The Fish-adventures of Mr. Fish 1.0 ----------------------------------- 48K RAM minimum The local ponds used to be such quiet places, but just this mornin' all of the little fish babies have been kid- napped (or is that clam-napped). Your job (and 7 other fish as well) is to rescue them from the clams. Sounds lame? Yep. You should no better than reading DOC files before playing. All you need to do is swim across each clam to open it up and release a baby. Word has it, each successive pond has more baby fish to save. So just save them, while avoiding the fish eating crabs and piranhas. Did I forget to mention them. You can start at any pond you like, but of course the ponds get progressively harder. There are more babies to rescue, more piranha, and faster piranha until you reach the 16th pond then the difficulty remains constant. By then, you will have a hard time clearing a pond using only one fish. In fact, until you get used to "Fish-Physics", you may have a hard time on the first pond. You move up and down by simply moving the joystick up or down. You move left or right by making sure your pointed in the proper direction by moving the joystick left or right. You must pump the fire button to move your tail to move. The faster you pump, the faster you go. To stop, you need to turn around and pump the button to slow down (fish DON'T have brakes). You will slowly slow down even if you don't turn around. Even though that little fish can really go fast, it is probably not a good idea to do so -- unless you like being dinner. Almost forgot, when you go right or left the screen scrolls. Some levels make you get closer to the edge of the screen than others. Even though piranha, and fish can exit and enter the pond edges, you can't. You select levels with the select key. You start a game with the start key (Really?). At the top of screen is the score (or last score if on title screen), the current pond number or the pond you will start on when you start, the number of other fish that will take you place if you should become crab or piranha food. "Clam" is the number of clams you need to (or will need to) swim by to rescue the babies. High score is the current top score since the program was loaded. Scoring increases for each clam on any one pond. You also get a bonus for each screen cleared. This goes up each screen you clear. You can view a simple cartoon every 2 screens. There are currently four cartoons. Bonus points and cartoons depend on how many screens you clear and not what pond your on. You can't view higher cartoons without clearing more screens. When you have lost all of your fish, you are returned to the title screen. Pressing START there will place you on the last level you cleared. Use SELECT to change the level. If you try the game send me some feedback. If you have some simple fish related one voice music, send me some. Have any SIMPLE addition ideas send me some. I would like to have some music to at least start a level. Tech info (for those who care): ------------------------------- Screen approx 22K. Scrolling antic 4 (1024 character/line) Wide playfield. (The score lines are, of course, not scrolling and are standard width playfield) PM Graphics slightly flicker because they are alternated every 1/60th sec: Your Fish: Players 0A,1A with double width player 2A behind Crab: Players 0B,1B Piranha: Players 2B,3B Baby fish: Each 2 missiles wide use all 8 available missiles. Set to color of 711 (red) You swim behind plants, but in front of coral formations (sort of since you are semi transparent since you flicker) Coral, clams, plants, waves, bubbles are all character graphics, in some cases redefined for animation. Of course there are a couple DLI routines and a very extensive VBI routine that handles PM graphics, some animation, and sound. ------------------------------------- I didn't proofread this well so ignore any typos -- Fish are poor typists. This program may be freely distributed but not sold. Kenneth Siders This was written March 1995 try also PacMunch JR and Burger Boy (Games) KASM, KLINK, KEDIT150 (ml assem with regular and reloc mode, linker for reloc files, and E: based text editor with 40&80column handlers) (assem reloc files are compatable with RA65)