ax ; Update the program counter Ticks C60 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_RTS Endp ; End of subroutine return procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 61 - ADC DP Indexed Indirect, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ADC_DIIX () Add to Accumulator with Carry ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the ADC decimal operation (Update flags n, v, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ADC_DIIX Proc Near ; Add with carry procedure DoDIIX ; Setup the effective address OpADC ; Do the ADC operation (Update n,v,z,c) Ticks C61 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ADC_DIIX Endp ; End of add with carry procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 62 - PER Stack/PC Relative Long (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_PER () Push Effective PC Relative Indirect Address ; ; Increment to the next opcode ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_PER Proc Near ; Push relative address procedure add si,2 ; Increment to the next opcode Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks C62 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_PER Endp ; End of push relative address procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 63 - ADC Stack Relative (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ADC_S () Add to Accumulator with Carry ; ; Increment to the next opcode ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ADC_S Proc Near ; Add with carry procedure inc si ; Increment to the next opcode Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks C63 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ADC_S Endp ; End of add with carry procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 64 - STZ Direct Page (65C02 ONLY) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_STZ_D () Store Zero to Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the STZ operation ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_STZ_D Proc Near ; Store zero to memory procedure DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpSTZ ; Do the STZ operation Ticks C64 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_STZ_D Endp ; End of store zero procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 65 - ADC Direct Page Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ADC_D () Add to Accumulator with Carry ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the ADC decimal operation (Update flags n, v, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ADC_D Proc Near ; Add with carry procedure DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpADC ; Do the ADC operation (Update n,v,z,c) Ticks C65 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ADC_D Endp ; End of add with carry procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 66 - ROR Direct Page Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ROR_D () Rotate Memory Right ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the ROR operation (Update flag bits n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ROR_D Proc Near ; Rotate memory right procedure DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpROR ; Do the ROR operation (Update n,z,c) Ticks C66 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ROR_D Endp ; End of rotate memory right procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 67 - ADC DP Indirect Long/RMB Reset Memory Bit 6 Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ADC_DIL () Add to Accumulator with Carry (Normal) ; Op_RMB_6 () Reset Memory Bit 6 (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Do the reset memory bit 6 operation ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ADC_DIL Proc Near ; Add with carry procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz ADC_DIL ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpRMB 40h ; Perform the reset memory bit 6 jmp Short RMB_6 ; Go fetch the next instruction ADC_DIL: inc si ; Increment to the next opcode RMB_6: Ticks C67 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ADC_DIL Endp ; End of add with carry procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 68 - PLA Stack/Pull Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_PLA () Pull Accumulator from Stack ; ; Pop accumulator from stack ; Update the 65C02 processor flags (n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_PLA Proc Near ; Pull accumulator from stack procedure Pop_8 ; Pop accumulator from the stack mov dl,al ; Update the accumulator value or dl,dl ; Set the status flags correctly Flgnz ; Update the 65C02 processor flags Ticks C68 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_PLA Endp ; End of pull accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 69 - ADC Immediate Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ADC_I () Add to Accumulator with Carry ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the ADC decimal operation (Update flags n, v, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ADC_I Proc Near ; Add with carry procedure DoImm ; Setup the effective address OpADC ; Do the ADC operation (Update n,v,z,c) Ticks C69 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ADC_I Endp ; End of add with carry procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 6A - ROR Accumulator Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ROR () Rotate Accumulator Right ; ; Move 65C02 carry flag into real carry ; Rotate the accumulator right ; Update the 65C02 processor flags (n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ROR Proc Near ; Rotate accumulator right procedure mov al,dh ; Get 65C02 processor status flags shr al,1 ; Move 65C02 carry flag into real carry rcr dl,1 ; Rotate the accumulator right rcr al,1 ; Save carry result in AL register or dl,dl ; Set the n and z flags correctly rcl al,1 ; Restore the carry result Flgnzc ; Update the n, z, and c flags Ticks C6A ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ROR Endp ; End of rotate accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 6B - RTL Stack/RTL (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_RTL () Return from Subroutine ; ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_RTL Proc Near ; Return from subroutine procedure Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks C6B ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_RTL Endp ; End of subroutine return procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 6C - JMP Absolute Indirect Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_JMP_AI () Jump ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the JMP operation ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_JMP_AI Proc Near ; Jump procedure DoAI ; Setup the effective address OpJMP ; Do the JMP operation Ticks C6C ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_JMP_AI Endp ; End of jump procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 6D - ADC Absolute Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ADC_A () Add to Accumulator with Carry ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the ADC decimal operation (Update flags n, v, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ADC_A Proc Near ; Add with carry procedure DoAbs ; Setup the effective address OpADC ; Do the ADC operation (Update n,v,z,c) Ticks C6D ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ADC_A Endp ; End of add with carry procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 6E - ROR Absolute Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ROR_A () Rotate Memory Right ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the ROR operation (Update flag bits n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ROR_A Proc Near ; Rotate memory right procedure DoAbs ; Setup the effective address OpROR ; Do the ROR operation (Update n,z,c) Ticks C6E ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ROR_A Endp ; End of rotate memory right procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 6F - ADC Absolute Long/BBR Branch Bit 6 Reset Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ADC_AL () Add to Accumulator with Carry (Normal) ; Op_BBR_6 () Branch on Bit 6 Reset (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Read the memory location ; If bit 6 is reset ; Update the program counter ; Endif ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ADC_AL Proc Near ; Add with carry procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz ADC_AL ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address ; If _type ; call Read_Memory ; call routine to read 65C02 memory ; Else mov al,ds:[di] ; Read the 65C02 memory value ; Endif mov ah,al ; Save the 65C02 memory value lodsb ; Get the program counter offset test ah,40h ; Check for bit 6 set/reset jnz BBR_6 ; Jump if bit 6 is set cbw ; Convert offset into a full word add si,ax ; Compute the new program counter jmp Short BBR_6 ; Go fetch the next instruction ADC_AL: add si,3 ; Increment to the next opcode BBR_6: Ticks C6F ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ADC_AL Endp ; End of add with carry procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 70 - BVS Program Counter Relative Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_BVS () Branch if Overflow Set ; ; Get the program counter offset byte ; If the v flag is set ; Update the program counter ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_BVS Proc Near ; Branch if overflow is set procedure lodsb ; Get the program counter offset test dh,CPU_V ; Check the 65C02 v (Overflow) flag jz _BVS ; Jump if v flag is clear (No overflow) cbw ; Convert offset into a full word add si,ax ; Compute the new program counter _BVS: Ticks C70 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_BVS Endp ; End of overflow branch procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 71 - ADC DP Indirect Indexed, Y Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ADC_DIIY () Add to Accumulator with Carry ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the ADC decimal operation (Update flags n, v, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ADC_DIIY Proc Near ; Add with carry procedure DoDIIY ; Setup the effective address OpADC ; Do the ADC operation (Update n,v,z,c) Ticks C71 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ADC_DIIY Endp ; End of add with carry procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 72 - ADC DP Indirect (65C02 ONLY) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ADC_DI () Add to Accumulator with Carry ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the ADC decimal operation (Update flags n, v, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ADC_DI Proc Near ; Add with carry procedure DoDI ; Setup the effective address OpADC ; Do the ADC operation (Update n,v,z,c) Ticks C72 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ADC_DI Endp ; End of add with carry procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 73 - ADC SR Indirect Indexed, Y (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ADC_SIIY () Add to Accumulator with Carry ; ; Increment to the next opcode ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ADC_SIIY Proc Near ; Add with carry procedure inc si ; Increment to the next opcode Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks C73 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ADC_SIIY Endp ; End of add with carry procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 74 - STZ Direct Page Indexed, X (65C02 ONLY) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_STZ_DIX () Store Zero to Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the STZ operation ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_STZ_DIX Proc Near ; Store zero to memory procedure DoDIX ; Setup the effective address OpSTZ ; Do the STZ operation Ticks C74 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_STZ_DIX Endp ; End of store zero procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 75 - ADC DP Indexed, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ADC_DIX () Add to Accumulator with Carry ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the ADC decimal operation (Update flags n, v, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ADC_DIX Proc Near ; Add with carry procedure DoDIX ; Setup the effective address OpADC ; Do the ADC operation (Update n,v,z,c) Ticks C75 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ADC_DIX Endp ; End of add with carry procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 76 - ROR DP Indexed, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ROR_DIX () Rotate Memory Right ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the ROR operation (Update flag bits n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ROR_DIX Proc Near ; Rotate memory right procedure DoDIX ; Setup the effective address OpROR ; Do the ROR operation (Update n,z,c) Ticks C76 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ROR_DIX Endp ; End of rotate memory right procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 77 - ADC DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y/RMB Reset Memory Bit Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ADC_DILIY () Add to Accumulator with Carry (Normal) ; Op_RMB_7 () Reset Memory Bit 7 (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Do the reset memory bit 7 operation ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ADC_DILIY Proc Near ; Add with carry procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz ADC_DILIY ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpRMB 80h ; Perform the reset memory bit 7 jmp Short RMB_7 ; Go fetch the next instruction ADC_DILIY: inc si ; Increment to the next opcode RMB_7: Ticks C77 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ADC_DILIY Endp ; End of add with carry procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 78 - SEI Implied Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_SEI () Set Interrupt Disable Flag ; ; Set the interrupt disable flag ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_SEI Proc Near ; Set interrupt disable flag procedure or dh,CPU_I ; Set the interrupt disable flag Ticks C78 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_SEI Endp ; End of set interrupt flag procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 79 - ADC Absolute Indexed, Y Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ADC_AIY () Add to Accumulator with Carry ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the ADC decimal operation (Update flags n, v, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ADC_AIY Proc Near ; Add with carry procedure DoAIY ; Setup the effective address OpADC ; Do the ADC operation (Update n,v,z,c) Ticks C79 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ADC_AIY Endp ; End of add with carry procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 7A - PLY Stack/Pull (65C02 ONLY) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_PLY () Pull Y Index Register from Stack ; ; Pop Y index register from the stack ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_PLY Proc Near ; Pull Y index from stack procedure Pop_8 ; Pop Y index register from the stack mov cl,al ; Update the Y index register value Ticks C7A ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_PLY Endp ; End of pull Y index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 7B - TDC Implied (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_TDC () Transfer Direct Page Register to Accumulator (16-Bit) ; ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_TDC Proc Near ; Transfer direct page to acc. procedure Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks C7B ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_TDC Endp ; End of transfer direct page procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 7C - JMP Absolute Indexed Indirect, X (65C02 ONLY) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_JMP_AIIX () Jump ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the JMP operation ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_JMP_AIIX Proc Near ; Jump procedure DoAIIX ; Setup the effective address OpJMP ; Do the JMP operation Ticks C7C ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_JMP_AIIX Endp ; End of jump procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 7D - ADC Absolute Indexed, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ADC_AIX () Add to Accumulator with Carry ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the ADC decimal operation (Update flags n, v, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ADC_AIX Proc Near ; Add with carry procedure DoAIX ; Setup the effective address OpADC ; Do the ADC operation (Update n,v,z,c) Ticks C7D ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ADC_AIX Endp ; End of add with carry procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 7E - ROR Absolute Indexed, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ROR_AIX () Rotate Memory Right ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the ROR operation (Update flag bits n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ROR_AIX Proc Near ; Rotate memory right procedure DoAIX ; Setup the effective address OpROR ; Do the ROR operation (Update n,z,c) Ticks C7E ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ROR_AIX Endp ; End of rotate memory right procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 7F - ADC Absolute Long Indexed, X/BBR Branch Bit 7 Reset Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_ADC_ALIX () Add to Accumulator with Carry (Normal) ; Op_BBR_7 () Branch on Bit 7 Reset (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Read the memory location ; If bit 7 is reset ; Update the program counter ; Endif ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_ADC_ALIX Proc Near ; Add with carry procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz ADC_ALIX ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address ; If _type ; call Read_Memory ; call routine to read 65C02 memory ; Else mov al,ds:[di] ; Read the 65C02 memory value ; Endif mov ah,al ; Save the 65C02 memory value lodsb ; Get the program counter offset test ah,80h ; Check for bit 7 set/reset jnz BBR_7 ; Jump if bit 7 is set cbw ; Convert offset into a full word add si,ax ; Compute the new program counter jmp Short BBR_7 ; Go fetch the next instruction ADC_ALIX: add si,3 ; Increment to the next opcode BBR_7: Ticks C7F ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_ADC_ALIX Endp ; End of add with carry procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 80 - BRA Program Counter Relative (65C02 ONLY) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_BRA () Branch Always ; ; Get the program counter offset byte ; Update the program counter ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_BRA Proc Near ; Branch always procedure lodsb ; Get the program counter offset cbw ; Convert offset into a full word add si,ax ; Compute the new program counter Ticks C80 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_BRA Endp ; End of branch always procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 81 - STA DP Indexed Indirect, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_STA_DIIX () Store Accumulator ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the STA operation ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_STA_DIIX Proc Near ; Store accumulator procedure DoDIIX ; Setup the effective address OpSTA ; Do the STA operation Ticks C81 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_STA_DIIX Endp ; End of store accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 82 - BRL Program Counter Relative Long (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_BRL () Branch Always Long ; ; Increment to the next opcode ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_BRL Proc Near ; Branch always procedure add si,2 ; Increment to the next opcode Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks C82 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_BRL Endp ; End of branch always procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 83 - STA Stack Relative (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_STA_S () Store Accumulator ; ; Increment to the next opcode ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_STA_S Proc Near ; Store accumulator procedure inc si ; Increment to the next opcode Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks C83 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_STA_S Endp ; End of store accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 84 - STY Direct Page Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_STY_D () Store Y Index Register ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the STY operation ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_STY_D Proc Near ; Store Y index register procedure DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpSTY ; Do the STY operation Ticks C84 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_STY_D Endp ; End of store Y index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 85 - STA Direct Page Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_STA_D () Store Accumulator ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the STA operation ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_STA_D Proc Near ; Store accumulator procedure DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpSTA ; Do the STA operation Ticks C85 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_STA_D Endp ; End of store accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 86 - STX Direct Page Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_STX_D () Store X Index Register ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the STX operation ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_STX_D Proc Near ; Store X index register procedure DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpSTX ; Do the STX operation Ticks C86 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_STX_D Endp ; End of store X index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 87 - STA DP Indirect Long/SMB Set Memory Bit 0 Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_STA_DIL () Store Accumulator (Normal) ; Op_SMB_0 () Set Memory Bit 0 (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Do the set memory bit 0 operation ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_STA_DIL Proc Near ; Store accumulator procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz STA_DIL ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpSMB 01h ; Perform the set memory bit 0 jmp Short SMB_0 ; Go fetch the next instruction STA_DIL: inc si ; Increment to the next opcode SMB_0: Ticks C87 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_STA_DIL Endp ; End of store accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 88 - DEY Implied Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_DEY () Decrement Y Index Register ; ; Decrement the Y index register ; Update the 65C02 processor flags (n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_DEY Proc Near ; Decrement Y index register procedure dec cl ; Decrement the I index register Flgnz ; Update the n and z flags Ticks C88 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_DEY Endp ; End of decrement Y index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 89 - BIT Immediate (65C02 ONLY) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_BIT_I () Test Memory Bits Against Accumulator ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the BIT operation (Update flag bit z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_BIT_I Proc Near ; Test memory bits procedure DoImm ; Setup the effective address OpBITz ; Do the BIT operation (Update z) Ticks C89 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_BIT_I Endp ; End of test memory bits procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 8A - TXA Implied Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_TXA () Transfer X Index Register to Accumulator ; ; Transfer X index register to accumulator ; Update the 65C02 processor flags (n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_TXA Proc Near ; Transfer X index to acc. procedure mov dl,ch ; Transfer X index to accumulator or dl,dl ; Set the n and z flags correctly Flgnz ; Update the n and z flags Ticks C8A ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_TXA Endp ; End of transfer X index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 8B - PHB Stack/Push (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_PHB () Push Data Bank Register ; ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_PHB Proc Near ; Push data bank procedure Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks C8B ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_PHB Endp ; End of push data bank procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 8C - STY Absolute Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_STY_A () Store Y Index Register ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the STY operation ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_STY_A Proc Near ; Store Y index register procedure DoAbs ; Setup the effective address OpSTY ; Do the STY operation Ticks C8C ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_STY_A Endp ; End of store Y index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 8D - STA Absolute Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_STA_A () Store Accumulator ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the STA operation ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_STA_A Proc Near ; Store accumulator procedure DoAbs ; Setup the effective address OpSTA ; Do the STA operation Ticks C8D ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_STA_A Endp ; End of store accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 8E - STX Absolute Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_STX_A () Store X Index Register ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the STX operation ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_STX_A Proc Near ; Store X index register procedure DoAbs ; Setup the effective address OpSTX ; Do the STX operation Ticks C8E ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_STX_A Endp ; End of store X index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 8F - STA Absolute Long/BBS Branch Bit 0 Set Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_STA_AL () Store Accumulator (Normal) ; Op_BBS_0 () Branch on Bit 0 Set (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Read the memory location ; If bit 0 is set ; Update the program counter ; Endif ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_STA_AL Proc Near ; Store accumulator procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz STA_AL ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address ; If _type ; call Read_Memory ; call routine to read 65C02 memory ; Else mov al,ds:[di] ; Read the 65C02 memory value ; Endif mov ah,al ; Save the 65C02 memory value lodsb ; Get the program counter offset test ah,01h ; Check for bit 0 set/reset jz BBS_0 ; Jump if bit 0 is reset cbw ; Convert offset into a full word add si,ax ; Compute the new program counter jmp Short BBS_0 ; Go fetch the next instruction STA_AL: add si,3 ; Increment to the next opcode BBS_0: Ticks C8F ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_STA_AL Endp ; End of store accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 90 - BCC Program Counter Relative Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_BCC () Branch if Carry Clear ; ; Get the program counter offset byte ; If the c flag is clear ; Update the program counter ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_BCC Proc Near ; Branch if carry clear procedure lodsb ; Get the program counter offset test dh,CPU_C ; Check the 65C02 c (Carry) flag jnz _BCC ; Jump if c flag is set (Carry) cbw ; Convert offset into a full word add si,ax ; Compute the new program counter _BCC: Ticks C90 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_BCC Endp ; End of branch if carry clear procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 91 - STA DP Indirect Indexed, Y Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_STA_DIIY () Store Accumulator ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the STA operation ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_STA_DIIY Proc Near ; Store accumulator procedure DoDIIY ; Setup the effective address OpSTA ; Do the STA operation Ticks C91 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_STA_DIIY Endp ; End of store accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 92 - STA DP Indirect (65C02 ONLY) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_STA_DI () Store Accumulator ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the STA operation ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_STA_DI Proc Near ; Store accumulator procedure DoDI ; Setup the effective address OpSTA ; Do the STA operation Ticks C92 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_STA_DI Endp ; End of store accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 93 - STA SR Indirect Indexed, Y (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_STA_SIIY () Store Accumulator ; ; Increment to the next opcode ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_STA_SIIY Proc Near ; Store accumulator procedure inc si ; Increment to the next opcode Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks C93 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_STA_SIIY Endp ; End of store accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 94 - STY Direct Page Indexed, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_STY_DIX () Store Y Index Register ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the STY operation ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_STY_DIX Proc Near ; Store Y index register procedure DoDIX ; Setup the effective address OpSTY ; Do the STY operation Ticks C94 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_STY_DIX Endp ; End of store Y index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 95 - STA Direct Page Indexed, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_STA_DIX () Store Accumulator ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the STA operation ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_STA_DIX Proc Near ; Store accumulator procedure DoDIX ; Setup the effective address OpSTA ; Do the STA operation Ticks C95 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_STA_DIX Endp ; End of store accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 96 - STX Direct Page Indexed, Y Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_STX_DIY () Store X Index Register ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the STX operation ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_STX_DIY Proc Near ; Store X index register procedure DoDIY ; Setup the effective address OpSTX ; Do the STX operation Ticks C96 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_STX_DIY Endp ; End of store X index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 97 - STA DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y/SMB Set Memory Bit 1 Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_STA_DILIY () Store Accumulator (Normal) ; Op_SMB_1 () Set Memory Bit 1 (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Do the set memory bit 1 operation ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_STA_DILIY Proc Near ; Store accumulator procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz STA_DILIY ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpSMB 02h ; Perform the set memory bit 1 jmp Short SMB_1 ; Go fetch the next instruction STA_DILIY: inc si ; Increment to the next opcode SMB_1: Ticks C97 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_STA_DILIY Endp ; End of store accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 98 - TYA Implied Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_TYA () Transfer Y Index Register to Accumulator ; ; Transfer Y index register to accumulator ; Update the 65C02 processor flags (n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_TYA Proc Near ; Transfer Y index to acc. procedure mov dl,cl ; Transfer Y index to accumulator or dl,dl ; Set the n and z flags correctly Flgnz ; Update the n and z flags Ticks C98 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_TYA Endp ; End of transfer Y index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 99 - STA Absolute Index, Y Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_STA_AIY () Store Accumulator ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the STA operation ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_STA_AIY Proc Near ; Store accumulator procedure DoAIY ; Setup the effective address OpSTA ; Do the STA operation Ticks C99 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_STA_AIY Endp ; End of store accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 9A - TXS Implied Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_TXS () Transfer X Index Register to Stack Pointer ; ; Transfer X index register to stack pointer ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_TXS Proc Near ; Transfer X index to stack procedure mov cs:Astack,ch ; Transfer X index to stack pointer Ticks C9A ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_TXS Endp ; End of transfer X index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 9B - TXY Implied (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_TXY () Transfer X Index Register to Y Index Register ; ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_TXY Proc Near ; Transfer X index to Y index procedure Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks C9B ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_TXY Endp ; End of transfer X index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 9C - STZ Absolute (65C02 ONLY) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_STZ_A () Store Zero ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the STZ operation ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_STZ_A Proc Near ; Store zero procedure DoAbs ; Setup the effective address OpSTZ ; Do the STZ operation Ticks C9C ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_STZ_A Endp ; End of store zero procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 9D - STA Absolute Indexed, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_STA_AIX () Store Accumulator ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the STA operation ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_STA_AIX Proc Near ; Store accumulator procedure DoAIX ; Setup the effective address OpSTA ; Do the STA operation Ticks C9D ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_STA_AIX Endp ; End of store accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 9E - STZ Absolute Indexed, X (65C02 ONLY) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_STZ_AIX () Store Zero ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the STZ operation ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_STZ_AIX Proc Near ; Store zero procedure DoAIX ; Setup the effective address OpSTZ ; Do the STZ operation Ticks C9E ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_STZ_AIX Endp ; End of store zero procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode 9F - STA Absolute Long Indexed, X/BBS Branch Bit 1 Set Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_STA_ALIX () Store Accumulator (Normal) ; Op_BBS_1 () Branch on Bit 1 Set (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Read the memory location ; If bit 1 is set ; Update the program counter ; Endif ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_STA_ALIX Proc Near ; Store accumulator procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz STA_ALIX ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address ; If _type ; call Read_Memory ; call routine to read 65C02 memory ; Else mov al,ds:[di] ; Read the 65C02 memory value ; Endif mov ah,al ; Save the 65C02 memory value lodsb ; Get the program counter offset test ah,02h ; Check for bit 1 set/reset jz BBS_1 ; Jump if bit 1 is reset cbw ; Convert offset into a full word add si,ax ; Compute the new program counter jmp Short BBS_1 ; Go fetch the next instruction STA_ALIX: add si,3 ; Increment to the next opcode BBS_1: Ticks C9F ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_STA_ALIX Endp ; End of store accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode A0 - LDY Immediate Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_LDY_I () Load Y Index Register ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the LDY operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_LDY_I Proc Near ; Load Y index register procedure DoImm ; Setup the effective address OpLDY ; Do the LDY operation (Update n,z) Ticks CA0 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_LDY_I Endp ; End of load Y index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode A1 - LDA DP Indexed Indirect, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_LDA_DIIX () Load Accumulator ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the LDA operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_LDA_DIIX Proc Near ; Load accumulator procedure DoDIIX ; Setup the effective address OpLDA ; Do the LDA operation (Update n,z) Ticks CA1 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_LDA_DIIX Endp ; End of load accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode A2 - LDX Immediate Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_LDX_I () Load X Index Register ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the LDX operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_LDX_I Proc Near ; Load X index register procedure DoImm ; Setup the effective address OpLDX ; Do the LDX operation (Update n,z) Ticks CA2 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_LDX_I Endp ; End of load X index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode A3 - LDA Stack Relative (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_LDA_S () Load Accumulator ; ; Increment to the next opcode ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_LDA_S Proc Near ; Load accumulator procedure inc si ; Increment to the next opcode Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks CA3 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_LDA_S Endp ; End of load accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode A4 - LDY Direct Page Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_LDY_D () Load Y Index Register ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the LDY operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_LDY_D Proc Near ; Load Y index register procedure DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpLDY ; Do the LDY operation (Update n,z) Ticks CA4 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_LDY_D Endp ; End of load Y index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode A5 - LDA Direct Page Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_LDA_D () Load Accumulator ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the LDA operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_LDA_D Proc Near ; Load accumulator procedure DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpLDA ; Do the LDA operation (Update n,z) Ticks CA5 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_LDA_D Endp ; End of load accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode A6 - LDX Direct Page Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_LDX_D () Load X Index Register ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the LDX operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_LDX_D Proc Near ; Load X index register procedure DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpLDX ; Do the LDX operation (Update n,z) Ticks CA6 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_LDX_D Endp ; End of load X index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode A7 - LDA DP Indirect Long/SMB Set Memory Bit 2 Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_LDA_DIL () Load Accumulator (Normal) ; Op_SMB_2 () Set Memory Bit 2 (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Do the set memory bit 2 operation ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_LDA_DIL Proc Near ; Load accumulator procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz LDA_DIL ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpSMB 04h ; Perform the set memory bit 2 jmp Short SMB_2 ; Go fetch the next instruction LDA_DIL: inc si ; Increment to the next opcode SMB_2: Ticks CA7 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_LDA_DIL Endp ; End of load accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode A8 - TAY Implied Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_TAY () Transfer Accumulator to Y Index Register ; ; Transfer accumulator to Y index register ; Update the 65C02 processor flags (n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_TAY Proc Near ; Transfer acc. to Y index procedure mov cl,dl ; Transfer accumulator to Y index or cl,cl ; Set the n and z flags correctly Flgnz ; Update the n and z flags Ticks CA8 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_TAY Endp ; End of transfer accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode A9 - LDA Immediate Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_LDA_I () Load Accumulator ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the LDA operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_LDA_I Proc Near ; Load accumulator procedure DoImm ; Setup the effective address OpLDA ; Do the LDA operation (Update n,z) Ticks CA9 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_LDA_I Endp ; End of load accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode AA - TAX Implied Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_TAX () Transfer Accumulator to X Index Register ; ; Transfer accumulator to X index register ; Update the 65C02 processor flags (n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_TAX Proc Near ; Transfer acc. to X index procedure mov ch,dl ; Transfer accumulator to X index or ch,ch ; Set the n and z flags correctly Flgnz ; Update the n and z flags Ticks CAA ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_TAX Endp ; End of transfer accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode AB - PLB Stack/Pull (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_PLB () Pull Data Bank Register ; ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_PLB Proc Near ; Pull data bank register procedure Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks CAB ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_PLB Endp ; End of pull data bank procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode AC - LDY Absolute Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_LDY_A () Load Y Index Register ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the LDY operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_LDY_A Proc Near ; Load Y index register procedure DoAbs ; Setup the effective address OpLDY ; Do the LDY operation (Update n,z) Ticks CAC ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_LDY_A Endp ; End of load Y index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode AD - LDA Absolute Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_LDA_A () Load Accumulator ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the LDA operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_LDA_A Proc Near ; Load accumulator procedure DoAbs ; Setup the effective address OpLDA ; Do the LDA operation (Update n,z) Ticks CAD ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_LDA_A Endp ; End of load accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode AE - LDX Absolute Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_LDX_A () Load X Index Register ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the LDX operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_LDX_A Proc Near ; Load X index register procedure DoAbs ; Setup the effective address OpLDX ; Do the LDX operation (Update n,z) Ticks CAE ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_LDX_A Endp ; End of load X index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode AF - LDA Absolute Long/BBS Branch Bit 2 Set Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_LDA_AL () Load Accumulator (Normal) ; Op_BBS_2 () Branch on Bit 2 Set (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Read the memory location ; If bit 2 is set ; Update the program counter ; Endif ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_LDA_AL Proc Near ; Load accumulator procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz LDA_AL ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address ; If _type ; call Read_Memory ; call routine to read 65C02 memory ; Else mov al,ds:[di] ; Read the 65C02 memory value ; Endif mov ah,al ; Save the 65C02 memory value lodsb ; Get the program counter offset test ah,04h ; Check for bit 2 set/reset jz BBS_2 ; Jump if bit 2 is reset cbw ; Convert offset into a full word add si,ax ; Compute the new program counter jmp Short BBS_2 ; Go fetch the next instruction LDA_AL: add si,3 ; Increment to the next opcode BBS_2: Ticks CAF ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_LDA_AL Endp ; End of load accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode B0 - BCS Program Counter Relative Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_BCS () Branch if Carry Set ; ; Get the program counter offset byte ; If the c flag is set ; Update the program counter ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_BCS Proc Near ; Branch if carry flag set procedure lodsb ; Get the program counter offset test dh,CPU_C ; Check the 65C02 c (Carry) flag jz _BCS ; Jump if c flag is clear (No carry) cbw ; Convert offset into a full word add si,ax ; Compute the new program counter _BCS: Ticks CB0 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_BCS Endp ; End of branch if carry set procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode B1 - LDA DP Indirect Indexed, Y Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_LDA_DIIY () Load Accumulator ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the LDA operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_LDA_DIIY Proc Near ; Load Accumulator procedure DoDIIY ; Setup the effective address OpLDA ; Do the LDA operation (Update n,z) Ticks CB1 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_LDA_DIIY Endp ; End of load accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode B2 - LDA DP Indirect (65C02 ONLY) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_LDA_DI () Load Accumulator ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the LDA operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_LDA_DI Proc Near ; Load accumulator procedure DoDI ; Setup the effective address OpLDA ; Do the LDA operation (Update n,z) Ticks CB2 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_LDA_DI Endp ; End of load accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode B3 - LDA SR Indirect Indexed, Y (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_LDA_SIIY () Load Accumulator ; ; Increment to the next opcode ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_LDA_SIIY Proc Near ; Load accumulator procedure inc si ; Increment to the next opcode Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks CB3 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_LDA_SIIY Endp ; End of load accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode B4 - LDY DP Indexed, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_LDY_DIX () Load Y Index Register ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the LDY operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_LDY_DIX Proc Near ; Load Y index register procedure DoDIX ; Setup the effective address OpLDY ; Do the LDY operation (Update n,z) Ticks CB4 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_LDY_DIX Endp ; End of load Y index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode B5 - LDA DP Indexed, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_LDA_DIX () Load Accumulator ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the LDA operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_LDA_DIX Proc Near ; Load accumulator procedure DoDIX ; Setup the effective address OpLDA ; Do the LDA operation (Update n,z) Ticks CB5 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_LDA_DIX Endp ; End of load accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode B6 - LDX DP Indexed, Y Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_LDX_DIY () Load X Index Register ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the LDX operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_LDX_DIY Proc Near ; Load X index register procedure DoDIY ; Setup the effective address OpLDX ; Do the LDX operation (Update n,z) Ticks CB6 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_LDX_DIY Endp ; End of load X index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode B7 - LDA DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y/SMB Set Memory Bit 3 Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_LDA_DILIY () Load Accumulator (Normal) ; Op_SMB_3 () Set Memory Bit 3 (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Do the set memory bit 3 operation ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_LDA_DILIY Proc Near ; Load accumulator procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz LDA_DILIY ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpSMB 08h ; Perform the set memory bit 3 jmp Short SMB_3 ; Go fetch the next instruction LDA_DILIY: inc si ; Increment to the next opcode SMB_3: Ticks CB7 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_LDA_DILIY Endp ; End of load accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode B8 - CLV Implied Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_CLV () Clear Overflow Flag ; ; Clear the overflow flag ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_CLV Proc Near ; Clear overflow flag procedure and dh,Not CPU_V ; Clear the overflow flag bit Ticks CB8 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_CLV Endp ; End of clear overflow procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode B9 - LDA Absolute Indexed, Y Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_LDA_AIY () Load Accumulator ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the LDA operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_LDA_AIY Proc Near ; Load accumulator procedure DoAIY ; Setup the effective address OpLDA ; Do the LDA operation (Update n,z) Ticks CB9 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_LDA_AIY Endp ; End of load accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode BA - TSX Implied Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_TSX () Transfer Stack Pointer to X Index Register ; ; Transfer stack pointer to X index register ; Update the 65C02 processor flags (n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_TSX Proc Near ; Transfer stack to X index procedure mov ch,cs:Astack ; Transfer stack pointer to X index or ch,ch ; Set the n and z flags correctly Flgnz ; Update the n and z flags Ticks CBA ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_TSX Endp ; End of transfer stack procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode BB - TYX Implied (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_TYX () Transfer Y Index Register to X Index Register ; ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_TYX Proc Near ; Transfer Y index to X index procedure Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks CBB ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_TYX Endp ; End of transfer Y index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode BC - LDY Absolute Indexed, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_LDY_AIX () Load Y Index Register ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the LDY operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_LDY_AIX Proc Near ; Load Y index register procedure DoAIX ; Setup the effective address OpLDY ; Do the LDY operation (Update n,z) Ticks CBC ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_LDY_AIX Endp ; End of load Y index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode BD - LDA Absolute Indexed, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_LDA_AIX () Load Accumulator ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the LDA operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_LDA_AIX Proc Near ; Load accumulator procedure DoAIX ; Setup the effective address OpLDA ; Do the LDA operation (Update n,z) Ticks CBD ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_LDA_AIX Endp ; End of load accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode BE - LDX Absolute Indexed, Y Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_LDX_AIY () Load X Index Register ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the LDX operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_LDX_AIY Proc Near ; Load X index register procedure DoAIY ; Setup the effective address OpLDX ; Do the LDX operation (Update n,z) Ticks CBE ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_LDX_AIY Endp ; End of load X index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode BF - LDA Absolute Long Indexed, X/BBS Branch Bit 3 Set Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_LDA_ALIX () Load Accumulator (Normal) ; Op_BBS_3 () Branch on Bit 3 Set (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Read the memory location ; If bit 3 is set ; Update the program counter ; Endif ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_LDA_ALIX Proc Near ; Load accumulator procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz LDA_ALIX ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address ; If _type ; call Read_Memory ; call routine to read 65C02 memory ; Else mov al,ds:[di] ; Read the 65C02 memory value ; Endif mov ah,al ; Save the 65C02 memory value lodsb ; Get the program counter offset test ah,08h ; Check for bit 3 set/reset jz BBS_3 ; Jump if bit 3 is reset cbw ; Convert offset into a full word add si,ax ; Compute the new program counter jmp Short BBS_3 ; Go fetch the next instruction LDA_ALIX: add si,3 ; Increment to the next opcode BBS_3: Ticks CBF ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_LDA_ALIX Endp ; End of load accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode C0 - CPY Immediate Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_CPY_I () Compare Y Index Register with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the CPY operation (Update flag bits n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_CPY_I Proc Near ; Compare Y index with memory procedure DoImm ; Setup the effective address OpCPY ; Do the CPY operation (Update n,z,c) Ticks CC0 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_CPY_I Endp ; End of compare Y index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode C1 - CMP DP Indexed Indirect, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_CMP_DIIX () Compare Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the CMP operation (Update flag bits n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_CMP_DIIX Proc Near ; Compare acc. with memory procedure DoDIIX ; Setup the effective address OpCMP ; Do the CMP operation (Update n,z,c) Ticks CC1 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_CMP_DIIX Endp ; End of compare accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode C2 - REP Implied (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_REP () Reset Status Bits ; ; Increment to the next opcode ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_REP Proc Near ; Reset status bits procedure inc si ; Increment to the next opcode Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks CC2 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_REP Endp ; End of reset status bits procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode C3 - CMP Stack Relative (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_CMP_S () Compare Accumulator to Memory ; ; Increment to the next opcode ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_CMP_S Proc Near ; Compare acc. with memory procedure inc si ; Increment to the next opcode Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks CC3 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_CMP_S Endp ; End of compare accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode C4 - CPY Direct Page Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_CPY_D () Compare Y Index Register with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the CPY operation (Update flag bits n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_CPY_D Proc Near ; Compare Y index with memory procedure DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpCPY ; Do the CPY operation (Update n,z,c) Ticks CC4 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_CPY_D Endp ; End of compare Y index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode C5 - CMP Direct Page Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_CMP_D () Compare Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the CMP operation (Update flag bits n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_CMP_D Proc Near ; Compare acc. with memory procedure DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpCMP ; Do the CMP operation (Update n,z,c) Ticks CC5 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_CMP_D Endp ; End of compare accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode C6 - DEC Direct Page Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_DEC_D () Decrement Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the DEC operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_DEC_D Proc Near ; Decrement memory procedure DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpDEC ; Do the DEC operation (Update n,z) Ticks CC6 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_DEC_D Endp ; End of decrement memory procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode C7 - CMP DP Indirect Long/SMB Set Memory Bit 4 Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_CMP_DIL () Compare Accumulator with Memory (Normal) ; Op_SMB_4 () Set Memory Bit 4 (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Do the set memory bit 4 operation ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_CMP_DIL Proc Near ; Compare acc. with memory procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz CMP_DIL ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpSMB 10h ; Perform the set memory bit 4 jmp Short SMB_4 ; Go fetch the next instruction CMP_DIL: inc si ; Increment to the next opcode SMB_4: Ticks CC7 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_CMP_DIL Endp ; End of compare accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode C8 - INY Implied Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_INY () Increment Y Index Register ; ; Increment the Y index register ; Update the 65C02 processor flags (n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_INY Proc Near ; Increment Y index register procedure inc cl ; Increment the Y index register Flgnz ; Update the n and z flags Ticks CC8 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_INY Endp ; End of increment Y index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode C9 - CMP Immediate Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_CMP_I () Compare Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the CMP operation (Update flag bits n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_CMP_I Proc Near ; Compare acc. with memory procedure DoImm ; Setup the effective address OpCMP ; Do the CMP operation (Update n,z,c) Ticks CC9 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_CMP_I Endp ; End of compare accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode CA - DEX Implied Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_DEX () Decrement X Index Register ; ; Decrement the X index register ; Update the 65C02 processor flags (n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_DEX Proc Near ; Decrement X index register procedure dec ch ; Decrement the X index register Flgnz ; Update the n and z flags Ticks CCA ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_DEX Endp ; End of decrement X index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode CB - WAI Implied (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_WAI () Wait for Interrupt ; ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_WAI Proc Near ; Wait for interrupt procedure Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks CCB ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_WAI Endp ; End of wait for interrupt procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode CC - CPY Absolute Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_CPY_A () Compare Y Index with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the CPY operation (Update flag bits n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_CPY_A Proc Near ; Compare Y index with memory procedure DoAbs ; Setup the effective address OpCPY ; Do the CPY operation (Update n,z,c) Ticks CCC ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_CPY_A Endp ; End of compare Y index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode CD - CMP Absolute Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_CMP_A () Compare Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the CMP operation (Update flag bits n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_CMP_A Proc Near ; Compare acc. with memory procedure DoAbs ; Setup the effective address OpCMP ; Do the CMP operation (Update n,z,c) Ticks CCD ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_CMP_A Endp ; End of compare accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode CE - DEC Absolute Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_DEC_A () Decrement Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the DEC operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_DEC_A Proc Near ; Decrement memory procedure DoAbs ; Setup the effective address OpDEC ; Do the DEC operation (Update n,z) Ticks CCE ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_DEC_A Endp ; End of decrement memory procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode CF - CMP Absolute Long/BBS Branch Bit 4 Set Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_CMP_AL () Compare Accumulator with Memory (Normal) ; Op_BBS_4 () Branch on Bit 4 Set (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Read the memory location ; If bit 4 is set ; Update the program counter ; Endif ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_CMP_AL Proc Near ; Compare acc. with memory procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz CMP_AL ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address ; If _type ; call Read_Memory ; call routine to read 65C02 memory ; Else mov al,ds:[di] ; Read the 65C02 memory value ; Endif mov ah,al ; Save the 65C02 memory value lodsb ; Get the program counter offset test ah,10h ; Check for bit 4 set/reset jz BBS_4 ; Jump if bit 4 is reset cbw ; Convert offset into a full word add si,ax ; Compute the new program counter jmp Short BBS_4 ; Go fetch the next instruction CMP_AL: add si,3 ; Increment to the next opcode BBS_4: Ticks CCF ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_CMP_AL Endp ; End of compare accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode D0 - BNE Program Counter Relative Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_BNE () Branch if Not Equal ; ; Get the program counter offset byte ; If the z flag is clear ; Update the program counter ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_BNE Proc Near ; Branch if not equal procedure lodsb ; Get the program counter offset test dh,CPU_Z ; Check the 65C02 z (Zero) flag jnz _BNE ; Jump if z flag is set (Equal) cbw ; Convert offset into a full word add si,ax ; Compute the new program counter _BNE: Ticks CD0 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_BNE Endp ; End of branch if not equal procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode D1 - CMP DP Indirect Indexed, Y Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_CMP_DIIY () Compare Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the CMP operation (Update flag bits n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_CMP_DIIY Proc Near ; Compare acc. with memory procedure DoDIIY ; Setup the effective address OpCMP ; Do the CMP operation (Update n,z,c) Ticks CD1 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_CMP_DIIY Endp ; End of compare accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode D2 - CMP DP Indirect (65C02 ONLY) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_CMP_DI () Compare Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the CMP operation (Update flag bits n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_CMP_DI Proc Near ; Compare acc. with memory procedure DoDI ; Setup the effective address OpCMP ; Do the CMP operation (Update n,z,c) Ticks CD2 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_CMP_DI Endp ; End of compare accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode D3 - CMP SR Indirect Indexed, Y (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_CMP_SIIY () Compare Accumulator with Memory ; ; Increment to the next opcode ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_CMP_SIIY Proc Near ; Compare acc. with memory procedure inc si ; Increment to the next opcode Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks CD3 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_CMP_SIIY Endp ; End of compare accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode D4 - PEI Stack (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_PEI () Push Effective Indirect Address ; ; Increment to the next opcode ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_PEI Proc Near ; Push indirect address procedure inc si ; Increment to the next opcode Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks CD4 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_PEI Endp ; End of push indirect address procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode D5 - CMP DP Indexed, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_CMP_DIX () Compare Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the CMP operation (Update flag bits n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_CMP_DIX Proc Near ; Compare acc. with memory procedure DoDIX ; Setup the effective address OpCMP ; Do the CMP operation (Update n,z,c) Ticks CD5 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_CMP_DIX Endp ; End of compare accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode D6 - DEC DP Indexed, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_DEC_DIX () Decrement Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the DEC operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_DEC_DIX Proc Near ; Decrement memory procedure DoDIX ; Setup the effective address OpDEC ; Do the DEC operation (Update n,z) Ticks CD6 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_DEC_DIX Endp ; End of decrement memory procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode D7 - CMP DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y/SMB Set Memory Bit 5 Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_CMP_DILIY () Compare Accumulator with Memory (Normal) ; Op_SMB_5 () Set Memory Bit 5 (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Do the set memory bit 5 operation ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_CMP_DILIY Proc Near ; Compare acc. with memory procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz CMP_DILIY ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpSMB 20h ; Perform the set memory bit 5 jmp Short SMB_5 ; Go fetch the next instruction CMP_DILIY: inc si ; Increment to the next opcode SMB_5: Ticks CD7 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_CMP_DILIY Endp ; End of compare accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode D8 - CLD Implied Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_CLD () Clear Decimal Mode Flag ; ; Clear the decimal mode flag ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_CLD Proc Near ; Clear decimal mode flag procedure and dh,Not CPU_M ; Clear the decimal mode flag bit Ticks CD8 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_CLD Endp ; End of clear decimal mode procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode D9 - CMP Absolute Indexed, Y Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_CMP_AIY () Compare Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the CMP operation (Update flag bits n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_CMP_AIY Proc Near ; Compare acc. with memory procedure DoAIY ; Setup the effective address OpCMP ; Do the CMP operation (Update n,z,c) Ticks CD9 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_CMP_AIY Endp ; End of compare accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode DA - PHX Stack/Push (65C02 ONLY) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_PHX () Push X Index Register ; ; Push the X index register onto stack ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_PHX Proc Near ; Push X index register procedure mov al,ch ; Get the X index register value Push_8 ; Push X index register onto the stack Ticks CDA ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_PHX Endp ; End of push X index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode DB - STP Implied (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_STP () Stop the Processor ; ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_STP Proc Near ; Stop the processor procedure Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks CDB ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_STP Endp ; End of stop processor procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode DC - JMP Absolute Indirect Long (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_JMP_AIL () Jump ; ; Increment to the next opcode ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_JMP_AIL Proc Near ; Jump procedure add si,2 ; Increment to the next opcode Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks CDC ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_JMP_AIL Endp ; End of jump procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode DD - CMP Absolute Indexed, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_CMP_AIX () Compare Accumulator with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the CMP operation (Update flag bits n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_CMP_AIX Proc Near ; Compare acc. with memory procedure DoAIX ; Setup the effective address OpCMP ; Do the CMP operation (Update n,z,c) Ticks CDD ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_CMP_AIX Endp ; End of compare accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode DE - DEC Absolute Indexed, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_DEC_AIX () Decrement Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the DEC operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_DEC_AIX Proc Near ; Decrement memory procedure DoAIX ; Setup the effective address OpDEC ; Do the DEC operation (Update n,z) Ticks CDE ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_DEC_AIX Endp ; End of decrement memory procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode DF - CMP Absolute Long Indexed, X/BBS Branch Bit 5 set Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_CMP_ALIX () Compare Accumulator with Memory (Normal) ; Op_BBS_5 () Branch on Bit 5 Set (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Read the memory location ; If bit 5 is set ; Update the program counter ; Endif ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_CMP_ALIX Proc Near ; Compare acc. with memory procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz CMP_ALIX ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address ; If _type ; call Read_Memory ; call routine to read 65C02 memory ; Else mov al,ds:[di] ; Read the 65C02 memory value ; Endif mov ah,al ; Save the 65C02 memory value lodsb ; Get the program counter offset test ah,20h ; Check for bit 5 set/reset jz BBS_5 ; Jump if bit 5 is reset cbw ; Convert offset into a full word add si,ax ; Compute the new program counter jmp Short BBS_5 ; Go fetch the next instruction CMP_ALIX: add si,3 ; Increment to the next opcode BBS_5: Ticks CDF ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_CMP_ALIX Endp ; End of compare accumulator procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode E0 - CPX Immediate Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_CPX_I () Compare X Index Register with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the CPX operation (Update flag bits n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_CPX_I Proc Near ; Compare X index with memory procedure DoImm ; Setup the effective address OpCPX ; Do the CPX operation (Update n,z,c) Ticks CE0 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_CPX_I Endp ; End of compare X index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode E1 - SBC DP Indexed Indirect, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_SBC_DIIX () Subtract from Accumulator with Carry ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the SBC decimal operation (Update flags n, v, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_SBC_DIIX Proc Near ; Subtract with carry procedure DoDIIX ; Setup the effective address OpSBC ; Do the SBC operation (Update n,v,z,c) Ticks CE1 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_SBC_DIIX Endp ; End of subtract with carry procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode E2 - SEP Immediate (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_SEP () Set Status Bits ; ; Increment to the next opcode ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_SEP Proc Near ; Set status bits procedure inc si ; Increment to the next opcode Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks CE2 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_SEP Endp ; End of set status bits procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode E3 - SBC Stack Relative (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_SBC_S () Subtract from Accumulator with Carry ; ; Increment to the next opcode ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_SBC_S Proc Near ; Subtract with carry procedure inc si ; Increment to the next opcode Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks CE3 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_SBC_S Endp ; End of subtract with carry procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode E4 - CPX Direct Page Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_CPX_D () Compare X Index Register with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the CPX operation (Update flag bits n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_CPX_D Proc Near ; Compare X index with memory procedure DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpCPX ; Do the CPX operation (Update n,z,c) Ticks CE4 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_CPX_D Endp ; End of compare X index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode E5 - SBC Direct Page Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_SBC_D () Subtract from Accumulator with Carry ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the SBC decimal operation (Update flags n, v, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_SBC_D Proc Near ; Subtract with carry procedure DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpSBC ; Do the SBC operation (Update n,v,z,c) Ticks CE5 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_SBC_D Endp ; End of subtract with carry procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode E6 - INC Direct Page Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_INC_D () Increment Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the INC operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_INC_D Proc Near ; Increment memory procedure DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpINC ; Do the INC operation (Update n,z) Ticks CE6 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_INC_D Endp ; End of increment memory procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode E7 - SBC DP Indirect Long/SMB Set Memory Bit 6 Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_SBC_DIL () Subtract from Accumulator with Carry (Normal) ; Op_SMB_6 () Set Memory Bit 6 (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Do the set memory bit 6 operation ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_SBC_DIL Proc Near ; Subtract with carry procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz SBC_DIL ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpSMB 40h ; Perform the set memory bit 6 jmp Short SMB_6 ; Go fetch the next instruction SBC_DIL: inc si ; Increment to the next opcode SMB_6: Ticks CE7 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_SBC_DIL Endp ; End of subtract with carry procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode E8 - INX Implied Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_INX () Increment X Index Register ; ; Increment the X index register ; Update the 65C02 processor flags (n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_INX Proc Near ; Increment X index register procedure inc ch ; Increment the X index register Flgnz ; Update the n and z flags Ticks CE8 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_INX Endp ; End of increment X index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode E9 - SBC Immediate Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_SBC_I () Subtract from Accumulator with Carry ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the SBC decimal operation (Update flags n, v, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_SBC_I Proc Near ; Subtract with carry procedure DoImm ; Setup the effective address OpSBC ; Do the SBC operation (Update n,v,z,c) Ticks CE9 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_SBC_I Endp ; End of subtract with carry procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode EA - NOP Implied Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_NOP () No Operation ; ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_NOP Proc Near ; No operation procedure Ticks CEA ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_NOP Endp ; End of no operation procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode EB - XBA Implied (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_XBA () Exchange the A and B Accumulators ; ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_XBA Proc Near ; Exchange A & B accumulators procedure Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks CEB ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_XBA Endp ; End of exchange accumulators procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode EC - CPX Absolute Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_CPX_A () Compare X Index Register with Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the CPX operation (Update flag bits n, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_CPX_A Proc Near ; Compare X index with memory procedure DoAbs ; Setup the effective address OpCPX ; Do the CPX operation (Update n,z,c) Ticks CEC ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_CPX_A Endp ; End of compare X index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode ED - SBC Absolute Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_SBC_A () Subtract from Accumulator with Carry ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the SBC decimal operation (Update flags n, v, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_SBC_A Proc Near ; Subtract with carry procedure DoAbs ; Setup the effective address OpSBC ; Do the SBC operation (Update n,v,z,c) Ticks CED ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_SBC_A Endp ; End of subtract with carry procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode EE - INC Absolute Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_INC_A () Increment Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the INC operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_INC_A Proc Near ; Increment memory procedure DoAbs ; Setup the effective address OpINC ; Do the INC operation (Update n,z) Ticks CEE ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_INC_A Endp ; End of increment memory procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode EF - SBC Absolute Long/BBS Branch Bit 6 Set Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_SBC_AL () Subtract from Accumulator with Carry (Normal) ; Op_BBS_6 () Branch on Bit 6 Set (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Read the memory location ; If bit 6 is set ; Update the program counter ; Endif ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_SBC_AL Proc Near ; Subtract with carry procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz SBC_AL ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address ; If _type ; call Read_Memory ; call routine to read 65C02 memory ; Else mov al,ds:[di] ; Read the 65C02 memory value ; Endif mov ah,al ; Save the 65C02 memory value lodsb ; Get the program counter offset test ah,40h ; Check for bit 6 set/reset jz BBS_6 ; Jump if bit 6 is reset cbw ; Convert offset into a full word add si,ax ; Compute the new program counter jmp Short BBS_6 ; Go fetch the next instruction SBC_AL: add si,3 ; Increment to the next opcode BBS_6: Ticks CEF ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_SBC_AL Endp ; End of subtract with carry procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode F0 - BEQ Program Counter Relative Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_BEQ () Branch if Equal ; ; Get the program counter offset byte ; If the z flag is set ; Update the program counter ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_BEQ Proc Near ; Branch if equal procedure lodsb ; Get the program counter offset test dh,CPU_Z ; Check the 65C02 z (Zero) flag jz _BEQ ; Jump if z flag is clear (Not equal) cbw ; Convert offset into a full word add si,ax ; Compute the new program counter _BEQ: Ticks CF0 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_BEQ Endp ; End of branch if equal procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode F1 - SBC DP Indirect Indexed, Y Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_SBC_DIIY () Subtract from Accumulator with Carry ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the SBC decimal operation (Update flags n, v, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_SBC_DIIY Proc Near ; Subtract with carry procedure DoDIIY ; Setup the effective address OpSBC ; Do the SBC operation (Update n,v,z,c) Ticks CF1 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_SBC_DIIY Endp ; End of subtract with carry procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode F2 - SBC DP Indirect (65C02 ONLY) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_SBC_DI () Subtract from Accumulator with Carry ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the SBC decimal operation (Update flags n, v, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_SBC_DI Proc Near ; Subtract with carry procedure DoDI ; Setup the effective address OpSBC ; Do the SBC operation (Update n,v,z,c) Ticks CF2 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_SBC_DI Endp ; End of subtract with carry procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode F3 - SBC SR Indirect Indexed, Y (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_SBC_SIIY () Subtract from Accumulator with Carry ; ; Increment to the next opcode ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_SBC_SIIY Proc Near ; Subtract with carry procedure inc si ; Increment to the next opcode Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks CF3 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_SBC_SIIY Endp ; End of subtract with carry procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode F4 - PEA Stack (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_PEA () Push Effective Absolute Address ; ; Increment to the next opcode ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_PEA Proc Near ; Push absolute address procedure add si,2 ; Increment to the next opcode Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks CF4 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_PEA Endp ; End of push absolute address procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode F5 - SBC DP Indexed, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_SBC_DIX () Subtract from Accumulator with Carry ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the SBC decimal operation (Update flags n, v, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_SBC_DIX Proc Near ; Subtract with carry procedure DoDIX ; Setup the effective address OpSBC ; Do the SBC operation (Update n,v,z,c) Ticks CF5 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_SBC_DIX Endp ; End of subtract with carry procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode F6 - INC DP Indexed, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_INC_DIX () Increment Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the INC operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_INC_DIX Proc Near ; Increment memory procedure DoDIX ; Setup the effective address OpINC ; Do the INC operation (Update n,z) Ticks CF6 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_INC_DIX Endp ; End of increment memory procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode F7 - SBC DP Indirect Long Indexed, Y/SMB Set Memory Bit 7 Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_SBC_DILIY () Subtract from Accumulator with Carry (Normal) ; Op_SMB_7 () Set Memory Bit 7 (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Do the set memory bit 7 operation ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_SBC_DILIY Proc Near ; Subtract with carry procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz SBC_DILIY ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address OpSMB 80h ; Perform the set memory bit 7 jmp Short SMB_7 ; Go fetch the next instruction SBC_DILIY: inc si ; Increment to the next opcode SMB_7: Ticks CF7 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_SBC_DILIY Endp ; End of subtract with carry procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode F8 - SED Implied Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_SED () Set Decimal Mode Flag ; ; Set the decimal mode flag ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_SED Proc Near ; Set decimal mode flag procedure or dh,CPU_M ; Set the decimal mode flag bit Ticks CF8 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_SED Endp ; End of set decimal mode procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode F9 - SBC Absolute Indexed, Y Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_SBC_AIY () Subtract from Accumulator with Carry ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the SBC decimal operation (Update flags n, v, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_SBC_AIY Proc Near ; Subtract with carry procedure DoAIY ; Setup the effective address OpSBC ; Do the SBC operation (Update n,v,z,c) Ticks CF9 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_SBC_AIY Endp ; End of subtract with carry procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode FA - PLX Stack/Pull (65C02 ONLY) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_PLX () Pull X Index Register from Stack ; ; Pop X index register from stack ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_PLX Proc Near ; Pull X index from stack procedure Pop_8 ; Get X index register from the stack mov ch,al ; Update the X index register value Ticks CFA ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_PLX Endp ; End of pull X index procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode FB - XCE Implied (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_XCE () Exchange Carry and Emulation Bits ; ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_XCE Proc Near ; Exchange carry/emulation procedure Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks CFB ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_XCE Endp ; End of exchange carry procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode FC - JSR Absolute Indexed Indirect, X (ILLEGAL) Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_JSR_AIIX () Jump to Subroutine ; ; Increment to the next opcode ; Cause system debugger interrupt ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_JSR_AIIX Proc Near ; Jump to subroutine procedure add si,2 ; Increment to the next opcode Fault ; Cause system debugger interupt Ticks CFC ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_JSR_AIIX Endp ; End of jump to subroutine procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode FD - SBC Absolute Indexed, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_SBC_AIX () Subtract from Accumulator with Carry ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the SBC decimal operation (Update flags n, v, z, c) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_SBC_AIX Proc Near ; Subtract with carry procedure DoAIX ; Setup the effective address OpSBC ; Do the SBC operation (Update n,v,z,c) Ticks CFE ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_SBC_AIX Endp ; End of subtract with carry procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode FE - INC Absolute Indexed, X Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_INC_AIX () Increment Memory ; ; Setup the effective address ; Do the INC operation (Update flag bits n, z) ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_INC_AIX Proc Near ; Increment memory procedure DoAIX ; Setup the effective address OpINC ; Do the INC operation (Update n,z) Ticks CFE ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_INC_AIX Endp ; End of increment memory procedure Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the next opcode procedure Subttl Opcode FF - SBC Absolute Long Indexed, X/BBS Branch Bit 7 Set Page + ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Op_SBC_ALIX () Subtract from Accumulator with Carry (Normal) ; Op_BBS_7 () Branch on Bit 7 Set (Enhanced) ; ; If enhanced CPU type (R65C02) ; Setup the effective address ; Read the memory location ; If bit 7 is set ; Update the program counter ; Endif ; Else ; Increment to the next opcode ; Endif ; Fetch the next instruction ; ;****************************************************************************** Op_SBC_ALIX Proc Near ; Subtract with carry procedure test cs:[System_Flag],ENHANCED_CPU jz SBC_ALIX ; Jump if NOT an enhanced CPU (R65C02) DoDP ; Setup the effective address ; If _type ; call Read_Memory ; call routine to read 65C02 memory ; Else mov al,ds:[di] ; Read the 65C02 memory value ; Endif mov ah,al ; Save the 65C02 memory value lodsb ; Get the program counter offset test ah,80h ; Check for bit 7 set/reset jz BBS_7 ; Jump if bit 7 is reset cbw ; Convert offset into a full word add si,ax ; Compute the new program counter jmp Short BBS_7 ; Go fetch the next instruction SBC_ALIX: add si,3 ; Increment to the next opcode BBS_7: Ticks CFF ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Fetch and execute next instruction Op_SBC_ALIX Endp ; End of subtract with carry procedure ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Define the Emulator Entry Point ; ;****************************************************************************** ; Even ;LineUp OP_SIZE ; Align the emulator entry point Even Emulator Proc Near ; Emulator procedure call Initialize ; call the initialization Op_Fetch Label Near ; Fetch opcode entry point Ticks CF0 ; Clock cycle instruction counter Fetch ; Start the emulator Emulator Endp ; End of emulator procedure ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Define the end of the Emulator Code Segment ; ;****************************************************************************** Emulate ends ;****************************************************************************** ; ; Define the Emulator Stack Segment ; ;****************************************************************************** Stacker Segment Word Stack 'STACK' ; Emulator stack segment Db STACK_SIZE dup (?) ; Define emulator stack (4096 Bytes) Stacker Ends End Emulator ; End of the Emulate module