;cartoon.asm›› proc››cartoon1› lda #0› sta scrollflag› sta pirx› sta fishx› sta crabx› lda #127› sta fishy› lda #124› sta piry› lda #255› sta pird› lda #1› sta scrollpos+1› lda #0› sta scrollpos› inc scrollflag› ldx #0› stx fishd›:lp1› stx fishx› txa› sec› sbc #24› bcc :nopir1› sta pirx›:nopir1› lda 20› cmp 20› beq *-2› and #8› lsr a› lsr a› lsr a› sta autotail› inx› bne :lp1› lda #0› sta fishy› lda 20› cmp 20› beq *-2› lda 20› cmp 20› beq *-2› lda #1› sta noeraseflag› sta fishd› ldx #1› stx fishd› stx pird› ldx #254› ldy #84›:lp9› stx pirx› txa› clc› adc #24› bcs :nof1› sta fishx›:nof1› lda 20› cmp 20› beq *-2› lda 20› cmp 20› beq *-2› lda 20› and #2› lsr a› sta autotail› sty fishy› tya› clc› adc #16› tay› cpy #190› bcc :okf6› ldy #84›:okf6››;move fish+piranha left (pir 1st)›› dex› dex› bne :lp9›› lda #0› sta 20›:lp2› lda 20› cmp #180› bne :lp2› lda #0› sta autotail› sta noeraseflag› rts›› eproc››