0!J`0I sL} Hard Disk Physical Format v8(C) 1987 ICD, Inc -- Ver 4-1-88 2IL1 sLYou must first use configuration menuto map "Dn:" to Hard Drives --- Notethat "Start Sec#" and "End Sec#" areinitially set after the Hard Drivesare formatted. Press SELECT+RESET.L H 2 sLSelect Hard Drive to Format: L sLUser AbortedL H81I׍I ZL sL K H "IIIJIJ sL ***** Drive Selection ***** sL1. Adaptec ACB 4000A/40702. Iomega Alpha/Beta Series3. XEBEC 1410/1410A, WD 1002-SHD4. Seagate MFM drives5. Seagate RLL drives sLSelect Your Drive: L1Hi1 ZL sL UHh }2H|2H`5??44 KI I7)II)II0)I)IIIIм` sL Intf ID LUN Cyln Head Drive #s ---- -- --- ---- ---- --------IIi1 ZL sL - K H "I =I 0 ZL K I*)I1ͽI)ͼI!;I, ZLLC3 ZLIIIК` sLHard Drive is partitioned intoseveral units, but the units donot contain consistant data aboutthe Hard Drive. The datum that mustbe consistant are: Cylinders, Heads,and Interface type. PressSELECT+RESET for configuration menu.L H "J [J4 LG "J [JLG DLsD "J [J4LG "J [JLG DLsD,9 sLSelect stepping mode; ST506requires nonbuffered, and mostothers should use buffered.(B)uffered or (N)onbuffered Step? LBN,9 ZL sLl>I9I9I9 99797,9 "J9 [J9L6 "J9 [J9LG "J [JLG DHFLHGLHHL sLTotal blocks to verify: K sL66698H69H69H69  99L66=6= 6L[8 sLAt Block #6FL6GL6HL K "J 1 [J=)6m666m666i6L~6J0) sLSense data has no logical blockL HJ7HLJ7GLJ7FL sLDefect at # K "J [J)" sL err in header - skipping!L?8 sL C=7խ7֠՝FL K sL H=ՍFLGLHL K sL B=՝FL K sL7i77i799 sLToo many defectsL H7i67i67i6L~69 sLFormat completed DLsD sLVerify Completed With Errors sLReformatting...7897999i89i8 q9 "J [J9LG9L56 sLNot all defects were found, youneed to map the sectors out inthe VTOC after you build thedirectory structure!Lw89Նi͊77#׆ 9צذHבh׈צLy9զi͊7к7е`8Ո`g@  "J [JLG l? l? l? "J [JJ0) sL.L ? sLSense Request Failed! HGL H DLsD`I @??? "J [J0 )L@J0 sLFormat Failed! HGL HIJJi ?JIi?JIi?PJIIL?IIR sL @ "J [J& sLFormat BAD Track Failed! HGL H)IIIдIHIHIH HH.H.H 5A @LsDIIHL@IGL @JFL!@ sLFormatting Bad Track: at # K sL`4AI.AI-AI/A "J PJ [J-A( sLCould not configure drive! HGL H` I sLVerifying Sector # hAiAjA "JhAHLiAGLjAFLIIYL K IL sL [JB0;) CLAjAiAhAhAHЛiAHГjAHЋ sL` sLFormat verify failed! HGL HhAHLiAGLjAFL K sL is BAD |GhADCiAECjA)FC "JH8 HFLCHHGLCHHHLC sL Reassigning track to # K sL [JC0))ЁjA)jA sLVerifying Sector # I` sLCommand failed!L H "J [JJ# sLSense Request Failed! HGL H` "J % [JI$ sLCould not read capacity HGL HIiHIiHIiH` sLFormatted Successfully... K HIILE sLEntire hard disk allocated to D 0 ZL sL:He sLDrive is larger than 16Meg... Thus aportion of the drive will be unused. KI֝֩LYE KIH֭H֭H֩֩֝ sLNow you should use the ConfigurationMenu to save the drive parameterscalculated by this program.LF sLThe Hard Drive is to be partitionedinto several drives. You must enterthe Configuration Menu and set valuesfor Start & End Sector #s. (Refer tothe section "Partitioning HardDrives" for more help.) After youhave set these parameters, you shouldsave the configuration. sLFor future reference, there areHFLHGLHHL K sL sectors on this Hard Drive.L HH sLError stats are: A= G sL Y= G sLh)- C sLSense data is: J G sL  sL`HJJJJ Gh)i0:iLZL sLCould not Configure Drive. HGL H sLCould Not Format Drive. HGL HILKHHHHNHHmHHHmHHHmHHH.H.H` sLCaution: This Destroys All Data!------> Are You Sure ? LYyNn sLNL H sLYFormatting Unit Number J 0 ZL sL,JJJJJJ 0 ZL sL ...`I I)II )I  ک`)I֍I֍I֍I`I sLSASI LWI sLSCSI II 0 ZL sL IJJJJJ 0 ZL sL IFLIGLHLYL K IL sL I 0 ZL sL `ʊ I`"JKhhԠӍYJȱәMJeӪeHHPJ JPJ`hhԠӅȱӅȱӍJȱӍJȱӍJeӪeHH J0H) "J [JJh`x }K-) OK,0) J,0) fKX`,X8`MJ)J,J&ΫJ0GJ@,,0ILKΫJ0!J,,0IL(K`YJOJI,0`Ѣ,I)`) #JKIѭ)0Ѣd) 8` K)` @,8``xѩ э֎X`x֍֍X`K'N=LFL.GL.HL*NFL  .FL 0=L>L0 FL GL HL>L ZL`YL0  ZLLIL` L fLYLLLGHFH` LLL ZLLLLiLihhh(`HHHHH  hh(` L` L LLLL%H$H` LH ;Mh0#:CMDMH >Mh ZL ;M LɛݝDM`~LM,~LZLFLGLHLDMɛ)H MhmFLFLGLHL`FL$N N N'NFLy$NFL'NFL.GL.HL`