L}  X c0C)HCCH Mhhݩh `eCDiCD`  RyHW   * 1H0芢@) Y0.Ș`0i`#(PMRRҹ ' i 0  % @ / ՠ`d   0DDԝLt5 ABPEEK8 } LL** ATARI MESSAGE BOARD - BY JON LOVELESS 73 BROOKWOOD,ORINDA,}CA. 94518= (}#0@=0@W-@ @-(ATARI MESSAGE BOARD?-@ }@W(___________________3-@@3(** A MOVING WORD DISPLAY:-@@:( ** UP TO 10,000} CHARACTERS LONG1-@@1(** LARGE BLOCK LETTERS9-@@9(** 4 POSSIBLE CHARACTER COLORS }AR@ ;-@@ ;(!PRESS TO SEE THE COLOR KEY"F:B2y,@" @ (} A }0;I:,$?,9@'@@99AR= (}#0@@ }=0@@ F:B2y,"@@$ (}F6-6-6@(6-@46-@FAR }@ @-@@(ҠŠ  ӠǮ!3-@@3((begin typing when ready })###@@K:(E6-%@6-%@+"@@76-E6-%@-i!@!6-}%@)6-@/(}A-@i(ҠŠ  ӠǮ2Z -)@(AR@}4"A&B6-&@P6-&@Z A@4G"@!-@@G((press to end) PAGE # 5!}-@!(  7# -AR#(>:,<$"AU@$ AA67<,.>:,Z @}@d +@'6-@ 6-@'6-@'6-@ 6-@'6-@0@@}0@@@0@@ @0@@@0@X#6-}&@#@w0(@}-@0(@7<, A   B:,6-%@R)"}6-@)6-%@\"A A-@@ $ IAR@/0@}I0@ --@@-(**** COLOR KEY **** --@@-(==============}===== 6-@@6(UPPER CASE = GOLD 6-@@ 6(Š = BLUE 7-@}@7(lower case = GREEN 5-@@5( = RED =-@=(#PRE}SS TO SEE A DEMONSTRATION ;-@;(!PRESS TO BEGIN YOUR MESSAGE F:B2y,"@A0P} F:B2y,"@AP F:B2y,"@@  A0P $5@"6@'6-@956-}&@AR@67<,. -(7<,)-@)( &@ -#@@}K:- @P - DEMONSTRATION SUBROUTINE;A,||67@<@,.aTHIS IS A DEMONSTRATION OF T}HE ATARI MESSAGE BOARD.....IT CAN DISPLAY A MESSAGE IN 4 COLORS......zz67@<A,._UPPER CASE IS GOLD...REVERSE }VIDEO IS ...LOWER CASE IS green...REVERSE LOWER CASE IS ... +@'6-@ 6-@'6-@'6}-@ 6-@'6-@ 0@@0@@@0@@ @(0}@@@20@<6-&@F0(@}-@0(@7<,P A }Z  B:,6-%@d)"6-@)6-%@n "  @x AQ D:MESSAGE}h Ux Xʍ!" B VB JgDE VNO`E:NLW"}IOR}ɛUS= /^ `^`US)}  H#}H``(8 ^Uc^_^]I^`Hhl^`US)}  HV___________________________________ Game Hints/Cheats file___________________________________KAZOO: If you're about%} to getkilled, press the space bar topause the game. The monster willpass right through you and you cancontinue by press&}ing the space baragain.___________________________________GHOSTBUSTERS: use "GOO" as name,11111111 as account number. En'}terthe name WIHOIT, MIKE and the code#40706604 and you will start offwith $32,000.00. When the banner'Marshmallow Alert'(} comes on, pressB and the Marshmallow Man won'tcrush a building - but you will get$2000._________________________________)}__ DIMENSION X: Press CONTROL-F whileload for a Fort Apocalypse demo,press CONTROL-S to play Slime.______________________*}_____________PITFALL: Press OPTION to startgame instead of START or the button,you now have unlimited lives!_____________+}______________________CRYSTAL CASTLES: On each level ofthe game (not necessarily eachmaze) there is a "window" where youc,}an skip ahead two levels. On the1st board it's on the left handside. Press the button anD warpahead two levels!______-}_____________________________SPELUNKER: search disk for thebytes: $A6 $CB $30 $2D and changethem to: $A2 $07 $86 $CB to .}getunlimited men.___________________________________DONKEY KONG JUNIOR: Hold SHIFT andtype "BOOGA" then "K" if you don't/}want to get killed(except byfalling into the water)or S to skipto the next board.___________________________________GHOS0}T CHASER: Type "FRANK" toreplenish your supply of men. Type"FANDA" to skip half the game._______________________________1}____OLLIE'S FOLLIES: To skip to: screen 5 type FANDA screen 10 FRANK screen 15 NORBI scr2}een 20 ZOOOM___________________________________ PHAROAH'S CURSE: password isSYNISTOPS___________________________________3}MINER 2049'ER: Type Big Five'sPhone # while playing thenSHIFT-# of screen to go to.BOUNTY BOB BLOOPERS: To warp toleve4}l 4 on the first screen rightafter getting the flower pot, holddown the START key and press 1. Asfor the special code at t5}he menu,try and press the option key afterselecting the number. 40- Quick way to fill the high score table if is6} empty. 69- Such a dirty min !! 100- Take a look at Bob after you try this one. 213- Ah, the old area code7} of big 5. 818- The right area code.___________________________________ BLUE MAX: you bomb your own hangar,the s8}creen will go crazy and itseem you are flying in space.___________________________________CASTLE WOLFENSTEIN: When your ma9}nhas been killed or capture and thedeath message appears, quickly hitthe RESET button and you will startagain but with yo:}ur previousinventory___________________________________BALLBLASTER: If you stay next tothe edge of the court when goingf;}or a score it will be much harderfor your opponent to steal the ballfrom you.___________________________________SPARE CHA<}NGE: Pressing CTRL-Z willbring you to e ZERO control panel.___________________________________THRESHOLD: Remove the Tresh=}old diskfrom the drive after the mainload,every time the drive startsand re-start you will be up 1level. Insert the dis>}k when driveis off to start at that level.___________________________________CANYON CLIMBER: If you complete the1st. scre?}en and have lost some men,hold down the joystick button asthe bridges are exploiding andpress START. On the next screen yo@}uwill have men but your score willbe rest.___________________________________ ENCOUNTER: Press the # of the waveyou wantA} to go ( you must havereached that level first ). CRTL-Ewill bring you to the editorcommand menu. From there type 1letterB} command.___________________________________ HARD HAT MACK: To play differentlevels, press the # of the levelwhile on theC} title screen.___________________________________ JAGGI LINES: At about level 10 youwill see an alien, he will have agreeD}n face and will jump in frontof your window and screem at you ifyou don't open the door for him.__________________________E}_________ CAVERNS OF MARS: To skip levels,Press CTRL-SHIFT and TAB key all atonce.___________________________________ STF}RIP POKER: Change OP1 to short,then change OP5 to OP1. Changeagain short to OP5, for interestingresults._________________G}__________________ SOFTPORN ADVENTURE: When you die,choose 1 or 3 door, press CTRL=3and you will live again._____________H}______________________ DIAMON JIM:: Password is DIAMOND.___________________________________ PHAROAH'S PYRAMID: The code woI}rdis: THRONE.___________________________________ PREPPIE II: Press this keycombination before the start ofeach game for J}interesting results: SHIFT-CONTROL M (music ON/OFF) SHIFT-CONTROL ATARI (secret star levelD. SHIFT-CONTROK}L-INSERT ( toggles between 3 and 5 lives).___________________________________ PYRAMID: The code word is'throne'.___L}________________________________ SPARE CHANGE: Pressing ctrl-z willbring you to the zerk controlpanel.___________________M}________________ SNOKIE: Same as above ^___________________________________ LODE RUNNER: Cntrl-E will bring youto the ediN}tor command menu,fromthere type 1 letter commands.___________________________________ BURIED BUCKS WILLIE: For atari1200'O}s press ctrl function 2 toskip levels of play.___________________________________ NIGHT MISSION: Type the word 'FIX'to geP}t to the menu so that you canchange the game options.___________________________________ CAVERNS OF MARS: To skip levelspQ}ress the ctrl,shift, and tab keyall at once.___________________________________ ONE ON ONE: If you make 3 shots ina row,tR}he fourth will always sink.___________________________________ ULTIMA II:1)THE QUICK SWORD IS WITH A THIEFIN THE DUNGEON S}OF THE CASTLE.ITCOST 500 G.P.2)YOU NEED TO RECIEVE THE BLESSINGFROM ANTOS.HE'S LOCATED AT THETEMPLE IN PLANET X CORDINATET}S 9-9-9IN THE ROCKET SHIP.3)YOU NEED POWER ARMOUR TOSUCCESFULLY FLY THE SPACE SHIP.4)CRYSTALS ARE TO BE USED AS FUEL5)AFU}TER YOU RECIEVE THE BLESSINGFROM ANTOS GO TO THE MAN UNDER"ATREE" AND GIVE HIM 600 G.P.6)THE ENCHANTRESS TELEPORTS BACKANV}D FORTH IN THE CASTLE.7)GO TO THE CLERK AT HOTELCALIFORNIA AND OFFER HIM GOLD.THEMORE GOLD THAT YOU GIVE HIM THEMORE ATRIW}BUTE POINTS YOU GET.8)TO GET THE QUICK SWORD GO TO THEJAIL IN SAN ANTONIO AND GIVE THETHIEF THAT WARNS YOU 500-GP9)IN THEX} 16-LEVEL OF A TOWER THEREARE ALOT OF CRYSTALS.10)PANGEA HAS SUPERIOR TECHNOLOGY.___________________________________ ULTIY}MA III:1)-DAWN IS A TELEPORTING CITY.TOFIND WHERE IT IS ASK THE JESTERSURROUNDED BY FIRE IN THECASTLE.THEN GO THERE AND WZ}AITINTILL THE MOONS ARE AT 0-0 ANDENTER.2)-EXOTICS ARE FOUND ONISLANDS.JUST DIG FOR THEM.3)-TO REMOVE GUARDS BRIBE THEM.[}4)-POWDERS NEGATE TIME AND GEMSSHOW A BIRDS EYE VIEW OF THESURROUNDINGS.5)-MARKS ARE FOUND IN DUGEONS.TOGET THEM FIND AN\} AREA WITH HOTMETAL AND TOUCH.6)-DON'T BE AFRAID OF THEWHIRLPOOL.IT WILL TAKE YOU TO ALOST LAND.7)-SEARCH OVER THE SHRIN]}ES TO GETCARDS.8)-SHRINES RAISE YOUR ATTRIBUTES.9)-A GOLD ROOM CAN BE FOUND IN THEEVIL CITY.(NOT CASTLE)10)-GREAT WEAPON^}S ARE FOUND ATDAWN.11)-GO TO THE CIRCLE OF LIGHT ANDPRAY.12)-TO INVOKE THE SILVER SNAKE GETA MARK OF SNAKES AND THEN GO _}TO THESILVER SNAKE AND YELL 'EVOCARE'.13)-BEWARE OF THE GRASS AND FLOORIN THE EVIL CASTLE.EVERY THINGTHERE IS TOTALLY EVI`}L.14)-INSERT CARDS INTO EXODUS(WHICHIS A COMPUTER)15)-TO FIND THE CORRECT ORDERCONSULT THE LORD OF TIMES WHICH ISFOUND Ia}N A DUNGEON.16)-THERE ARE FOUR MARKS.ONE OFFIRE.ONE OF FORCE.ONE OF KINGS.ANDONE OF SERPANTS.17)-THERE ARE FOUR CARDS.ONEb} OFDEATH.ONE OF LOVE.ONE OF MOON.ANDONE OF SOL.___________________________________TRANSYLVANIA:SHOOT THE WEREWOLF WITH Ac} SILVERBULLET.___________________________________ MASK OF THE SUN:1)-GIVE RAOUL THE MASK TO WIN THEGAME.2)-"XOTIAL" OPEd}NS THE DOOR OFFACES.3)-TO GET OUT OF THE GREEN GASEHEAD SOUTHEAST4)-TO GET PAST THE RIDDLER SAYGRAVE OR COFFIN5)-IN THEe} MASK ROOM SEARCHHARDER,DON'T TAKE CHEAP IMATATIONS.6)-TO GET PAST THE SNAKE "SHOT"7)-TO GET PAST THE SKELETONS HITTHEM Wf}ITH THE AMULET.___________________________________ ZORK I:1)-GO TO THE SHAFT ROOM AND PUT THETORCH IN THE BASKET.PUT THE g}COALAND SCREWDRIVER IN THE BASKET.LOWERTHE BASKET.GO TO THE TIMBER ROOMLIGHT THE LAMP. AND LEAVE ITTHERE.THEN GO TO THE Dh}RAFTY ROOMAND GET ALL OUT OF THE BASKET.2)-IN ORDER TO WORK THE MACHINE YOUHAVE TO PUT IN THE COAL AND TURNTHE SWITCH WITi}H THE SCREWDRIVER.3)-TO GET THE PLATNIUM BAR OPEN THEFLOOD GATES AND DRAIN THE LAKEUNTILL IT IS COMPLETLY EMPTY.CLOSETHE j}GATES.GET THE BAR.4)-TO GET THRU THE BAT ROOMREMEMBER A CERTAIN SPICE THATVAMPIRES DON'T LIKE.5)-IN THE MAZE TRY ALL DIREk}CTIONS(UP,DOWN)6)-FOR THE SANDY CAVE REMEMBER THATCURIOSITY KILLED THE CAT.___________________________________ DEADLINE:l}1)-ANSWER PHONE2)-PICK UP PHONE3)-WAIT FOR VOICES4)-RUB PENCIL ON PAD5)-LOOK AT BALCONY6)-LOOK AT RUG7)-GET PAPER FROMm} FRONT DOOR AFTER THE WILL READING.8)-GO TO FRONT DOOR9)-WAIT FOR MAIL___________________________________ DECISION IN n}THE DESERT CODES:1:GYMNASE2:ALEXANDER3:BREVITY4:AFRICA5:MERCURY6:SUBSTANCE7:EXPORTER8:VENICE9:HERCULES10:ACROBAT11o}:SUPPLY12:MARIE13:LUSTRE14:SPLICE15:STYLE16:PEDESTAL___________________________________POLE POSITION: If in a crunch, p}holddown spacebar while playing. Timewill pass slower and you will be more likely to make the necessarytime. Don't q}use this technique whenyour beginning time is 90 in the race.___________________________________Spook House: Here arer} some hintswhich you'll find useful: Things are always not what they seem!Once you re-visit a location, theoutcome of yos}ur next choice might bevery different than from the lasttime you were there. Try to see allthe locations you can as some ct}ontainimportant clues. There is one locationthat will send you to severalRANDOM locations, and one of theselocations willu} show the WINNING choice!The best place to look for the randomrooms is the library. If you makethe right move you will be v}sent to1 of 5 random areas, 2 of which areidentical! One of these identicalrooms will bring victory, and theother..???? w}CLUE: DON'T BE AFRAID TO FIGHT A GHOUL___________________________________Weird Wanderer: Here's some hints: Avoid spendix}ng time traveling theROAD. You will find help from aCLOAKED FIGURE from another world!Don't be too friendly. Be sure notty}o GAMBLE on a strange planet. Don'ttry to operate a FLYING SAUCER unlessyou know how! Be sure to enter theGAME PASSWORD onz} the same call youcomplete the text portion of the game! CLUE: DARKNESS WILL HELP YOU___________________________________{}CONGO BONGO: WHEN YOU GET ONE STEP BEFORE THE TO AT THAT TIME JUMP UP TO THE TOP AND YOU ____________________________|}_______TRANSYLVANIA: FIRST TIME YOU ENCOUNTERWEREWOLF, GET BEHIND HIM AND FUCK HIM UP____________________________________|&' CCSARRAYSPACCHAMOVEZ@ ~} rF:A4,@2(?(Utilizes Atari graphic }s controld( characters; cannot use in AscII!g(r%D:GAME 6-6-@'A61 B K@@ }K:O+[6-Ab}6-F:@,%F:@,$AV6-A`* (} (*( Puzzle by Frank SeipelL(( } Use arrow keys to move spaceI( Escape will end gameL(( ( ( }!("( #( $( %( } &('((()( (*++(" Generatin }g puzzle; please wait++9@,-@'68,-+ 2-@<6-P:H:,$@,%F8,@` }P$ 68,- $( Q<-@@&8,"@,6-<68,-6@2R(>:8,%@d,Z }''@"P:'@,'(d n(x @AP)6-%@6-&@) A ( }-@$(( (-@$((  Ap!6-F:@,!6-F:@, }')@"@''%D:GAME#"@C)"@0# A #"@B)"@1# A0#"@E)" }@(# A@#"@a)"@)# AP Ap1&@  (  1%@ }   ( 1&@  ( 1%@  ( p -!A( z } (>:,6-%@$Xm6-Aw6-@)/-@@=6-%@@K6-%@U Am-%A7 }%A9Y2 F:,"&+%A7,%@E$ ( 2 BZ Ac@-%%%@JF:,"&+%,% $T }' ' ' Ac'L(1(}You solved the puzzle in  moves!4(I(Congratulations!L(']%( }|E@@K:R)@]%D:GAME}% D:WAITCALL D7:PUZZLE.BAS gIJ ZEROASHIFP6ZEROLLINEBBCOMMANMOVERCRPOLIKEEGAMOSTA} }A6 B%6-F:@,%F:@,$AV7AYe;AV},;AV,;A,;@@,v67AU,.|6.A6A'A9@}@Y@@E:k@f@}BBA AHAR@@}@K:+6-C:hhhԩ`,+6-?::AU,e n_67@<@,.S)A;67Ar,.FMA }A_ARs"@BPx=#(}&(1(=6-BC}6-%@})@!!"@()"@EA!!"@))"@aA !!"@1)"@BA0!!}"@0)"@CA@"@'%D:GAME A0=F:&@@,"(6-&@@3( = A%} A0=F:%@@,"(6-%@@3( = A%$F:%@@,"@8$ B A0} =F:%@,"(6-%@3( = A% A0=F:&@,"(6-&@3( }= A% A0'J+(#}Congratulations, you have escaped!.(J( It took you  moves'U'(Want to try another} one (Y/N)?4)@J"@x)"AU%D:GAME$'"@)"A!%.' B:-6-@@6-@8}-AR:}"@6-%@:(}7&@9<&@7,S(7&@<%@,s(7%@7<%@9},} BP :-6-P:'@8,&6-&+$@8,-(}:66-&@!+-@2(6 :66}-&@!+-@2(6 :m6-%@m(7&@9<&@7,7&@<%@,}7%@7<%@9,:)@:!!"@))"@aBQ:!!"@()"@EBR:!!"@0})"@CBS:!!"@1)"@BBT:"@'BP: BP :8 7%@8<%@8,4 .6}-%@88 BP;* 7%@8<%@8,4F* B; BP `;8 7&@8<&@8,4 .6-&@88 }BPj; BP ;8 7&@<&@,4 .6-&@8 BP; BP (<8 7%@<%@,4 .6}-%@8 BP2< BP >1LINE=38 CHARACTERS NM*("}My Maze - Written by Frank Seipel-(M(November 28, 1987} test*Nl(,(!Use arrow keys to move. Need notO(press control with arrow keys.i(ESC to see maze/abortl(4N++(}#Object is to make it to the F in as>Nu(few moves as possible.!(2( 1. Full viewF(2. 3 x 3 windowa(3. Moving 3 x }3 windowu(4. List program?N(5. Exit(HN5 B@"@)6-@56-@IN"@%D:GAME}RN"@6-@WN@$XNP(+( Buffer on, hit any key to begin.P( Save buffer at pause. Use ENTER}YNX*("to load program, type RUN to play.-(:)@=Q-@AU X%aG((}Hopeless, isn't it?"(/6}7<,.C-@AG a (})@%D7:Randmaze.BG1X%aG((}Hopeless, isn't it?"(/6URScj+~+COMASANRLETAN2LCVLGFILENAMEZBREADEFPLATRERRGMOCO(((P(x}((((d|( ( (    (@D@@e@}@@@@@@@ @!C#}@@K:C@@6E:c@/0@I0@}@c0@@ss;@@,;@@,;@@,;@@,;@@,;@@,;@@,;A},;@@,;@@,11;@@,;@ ,;@ ,;@@,6-@A , BP}A6AQ,;@ , # (}6-%@""@(}"%D1:BOARD11((}߆ 11((11((|렦堠|11((}#11((߇(0(-(" }0()11((*11((|________See_Previous_Winners_______|,11((|______}__Play_Wheel_Of_Fortune______|.11((|________Goto_Online_Game_Menu______|211((|________Return_To_BBS____________}__|311((411((|| ||511((}<( F)@P,"@)"@e(A"(, AZ8"@)}"@f(B"(.6-@8 A _."@)"@g(C"(.%D1:GAMEa/"A)"@h(D"(/%D}1:BOARDb @p6-@(}|@!6. D3:WHEEL.TXT>@@PA&b}A'q6-?:A,|@1$(Π 1)@ @ (}36-@}36-P:+H:@,$@,%@, " 6.6-6. " A @ 6. A  6-B}:, 6.-@'7<,4 67<,. ' A `'7<,4'67<,.'' 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[ 45( There are no 's in the puzz}le!I-@AM [6-&@ -67B:,%@,.-67B:,%@,.  6-&AP A# 0( }&-@@,(0  %( %@ A  4 A%P 6-&@} f(} 0-@@P4 D( Incorrect!X-@A\ f A# c(}} 0-@@P4 A(Correct!U-@AY c A( ?-@?(% } 2 L(}H((L(7 A!(# 4 A#s)}# 6-B:,*#-@+#^7<,4<()| You have already chosen that letter!P-@AT ^ A!,#} -# A#s# 4 A#6-#-@B:,#SG7<,0A*7<,0E*7<,0I*7<,0O*7<},0U*7<,4-S6-@# #"@ A!# A#!@ AU#00((}All} remaining characters are vowels.#S*( You have  try left to guessI(the answer to this puzzle.S A`#00((}}All remaining characters are vowels.#K,( You have  tries left to guessK(the answer to this puzzle.#(}#%( %@# A4 A@$6-&@$d( /-@}@P3 B( Incorrect!V-@AZ d AP$b( /-@@P3 @(Correct!}T-@AX b AT$UU(MSorry, you have no tries left, but we have some lovely consolationU$$$(}prizes for you.............V$1%6-P:H:@,$@,%@1 A%_$(..Chump! A0`$(Dirtbag! }A0a$(Scumbag! A0b$(Schmuck! A0c$(.Retard! A0d$(.Stupid! A0e$(..Idiot}! A0f$(..Moron! A0g$(...Homo! A0h$(...Putz! A0r$%-@A % @}$g@7@@ D1:USER.SYSK-@@X@\ g@$$$(} yo}u have just won$""( The Wheel Of Fortune!$''(What are you going to do now?$!!( Go to Disney World?$)}6-@)($@8@@  D3:WHEEL.TXTQ(@ j(@} (@ (@$@$%-@AP % @% 6.&%Y#@:}7@<@,,!@Y67@<@,.>:@:7@<@,,&@2,0% .:%$%-@B:,%5@:}7<,,!@567<,.>:@:7<,,&@2,%   $' 1,Movie,BACK TO THE FUTURE'%%2,Movie,RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK}'3,Movie,TEMPLE OF DOOM'4,X-Rated,DEEP THROAT'%%5,X-Rated,BEHIND THE GREEN DOOR'6,Movie,BEVERLY HILLS COP'}7,Movie,STAR TREK IV' 8,Movie,GONE WITH THE WIND'9,Movie,THE THREE AMIGOS'10,Person,RONALD REAGAN'!!11,Per}son,GEORGE WASHINGTON'12,Person,VANNA WHITE'13,Person,JACK TRAMIEL'15,Person,BOB DENVER'16,Person,ALBERT }EINSTEIN'17,Person,JOHNNY CARSON '18,Person,JIM MCMAHON!'19,Person,SHAKESPEARE"'20,Group,KRAFTWERK#'21,G}roup,BON JOVI$'22,Group,BOSTON CELTICS%'23,Group,CHICAGO BEARS&'24,Group,DALLAS COWBOYS''25,Group,KLU KLUX KL}AN('26,Group,REPUBLICANS)'27,Group,DEMOCRATS*'28,Group,BEASTY BOYS+'29,Group,RUN DMC,'&&30,Saying,BETTER LA}TE THAN NEVER-'++31,Saying,A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE.'$$32,Saying,YOUR GOOSE IS COOKED/'&&33,Saying,CHEATERS NEVER PR}OSPER0'""34,Saying,REMEMBER THE ALAMO1'""35,Saying,TO BE OR NOT TO BE2'%%36,Saying,DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE3'&&37,Saying},I THINK THEREFORE I AM4'38,Saying,LIFES A BEACH5'''39,Saying,POWER WITHOUT THE PRICE6'""40,Thing,ATARI 850 INTERFACE}7'41,Thing,NERF FOOTBALL8'42,Thing,REEBOX9'43,Thing,COMPACT DISC:'44,Thing,REMOTE CONTROL;'45,Thing,HALLE}Y'S COMET<'46,Thing,TELEPHONE='47,Thing,PORSCHE>'48,Thing,COMPUTER CHIP?'49,Thing,HIDDEN CAMERA@'50,Place},CALIFORNIAA'51,Place,SWITZERLANDB'52,Place,THE BAHAMASC'53,Place,HONOLULU HAWAIID'54,Place,THE SOVIET UNION}E'55,Place,SUPERMARKETF'((56,Place,THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTEG'57,Place,WALT DISNEY LANDH'58,Place,GARDEN OF EDEN}I'59,Place,BERMUDA TRIANGLEJ'**60,Software,CHAMPIONSHIP LODE RUNNERK'++61,Software,WORLD KARATE CHAMPIONSHIPL'""62,}Software,TEMPLE OF APSHAIM'63,Software,WINTER GAMESN'##64,Software,ATARI WRITER PLUSO'65,Software,GHOSTBUSTERSP'##}66,Software,ALTERNATE REALITYQ'&&67,Software,PRINT SHOP COMPANIONR'68,Software,BMX SIMULATORS'69,Software,FOREM XE} BBST'70,Food,CHEESE HAMBURGERU'71,Food,FRIED CHICKENV'!!72,Food,ROAST BEEF SANDWICHW'##73,Food,MEATBALLS AND RAV}IOLIX'74,Food,PIZZA DELUXEY'75,Food,BIG MACZ'!!76,Food,CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP['77,Food,SPAGHETTI\'78,Food,TACO} SALAD]'79,Food,BLT SANDWICH^'80,Sport,BASEBALL_'81,Sport,ICE HOCKEY`'82,Sport,ROLLER SKATINGa'83,Sport,T}OUCH FOOTBALLb'84,Sport,SHADOW BOXINGc'!!85,Sport,COLLEGE BASKETBALLd'86,Sport,GOLFe'87,Sport,TENNISf'88,Sp}ort,TRACK AND FIELDg'89,Sport,SKEET SHOOTINGh'90,BBS,LAUNCH PADi'91,BBS,OMEGA BASEj'92,BBS,BIG FAT WHIZ KIDS}k'93,BBS,UNCLE COZ'Sl'94,BBS,BACKSTAGEm'95,BBS,LION'S DENn'96,BBS,CARINAo'97,BBS,BREAD BOARDp'98,BBS,S}YNDICATEq'99,BBS,HELL HOLE:8 BP"F:A,"AU46. D1:WAITCALL8%:F:A,"AQ : } D7:WHEEL.BASBBS,HELL HOLE:8 BP"F:A,"AU46. 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B& A}$4YAU$L 4S(4(!The Quarterback has been sacked!!H-@AL $I 4S BP(?(T}here is a loss of O:, Yards.I A$!@AU$ 6-%$@! BP(@(There is a Gain} of  Yards.$H" BP(>(There is NO GAIN on the Play!H A$C  BP(C(Ther}e is a Loss of O:, Yards.$@A$V 4I BP(4(The Pass is Incomplete!H-@A}L V A$((((The Pass is Complete at the $@P(.$!@P(A&.$-@}A % 6-%6-&%6- B%C 6-& B!+ BP.(C(It's FIRST DOWN!%}$%D 0 (,(The Ball has been Fumbled!@-@@PD %; 0 (1(It is recovered by the 'S.; B}%4FDAP %4FR)"@A !%C 4Y(+(The Pass is Intercepted!5 B<6.C6."%} 46-%P:?$,#% 46-&P:?$,$%!!)AA5%%"@A &%$($(The Ru}nback is from the '%@P((%!@P(A&)%! (.6-@!6-*%-@AP} +% 6. B0 B0%7 4B(-(The Punt has been Blocked!7 A$1%0 46-%(0(It's a  }Yard Punt.2%0 46-&(0(It's a  Yard Punt.3%!!)AA54%1-@@u 14}*0FRAP5%8($(The Runback is from the 0@P8(.6% !@P (A&.7%%-@@u} % A?%R BP(:(%It's a Touchback! 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There is no return.D16-@ }E1A6-@F1 B&$G1:(&(The Ball is caught on the 2"@P:(.I1 @P( }.J1%!@P%( A&.K1X-@@P (6(There is a Runback!J-@@uN X B}P1L6- B--@A%1 =6-@I6-@L$2! 6.6.6.!6-2$6 B}06 46-@ 6 46-@66-@6-6$8+4* ?P*!@+6-%@}8+4* ?P*!@+6-&@8+4*?P*!@+6-&@8+4*?P*!@+6-%@}8$: 6-: 46-%: 46-&:)A*46.Y)6-A&:!*46.Y!6-}:A*46.Y:*46.Y:4Y*46-%@:4Y*46-%@: 4Y} B0:$>? B '(The Teams Line up....;-@@P? >)"@()( Defense is Run>*}"@(*( Defense is Pass>2"@(2( Defense is set for Punt.>'"@*4L'( /Under Shift.}>$"@*4B$( /3-4 Line.>&"@*4R&( /Over Shift.>%"@*4L%( /Weak Zone.> "@}*4B (/Zone.>'"@*4R'( /Strong Zone.>Y-@A (A(The Center snaps the ball.....U}-@@@Y >:"@(:(#It's a quick Pitch to the Halfback!>D"@)"@(D(#The Quarterbac}k hands off the Ball.>0"@(0(It's a Quarterback Sneak!>:"@(:(#The Quarterback drops back to Pas}s.>Q"@(/(The 'S are Punting.C-@@`G Q Ba>-@@P >3"@}(3(Halfback is running to the >"@*4L(Left.> "@*4R (Right.>0"@(0(Ful}lback is running off >&"@*4L&( Left Tackle.>'"@*4R'( Right Tackle.>8"@(8( Hal}fback is running Counterplay->"@*4L(Left.> "@*4R (Right.>@B`>((}QB is looking > @(short >&@* @@&(medium >@@(long >(to the }> 4L(Left.> 4R(Right.> 4M(Middle.>N-@@P '"@*(D(The Receiver }is Open!N B`>B4L*4L(8(The Receiver is Double Covered!B B`>B4R*4R(8(The Receiver is }Double Covered!B B`>B4B*4M(8(The Receiver is Double Covered!B B`>#(#(Its Man-To-Man Coverage}!>-@@ >!4* @!6-%@>!4* @!6-%@>$t@@Bf}@C6-@4*!@d+6-@7!@C6-@@74* @66-@+!@76-@@}@Bg@:6-@.!@)H:,!?:6-@L4YBE@L6-%@}EL$ 4S6-%!6-%@$$JL!!* @!6-%RL45*46-%@TL2 456-%@!}4Y/6-%@2$YL 456-%hL%"@6-%@%6-%mL 466-%rL$L 06-%@}$L4YBPL6-%@M$ 4S6-%!6-%@$$M!!* @!6-%}M45*46-%@M2 456-%@!4Y/6-%@2$&M 456-%0M%"@6-%@}%6-%5M 466-%:M$D:FOOTBALL.BAS4Y/6-%@2$&M 456-%0M%"@6-%@9<//BMLBLWRESIGLHLHHHILEFRIGHLIMILOWERGUESUPPERGUESLWHOLNULDERWHORNURDENNUDEWHOSDE}RLINELEINLANCHORATICBACLIGFLALLLDA} } !"#$%&'(})*+,-./012--- GUESS MY FRACTION--- ORI}GINAL VERSION BY--- BILL FINZER --- ADAPTED BY GREG BEDDOW!!--- CENTER FOR MATHEMATICAL--- LITERAC}Y--- SAN FRANCISCO STATE--- UNIVERSITY --- DECEMBER 1981   $$______________________________} $$| |$$| SAN MATEO COUNTY |$$| OFFICE OF EDUCATION |$$| } & |$$| COMPUTER-USING EDUCATORS |$$| |$$| SOFTSWAP }|$$| |$$|333 MAIN STREET,REDWOOD CITY|$$| CA 94063 (415)363-5472 |$$|_________}___________________|$$______________________________$$| |$$| PROGRAM MAY B }E COPIED FOR |$$| EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY AND |$$| MAY NOT BE SOLD. COPYRIGHT |$$| (C) 1982 CUE,INC |  }$$|____________________________|!"2d ATITLE##@@K:<<;@, };@,;@P,;@,;@P,//6.%  A@INSTRUCTIONS= ( }}#0@@@=0@@@9AR@'@@9@@9 AP }CHOOSE HID FRAC APLAY"@ A$ AEND----TITLE----4+@%@'}AR@4CURSOR OFFr-@@( @GUESS:-@@J @MY\-@@r @}FRACTION-@A '+@%@'AR@+-@@+ @FROM THE}--@@- @ CENTER FOR/-@@ / @ MATHEMATICAL+-@@+ @}LITERACY(-@@( @(CML)0-@@0 @ SAN FRANCISCO3-@@3 @}STATE UNIVERSITY-@A $----INSTRUCTIONS----C +AR@1@}@C@@870@@@70@@@K/(&} Do you want the instruction}sAARK A$$7@<@,4NA3#7@<@,0Y*0OK&()(3 ARXX(P}}In Ӡ٠ I will choose ahidden fraction. This could be aUU(Mproper fraction ( such as 3/5 ), a}nimproper fraction ( such as 9/4 ) or aTT(Lwhole number ( such as 2 , which isequivalent to the fraction 2/1 ).}U(U(JYour task is to guess my fractionin as few tries as possible.*(*( To go on, press } AYY(Q}Before I choose my hidden fraction,you set a limit on the size of the UU(Mdenominator. }The denominator must notbe smaller than 3 or larger than 20.UU(MThis restricts the number of possiblefractions; oth}erwise, you could guess(for a long, long time.*(*( To go on, press  A#WW(O}When th}e game begins, I will draw anumber line; my hidden fraction lies(UU(Msomewhere on this line. You will guessdifferen}t fractions, one at a time,-UU(Muntil you find my fraction. For eachguess, I will tell you whether your2UU(Mfr}action is too small or too large.I will also reduce the size of the7''(number line to show your guess.<)()(} To go on, press A AFZZ(R}Use the diagonal slash / for afraction bar. Your guess ma}y be anKUU(Mordinary fraction (such as 5/8 or 7/3)or a whole number ( such as 1 ) or aPRR(Jmixed number (such as 2  }3/4 , which isequivalent to the fraction 11/4 ).U*(*( To go on, press Z A_\\(T}If yo!}u become frustrated and want toQUIT during the game, type insteadd(of your guess.i,(,(! To go on,"} press n Ax---LIMIT---zQQ(I}What maximum value do you want for thedenominator ( 3 to 20 )?#}} ( (;AR(1( Limit ; A A26-A:, B((!@* @!*$}"P:,AE9(/(# ŠҠΠĠ9 A4(((( ŠΠ-AR%}@)-@A- )(((() A$ ---CHOOSE HIDDEN NUMBER---46-P:H:@&},$%@,4HIDDEN DENOMINATOR:%6-P:H:@,$@%@,:LIM IN NUMBER LINE,6-P:H:@,$$,,HI'}DDEN NUMERATOR6-P:',HIDDEN WHOLE 6-'HIDDEN FRACTION''"P:,*H:@, ?Ap --6.#(}]6-@6-@5'6-@36-@?6-@ K6-Q6-]6-)}]6-6-'6--6-96-E6-Q6-]6-6$@----PLAY THE GAME----*}J6-T A"DRAW BOARD^ A$GET GUESSh*O:&, > Ae*THAT'S ITr!+}$|   A2 ! A4 A0----FINISH----"  } "CLEAR PAGE"(,}0 (=:, $$(=:,/=:, 5 is my fraction!0  That took you 5 &#-}  guess!@# es( .+P-@@4 Do you want to play againFARP A09#.}7@<@,4Y)4OK/6-@9 A`:27@<@,4N(6-@2 A`? (} A5D/}$----B$ TO FRACTION----W6-6-@'6-36-?6-K6-W6- A0}SPACES ERROR-@B:,6.7<,6@:, @F)@:,!@W'0 36-@6$ 4 6-1} 4/6- 4.6-@$  +!@+6-A:7@<&@,,"@*""6-A:2}, -!@-6-A:7%@<&@,,%%*"B:,"6-@%$*C!@(6-A:7%@  6-6-6-H !6-6-6-$5}----DRAW BOARD----%% } Ӡ٠-@@  A&HATCH MARKS 6-6-6}6- A(LEFT FRACTION 6-6-6- A)RIGHT FRACTION6-@56-&6-$` 7}----GET GUESS----e 6-%@6-%@j ) ! A`)ERASE RESPONSE AREAo -t 5 Guess #  )8}AR5CURSOR ON~ +6-@ A+GET NON-EMPTY $ 6- "AR@"CURSOR OFF  9}4Q AP$  A B$ TO FRACTION !  E"@1 ҠԠԠŠ; Ar:}E A$ K"@7 "ŠΠӬԠA ArK A$ H"@)"@4 ԧӠԠ;}> ArH A$ F"@2 ȠϠǠƠŠ< ArF A$ H"@4 <}Ϡ̠ƠŠ> ArH A$ J"@, ҠĠϠ6 A%`@ ArJ A$ =}C"@/ էŠ٠Ġ9 ArC A$ 6-P:++&,',$@5, !! >} $  @6- A%u $6-P:'@,$6-&@$  6.=:, >:@:,%A(,  6.=:, >:@:,?}%A(, $( ----HATCH MARKS----2 -@@ < 8-%@@ 2-%@@8 F @}$ ----LEFT FRACTION---- F-@@+-@%@B 7@<%@,F  !!"*A}A(E +-@ =:,+"A( -  =:,&-%@@-  !@ )!@  B} -%@@ =:, A( 9-%@@  =:,2-%@@9 " !@ )!@ C} ' -%@@ =:,J $T ----RIGHT FRACTION----^ H-@@--%@%@D 7@D}<@6&,H c "A)Eh 3-%@@ =:,3"A)m -  =:,&-%@E}@- r !@ )!@  w -%@@ =:,| A) 9-%@@  =:,2-%@F}@9  !@ )!@   -%@@ =:, $ ----HIDDEN FRACTION---- 6-P:G}++&,',$@5, 6-&+$, "A0B 3-%@@ =:,3"A0 -  =:,H}&-%@@-  !@ )!@   -%@@ =:, A0 4"#-%@I}@* =:,4 A0 9-%@@ =:,2-%@@9  !@ )!@   -%J}@@ =:, -%@@ * $ ----GHID----M -@$  Too largeR ! 6-"@5!6-@4\ 6-M}&%@ 6-f 1 @ A@# A4`1EXPAND LINEp .-%@@. 7@<@5&,z  N}A& A) $----EXPAND LINE-----@@d-@@= #䬠O}ɧd(" -@AP ?-@@* 7@<@6,? 7@<P}@6,6-@6-@5 A"DRAW BOARD$----RESIGN----a-@@= #Sorry you diQ}dn't guess my fraction.a  This is my secret fraction: A0HIDDEN FRACTIONJ-@@"1 To go on,R} press ; AJGET  }CLEAR PAGE A5PLAY AGAIN?$p!!----ERASE RESPONSE AREA--S}--z3-@@+-%@/ 3 6-%@ 6-@$d----THAT'S IT----n3-@T}@%-%@) 3 Afx1-@%@'  ԧӠԡ1 Af H-@@ +-U}@@H You guessed my fraction! A0HIDDEN FRACTIONJ-@@"1 To go on, press ;V} AJGET  }CLEAR PAGE AFINISH$----WAIT-----@@% $W} ----WAIT AND ERASE----*-@AP 4 ->4-@&%@ 0-%&@4 H$@X}----GET ----EAR@( JAdAUr)@|@:>:,,AUAP$(#Y}----SPACES ERROR-----#' ' Š٠2# Ar<# A$%GET NON-EMPTY STRING!% (? Z}&%6-0% 6.:%)@D%B"AU*4*"@$-8 Guess #  B AF%"AU*4[}A0I%"AU$N%+"A&*"! + AX%8"A& ~ 67,..6-&@8 A0\}b%8!@ #-@@* ~. 8 Al% >:,v%6-%@67,.>:,{% (~% A0H&]} ENDM&AR@R&,(,(! O.K. Thanks for playing.\&-@A f& +p&%D:MENU^} D:FRACTION@R&,(,(! O.K. Thanks for playing.\&-@A f& +p&%D:MENU