! `P&&%B&ƍ&% LJ & &LG`  Lt`B!%L0HӍ@Ӡ@ӭ@.L(%)%/*%Ӎ@ÎӠ@ӭ@Q/P " S1*-* &-*膂 ,W P Yi%%%MP@ ԍҭ)өP h؅( !p@Ltꍂ%%%LP"w*/*x*0*y*1*`` ө jBD ELVE:} PLEASE REMOVE ALL CARTRIDGES AND THEN RE-BOOT1N@ ------------(((($Hl̅L%0 ؅0L%Ӎ@҅ RS &) &T) &* &/* &G* &) & $L]#.&88X>v:xL&L&,WńP惢ƃw*/*x*0*y*1*>湢ƹw*s*x*t*y*u*łi0*L|" &R &膆 &eȅ㦁 &  Y &R  $ %  * %- ( %i 溦ȅ0@ % )  %T ;%2 & $ % &  * %) % Ҡ* %éT % ;%L#}* & & %Lt䥀Ł6Ł'+ +>+ &U+L & &P`ee" /`  <㦺 y+  y+ y,y,Șȅ㥈YLp˩`@ hhLk$` &l+ & %L%M   N  %  %L'HJJJJ %h) %` ii` BƩ`Mhb^()* &f--  &- !Ս & * %𜦅(`  &@L'`++*iY+ & &i 0Ӎ+ '/č+膆 &i 0 ' + &L'+ & 8n '0S)@#-G0i i挊)i˭ x 0 ' 8n '+ &Lt@R1  0E H?ʎ @ Y0h  0:; < =ҩҺ7x 60:2344 (234, ( ),P (ҥ 0)X07Х` )21 4 2 ) Z)L(1 )) 4)L)1 b)2 Z)4 b)1`LC) 4) )< b)AC ELE)0C&)'L\䩊0,06LW(L(e1i1`) ߍҩҭҍ )  `LC)H)ҩh `#,ҍ ҩ(ҩҩ`}COPYMATE 4.4 (C)1987   & DISK DIRECTORYOURCE DRIVE.........#ESTINATION DRIVE....#ORMAT DESTINATION....RITE VERIFICATION....OPY FORMAT........YESYES.NO} COPY COMPLETED  PRESS Ԡ} FORMATTING} FORMAT ERROR} WRITE ERROR} READING SECTOR} WRITING SECTOR}INSERT DESTINATION DISK} INSERT SOURCE DISK} INSERT BOTH DISKS THEN PRESS Ԡ CHECK DESTINATION} Š? ?Ġ} ɯϠ Ӡ٠٠        hphpphphpphpq(((((((((((((((((Y(((((((((((((((((Y----.&.(  (  (    ( (     (      н  H FG hH8FIGi t,N0 F  FG - HI  4  00a,Hp !}" 0@0ɀ0%Q/ @@/`΢ y,C0 *mV c H  1L. H04 O0 0JK  9,C0LE/D1:*.#}}=================================== Š CopyMate 4.4 is a fully automatic,high speed capable, sing($}le ordouble density disk copier. Ver-sion 4.4 works on all Atari 8-bitcomputers with at least 16K memory,and with all At(%}ari 8-bit diskdrives.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ӡ* Copies disks up to fifty percent faste(&}r than conventional copiers.* One-pass double-density full-disk copy on 256K upgraded XE/XL's.* One-pass single-density('} or two-pass double-density full-disk copy on Atari 130XE.* Two-pass single-density or four-pass double-density ful((}l-disk copy on Atari 65XE or 800XL.* Automatic drive selection and density switching.* Copies disk formats, preservin()}g high speed loading disks.* Disk directories from drive 1 or drive 2 with density information.- - - - - - - - - - - -(*} - - - - - - Π Boot the CopyMate disk in thenormal way. Atari XE and XLcomputer owners need not hol(+}d downthe OPTION key when booting theCopyMate disk. Do not use programcartridges or Translator disks withCopyMate! Cop(,}yMate automatically determinesthe number of disk drives on thesystem at boot time. If only onedrive is present, the Sour(-}ce andDestination drives are set to drive#1. If two or more drives arepresent, the Source will be set todrive #1 and the(.} Destination todrive #2. Both may be changed toany drive number on the system byusing the "S" and "D" keys forSource and(/} Destination drives,respectively. CopyMate will automatically switchto the correct density for the diskto be copied. C(0}opyMate has the capability toformat the destination disk ifrequired, and to write with orwithout verify. The "F" keytogg(1}les the Format Destinationoption between ON and OFF. The "W"key toggles Write-With-Verifybetween ON and OFF. The "Scree(2}n VTOC" shows the statusof every sector on the disk asfollows:SMALL DOT = Empty Sector (Sector contains no da(3}ta)LARGE DOT = Data Sector (Sector contains data)QUESTION MARK = Bad Sector (Unable to read s(4}ector) Pressing the OPTION key during aread operation skips reading therest of the Source disk and writesthe current da(5}ta buffer to theDestination disk. In copying anAtari-type DOS disk, you should notpress OPTION until the disk VTOCand di(6}sk directory (sectors $168thru $170) have been read. Disk directories of drives one ortwo may be obtained by pressing the(7}keys "1" or "2" respectively.NOTE: Only the first 44 file namesare shown, and CopyMate can copySpartaDOS disks, but can't(8} readSpartaDOS directories! CopyMate uses the expanded memoryof the 130XE and all "130XEcompatible" 256K upgrades (such (9}asRAMBO XL). If CopyMate doesn'twork with your upgrade, you shouldhold the "B" key down when bootingCopyMate to disable (:}this extramemory.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ˠӠ CopyMate works best with USDoubler-equipped(;} Atari 1050 diskdrives. With these drives, Copy-Mate always performs High SpeedI/O (commonly called UltraSpeed).In addit(<}ion, they are the onlydrives capable of duplicatingspecial Source disk formats (egUltraSkew) on the Destination disk.High(=} speed I/O is also possible with most 1050 "HAPPY" disk drives,but special format copying is notpossible. If a HAPPY dri(>}ve and Doubler driveare used together, reading fromthe HAPPY drive is preferable. Ifa combination of high and normalspee(?}d drives are used, reading fromthe high speed drive is prefer-able. Even so, the write speed maybe very slow when copyin(@}g somedisks. If you only have one highspeed disk drive you will probablyfind it faster, especially with a130XE or 256K u(A}pgrade, to performone drive copies.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ɭ٠ŠIF DISK CAN BE READ IN 1(B} PASS:1) Make the first copy in the normal way.2) When the "COPY COMPLETE" message appears, insert the next Desti(C}nation disk and press SELECT.3) Repeat step 2 for subsequent copies.IF DISK CAN'T BE READ IN 1 PASS:1) Set up for(D} a one drive copy. (Source drive = Destination drive)2) Insert Source disk and press START.3) Insert Destination d(E}isk and press START.4) When the "INSERT SOURCE DISK" prompt appears press SELECT.5) Insert the next Destination disk(F} and press START.6) Repeat steps 4 and 5 once for each additional copy.7) Repeat steps 2 thru 6 until all the copie(G}s have been completed.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ӡ IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO LETCOPYMATE FO(H}RMAT THE DESTINATIONDISK! By doing so, you can besure that source and destinationdisks are EXACTLY identical. Write-Wit(I}h-Verify is not necessaryfor day-to-day copying. However,when backing up unreplaceablesoftware or data, write-with-verify(J}should be turned on. It will benoticed that the write speed ismuch slower when write-with-verifyis enabled. CopyMate i(K}s fully compatible withboth single and true double densitydisks. It is only partiallycompatible with enhanced density(DO(L}S 2.5) disks, being able to copythe first 720 sectors. CopyMate is in the public domainand may be freely copied as longa(M}s the original boot disk format isleft unchanged. For BBS distri-bution, CopyMate may be compressedinto a single file usi(N}ng a com-pression utility. CopyMate doesnot always work properly as abinary file, so it should not beconverted to such.(O}- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ҡ The authors of CopyMate shall haveno liability or responsibilit(P}y tothe user, or any other person orentity with respect to anyliability, loss, or damage causeddirectly or indirectly by (Q}CopyMate. If you like CopyMate, please letme know by writing to: Mike Palmer 10843 Venice Circle (R} Tampa, Florida 33635=================================== (><8n***L-:*00,HL98nH**,*0 EL9,* 8,H := K+- *Y}=`r> TH K> ,PJ=J=8 > .>p .>8i >i>h(< D8 $J!LJv,*0  Z} L08*Zn*b0H[ *)L31h  wvG ?H. 2h* D R,*PE2?$? a7 K KL? ?"Q [}DL    %<,`(  !1 8 <0H(խ ?(4" ? ? K',`"@8 \}\ Z DLE/Ll<* ;8;?:? hL"JOK? to Format SD Disk D2:FJU {? 2LE/bLL]}No CartridgeRUN: addr [Default Addr=]?,M0TU " X2 C HJN LE/FJ,M HZ[LVH IU^}i!UhYH& "J 9hKU4` JL@J C0 H,*00* ?LE/ 7G*`U8n*0UIjN* F@NM,Mpl,Y_}@0UK40@ h 0H% -0A @ 5U80.ULE/ @ $0,* @* ɛɭU @@*` TD1P r@`}*`Not enough roomInsert Source Disk, Hit Insert Destination Disk, Hit DUP-FILE: filespec/Q,S|D|QIA 4*Da}L3EE K I DEA* DEF F E EL3N*8n* E I,*0% "J 5 E  L*J8n*& "J 9 E E,*0 Jb}N* J 5 E "J 9,*0 ELA 9,* EL4LE/Write-DOS: D#!B   * 3K*iC*eCfB !LPC a7оHUc}e8nCUVUHUmHmH ;8T L8hC 24hC h I 9hhmhUNCfBO? L8* 2cʎvd}4 IF*GmHnG+GVILFLE/rE 4pNpH0M p8np8MIONjjjH   LE/OK? to Write DOS toe} D2:D2:DOS.SYS  s h` I(C C@* C8_ ?' ISnM`))` V@?쨭A* ICC0 hf}L@@`D1:_HELP.HD H# 4 "JLE/LOCK: filespecaE H$LCNUMBER CONVERSION: $Hex|#DecimalD CH HJh# # f8 F,L^D$ f8 g} d8LE/* oD7L2S** μ*`) Ȍ *7 sC`SDQL7 !6"6* ^F)*8L"L DLgD*h}7Ŋ C, 7LS*`8E****(nJ nVEqJ!"+ ,0Z*1<8<8 i}ʎ`UNLOCK: filespecLOAD: file/M/N/OInsert both disks, Hit Drives incompatible L N?*` E$Aj}LE EA ELoD N8LV@ *Lh**LtHHIIH`8 L3F8mVnV CFF`)**`*k} ^F I`*?`J C4 H**HAn6 HJFG HJn6,6p0HI8FGGLE/G nc HJnvJK HJnl},6p4 6ϭ6H4,HP J J B,H04D h,HPDD r %Jn+ tHIFG hLb*`*=Store READ:m} addr,M0FG H GL/ 7H) } *  7hݩ**L2N* oG=G ErC C C+- *- n}I`n*T,*0 HLG8LG HTLG HT T 7(H) V@ IʥT HL"H H@* I HJo}T H oGTdH HJhH I oGLH HLsHi`I``LTHT hTL CLHp}J8 C I*"6 KnI0]8n* IBN*A* I7:B*A*+@*D" I1D*)A* I! ^F+ X2LE/D*ȩ1*ȩ:*ȩHq}_0@**( I$/@* I0 :_0mHH Iʎ*H*:*D*****.*ȩ**0 Dh`:0r}`` I ,;`ɛ`I K I I*(`m*D*iE`JQ CP9+ JPQLCP h B 0 TLE/p 98s}`L9  K#]$ }K8n**JJ K I/* I' K0,N*.J.J JJκ*ѩ JLE/JJ*`%L7 S.L2t}DELETE: filespec/NSAVE: file/A/N,start,end,init,runCMD: fileDIR: filespec/n/A/B/C/D,list-file/N800 0 8 00`u} C >K=L7*@**DH80'% !H@*** Ih*7 h`h` *8*@*` D``,`0 KLK`v}8<<ih~;i;xԩ <K 8@X`@`OK to VOID Ramdisk?* L*LYLDD1:HELLOw}90>?3]2@6CD/B=8eFC?=DdA?,@XGXLShQN,M0L tN J Cɛ7LL K I%NL kM$ O0x}TL01N@* },   ` D L` L TL0H MMh`ABEJKLMNPRSTVW0U{dOTEy} _  T5KQMGMhNnWP*@* *P` T ɀ L(N M)` LHa)ߢ LhLM Lha4 Ml *P dMDME0NDz}   MJ)?MH>MH` *P M dMDM dM@MLMM M LLM MJJJ)7MH6MH` >K0')* ITSZD$QX\Ra{}PbMs1 JL0 L8 L`0***** L S  ` LGLFN S- LfNڮ*莸* 6K)*L`N L|}* oG H G8nLLUNL`NЀ Prompt Char. ԣ Time-ouṭ Left Margin ң Retry Countӣ System Drive# Aut}}o-SaveΣ Num. Buffers Bypass Cart.ģ Add Drive# Echo on Errorģ Xpunge Drive# J Auto Formatģ Sing~}le Density Keep DOSģ Double Density MEM.SAVģ Quad (DS,DD) Verify Writeģ Modify Bytes Wise Densit}yģ Ramdisk Drive#HH* K Ihh`L,c0cP)&ɛ|,c f8 PLQPLd8 PcPLzP}` ЭӠ㩠ҮˮStatusMenu}| Help| Menu| Status| Version-# |UNDELETE: filespec/NSQUQV H'Ǡ ,LE/  }w ! # R    U a L  a LLQ sCP S SͩP S r7-  r7V SP,b } SF R S 7 {SکP S#E R,E 4,D0= Sq{jj RO RRH L8hR,`0p  {SP SU }RWj^ R,_ 0{ R 7 Sid R {SPLCP  }7 L8Lx7 RLS*7 L L 0Q*D  oD0}E0S`H* 0 0 }7 S, * f8 R f8 x7 7h U SN   g7 S ST  g7 L8 g7 S S SLd}8 L8LS CP|,c L L7*8*`*FJL,M V@ TLS S SLE/H{ f8h`STS Sɠ S0 f8LSLd8}US(` 7LT HJ(`L7Break KeyFile openBad deviceOpened for Write OnlyBad I/O cmdFile not openBad IOCB#Fil}e open for readEnd of FileTruncated recordTimeoutNAK (No Response from I/O device)Bad SIO FrameCursor Out of RangeSIO }OverrunBad SIO ChecksumDevice Not ReadyBad Screen ModeFunction Not SupportedScreen Lacks MemoryBad drive#Too many open} filesDisk fullAttempt to Free a Free SectorAttempt to Take a Used SectorBad filenameBad Point Data LengthFile lockedB}ad FMS commandDirectory fullFile not foundBad PointBad VTOCBad sectorErr# not listed;V,(`F}04,˩0̩4Hͱ8E͑JH`ztĺ|rljd2@JDuqeYYUeiYUUeiYUUieb\Rf`ZT%}!¼  h VP82,̈~vpjd%!RL bf)ڏHB<ܘ~ezt%!ľД΂|vp.XRLaب~e%!+} BfmoXoOfOO3/hb\f~eႱhfXVXf]xrl`H~e,"*$"ڦU|Ѷ̱~D<}ѭ񞘒\Rs))%)%%)%%!B<60*$  沬ΎY%!RLF@:4.(" }ԥ¼r0*$SYe%!b\VPJD>8&L0 F.Ye %!rlf`¼q ,V>Ye& |v2} !*fNe60*$ᒌ1⎩ʎi2,& OpjdؙF@:4ᢜ,rlf`&TNHB<60*$ -1虥VPJDᲬQUJ F@:4.(}).f`ZT%!q0*mp=phb\VPJD>ЏvmpgYvpjd%!RLF@o0.%.f`ZTNHieUYiNezt%!b\ieeYY͂(pjd^XLm}qe%!-¼Kztnh ľe$   eO~:1fe ܱ O5H  }A ήOO DjqfWzt|vp~xrP6RDRLF0{umo˅rudgyzoozztnhB۲Jz:0b4X䥒-0:1}#jҧ1{"[MI:1ޕlUmNUp-hII sP,IeCItu?Lb"/"AɾPٿ(mxb;1 ?1%>Qo-U@Q)}Mq GY p>>ͺQu[Uom8/d)BKت2