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If you press any key,demo will stop working and you willreturn to the system - so: don't do it!Oh, that char - '!'... It isexclamation, not question mark. Don'tbe confused! I haven't got questionmark in this font, so I'll try not toask questions...<=>Ok, now few words about this "BirthdayDemo": This is my second demo, butfirst good enough to show it otherpeople. Before I started write itI have planned more effects, but I lostpatience few days later. Anyway, ifmy third demo will be so much betterthen this one like this is better thenfirst one - it will be great event onATARI 8-bit scene! Technical infos:code - 3555 B, music - 1774 B,logo - 1224 B, picture - 4800 B,text - oops, I still don't know...There is 31076 Bytes of left freememory in my text editor, but I thinkthat few KB will be enough.<=>Why I wrote this... /Oops, few wordsmore and I would have to use questionmark, which I haven't - so I don'tfinish this sentence/.Let's talk, why I wrote this demo."Because of my birthday" you say...It isn't real reason, but only pretext.I have planned to write next demo forat least few months, but I hadn't timefor it. But now it is Easter and I'vegot a lot of free time! It isn't onlyby chance. This year Easter Sunday istwo days after my birthday, but in 1974/when I was born/ that was the sameday. That's it! I was born on EasterSunday! Check it out yourself...<=>I think it is time for greetings. Theycome /in alfabetical order/ to:׍ APC׍ Bewesoft׍ <=Ġ=>׍ Jakub Husak׍ <=׀=>׍ Nova׍ Our5oft׍ Shadows׍ Slight׍ Taquart׍ USSR׍ <=׀Ƞ=>׍ Zelax׉Now, some more greetings to my friends:׃ Konrad Kokoszkiewicz׃ Mithrandir׃ Edi/Casyopea׃ Gatekeeper׃ Michael Current׃ Bill Kendrick׃ Chad Wagner /as you can see, I'mwriting in English!/׃ Tomika׉Special greetings to Carampuc/ASF.Many years ago, when first issues of"Tajemnice ATARI" were being published,I was your fanatic! I loved yourarticles and programs. Unfortunatellythey disappeared and "Tajemnice ATARI"has no longer been the same. What aboutnext parts of "Piszemy Demo" cycle...<=>Some words about me... My real name isTomasz Tatar. I'm living in old Cracow,previous metropolis of Poland. I've gotAtari 65 XE for above 3 years. Myconfiguration: 320 KB RAM, SN-360 diskdrive, B-W monitor, SpartaDOS X,RAM-CART 64 KB, sampler. My preferredway of using Atari is watching demosand listening CMC musics.To contact me write to:ׄ #Tomasz Tatar, os. Dabrowszczakow 5/4, 31-845 Krakow, POLAND #You can also use electronic mail, myInternet address =>tatar 'at' student.uci.agh.edu.pl <= /I hope you know what to write inplace of 'at'.../<=>I can't miss credits! You'll see why...% code - Hermes /not all, music playeris taken from "Chaos Music Composer"/,% picture - Hermes, % logo - Hermes/using "Logos Maker" by Thorgal/WFMH/,% font - Polonus /COMMY font from"The TOP 1" demo, comes with "LogosMaker", thanx Thorgal!/, % text -Hermes - of cource!<=>At the end I'd like to present my idea.It is Nobel's reward in our, Atari8-bit world. I mean distinctions forpeople which did something prominent inthis range. I hope that I'll write moredemos and I'm going to award one person/or group, corporation, even software,etc./ in every demo. All is clear,I hope - so:׉ * First Nobel isawarded to Janusz Pelc for his "ChaosMusic Composer", which without Polishscene wouldn't be the same *׈ That's all, for anotherrewards wait till my next demo/s/.<=>I think it's getting time to finishthis scrol... If it is very interestingfor you, wait a moment and it willstart flowing from begin.Suplement to the technical infos:text - 4135 B...Now, let the scrol begins again:׎=>׉ ր(