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F0Ξ05: [ BDEHI%} VY8 B V  @  /DE `E:D8:DUP.SYSERROR-SAVING USER MEMORY ON DISKTYPE Y TO &}STILL RUN DOS B;DE J  (` 9 V⪍ ઍ  -'}LLu ÝDEHILV 9 .l 9 .l  `` s$B BH(}I|DE V BLV nB,DE JLV B V BLVDEIʩ BꭝLu } 3E:}DISK OPERATING SYSTEM II VERSION COPYRIGHT 1984 ATARI CORP.A. DISK DIRECTORY I. FORMAT DISKB. RUN CARTRIDG*}E J. DUPLICATE DISKC. COPY FILE K. BINARY SAVED. DELETE FILE(S) L. BINARY LOADE. RENAME FILE M. RUN AT ADDRES+}SF. LOCK FILE N. CREATE MEM.SAVG. UNLOCK FILE O. DUPLICATE FILEH. WRITE DOS FILES P. FORMAT SINGLEL !N',}#"&))9(&*)/h)''-&؆莟R'S  vL/ˢ L }Insert DOS 2.0s, type Y Λx -}DEfHI 1莏#q! @ y0ɛ8A0,' ȅ 1 1ild! 1L!NO SUCH ITEMSELECT.} ITEM OR FOR MENU! 0 .z:*{}.|{ 1 0 0JB 18L%|DL/}%DIRECTORY--SEARCH SPEC,LIST FILE?[# 0 0 &|D3" 1L!NOT A DISK FILEN !B 1L!E# 1 !BD0}ED:}:1BJ|DE 1DEBHI 1 h0ߢ 0.1}  0?詛 1 y0YЛ 1 ;#L" ;#L! BL1TYPE "Y" TO DELETE...DELETE FILE SPEC2}COPY--FROM, TO?OPTION NOT ALLOWED697 FREE SECTORS COPYING---D8:COPY32.COMl# 0|D .L/%#3}##JB|DE 1BHID#E 1#0: B 1L!#͑### B 1#c$0SY4}S1}:## # # .#Ƚ# # 𩛙## 1,#PD#ELJ- <.BJD#E 5}1 1HH 0hh|DL%1}:̳# L% #D#EL% 1 0 . .0O% 1L!WILD CARDS NOT A6}LLOWED IN DESTINATION 0 <.|K}N 2 FORMAT. t* 5) 1L!`) 0NΞ 0 L1) 1 L!BAD LOAD FILELOAD FROM WHAT FILE?) 0 ?}0#B 1L!WHAT FILE TO LOCK?) 0 0$B 1L!WHAT FILE TO UNLOCK?DUP DISK-SOURCE,DEST DRIVES?TYPE "Y" IF OK TO US@}E PROGRAM AREACAUTION: A "Y" INVALIDATES MEM.SAV.FE! +L1   `*  70 2 2A} 0.* 1 y0 0)INSERT BOTH DISKS, TYPE RETURN^, 1 y038逍 N, 1L! ,B}C, t*  Lx+, 0 ^, 1 y0 , ,0,0 ,L+ ,I0 ,Vǭ0C}Ξ, 0 }, 1 y0C,ШC, 0K'!" H H 'h h Lx+!EF 5L1L!D,I,HhD}` NOT ENOUGH ROOMINSERT SOURCE DISK,TYPE RETURNINSERT DESTINATION DISK,TYPE RETURNE}`  `8 rL1`-* 1P* 1 y0Y`hhL!NAME OF FILE TO MOVE?- 0 0|DL% <.F},^ 1 70 0 .@L# .BJ 1  DEHIB V L1 ,} 1 70,L.  G}JB|,#P#DE 1 HI BDEHHII 1 B 1 ,^ 1 70,0La- B V,#PH},^ 1 70 0L#L!-* 1P* 1 y0Yj383}mm ݭI}}`8}``|* ? ɛ,`|:-)| / 1L!`DESTINATION CANT BE DOJ}S.SYS0 0H{ 24Δ 28/L!/) 2 Π 2 0 ξK}hAΞB,0 J 1 BDEHI,HÝDE 1HIHIDELSAVE-GIVE L}FILE,START,END(,INIT,RUN)O S0 1`BDEPHI V` S0H 1 L!M}0 0 1L~0`PLEASE TYPE 1 LETTER,0`hhL! 70 1L0L<1 ,;ɛ7,"ɛ:ݦ1ݥN}A"D|ݤD|ȩ:|ȩ|ɛ,,(/+.ީ1 1,ɛ`轤{NAMEO} TOO LONG B VL!` L1I H1EΝDL1|mDiE` V0`8d/8 i:222 1 LP}!ERROR- 144ɛ+,' 20*.. өr2 1``2TOO MANY DIGITSINVALID HEXAQ}DECIMAL PARAMETER800 0 8 00`,0'D800 H,ɛh`2L1NEED D1 THRU D8uR} ECIMAL PARAMETER800 0 8 00`,0'D800 H,ɛh`2L1NEED D1 THRU D8u8<<  B JKIHiDiELV`L8 8 BLV`LxT}8t8l Lu8hihiHHȱȱL8c !#3`Lu8JJJJ`H 8h`HU}ȩh Q8L8 Z8L8 8L8 8L8 8L8S:@9E:E9H '9 H9I9 8 '9h)0ICV}9D9L8 L :::: :Lr:::IEL[::i:iIIL[:`:i::iX}::L:`L{:w:w: C`L:L: D8:MEM.SAV: 8| 9 '9`L:L: D:DUP.SYS:̩ 8Y} x:ɀL: '9`88 |9Y:X: '9L); D8:DUP.SYS; 8::88 9 '98? :`;WL`; 9Z}Ln; ` :Y;Y;L;L;)} Setting Up ATARI 130XE Ram Disk; 9L; ; -9  [} L;D8:; :9 :Y;L, <=, >=, or <> as comparisons. "#=integer" specifies which record numbers to print. Literally, }you might enter: #=3 ...to print record 3, or #<127 ...to pri}nt all records less than 127. Or: #>=34 ...to print records greater than or equal to 34. } Examples of fieldname/string comparisons are: city="Detroit" ...or... } LastName<"Smith" ...and so on. Note that you DO NOT put quotes around the field name, but you DO }put quotes around the comparison string. Note also that as with the Search function described previously, any field tha}t begins with the specified string will match, regardless of what characters follow. To avoid undesired matches of} this sort, you could enter: LastName="Smith " ...with some trailing blanks to insur}e that something like "Smithley" wouldn't match. You can also use parentheses, "&" (for AND) and "|" (fo}r OR), to create as complex an expression as you wish. For example: #<100 & (name="Smith" | name="Jones}") ...would print records less than 100 whose "name" field was "Smith" or "Jones". Note that "&" takes }precedence over "|" unless parentheses are used. Without the parentheses, the above example would print records le}ss than 100 whose "name" field was "Smith", and also ANY records whose "name" was "Jones". (If you're in doubt about} page 7 precedence, just use parentheses.) Nested parentheses are okay too}. Note that the conditional expression may be up to 250 characters, although the input window is only 24} characters wide; it will scroll if necessary the same as input windows on the edit screen. After y}ou enter the expression, printing proceeds. Press ESC to cancel printing. (All of the above rules also }apply to the conditional expression entered when using COPY RECORDS, mentioned previously.) SORT } Since all of the available buffer space is used by the Sort routine, whatever file is currently open (if any) is sav}ed and closed when you make this selection. You are asked for the name of the file you want sorted. If the file i}s extraordinarily huge (over 2600 records or so depending on record size, field name length, etc.), DISKBASE may no}t be able to sort it. (Three bytes are required for each record in the file, and the free memory area is about 8K; also} space is needed for the field names and lengths.) In any case, DISKBASE will let you know if the file is too big }to sort. If all is well, you will then be asked if you want an ascending (A-Z) or descending (Z-A) sort. Press "+}" for ascending, "-" for descending. DISKBASE will report as it indexes, sorts, then relinks the file in} sorted order. The contents of the records is not actually moved, only the pointers connecting the records. This means} that the links between the records will be somewhat convoluted after the sort; record 1 may be near the beginning }of the physical file and record 2 near the end, etc. This will cause no problem for DISKBASE's handling of the fil}e, but it may slow down subsequent Search and Print procedures somewhat. Therefore, it's highly recommended that, }if possible, you use the Copy function to first move any file to be sorted to RAMdisk, sort it there, then Copy it back }to the floppy disk. The sort will be MUCH faster on the RAMdisk, and when the file is Copied back to floppy, the p}ointers will be "untangled" so that consecutive records will actually be next to each other on the disk. ESC:} Close File Pressing ESC from the Main Menu saves the buffer and closes the currently open file. Be SUR}E to do this before leaving the program, or you may lose changes in your data or even foul up the file irreparably.} When you are ready to leave the program, do so by pressing RESET. TECHNICAL STUFF } In case anyone wants to write their own programs to manipulate page 8 } DISKBASE files, or just happens to be curious, here are some notes on the file structure. DISKBASE f}iles consist of a header, followed by records in the form of a doubly-linked list. When the file is first created, the} list will consist of all blank records; when the user adds records beyond the last blank, a new block of blanks is }appended (a message to this effect is displayed at the bottom of the screen when this occurs). The  }size of a block is equal to the number of records in the memory buffer. The minimum buffer size is a half K; if the use }r defines a record size smaller than that, then there will be a number of records in the buffer. If the record siz }e is larger than 512 bytes, then the buffer is expanded to accommodate at least one record. A DISKB }ASE file will always contain a number of actual records (counting blanks) evenly divisible by the number of records in t }he buffer. Even a file with no records input by the user will contain one block of blanks into which newly entered} records will be placed. Each record begins with 6 bytes of pointer information: the sector/byte locatio}n of the previous record, and the sector/byte location of the next record. (The sector value is 2 bytes, LSB first}.) Record 1 points to 0,0 as its previous record, and the final record points to a random location as its next record (}actually it points to where the next record would be appended, if it were appended at that time, but that may chang}e). Following the pointer information is the actual data of the record. Fields are not delimited in any} way. The header consists of the following: 1 byte: the version number (1) } (files that don't begin with this byte will be rejected by DISKBASE } when the user tries to open them). 2 bytes: LSB,MSB of the number } of non-blank records in the file. 2 bytes: LSB,MSB of the total n}umber of records in the file, including blanks. } page 9 3 bytes: file pointer (sector LSB,MSB; byte) t}o the last record in the file, including blanks. 1 byte: the number} of fields in each record. 1 byte: the field name length. n bytes: the} field names; the size of this part of the header equals the numb}er of fields times the field name length. n bytes: the field data lengths; } the size of this part is equal to the number of fields, each byte } signifying the length of the corresponding field. 3 bytes: f}ile pointer (sector LSB,MSB; byte) to the first record in the fil }e. 3 bytes: file pointer (sector LSB,MSB; byte) to the last non-blan!}k in the file. A FINAL NOTE DISKBASE can handle up to 65536 records. Since ea"}ch record must consist of at least 7 bytes, that many records would take up 458,752 bytes, which is more than even #}a double-sided, double-density disk contains. Just in case you're one of those rare people rich enough to afford a$} hard drive, however, consider yourself warned. (Though I can't imagine anyone typing in two-to-the-sixteenth-power rec%}ords anyway!) ------------------------------------------------------------------- &} page 10$ ====================================================================== SAMPLE.DOC f(}or STYLE10.MAC & TEST.MAC by Michael E. Bennett ==================================)}==================================== This document contains samples of many of the macros in STYLE10.MAC*} and TEST.MAC of the TPMACMB system. Many of the macros are better understood by examining the illustrations that+} follow. ====================================================================== STYLE,}10.MAC Samples ------------------- The [s]-Start Letter macro: -} June 23, 1990 Name of company Street address/P.O. Box City, State .} Zip Attention: To the attention of Subject: Subject of letter Here the body of t/}he letter would begin. The cursor automatically indented the first paragraph. And now for the [c]-Co0}nclude Letter macro. When the body of the letter is done, press OPT-c and the conclusion will take care of itsel1}f. 2} Yours truly, 3} My Name The [d]-Describe Item macro: TPMACMB System This4} set of macro files and help screens offers a complete macro 5} package to go along with the already excellent TextPro text 6} editing program. The [i]-Indent & Justify macro: 7} If you have a quotation to include in a document or just wish to do something di8}fferent for a portion of it, try the indent & justify macro. It sets the margins to left-159} and right-65 and also justifies all text. The [.]-Dot & 2 Spaces macro: Suppose yo:}u need to list several short items. Instead of exiting to the TEST.MAC macro and using the auto numbering feature, jus;}t use this macro. Here is what it will do for you: 1. Allows quick numbering. 2. No fancy formats to wor<}ry about. c. You can use letters instead of numbers. ==============================================}========================= TEST.MAC Samples ---------------- The [t]-Top of Test macro:>} Name ............................ ?} Enter Subject Enter Chapter/Unit The [.]-One Line of 68 Dots macro: @} .................................................................... To change all dots in a test to underA}line marks (____), use the [c]-Change .... to ____ macro. The various Instruction macros: [C]B}-Multiple Choice MULTIPLE CHOICE: Print the letter of the best choice in the blank. [F]-Fill-In Blank FILL INC} THE BLANK: Write the correct term in the blank. [M]-Matching MATCHING: Print the letter of the description tD}hat best matches the terms. [Q]-General Questions QUESTIONS The various E}types of Question macros: [n]-No Blank .n This is the format for a question that does not requireF} a blank before it. Notice that all text after the first line is formatted nicely. [b]-Blank G} .... .n This is the format for a question that requires a blank before it. All text is still neatly formaH}tted after the first line. [f]-Fill In .................... .n This is the format for a question I}that requires a long blank before it. All text is neatly formatted after J} the first line. [m]-Matching .... .n The matching choice a. Answer. WiK}th this type of question, the process of typing the letters for the L} answers and formatting the second column is automated and pM}rompted from the command line. [a]-CN}hoices a through d a. Choice a b. Choice b c. Choice c d. Choice d O} [a]-Choices a-d AND [e]-Choice e following a. a b. b c.P} c d. d e. e Outlining levels * First level - Second levelQ} + Third level o Fourth level R}  ====================================================================== TPMAT}CMB MACRO SYSTEM by Michael E. Bennett ===========================================U}=========================== INTRODUCTION ------------ The files in this arc'ed package contaiV}n many new macros and macros specifically designed for teachers. If you find these files to be useful, consider W}sending a shareware donation of $8.00 to me at the following address: Michael E. Bennett 2207 Glynn X}rven Court Augusta, GA 30906 ORGANIZATION ------------ There are six differentY} macro files and seventeen help screens in this macro system. TEXTPRO.MAC will load and run automatically if it is onZ} the same disk as the main TextPro program. When it runs, it will display a menu screen and show five macro files[} that may be loaded. The macro menu looks something like this: --------------------------\}---------- |TextPro 4.54XE MACRO Selection Menu | | by M.E. Bennett ]} | |------------------------------------| | Make selection by pressing ^}| | OPTION+Number (1-5) | |------------------------------------| _} | | | 1.....STYLE10 MACRO SET | `} | | | 2.....TEST CONSTRUCTION MACRO | a} | | | 3.....AUTO NUMBERING MACRO | b} | | | 4.....MULTIPLE PRINT MACRO | | c} | | 5.....SEGMENT MACRO | | d} | | HELP gives this menu | | e} | ------------------------------------ By holding down OPTION asf} any of the numbers 1 through 5 are pressed, another macro file will be loaded. When each loads, a message g} page 1 TPMACMB Macro System confq}B%DOS SYSB*)DUP SYSB SRAMDISK COMB\READ13 DOCBdDISKBASEDOCB+'SAMPLE DOCBSTPMACMB DOCBREAD ME BTPHELP MN B NUMBER MACB SEGMENT MACBSTYLE10 MACB TEST MACB%TEXTPRO MACB'TPCOPY MACB,TPHELP 0 B4TPHELP 1 B<TPHELP 2 BDTPHELP 3 BLTPHELP 4 BTTPHELP 5 B\TPHELP 6 BdTPHELP 7 BlTPHELP 8 BtTPHELP 9 B|TPHELP 11 BTPHELP 12 BTEXTPRO CNFBMACMENU HLPBSEGMENT HLPBSTYLE10 HLPBTEST HLPBREAD13 COMB EIGHTY COMMEM SAVirming its load will appear on the command line at the top of the screen. Pressing the HELP key while the STYLE10.MAC,r} TEST.MAC, or SEGMENT.MAC are loaded will call an appropriate help screen showing the macro commands that are avas}ilable from those macro files. The TPCOPY.MAC and NUMBER.MAC macro files do not have help screens because they ot}nly perform one function. Remember that all macros are initiated by holding down the OPTION key and pressiu}ng other keys. STYLE10.MAC MACRO FILE ---------------------- The STYLE10.MAC macro helv}p screen looks something like this: ------------------------------------- w}| STYLE10 MACRO Help by M.E.Bennett | |-------------------------------------| | x}- Enter Commands With OPTION Key - | |----- LETTERS & CORRESPONDENCE ------| |[s]-Sy}tart [c]-Conclude [m]-My Name | |------------ FORMATTING -------------| |[d]-Descz}ribe item [i]-Indent/Justify | |[t]-Margins l5r75 [f]-Margins l10r70 | |---------- {}UTILITY MACROS -----------| |[p]rint to Screen [ESC]New Paragraph| |[CTRL L]oad fr|}om D2: [.]. & 2 spaces| |[CTRL S]ave to D2: [z]Switch Banks| |[CTRL V]Load Mac }}D2: [q]Bank 1 or 2 | |[CTRL W]rite fname D1:[#]Save to D8: | |[SEL/CTL W]rite fn D~}2: & go to menu| |[CTRL =]Down 1 Screen [L/l] filename | |[CTRL E]nd of file [} ] Hard Space | |[1234567890<>=] Help [TAB] 5 ..... | | } | |[X/x] Macro Menu [HELP]This Menu | -----------------------------}-------- Letters & Correspondence [s]-Start a letter. Asks for the date (which is edged right), n}ame of company (or person), address, city/state/zip, to the attention of, subject of letter, and starts the first} paragraph with a 5 space indent. [c]-Conclude a letter. To be pressed after the RETURN of the last paragr}aph. Sets left margin to 35, spaces 3 lines, prints "Yours truly," spaces 2 lines, prints "My Name." By loading this }macro into the editor and searching for "My Name" you can replace it with your real name and it will print it aut}omatically. [m]-My name. Prints "My Name" whenever pressed. Use the search/replace procedure mentioned before t}o put your real name in the macro file after loading it into the editor. } page 2 TPMACMB Macro System Formatting [d]-Describe it}em. Sets margins so that a list of items can be made on the left side of a page while their descriptions are formatted} nicely on the right side. Asks for the item to describe and the description of the item. [i]-Indent and j}stify. Resets margins to left-15 and right-65, sets justification on, and prompts for the number of lines before a pa}ge break (so a quotation won't be split up on two pages). Be sure to reset margins with OPT-t or OPT-f after the} quotation is finished. [t]-Sets left margin to 5 and right to 75. [f]-Sets left margin to 10 and right to 70 (on}e inch pica). Utility Macros [p]-Print to screen (print preview). With the configuration file that} is in this system, this will print your file to the screen so that you will be viewing the left half of each pag}e. If you want to see the right half, use the normal CTRL-P, change the P: parameter to E:, enter 39 with page w}idth, and 40 for beginning column. [CTRL L]-Load a file from drive #2. [CTRL S]-Save a file to drive #2. [C}TRL V]-Load a macro from drive #2. [CTRL W]-Write (save) the file in the editor to drive #1 with the filename it }had when it was loaded into the editor. This saves you from having to type the same name again. If it is a newly crea}ted file, the filename NAME.ME will be used. [SEL/CTL W]-Write (save) the file in the editor to drive #2 with its} filename. Note that you must press OPTION-SELECT-CONTROL-W. The new TextPro 4.54 allows inverse symbols for ma}cros, so SELECT must be used in this one. [CTRL =]-Move cursor down one screen. This moves the cursor down 23 } lines and is a nice editing feature that isn't built into TextPro. [CTRL E]-Move cursor to end of file. The differ}ence between this and the regular CTRL E editing command built into TextPro is that this macro turns off the scre}en before the cursor is moved and turns it back on again after it reaches the end of the file. [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},0,<,>,=]-Copies the TextPro help screens to the editor without affecting the file in the editor. [X or x]-Exit t}o Macro Menu. Will exit back to the macro menu. [ESC]-New paragraph. Use this at the end of a sentence that concludes} a paragraph. The cursor will RETURN twice (once to end the paragraph and once to put a blank line between parag}raphs) and then indent five spaces to start the next paragraph. [.]-Puts a . (period) and then two spaces. Usefu}l for numbering or lettering short listings. Type the number or letter you want to use, then OPT-. for the perio}d and 2 spaces. [z]-Switch banks. Using TextPro 4.54XE on a 130XE you can have two other editor banks (and two o}ther files) in the extended RAM. The normal command to use it is SELECT-CONTROL-B and is difficult to press, but} with this macro OPTION-z does it for you. [q]-Bank 1 or 2. Once you are in the extended editor banks, TextPro's } CONTROL-b switches you back and forth between them. OPTION-q does the } page 3 TPMACMB Macro System same. [#]-Save to D8: and go to menu. S}aves the file in the editor to a ramdisk in D8: and goes to the menu. This can be used for a quick technique to }switch files back and forth, but it does not function if you have used the extended RAM for editor space. [L]-Sen}ds current filename without device specifier to command line. [l]-Sends current filename with device specifier to comma}nd line. [ ]-Hard Space. Puts a hard space (SELECT-period). [TAB] Hard Tab. Puts five hard spaces. [HELP]}-This Menu. Copies the STYLE10.HLP help screen to the editor. NOTE ABOUT TEXTPRO HELP SCREENS ----}--------------------------- The TextPro help screens have been redone and updated with graphic gives the m}ain help menu screen that shows what the others contain. TPHELP.12 (called with OPTION>) is a special help screen for} those with StarNX-1000 printers that gives easy instructions for underlining, double striking, italics, supersc}ripting, and subscripting. The TEXTPRO.CNF configuration file that comes in this system must be used because it }has the required print keys pre-defined. TEST.MAC MACRO FILE ------------------- } The TEST.MAC macro help screen looks something like this: -------------------------------------} | TEST MACRO Help by M.E. Bennett | ------------------------------------- } | - Enter Commands With OPTION Key - | |--- Formatting ------ Instructions --| } |[r]-margins l5r80 |[C]-Mult. Choice | |[r]-top of test |[F]-Fill-In Blank | } |[.]-1 line 68 ....|[M]-Matching | |[c]-chnge....-____|[Q]-Questions | } |----- General ----|---- Questions ---| |[ ]-hard space |[n]-no blank | } |[z]-Switch Banks |[b]-blank | |[q]-Bank 1 or 2 |[f]-fill-in | } |[CTRL =]Dwn 1 Scr.|[m]-matching | |[CTRL E]End File |[a]-choices a-d | } |[CTRL L]Load D2: |[e]-choice e | |[CTRL S]Save D2: |[CTRL N]NUMBER.MAC| |}[CTRL W]rite fn D:|-Outlining Levels-| |[SEL-CTL W]rite | [*] [-] [+] [o] | | } filename D2:|[X/x]Exit to Menu | |[1234567890<>=]Hlp|[HELP] This Menu | ------}------------------------------- page} 4 TPMACMB Macro System Formatting [r]-Sets margins to left-5 and right-80. [t]-Top} of test. Puts "Name" and a blank for student name for the top right edge of the page, asks for name of subject and ce}nters it, asks for chapter or unit and centers it, and RETURNs one blank line. [.]-One line of 68 dots. They say} students can get frustrated with a test if there isn't enough room to write answers. This macro will put a line} of dots for a long answer space. [c]-Change .... to ____. This macro blanks the screen, returns the cursor to t}he top of the file, globally searches for all sets of four dots (....), replaces them with four underline marks (____),} and turns the screen back on. Use this after you have finished making out a test or worksheet. Gen}eral [ ]-Hard Space. Puts a hard space (SELECT-period). [z]-Switch Banks. Switches from main bank to ext}ended banks. [q]-Bank 1 or 2. Switches between extended bank 1 and 2. [CTRL =]-Move cursor down 23 lines (one sc}reen). [CTRL E]-Move cursor to end of file (screen off). [CTRL L]-Load file from D2: [CTRL S]-Save file to }D2: [CTRL W]-Save file with filename to D1: [SEL-CTL-W]-Save file with filename to D2: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0},<,>,=]-Copies the TextPro help screens to the editor without affecting the file in the editor. Instructio}ns Each of these macros prints a set of instructions for various types of test questions. Before each is }printed margins are set to left-5 and right-80. [C]-Multiple Choice. [F]-Fill In the Blank. [M}]-Matching. [Q]-General Questions. Questions These macros are for formatting special types of} questions. [n]-No blank. Puts ".n" (the special designator for auto-numbering) with no blank preceding. } All text entered will be formatted so that its left margin will line up with the start of the text. [b]-Blank. }Puts ".n" with a blank preceding. [f]-Fill-In. Puts ".n" with a long blank preceding. [m]-Matching. Puts ".n" w}ith a blank preceding. Asks for matching choice, a letter for the matching answer, and the matching answer. [a]-}Choices a, b, c, d. Formats margins at left-13 and right-80, prints "a. ", and asks for the choice. This repeats aut}omatically page 5 TPMACMB Macro S}ystem until choice "d" is completed. [e]-Choice e. Does the same as the other choices but puts only choice} "e." Some multiple choice questions use choices "a-d" and others use "e" or beyond. [CTRL N]-Loads NUMBER}.MAC macro file. Outlining Levels There are four levels of outlining supported. From highest to } innermost they are: *, -, +, and o (lower O). NUMBER.MAC AUTO NUMBERING MACRO ----------------}--------------- There is no help screen for this macro file. This macro may be called from the macro menu} or from the TEST.MAC macro file (OPT-CTL-N). When NUMBER.MAC loads, the command line prompts for START to be } pressed. This begins the auto numbering process. It searches for every occurrence of ".n " and replaces it with a} number from 1 to 100. The screen is turned off while this macro runs. When NUMBER.MAC finishes numbering }all the ".n " occurrences in your file, it will automatically load the macro menu. If you load NUMBER.MAC and th}en decide to make further changes before numbering the questions, OPTION-X or OPTION-x will load TEST.MAC again. } TPCOPY.MAC MULTIPLE PRINT MACRO ------------------------------- Use this macro if you want t}o print more than one copy of a file. Load it from the macro menu and you will be prompted on the command line t}o press OPTION and the number of copies you want (up to 10). End your file with a SELECT-n so that each copy will scro}ll to the end of a page before the next begins printing. OPTION-X or OPTION-x exits back to the macro menu. } SEGMENT.MAC FILE SEGMENTING MACRO --------------------------------- This macro file will h}elp in breaking up large text files that are too long to fit in the TextPro editor. Be sure to have the disk you want} to use in D1: and not your TextPro disk. The SEGMENT.HLP help screen shows all the various commands availa}ble in this macro file and is self-explanatory. It makes use of the /C, /A, and /Z parameter commands to divide,} edit, and append file segments. The SEGMENT.MAC macro help screen looks something like this: } page 6 TPMACMB Macro System } ------------------------------------- | |SEGMENT.MAC HELP SCREEN| | } |-------------------------------------| | - Commands Entered with OPTION key -| } | | |[START]-Opens the D:DOCUMENT.TMP file| } | and saves the initial file segment. | | Use this command only to OPEN a new | | }edit file. | |[CTRL A]bort Edit-Clears the editor | | and} deletes the D:DOCUMENT.TMP file.| |[CTRL F]inish Edit-Saves the rest of | | the fi}le in the editor and on the | | orig. disk file to D:DOCUMENT.TMP. | |[CTRL L]oa}d File Segment-Continues | | to load file from the disk. | |[CTRL S]ave F}ile Segment-Appends | | and clears the segment from the | | cursor position} to the top of file. | |[X/x]-Exits to macro menu. | |[HELP]-Display this} screen | ------------------------------------- SUMMARY ------- } The macros in the TPMACMB system have been very handy for me in my job as a teacher. I would be glad to hea}r from you if you have suggestions or questions about them. Also included in the TPMACMB.ARC file is SAMPL}E.DOC, a file to copy to your printer that illustrates the macros of STYLE10.MAC and TEST.MAC in action. } } page 7 JREAD.ME File for TPMACMB.ARC... This is a shareware application to be used with TextPro 4.54 and an Atari 130XE computer}. If you find it useful, consider sending $8.00 to: Michael E. Bennett 2207 Glynn Arven Court Augusta, GA 30906 TP}MACMB.ARC contains: TPCOPY MAC TPHELP 2 STYLE10 MAC TPHELP 3 NUMBER MAC TPHELP 4 TEXTPRO MAC TP}HELP 5 TEST MAC TPHELP 6 SEGMENT MAC TPHELP 7 MACMENU HLP TPHELP 8 SEGMENT HLP TPHELP 9 } STYLE10 HLP TPHELP 0 TEST HLP TPHELP 11 TPHELP MN TPHELP 12 TPHELP 1 TPMACMB DOC SAMPLE } DOC TEXTPRO CNF Print the TPMACMB.DOC file by copying it to your printer. } Ϡо *!} = INSERT TEXTPRO DISK FIRST!! *Π___Commands A-I *Π!}___Commands J-R *Π___Commands S-Z *Π___Non-Alpha Commands *Π___S!}pecial Macro Commands *Π___Print Keys *Π___Special Functions *Π___Editor!} Commands *Π___Print Commands *Π___File Commands *Π___Communicati!}ons *Π___Star NX-1000 Print Help *Π___This Menu * key or "} *Π___Specific Macro HELP Menu "} NUMBER.MACModified 6/90 by M.E.BennettWill auto number from 1-100@NUMBER MACRO LOADED -- PRESS START#123456&}7890abcdefghijklmnopwyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYZ‡ÇćŇƇGȇɇʇˇ̇&}·χЇч҇ӇԇՇևׇ؇هڇY@TEXTPRO.MAC1 .n  1.2 2.3 3.4 4.&}5 5.6 6.7 7.8 8.9 9.010.a11.b12.c13.d14.e15.f16.g17.h18&}.i19.j20.k21.l22.m23.n24.o25.p26.w27.28.y29.z30.A31.B3&}2.C33.D34.E35.F36.G37.H38.I39.J40.K41.L42.M43.N44.O45.P&}46.Q47.R48.S49.T50.U51.V52.W53.54.Y55.Z56.57.½58.ý59.Ľ& }60.Ž61.ƽ62.ǽ63.Ƚ64.ɽ65.ʽ66.˽67.̽68.ͽ69.ν70.Ͻ71.н72.ѽ73.ҽ& }74.ӽ75.Խ76.ս77.ֽ78.׽79.ؽ80.ٽ81.ڽ82. } }@TEST.MACx@TEST.MAC$DOCUMENT.TMP/ZY ~~/CY|Segment appended to D:DOCUMENT.TMP|  ~~/C#|Open Edit File?_Any Key: Aborts|*}DOCUMENT.TMP/CY|Segment saved to D:DOCUMENT.TMP|DOCUMENT.TMP/ZYSegment appended to D:DOCUMENT.TMP|Abort Edit?*}_Any Key: to Exit|}YDOCUMENT.TMP|Edit Abort: D:DOCUMENT.TMP Deleted||Finish Edit?_Any Key: Aborts|*}?SEGMENT.HLP,E:@SEGMENT.MAC LOADED--H*}ELP FOR OPTIONSX@TEXTPRO.MACx@TEXTPRO.MAC/?(8STYLE10.MAC MACROShareware application by M.E. Bennett?STYLE10.HLP,E:1TPHELP.1,E:2TPHELP.2,E:3TPHELP.3,E:4T.}PHELP.4,E:5TPHELP.5,E:6TPHELP.6,E:7TPHELP.7,E:8TPHELP.8,E:9TPHELP.9,E:0TPHELP.0,E:TPHEL.}P.12,E:=TPHELP.MN,E:X@TEXTPRO.MACx@TEXTPRO.MACt575803Margins reset: Pick justify 1=on 0=off.}i15651Indents set: Set lines for page breakf1070803Letter margins: Pick justify 1=on 0=off.}d407550 :Enter item to describe:~Enter description:c35Yours truly,.}Michael E. BennettsDate:Name of company:Street address/PO Box:City, State Zip:Attention: To the atte.}ntion of:Subject: Subject of letter:mMichael Bennett~2: ~2: ~2:~~E: #~8:̛  New Pa.}ragraph~~E.. p~~E~1:엽~2:lEditor dv/fn>LlOozq,KTEST.MAC MACROShareware application by M.E. Bennett@TEST MACRO LOADED--HELP FOR OPTIONS?TEST.HLP,E:1TPHELP.1,E:22}TPHELP.2,E:3TPHELP.3,E:4TPHELP.4,E:5TPHELP.5,E:6TPHELP.6,E:7TPHELP.7,E:8TPHELP.8,E:9TPHELP.9,E:0TPH2}ELP.0,E:TPHELP.12,E:=TPHELP.MN,E:X@TEXTPRO.MACx@TEXTPRO.MAC~2: ~2:*38803 *2}Outline mode, first level-3113 -Outline mode, second level+3143 +Outline mode, third levelo3173 oO2}utline mode, fourth levelC580MULTIPLE CHOICE: Print the letter of the best choice in the blank.F580FILL IN THE B2}LANK: Write the correct term in the blank.M580MATCHING: Print the letter of the description that best matches the ter2 }ms.Q580QUESTIONSt58080Name ............................Enter subject:Enter chapter/unit:.........2!}............................................................@~1:NUMBER.MAC~1:엽~2:r58032"}m408050.... .n :Enter matching choice:~ Enter letter & press RETURN:. 2#}Enter answer:f2680 .................... .n b10805 .... .n n1080 .n c....____a138032$} a.Enter choice "a":3 b.Enter choice "b":3 c.Enter choice "c":3 d.Enter choice "d":e3 e. zq0{TEXTPRO.MAC MACRO MENU SYSTEMA Shareproduct by M.E.Bennett@~1:MACMENU.HLP,E:?~1:MACMENU.HLP,E:1@~1:STYLE10.MAC26&}@~1:TEST.MAC3@~1:NUMBER.MAC4@~1:TPCOPY.MAC5@~1:SEGMENT.MAC4J@MULTICOPY LOADED--PRESS OPTION 1-0This is a macro to print multiple copies from TEXTPRO. Press OPTION 1-0 to print fro:(}m 1 to 10 copies. Uses nested macro technique.1Finished copy #1 OPTION-X TO EXIT21Finished copy #2 OPTION-X TO E:)}XIT32Finished copy #3 OPTION-X TO EXIT43Finished copy #4 OPTION-X TO EXIT54Finished copy #5 OPTION-X TO :*}EXIT65Finished copy #6 OPTION-X TO EXIT76Finished copy #7 OPTION-X TO EXIT87Finished copy #8 OPTION-X TO:+} EXIT98Finished copy #9 OPTION-X TO EXIT09Finished copy #10 OPTION-X TO EXITX@TEXTPRO.MACx@TEXTPRO.MAC8|ϠРϠ >-} __ \_______ ̠__>.}___Load File to Editor \_______Load Config File ̠_____Menu ̠_____Pr>/}int to Device ̠_____Copy File ̠_____Save Fi>0}le \_______Save Config File ̠_____Load Macro File ̠_____Exit to DOS_>1}Run add=ư Re-run if ͮ֠ * To append a file in a save>2}, copy, or print to disk enter an /A extender after the file name. >3}<ϠɠР B5} __ \_______ ̠______Upper/Lowercase Toggle ̠__B6}____Swaps Bank 1 and Bank 2 \_______Swaps Main Bank ̠______Change Found String \____B7}___Select Change String ̠______Delete to Paste Buffer \ (Clears buffer) \______ApB8}pend to Buffer (Retains Buffer) ̠______End of Text Buffer ̠______Find StringB9} \_______Select Find String ̠______Global Search & Replace ̠______Home Cursor B:} ̠______Insert/Replace Toggle B;}@ϠʠҠР F=} __ \_______ ̠____Restore Default Parameters ̠__F>}__Kill Paste Buffer ̠____Load File \_______Load Config File ̠____MenF?}u ̠____Fast Repeat On/Off \ (XL/XE machines) \______KeF@}y Click On/Off (XL/XE machines) ̠____Show False Spaces On/Off \_______Show ReFA}turns On/Off ̠____Print to Device ̠____Beginning of Line \_______Copy File FB} ̠____Restore Deleted Text (From paste buffer) FC} DϠӠڠР JE} __ \______ ̠__JF}___Save File \______Save Config File ̠_____Text Brightness \____JG}__Reverses Sequence ̠_____Used, Unused Memory \______Delete to Top of File ̠______Load MJH}acro File \______Delete to End of File ̠_____Print Position of Cursor \______ExtensioJI}n Key ̠_____Exit to DOS \______Turn-Off Screen ̠_____Word Wrap On/Off JJ} ̠_____End of Line \______Turn-On Screen JK}HϠР NM}________ ̠ Rings Bell ̠__NN}____Word Count ̠______Sentence Left ̠______Sentence Right ̠______CNO}haracter Left ̠______Character Right ̠______Character Up ̠______CharacNP}ter Down Ԡ_____Word Left Ԡ_____Word Right Ԡ_____Paragraph UNQ}p Ԡ_____Paragraph Down ̠̾_Widen Screen Display ̠̾_Narrow Screen DiNR}splay NOTE: To print the _|\^ characters press ape first. NS}LϠР ComRU}mands Available from Macros Only Entered with ԫ ___MoveRV} cursor left one space ___Erase ___Goto Macro ___Input ModRW}e...Special entry mode ___Wait for Keypress ___Print Message...Persistent ___Pre-Select MacRX}ro If followed by a Load Macro command will go to selected macro in RY}chain file ___Copy File ___Rename RZ} ___Print Message...Non-Persistent Displays until next keypress R[}PϠР V]}Default Print Key Definitions Entered with _____For Most Printers (Decimal) ________V^}___________________________ _______ESCape (27) _______Double Width On (14) _______DoublV_}e Width Off (15) _______Cancel Condensed (18) _______Line Feed (10) _______Carriage RV`}eturn (13) _______Hard space (32) ___________________________________ Va}󠭠 Print keys are defined by entering the inverse key that you want to define as the print key folloVb}wed by the equal (=) sign and the decimal value you want to send to the printerVc}TϠР Ze} ̠__Used in the editor returns the printed position of the cursor Zf} Ԡ__sends Ԡ__seZg}nds __selects BZh}ASIC enabled ԫ Zi} Ϋ____Operates liZj}ke the SELECT+RESET combination but BASIC will be disabled by the boot Zk}XϠР ^m} __ \_______ ̠_____Change Found String ^n} \______Select Change String ̠_____Delete to Paste Buffer \______Append to Buffer ̠_____En^o}d of Text ̠_____Find String \______Select Find String ̠_____Global ^p}Search and Replace ̠_____Home Cursor ̠_____Insert/Replace Toggle ̠_____Kill Buffer ^q} ̠_____Beginning of Line ̠_____Restore Deleted Text ̠__________Delete to To^r}p ̠__________Delete to End ̠_____End of Line ^s}\ϠР SELbu}ECT+Command > Default Parameter <>ot. margin # >58<>t. margin # >75<>enter bv}text <>spacing # >1 <>own lines # <>op margin # >5 <>dge right <>nderline <>ooter definbw}e <>page wait >off <>oto linked file <>columns # >80 <>eader define <>zmar. set # >5 <>nformation line bx}<>zmargin > 5 <>linefeeds on <>strtng pg # >1 <>lns dwn w/o ct# <>strt prt at #>1<>eft margin>5 <>adby}d to lines # <>argin outdent # <>sub fr lines # <>ext page # <>skip between <>verstrike dec # # pagesbz} > 0 <>age length>66 <>stop printing <>justify 1=on >0 at page # b{}`ϠР f}} 렭 Select tf~}he proper parameters for the service you are using. Usually, you would set up to send formatted text to a 40 columf}n screen. The format line is: 037380255255 f} This will format the message for a 40 column display and continuous print of 255 lines. f}ŠϠ ӡ If your service requires the , combinations instead of the carriage retuf}rn you can search/replace this after printing. f} dϠР j} PRINTER: STAR NX-1000 HELP SCREEN FOR .CNF WITH PRINT KEYS j} Master Print Mode Press and then... for undj}erlining for italics for double strike printing for double sj}trike underlining for double strike italics to cancel Super- or Sub- scriptinj}g Press and then... for superscripting for subscripting j} for quit (cancel) j}h('KB:P _ @P01!TSn}D1:* .* D1:NAME.ME,K\^`~ }|_   n} {wlrtbsnhf@p?xmigjq+-kd&yo!ѹn}l ŠϠ ͮŮ r} 砠 Ϋ򠨱 r} .....STYLE10 MACRO SET r} .....TEST CONSTRUCTION MACRO .....AUTO NUr}MBERING MACRO .....MULTIPLE PRINT MACRO r} .....SEGMENT MACRO gives this menu r} pZԮàР - Cv}ommands Entered with key - []-Opens the D:DOCUMENT.TMP file and savev}s the initial file segment. Use this command only to OPEN a new edit file. [̠]bort Ev}dit-Clears the editor and deletes the D:DOCUMENT.TMP file.[̠]inish Edit-Saves the rest of the file in the edv}itor and on the orig. disk file to D:DOCUMENT.TMP. [̠]oad File Segment-Continues to load file from the dv}isk. [̠]ave File Segment-Appends and clears the segment from the cursor position to the top ov}f file. [/]-Exits to macro menu. []-Display this screen v}tűϠͮŮ - z}Enter Commands With OPTION Key - ӠŠ[]-Start []-Conclude []-My Name z}Ǡ[]-Describe item []-Indent/Justify []-Margins 575 []-Margins 1070 z}٠Ӡ[]rint to Screen []New Paragraph[̠]oad from D2: []. & 2 spaces[̠]ave to D2: z} []Switch Banks[̠]Load Mac D2: []Bank 1 or 2 [̠]rite fname D1:[]Save to D8: [̯̠]rite fn D2: z} & go to menu[̠]Down 1 Screen [/] filename [̠]nd of file []Hard space [] Help [] z} [/] Macro Menu []This Menu z}xԠϠͮŮ| - ~}Enter Commands With OPTION Key - ||[]-margins 580 |[]-Mult. Choice ||[]-top o~}f test |[]-Fill-In Blank ||[]-1 line 68 ....|[]-Matching ||[]-chnge....____|[]-Questions |~}|[]-hard space |[]-no blank ||[]-Switch Banks |[]-blank ||[]-Bank 1 or 2 |~}[]-fill-in ||[̠]Dwn 1 Scr.|[]-matching ||[̠]End File |[]-choices a-d ||[̠]Load D2: |[]-c~}hoice e ||[̠]Save D2: |[̠]NUMBER.MAC||[̠]rite fn D:|[̭̠]rite | [] [] ~}[] [] || filename D2:|[/]Exit to Menu ||[]Hlp|[] This Menu |~}|themargins correctly, and uses easier toread screen colors. I also removedthe reset protection, so that you canload it, r}ead the file you want andpress reset to return to the normal40 column screen. As a bonus thiscured the error 130's when us}ing thisfile with Sparta. The only remainingproblem with the handler is that itdoes not work with Sparta X! Thanks t}o Craig S. Thom, thelatest version works with Sparta X,and should also work with other CPDOS systems like Dos XL, though I}have not checked it. If anyone outthere has the source code to anysoftware 80 column drivers, pleasesend it to me on Geni}e or on my BBS.Please send any comments orsuggestions to J.WARD8 on Genie, orcatch me on Home Bace! Ho}me Bace 80 megs Running BBS Express Pro! Bakersfield, Ca (805)-872-0377 } 00L\10H0Enter Filespec:File not found!䮠M0N0P11'11J00I0L#1 B V}R BJ0DI0EIH V`"J00I0R8K0M0O0L0N0P0 L i1 i1 1:ԍ1Ս1 i!}ԥ iL112ԙ0ɛ1ԭ1եS1L$2 BD0EIH VBD0EIH V0ɛL#1 } B VBJKD0E VL1 X2L2 BM0DN0EO0HP0I V0Q0`HO0IP0Q0M0mO0K0N0mP0L0}`R00M0ԭN023 4ɛ: G { ɠ0 W0 ~3R0@1ȹ 5W0 3L2W0 3 ~3R0L2W0 3 ~3 ~3}R0L2L#10ʽW0; 01,W00100W0 30W00L20W0 3L28K0S0L0 S0`Q0Ђ}R0`X0 3`U03)4 X2U0M0ԭN0` BWD0EIH V00`0!/BI}H} VTU`hhL#1zD@@@@DDD$$BB00ss @D`oLLLL @LHLx DDND}$BB$  @hD(@d`@DDND@@H䬤""".⤤ꮢDD N}N B"DnjƨȨΨȊ䤤**,**Īꊊƨ¢JJJJNJJNDD(H}BB""@FNƨ nnʎ Ĥ( ,**@@JNJJΪƪƂn@JJnJJ N}@NLNJBB@(ll(O |TUkO|`+ * 7|z`HH`L1}ɛ|UL||}L }II)P}W | | 4} } |L1}Xi@ͥYi΢͑ˈXi˥Yi̩ˈ̠@ˈ`΍HPjH**&*&iͩ}ze΅`U|URUT |TT`X˥Y̠ˈ |RUTL1}`TXyR}˥Yyj}̥UJeː̅`@@@@@}@ Uj1,HJJJJMI)P})P`,H MI)P})P}`(PxkJKkJL1}kJ PI | 4} } ~JkɛLR~~Lq~}Ld~kL~K C|kL ~ ~kKk }C|L} }JkL~ ~kUUiR|UTkL ~Ҏ҈L ~I P | 4} }`%H$H` L1}Xș}~șL1}|?|}B|?|?|L~ ~)/ B VXͩB͍DE V~șzL1} ~ L~S COL80 7A00 7}F80 '@@@@((((@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@` ` ~PS``A ξhAΞB,0 J 1 BDEHI,HÝDE 1HIHL\1Enter F }ilespec:File not found!䮠 P 1`BDEPHI V` S0H } 1 L!0 0 1L~0`PLEASE TYPE 1 LETTER,0`hhL! 70 1L0L<1 ,;ɛ7,"ɛ }:ݦ1ݥ'J00I0L#1 B VR BJ0DI0EIH V`"J00I0R8K0M0O0L0N0 }P0 L i1 i1 1:ԍ1Ս1 i!ԥ iL1Iԙ0ɛ1ԭ1եS1L$2 BD0EIH V}