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F0Ξ05: [ BDEHI%} VY8 B V  @  /DE `E:D8:DUP.SYSERROR-SAVING USER MEMORY ON DISKTYPE Y TO &}STILL RUN DOS B;DE J  (` 9 V⪍ ઍ  -'}LLu ÝDEHILV 9 .l 9 .l  `` s$B BH(}I|DE V BLV nB,DE JLV B V BLVDEIʩ BꭝLu } 3E:}DISK OPERATING SYSTEM II VERSION COPYRIGHT 1984 ATARI CORP.A. DISK DIRECTORY I. FORMAT DISKB. RUN CARTRIDG*}E J. DUPLICATE DISKC. COPY FILE K. BINARY SAVED. DELETE FILE(S) L. BINARY LOADE. RENAME FILE M. RUN AT ADDRES+}SF. LOCK FILE N. CREATE MEM.SAVG. UNLOCK FILE O. DUPLICATE FILEH. WRITE DOS FILES P. FORMAT SINGLEL !N',}#"&))9(&*)/h)''-&؆莟R'S  vL/ˢ L }Insert DOS 2.0s, type Y Λx -}DEfHI 1莏#q! @ y0ɛ8A0,' ȅ 1 1ild! 1L!NO SUCH ITEMSELECT.} ITEM OR FOR MENU! 0 .z:*{}.|{ 1 0 0JB 18L%|DL/}%DIRECTORY--SEARCH SPEC,LIST FILE?[# 0 0 &|D3" 1L!NOT A DISK FILEN !B 1L!E# 1 !BD0}ED:}:1BJ|DE 1DEBHI 1 h0ߢ 0.1}  0?詛 1 y0YЛ 1 ;#L" ;#L! BL1TYPE "Y" TO DELETE...DELETE FILE SPEC2}COPY--FROM, TO?OPTION NOT ALLOWED697 FREE SECTORS COPYING---D8:COPY32.COMl# 0|D .L/%#3}##JB|DE 1BHID#E 1#0: B 1L!#͑### B 1#c$0SY4}S1}:## # # .#Ƚ# # 𩛙## 1,#PD#ELJ- <.BJD#E 5}1 1HH 0hh|DL%1}:̳# L% #D#EL% 1 0 . .0O% 1L!WILD CARDS NOT A6}LLOWED IN DESTINATION 0 <.|K}N 2 FORMAT. t* 5) 1L!`) 0NΞ 0 L1) 1 L!BAD LOAD FILELOAD FROM WHAT FILE?) 0 ?}0#B 1L!WHAT FILE TO LOCK?) 0 0$B 1L!WHAT FILE TO UNLOCK?DUP DISK-SOURCE,DEST DRIVES?TYPE "Y" IF OK TO US@}E PROGRAM AREACAUTION: A "Y" INVALIDATES MEM.SAV.FE! +L1   `*  70 2 2A} 0.* 1 y0 0)INSERT BOTH DISKS, TYPE RETURN^, 1 y038逍 N, 1L! ,B}C, t*  Lx+, 0 ^, 1 y0 , ,0,0 ,L+ ,I0 ,Vǭ0C}Ξ, 0 }, 1 y0C,ШC, 0K'!" H H 'h h Lx+!EF 5L1L!D,I,HhD}` NOT ENOUGH ROOMINSERT SOURCE DISK,TYPE RETURNINSERT DESTINATION DISK,TYPE RETURNE}`  `8 rL1`-* 1P* 1 y0Y`hhL!NAME OF FILE TO MOVE?- 0 0|DL% <.F},^ 1 70 0 .@L# .BJ 1  DEHIB V L1 ,} 1 70,L.  G}JB|,#P#DE 1 HI BDEHHII 1 B 1 ,^ 1 70,0La- B V,#PH},^ 1 70 0L#L!-* 1P* 1 y0Yj383}mm ݭI}}`8}``|* ? ɛ,`|:-)| / 1L!`DESTINATION CANT BE DOJ}S.SYS0 0H{ 24Δ 28/L!/) 2 Π 2 0 ξK}hAΞB,0 J 1 BDEHI,HÝDE 1HIHIDELSAVE-GIVE L}FILE,START,END(,INIT,RUN)O S0 1`BDEPHI V` S0H 1 L!M}0 0 1L~0`PLEASE TYPE 1 LETTER,0`hhL! 70 1L0L<1 ,;ɛ7,"ɛ:ݦ1ݥN}A"D|ݤD|ȩ:|ȩ|ɛ,,(/+.ީ1 1,ɛ`轤{NAMEO} TOO LONG B VL!` L1I H1EΝDL1|mDiE` V0`8d/8 i:222 1 LP}!ERROR- 164ɛ+,' 20*.. өr2 1``2TOO MANY DIGITSINVALID HEXAQ}DECIMAL PARAMETER800 0 8 00`,0'D800 H,ɛh`2L1NEED D1 THRU D8uR} ECIMAL PARAMETER800 0 8 00`,0'D800 H,ɛh`2L1NEED D1 THRU D8u05  15 2 2151^116115ύ011$r2ԭ5 3)5)5ԭx GT}@@L00)+& 2 L0=ɛ -L!1LV1L1 /3 3ȹ441L-4 v3 25 2H 2h͔5U}L3L3 2 k3U hh`DOC`QL3P1Lk0S1H /3h0B k3@ VL0LU!#$53 1181118V}1111Ε5 1Lk0552 1Ȍ1i111i11115Lk0pppB4f5&&&&&&&&^6f^6&&&&&W}&&A1@BJ D2ELVK@BHILV^Щ6 2BD2EJ VBD5EHI0 V0%5X}5 2iХiL[2 25 25`D:*.*` i@`8 ``@i `8@`0 BLV525<4Y}5`HH i ԍΗ552 ԍhh@ Lح1Э1Ѣ 24.4 24Z}4`D4E` 2BJ k3LVRH` 2BD4EhK)I JLV333 BASIC languag i}e OBJ > MACHINE language DOC > DOCumentation PIC|MIC|FNT|MVM > Graphics AMS|MUS|MBD > Music LST j} > BASIC LISTing -Some MACHINE language programs can only be run by booting the disk MENU "without" BASIC! -For s k}ome programs, XL/XE models may require a "TRANSLATOR" program to be booted first! [Also available from BELLCOM] - l}Most programs are relatively self-explanatory; however, some have separate DOCumentation files available. Some BASIC m} programs may contain instructions in their program listings. -To use this great MENU program on your own disks, n}simply copy the file "AUTORUN.SYS" onto your disk. * MENU written by DAVID CASTELL * program on your own disks, ^ TSCOPE-LESS 3.0 .BIN & .XMO FILE TRANSLATORTSCOPE-LESS 3.0 IS A UTILITY DESIGNEDFOR MPP SYSTEMS THAT CANNOT EMp}PLOYTSCOPE IN DOWNLOADING COMPUSERVEFILES THAT HAVE THE .BIN EXTENDER.VERSION 3.0 HAS BEEN MODIFIED TOTRANSLATE FILES WITq}H THE .XMOEXTENDER WITHOUT THE NEED TO USEXMODEM PROTOCOL.THIS UTILITY DOES *NOT* CHECK FORTRANSMISSION ERRORS!!IT WILr}L, HOWEVER, GIVE THE USERRUNABLE FILES FROM UNCONVERTED HEXCODE. A SPECIAL FEATURE OF THISUTILITY IS THAT IT ALLOWS THE Us}SERTO DOWNLOAD FILES THAT EXCEEDBUFFER-SIZE IN THE EVENT THATDOWNLOADING DIRECTLY TO DISK ISUNDESIRABLE. THE USER WILL Ft}INDTHAT THIS FEATURE WILL SAVE MUCHWEAR AND TEAR ON THE DISK DRIVE.TSCOPE-LESS 3.0 IS A BINARY FILE THATWILL BE CREATED u}BY TOPV3.CRE. SINCETSCOPE-LESS IS A FAIRLY LONG FILE,YOU MAY ALSO WANT TO DOWNLOADCKSUM.BAS TO SEE IF YOU'VE CAPTUREDIT v}PROPERLY. DOWNLOAD TOPV3.CRE ANDCKSUM.BAS TO THE SAME DISK, THENRUN CKSUM.BAS. IT WILL EITHER TELLYOU THAT YOU HAVE A GOw}OD DOWNLOAD OFTOPV3.CRE, OR ELSE POINT OUT WHERETHE BAD CODE LIES. CKSUM.BAS ISOPTIONAL, OF COURSE, AND IS NOTNECESSARY x}IF YOU ARE CONFIDENT OFYOUR PHONE CONNECTION.WHEN YOU RUN THE PROGRAM TOPV3.CRE,IT WILL CREATE A FILE CALLEDTOPLESS3.OBJy}. THIS IS TO BE LOADEDFROM DOS WITH CARTRIDGES REMOVED.IT IS NOT USED IN THE ACTUALDOWNLOADING PROCESS, BUT TRANSLATESFIz}LES YOU HAVE DOWNLOADED USING THEPROCEDURES OUTLINED BELOW.TO DOWNLOAD FILES WITH THE .BIN OR.XMO EXTENDER, PERFORM THE F{}OLLOWINGSTEPS: A. UPON SELECTING A FILE, ENTER'BRO (FILENAME)'. THIS WILL GIVEYOU A DESCRIPTION OF THE FILE ANDTHE|} OPTIONS OWNLOAD EAD OP. B. SINCE YOU WILL *NOT* BEUSING XMODEM PROTOCOL, CHECK TO MAKESURE YOUR SOFTWARE IS}} SET FOR 'NOXMODEM PROTOCOL'. ALSO CHECK TOMAKE SURE THAT YOUR BUFFER IS CLEAR(0 BYTES USED), AND THAT YOUR SAVEIS OFF (~}YOU SHOULD HAVE A BLACKBORDER ON YOUR SCREEN). C. IN *EXACT* ORDER (UPONRETURNING ON-LINE), TYPE 'R', HITRETURN, AND} WITHOUT DELAY HIT OPTION. D. DO NOT HIT OPTION (SAVE OFF)AGAIN UNTIL THE ENTIRE FILE ISCAPTURED. YOU WILL FIND THAT} YOUHAVE CAPTURED THE CIS PROMPT AT THEEND OF THE FILE (PRESS ENTER TOCONTINUE:), BUT THAT'S GOOD! E. ONCE OFF LINE,} COPY YOURBUFFER TO DISK, REMOVE YOUR CARTRIDGEAND RUN TOPLESS3.OBJ FROM DOS. F. THIS PROGRAM WILL WRITEADDITIONAL F}ILE(S) TO DISK, SO MAKESURE YOU HAVE PLENTY OF DISK SPACELEFT - AT LEAST THE SIZE OF YOURUNTRANSLATED DOWNLOAD. G. W}HEN PROMPTED FOR FILENAMES,DO NOT FORGET TO SPECIFY THE DEVICE(I.E. D1:,D2:, ETC.). ADDITIONALLY,DO NOT LOCK YOUR DOWNLOA}D FILES,AS THEY WILL BE SUBJECT TOMODIFICATION DURING THE TRANSLATIONPROCESS.SOME DOWNLOADS WILL BE LARGER THANYOUR BUF}FER-SIZE. IF THIS IS THECASE, FOLLOW THE PROCEDURES ABOVEWITH THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS: A. AS YOUR BUFFER BECOMES NE}ARLYFULL, YOU WILL NOTICE THAT THE BORDERON YOUR SCREEN WILL TURN RED AND ASLIGHT CLICKING SOUND WILL COME FROMTHE COMPUT}ER'S BUILT-IN SPEAKER.(DO NOT CONFUSE THIS WITH THE ATTRACTMODE - SEE BELOW). WHEN THIS OCCURS,JUST DO THE FOLLOWING: } 1. HIT CTR S 2. GO OFF-LINE AND SAVE THE BUFFER TO DISK 3. CLEAR BUFFER AND RETURN ON-LINE 4}. HIT OPTION 5. HIT CTRL Q TO CONTINUE DOWNLOAD 6. REPEAT AS OFTEN AS NECESSARY FOR UP TO NINE SUC}H SUB-FILESWHEN FINISHED, ALL YOU HAVE TO DOIS TELL TSCOPE-LESS 3.0 HOW MANYFILES YOU HAVE AND THEIR NAMES, ANDIT WILL D}O THE REST BY TRANSLATINGAND RE-ASSEMBLING THEM INTO ONE FILE.MISCELLANEOUS:YOUR MPP SOFTWARE MAY OR MAY NOTDISABLE THE} ATARI'S ATTRACT MODE.(THIS IS WHEN YOUR SCREEN GOESBLANK AND STARTS TO CHANGE COLORS).THIS CAN BE PARTICULARLY DISTURBING}WHEN DOWNLOADING. ***ANY KEY YOUHIT TO RETURN TO NORMAL WILL BEINSERTED INTO YOUR DOWNLOAD CODE***SO BE VERY CAREFUL AT }THIS POINT!TO RECOVER, SIMPLY HIT CTRL S THENCTRL Q. THIS WILL GET YOU OUT OFTHE ATTRACT MODE WITHOUT ADDINGGARBAGE TO Y}OUR DOWNLOAD FILE.ADDITIONALLY, THIS PROGRAM WASDESIGNED FOR BUFFER-SIZES OF 34K ORLESS. IF YOUR MODEM MENU INDICATESMOR}E THAN '34000 BYTES LEFT', LET MEKNOW AND I'LL GIVE YOU A FIX.ANY QUESTIONS/PROBLEMS REGARDINGTHIS PROGRAM SHOULD BE ADDR}ESSED TOMIKE LAMPHEAR 74375,1026 (EMAILPREFERRED).Submit file busy; please wait.Have submit file!DL 2: SHOULD BE ADDRo$$L2L3%L2-LU%L'L(L(L($/$L(Lu%L~%L%L%L%L+L+0$G$LQ(L(L+L}(Lh+L'L-L+H$_$L1(LI'LY'L'L'L,L6,L6'`$w$Lx'L]'L}.'L.L.L-L.L .x$$L.L .L.L..L)L)L%L%$$L%L%L&L&L,&L3&L<&LE&$$LS&LL&L=)LD)LS)Lp)L-L/)$$L&L&L&L&L&L&L}*L *$$L-Lb&Ls&LZ&L'L'L'LH.$%L'Lx.L.L.L.L.L/L/%%LP/Ld/Ly/L/L7/L'L'L& %.%L&L.L.L.L%3%J%2% ɩ}R1%2K%b%2 '22c%z%捦22`ԤՄ{%%`ȱ`%%ȱ`ȩ%%}`ԑȥՑ`%%Մ`ԤԅդՅ`%% &0<C &03/6%& % )0,( &&&0 & &} &2&8`ԅ` &3&I& & & &J&a& & &ʥb&y& %аЪ %z&&}Зьɛ&& &0 &0 `Ԩ&&ԥ`Ɠƒ` %&& %L) %L) %eԥ&&e` %L) % u% )Lu}%&' %L) % %L) %L) ~%''L% u% `'4' BLV䅆L]' u%ԅ5'J'` B VԩLu%PK'b'p}Kc'y'JBDELy,z'' %L( u%ԅ`''U 1%R1%''eɐ1%L' o+}''` u% % u%` u%''ԅ`,/%0%``' (&eԅԥeՅ` (!(L% 'ԨL~%Ԅ % u%"(/(eԥe}`1(H(Ԅ %ɛ o+I(_(0` ( ذI`(w( ( 8ԅԩՅLu%x((L,ȹɛ((}꩛` ((( %ɛ((ɛ摥0L(((`2 2L,()0(,ɛM0(}))M0( ()ɛ ()).)򩀅`/)E) u%ԍ`ԄLu%F)\)ԄLu%])s)ɛԆ}Lu%t)) %󅐅 ( ؋)) u%``ԅԥՅLu%8))2ԭ2Lu%Ԥո))ԅե`8ե))`}eեe` ) *))fLu% ) *fLu%8)*ԨՄԅLu% % )*-*ԥՄԩՅօ.*D*ԥFf *}ԥE*[* *ԅՅԥզ\*r*Ц`ԅՅʩ0s**ݴ** *** 08f$**˹ }`' d** G+1ԦԄ**ՄFԐ eਊ**e&L*Ԇ`hh L,*+ G+Ff+,}+&֐ݥ ԆՅԠ&-+C+&&8થօԈD+[+`քע V+Ե \+r+8`R1%s++ +L,}`GH++FH` +0ɛȄ++ ؐL,HI h++ 8ԅԩՅLu%?++Ƞ+ ,򦅩D++E}BHILy,+,ɛ o+`,+, o+` u%HI,,C, BLy,՝HID,[, v,Lu%EDH} I\,r, Lv,EDH Is,,Lv,B Vú,,l/% g-dd1g-8,,/ i h- 0i-_,,- ,}2%>- ,-,,-2%+ h+ '-,,Ԏ-8ե -,-L,m- , +ɛD(-.-C` ذ K-L- }N-/-D-L2 N-}- ,L- N- H-E-[-L-l lp '8\-m-`ERROR- n-}-PROGRAM ENDED ~-- Trace:--8}Յթԅ` -L+-- --ȘH c*--h00,--)` % ҅-. ) )օե}ׅ` L, . .L.L.L.L.``Յ`8!.7.Յթԅ`0 8.N.ԩ`ԅ`` 'O.f. u%`BԝK)I Jg.v.t}D.ELVS:x..)H)h y`.. % u% % u%TԅUՅV..`&B y,N..LսM` % u%ԝL}..՝MN%BLy, % /./` BHILy, %// /`B JKLy,/2/ u%ԅUՅV % u%ԅT3/J/` }H )hK/`/` u%)xԩa/x/Lu% u%))L$&L&y// u%)pԩLu%// u%)|L&L$& ///}2%L- / / / `222D2DHd $2D $ $ $ $ $ $2D $}D E$ <$4D $RD !$ $`TD E$ <$bD $d22D !$ $`fD E$ <$4D $:D !$ $`vD E$ <$bD $D !$ $`}D E$ <$4D $D !$ $`D E$ <$Щ l$ $$6}D $@ $$6D $B $$D $D $$6D $F $$6D $H~33 $$ 9D E$ <$0 Z$B $$B $D $d $}$B $D $d $L3L3D E$B $ $ᢀ H$3|4E E$ <$ E E$ <$ 9J $'E $d $$}J $)E $d $LM4L4J $+E $d $$J $-E $d $}44L4L4L3D $2D $D $$H $2}D $H $$D $B $L4L|61Eԩ $ԩ4{5 $ԩ $}3E E$H $ B$cE E$ <$dD $L $$2D $N $$D $P $$ :iE E$H $ B$|55sE E$ H$}xE E$ <$ E E$ <$ 9J $'E $d $$J $)E $d $L5L6J $+E $d $$J5{6 $-E $d} $L6L5L4H $ $ } `$ N$F $ E $L>L>RD $Z $$F $Z $LG>Ld?Z $8D $Z $$ĠF $L->L ?6D $}r>>F $$ Z$R $$R $E $L>L@F $2D $F $$ Z$R $$R $ F $L>L@F $2D }$F>n? $$F $ E $L ?L> Z$R $$R $ F $L5?L@F $2D $F $$R $F $Ld?}Lk> Z$\o?? $$\ $ F $L?L@F $2D $F $$R $D $L?R $D $D $^ $$L?}R $ʠF $D $^?k@ $$\ $D $L"@\ $D $` $$L7@\ $ʠF $` $$@ $2D $@ $$}H $@ $2D $d $$^l@@ $` $d !$ $L ?`ΠF E$ <$`G E$ޠ H$xE E$ <$G E$ <$`}ޅ.ԩ $T $àE@jA $LA!G. ԩ $ԩթޅ $L}tA . `$ N$煌EkAAԩ $6D $> $$> $2D $> $$ H $> $2D $ $ }W$d $$> $@ $LALA`NAiBԩ $`^ԩ $`nԩ $}`~ԩ $`ԩ $`jBBԩ $`ԩ $`}ԩ $`΅ԩ $`-G E$BhC H$xE E$ <$G E$ <$`:G E$ <$}{G E$ <$ؠG E$ <$!H E$ <$hH E$ <$H E$ <$ƠH E$ <$iCCLD Q$ !G `$ N$}ޠ `$ N$C %2D $D $$ Z$b $$b $ W$D $ݠH $CeDLC Z$b $$LC % Q}$ Q$L9 Q$ Q$0 Q$L$L$'TSCOPE-LESS 3.0' (C) 1984 BY  fDDM.J. LAMPHEAR 74375,10}26206-535-2837PRESS STARTBhBi0}ENTER NUMBER OF FILES USED FOR THIS DOWNLOAD-->31DeE9THIS DOWNLOA}D IS IN  PART(S). IS THIS CORRECT (Y/N)?LYyNn }ENTER DEVICE AND FILESPEC FOR FILE #--->fEE@}FI}LE # IS .l4 ` }ENTER DEVICE AND FILESPEC FOR NEW FILE(OBJECT)-->2}FILE TO BE CREATED IS  (E}MF: H t<h  |FILE CONVERSION COMPLETED NORMALLY. THIS PROGRAM IS TERMINATED.CNFFHIT RETURN T}O RERUN PROGRAM. ENTER 'DOS' TO EXIT.N K: _E~}INSERT SOURCE DISK AND HIT ANY KEY-->'H  67 JF9G}I}NSERT DESTINATION DISK AND HIT ANY KEY-->6Writing to Please Wait.D:DELETE.MERetrieving :GzG}Program has }been aborted for one of the following reasons:>{GGa. You have downloaded extraneous code at the beginning of }your download.ZG Hb. You have missed some code at the beginning of your download.F!HgHc. This downl}oad was not originally coded for TSCOPE or XMODEM.hHHPlease examine your download file(s) and make necessary adjus}tments.Refer to TOPV3.DOC.ENTER 'DOS' TO EXIT.,+@$examine your download file(s) and make necessary adjusF MPP 1000C Modem/850 Emulator Page -1- -Intro- The follo}wing driver is meant for the MPP 1000C modem capable of autodial and autoanswer. This manual is meant to describe the } installation, use, and technical aspects of the driver. Major things, such as error trapping and full 850 compa}tibility in the -normal- everyday use that many Amodem users and BBS Sysops would use it, as well as HomePak }buyers who own MPP modems, played a major part in the development of this driver. Thorough testing of this drive}r with Amodem 5.1, unmodified Amis and Forem, and most important of all, HomePak, by Russ Wetmore, to ensure full } 850 compatibility has been taking place within the past 9 months. This driver was constructed by the MAC/65 cartridge} for the Main and Smartmodem Source, and Basic XL for the Relocation Generator, to generate MAC/65 source code, t}hus taking up a maximum of 2.5K of code inside the machine, with the Smartmodem commands. This introduc}tion would not be complete without the mentioning of the support and beta-testing help of my very good friends. }First of all, Dave Lowry, Sysop of OTB BBS in Oakville, Ontario, (416) 844-2483, made sure that all of the functi}ons of the driver worked, especially the custom XIO commands that were built into the driver. If it weren't for }him, this driver wouldn't have gotten the testing it has already received. To this day, OTB BBS is still running with }this version of the MPP driver (Without the Smartmodem commands). Secondly, and equally important, Peter Marshal}l, of The Martech Group, made sure that the Hayes SmartModem(tm) commands and XIO commands pertaining to the 850 }all worked properly. He also ensured that the HomePak worked properly with the driver, which was our main goal.} -Booting up the Driver- As the driver is relocatable, the booting stage of the } driver is quite simple. All that must be done is to rename one of the modem drivers to AUTORUN.SYS and then boot} up a DOS diskette with your new AUTORUN.SYS, that you renamed from the driver, and when the disk driver finishes} whirring, your driver should be installed. As the driver is relocatable, it will place itself in the lowest are}a of memory without interfering with any terminal program. Those with the OSS Supercartridges will have an added} advantage if they are using the part of DOS XL that puts itself into the Supercartridge, as they will save appro}ximately 5K, thus enabling the driver to be in a lower part of the computer's memory. If there is no sign of }the Driver, ie. You didn't hear a beep and see the Version number on the screen, then the driver wasn't renamed p}roperly. After the driver is booted, you are then ready to use any Terminal or Bulletin Board System (BBS) progr}am of your choice. MPP 1000C Modem/850 Emulator Page -2- -G}eneral CIO Calls to the Driver- As the CIO is a very powerful and versatile I/O System, it allows us to mak}e the General Calls, ie. OPEN, CLOSE, PRINT, INPUT, etc., without worrying too much about how the driver works on} the inside. There are also specialized commands, called XIO Commands, that will be discussed in the next section, } which communicate with the driver to get certain tasks done that the CIO is not truly capable of handling by itself,} such as altering the Baud Rate. The OPEN command is very simple. All that need be done, is to remembe}r the Basics of the OPEN Statment. In the OPEN command, you need remember, that for the mode of communication, i}e. Input, OUtput or Both, a 5, 9, or 13 must be placed in the Aux1 byte for Input, OUtput, or Both, respectively. For }true 850 compatibility, the Aux2 byte should be a zero. A value other than zero will give it characteristics, un}ique to the driver and, thus render it incompatible with the 850 interface. This is not a drawback, but an inten}tion to make custom and compact terminal and BBS programs for the MPP modem. For the Aux2 byte, the following co}rresponds to the actions taken by the driver and the corresponding XIO statemants for you to look up for the mean}ings: +128 -- Hang up upon the CLOSE Statement (XIO 34,#chan,128,0,"R:") +64 }-- Enter Autoanswer state (XIO 35,#chan,0,0,"R:") +32 -- No Translation (ATASCII) (XIO 38,#chan,32,0,"R}:") +16 -- Dial Number Supplied (XIO 37,#chan,0,0,"R:555-1212") +8 -- Odd Parity (XIO }38,#chan,8,0,"R:") +4 -- Even Parity (XIO 38,#chan,4,0,"R:") +2 -- Echo Byte back to modem  }(XIO 38,#chan,2,0,"R:") +1 -- Half Duplex (XIO 38,#chan,1,0,"R:") To use one or more of the  }desired functions in your application program, simply add up the corresponding bytes and the modem handler will t }ake care of the rest. As an example, let's say that we want to dial a number in ATASCII and work in half-duplex: } then we add 32 (ATASCII or NO translation)+16 (Dial)+1 (Half duplex) which comes to 49. Thus the statement wou }ld be OPEN #chan,13,49,"R:phonenumber" and that is all there is to it. Due to all of this flexibility, there are also } limitations, such as setting the Dial and Answer bits simultaneously will report back with an error, as you can't} dial and answer the phone at the same time. The other limitation is setting the echo & half duplex bits simulta}neously. It won't report back with an error, but it will constantly juggle the same bytes from both buffers. } The Get or Input statements function the same as if doing Gets or Inputs from any other channel. The are only t}wo requirements. The first requirement is that the modem must be MPP 1000C Modem/850 Em}ulator Page -3- plugged in. The second one is that an XIO 40 must have been executed for its own internal reaso}ns, not to mention that it is an Atari 850 standard. For more on this, see next section. The third requirement }is that there must be a byte in the buffer within a given, user presettable time period. If any of these three r}equirements are not met, then an error results, depending on the requirement not met. The driver doesn't lock up and w}ait for you to plug in the modem. The only condition of a lockup is in the terminal program used, but -not in }the driver-. The Put or Print statements are also the same as any other Put or Print statements to the othe}r channels. As with the Get/Input Statements, there are requirements to be met; however, only the first two requ}irements that were listed in the Get/Input commands are needed. The third requirement is not even seen by the Pu}t/Print statments. The CLOSE command is also the same as Closing another device. The only twist here is that} if you had specified the hang-up bit upon opening modem, then, when the channel is closed, the modem will hang u}p and empty all of the buffers. Otherwise, the close command will have no effect on the modem, but will disable }the XIO 40, Dial, Answer, Half Duplex, Linefeeds and a few other things internal to the driver. } -Special Commands (XIO) to the CIO & Modem- The XIO Commands are used to enable a certain characteristi }c, or execute a certain command in the driver. They are XIO commands because they have nothing to do with openin!}g, closing, getting a status, or general I/O. To further explain the meaning of these Commands, we shall present them "}in order and explain what the commands do. -XIO 34 -- Switch hook toggle-: #} Usage: XIO 34,#chan,aux1,aux2,"R:" Where chan is the IOCB that you are using with the modem. $} aux1 is one of the following numbers in order to have an effect on the driver. 128 - Hangs up the%} modem and clears the buffer off all data in the buffers at the time of hang-up. The interrupt for the modem is &}also disabled as it is not needed in the 'hung up' state. 192 - 'Picks up' the modem and enables t'}he interrupt at the baud chosen either by default or by the user (See XIO 36). Aux2 is ignored by (}the driver so it may be any value. -XIO 35 - AutoAnswer with Carrier Checking-: )} Usage: XIO 35,#chan,aux1,aux2,"R:" MPP 1000C Modem/850 Emulator Page -4- *} Where aux1 and aux2 are ignored so they may be any value. Although no real restriction is imposed on this comman+}d and can be used even when the modem is online, one must remember that with all of this freedom comes a little r,}esponsibility. What must be remembered is that the ring detect line is constantly monitored until a ring pulse c-}omes in. What this may mean is that you will probably think that the computer has locked up, when it is, in fact.}, waiting for the ring pulse and won't proceed without it. -The recommended usage- for this command is to wa/}it until a ring pulse is detected, by using the PEEK function on Trig1 (DON'T use Strig(1)) located at 53265 ($D00}11 Hex). This is one of the commands not found in the 850, so if you're using an unmodified version of Amodem, etc, yo1}u won't find any autoanswer, and certain BBS programs would need to modified slightly, if the Smartmodem commands2} are not used. However, if the smartmodem commands are used, then you wouldn't need worry much about modificatio3}n of the programs. -XIO 36 - Changing the Baud Rate-: Usage: XIO 364},#chan,aux1,aux2,"R:" Where chan is, again, the IOCB used to communicate with the modem. 5} Aux1 is the desired baud rate that you set using the formula of aux1=21307/desired_baud-1. Aux2 is ignored, 6}thus may be any value. As this is an XIO command used by the 850, the way in which it is used is incompatible7} with the 850 itself. However, the many terminal programs used with the 850 have the Aux1 value below 16 and in 8}this case, any value less than 16 will result in a default of 300 baud, to maintain compatibility. Conversely, a9}ny program used with this driver setting the baud will not affect the 850 because once XIO 40 has been executed, the 85:}0 will ignore the given XIO 36 command as it will tell the 850 to set 7,6, or 5 bit chars and in concurrent I/O, ;}a full 8 bit char is sent always. Besides, who here speaks Baudot (raise your hand)? <} -XIO 37 - Autodial-: Usage: XIO 37,#chan,aux1,aux2,"R:555-1212" Where cha=}n is the IOCB number. Aux1 and aux2 are ignored. The real beauty of this command is that there>} is really no guesswork on how to operate this command. All that need be known is the phone number and that it i?}s placed in the MPP 1000C Modem/850 Emulator Page -5- quotations after the R: and the d@}river does the rest. There is no restriction as to what kind of characters may be put inside the quotations, butA} you must remember that if it is in Normal Video and is a number, the driver will use it to dial. If you don't wB}ant a specific number dialed, then put it in Inverse Video. The driver will thn ignore it. Remember that this cC}ommand is also not found in the 850 driver. Also, there is no restriction as to when this command may be used so take D} precautions as to ensure that the modem is Hung up (SEE XIO 34). The reason for this is because that there are aE}lso parts of the driver made for the Hayes SmartModem(tm) and the Hayes does not hang up the phone itself, and alF}so one can, on the Hayes (As well as this driver), use the Dial command for the Answer command. The only differeG}nce is that the Hayes would answer in Originate mode only. This doesn't really matter to the MPP modem as it togH}gles Originate and Answer until it receives a carrier. -XIO 38 - Communication HandliI}ng-: Usage: XIO 38,#chan,aux1,aux2,"R:" Chan is the IOCB that is being used for J}communication with the modem. Aux1 is the important parameter in that it will direct the driver as to how to comK}municate with the other modems. To explain, here is a table of what to add to aux1 in order to achieve the desirL}ed mode of communication: +128 -> Hangs up modem upon closing the IOCB (Not an 850 standard). M} +64 -> Appends line feeds to ASCII Carriage Returns (ASCII only). +32 -> No Translation or Atascii moN}de of communication. +8 -> Odd output parity (Not 850 Standard format) +4 -> Even Parity in output O} +2 -> Echo received bytes back to the modem (Not 850 standard) +1 -> Half duplex (Not 850 standarP}d) As you may very well notice, a few of the parameters are 850 standard as they are the 99.9% of the parametQ}ers used in most of the Terminal Programs, including HomePak. The others are there to perform specific task, likR}e answering and dialing. Chances are that you will need features not found here but are in the 850, eg. Parity, S}Word Size, are slim so they were excluded from the driver (However, one can modify the source code provided to giT}ve you what you need). Another thing to notice is that the ASCII mode of the driver performs the most common U}ASCII to ATASCII, and vice versa, translations: Carriage Returns, Clear Screen, Buzzer and Backspace. This way,V} you don't have to write an ASCII translator. MPP 1000C Modem/850 Emulator Page -6- W} Other noticeable thing is that some of these things can be set up upon the execution of an Open Statement. AlthX}ough this is not 850 standard, you can save a lot of code when writing terminal programs for the 850. The only dY}ifference here is that you cannot set up for line feeds in the OPen aux bytes. This byte is reserved for answeriZ}ng with Carrier Detect. -XIO 39 - User Timeout Setting-: usage: XIO[} 39,#chan,aux1,aux2,"R:" Where chan in the IOCB used in communicating with the modem. Aux1 is not\} used but should be a non-zero value in order to activiate the new timeout. Aux2 is the new timeout value in sec]}onds. A zero in Aux2 will result in a 3 jiffy timeout value. This XIO commands is useful so that the you can tell the^} driver when to send you an error status. An example for this could be used in detecting a carrier from the XIO _}35 command. After the preset time has expired and no carrier is present, an error is sent back to the calling pr`}ogram (OTB BBS uses this method to answer the line, if you have noticed that it may have hung up on you before yoa}u have switched your modem to data.). -XIO 40 - Setting up Concurrent I/O-: b} Usage: XIO 40,#chan,aux1,aux2,"R:" Where chan is the channel being used to communicate with c} the modem. Aux1 and aux2 are not needed and may thus contain any value. XIO 40 is needed in order to input data frd}om the modem as the driver uses location 747 for both buffer checks and Modem Status. If this command is not exee}cuted first, then an error will result. XIO 40 is not needed, however, for output to the modem. After XIO 40 isf} executed, the driver then performs a check to see how many, if any, bytes are in the input buffer. After closing}g the channel, XIO 40 must be executed again after opening the channel. XIO 40 is the only command that must be q}b%DOS SYSb*)DUP SYSb SAUTORUN SYSb_HELP DOCb#oTSCPLESSDOCbNTSCPLESSOBJbDRIVERS DOCbHMDRIVEROBJbSMDRIVEROBJbMDRIVER OBJexecuted after opening the modem. However, it may be executed before other XIO statements, unlike the 850 interface. r}Also, user supplied buffers are not supported and the buffer size is 256 bytes for both input and output, althougs}h 128 bytes for Version 1.0H output buffer, as it is easy to keep track of them with a one byte pointer. When ant} IOCB to the modem is opened, before XIO 40, one is able to check the status of the modem by looking at location u}747. The following table will give the bit positions and their purpose: 6 & 7 --> DSR (Off only wv}hen modem is unplugged) 4 & 5 --> CTS (same as above) 2 & 3 --> CRX (bit 2 is off when no carrier; otherww}ise, MPP 1000C Modem/850 Emulator Page -7- same as above) After XIx}O 40 is executed, location 747 is then used to indicate how many bytes are in the input buffer, and location 748 y}is used for indicating the number of bytes in the output buffer. -XIO 41 - Echoing Characters toz} the Screen-: Usage: XIO 41,#chan,aux1,aux2,"R:" Where chan is the IOCB used in {}communication with the modem. Aux1 is a non-zero value used in order to declare the command valid. Aux2 is the '|}decision' byte. If it's a non-zero value, then all characters are echoed to IOCB 0 as well as the modem. IOCB 0}} is assumed to be open and the modem will ignore any errors and keep going if there is something wrong with IOCB ~}0. This command may be executed at anytime mainly because it doesn't deal with communication to the modem but to the d}efault IOCB instead. -Hayes SmartModem(tm) Commands- The Hayes }is exactly as its name says it; it's a smart modem. What it does is takes user input commands and executes them.} These commands can be found in the drivers flagged with an 'S' after the version number. Although all commands are } supported, only four of them are executed: dial, answer, repeat last command, wait for phone to ring before answe}ring. All commands are to be prefixed with the letters 'AT' and then the command to be executed and must be less} than 40 characters as the command buffer only accepts the first forty characters. The dial command is very s}imple. All that need be done is to enter 'ATD###', eg. ATD844-2483, and the driver will do the rest. For rules }as to how to dial, look at XIO 37 because the number format is the same. The result of the command is either 'Co}nnect' or 'No Carrier' with no error returned. The answer command is even simpler than the dial command as al}l that need be entered is 'ATA'. The results yielded from the command are the same as the dial command above. } The wait for ring command/answer is accomplished by typing 'ATO'. This command puts the driver in a wait mode and wi}ll just stay there until a ring pulse is detected. When a ring pulse is detected, the driver then lifts the hook} as if 'ATA' were typed in. After that, the same results are yeilded. All other commands will result in an '}Ok' message sent back. The only other time a 'No Carrier' is sent is when I/O commands are issued and the carrie}r is lost. An error 139 is also issued once when the carrier is first lost. When using any SmartModem version o}f the driver, the XIO 39 command is disabled as the SmartModem takes care of the timeouts. } MPP 1000C Modem/850 Emulator Page -8- -Error Codes Involved with the Driver- } 138 -->Device Timeout (You Haven't got the modem plugged in... All I/O involving the modem's IOCB n}eeds the modem plugged in as this is what the driver is designed for.) 139 -->NAK (The modem is off hook and }a carrier isn't present.) 148 -->Input Buffer Empty (You tried to get bytes from the modem and the driv}er waited until a specified time. After this time, if no data is found in the buffer, this error will be returne}d back.) 149 -->Driver Confused (You set the Dial/Answer bits in the Open statement in the Aux2 parameters.)} 150 -->Modem already Open (You tried to open two IOCB'S to the modem simultaneously.) 151 -->Concur}rent I/O error (XIO 40 was executed while the IOCB to the modem was closed... IOCB must be opened first) 154 }-->Concurrent I/O not enabled (A form of Input commands was issued without an XIO 40 being executed previously) } Input commands was issued without an XIO 40 being executed previously) )PP -OC>1 -8nHIȌhJ@n-} Ӎө H   hh@(έɩP( H Ih ӍВ}PQ    L   R$R詋)өPӭ ӭ @өEҩ}ҩҍ `[L?`K  `J    0  ` `} `QQ `QR O  `RR `  \ `' ȌH rh  }`ĥн `) ` }``~``R[SHHI B V h` \h`h  ) @H}hH hȌ  HL`ɛ  `} ``~`H J0}h`h `\SST0,)@G= 8)%`HIjj h  Ơ``8`ST} i i*B*8" HH`J)@J)H) Hhh)HhJ.J.JnJn`J}.ɀ` @x)X `)x X ` v   O` \}TUޠ `D$E% v  ȱ$ɛF0:80 @ -) -<0 0 }` `JEҠ`K `ԩ ݩ<ԩ ٥ԍՍ```(`m}mUUe(`K`@DSUVG)*`)@*  ` \0}`H h`)@ hLhA ``9hP1hT }`/ L!`H h rɛ VW~ `('0  0`}DʝDE 00CA v "05O 0*` ` O }` kO tcennoC reirraC oN gniR WW``<ҩҢD`E[HI B VԩPխ֭נ}ԑԑԩaթ֩bנmرmqؑץץbѩm`m`L`Modem }Driver Rev. 1.0H Installed(c) 1985 Jordan L. Chilcott`a󡡛!&)9BFKPUXahm  'Mlq$',059=filor}*9C[`#&258?KNbfux{ab ',/6=CNQ\ehkrz}}}bc`sPP -OC>1 -8nHIȌhF<n-!} ӍөH Ȍhh@(ҭͩP( H IȌh ӍКPQ!}    L   R$R詃)өPӭ ӭ @өEҩҩ!} `OL7`K  `J  0 `` `Q!}Q `QR ?`RR`  P `' ȌH jh`!}ĥн `) ` }``~``ROSHHI B Vh` Ph`h  ) 4HhH!} ȌhȌ  HL`ɛ  `} ``~`H J0h`h `P!}SST0()@C9 8%`HIjj h  ʠ``8`STii!}*B*8" HH`J)@J)H) Hhh)HhJ.J.JnJn`J.ɀ` !}@x)X`)x X` f   ?` PTUޠ !}`D$E% f  ȱ$ɛF0:80 @ ) <0 0 ` `J!}EҠ`K `ԩ ݩ<ԩ ٥ԍՍ```(`mmUUe!}(`K`04C}UV7!"`)@*  {` P0!}`H h`)@ hLhA ``9hP1hT `/ !}L`H h jɛ VW~ `('0  0`!}DDE 00CA f "05O 0*` ` ? ` kO tce!}nnoC reirraC oN gniR WW``<ҩҢD`E\HI B VԩPխ֭נԑ!}ԑԩaթ֩bנmرmqؑץץbѩm`m`L`Modem Driver Rev. 1.0S!} Installed(c) 1984 Jordan L. Chilcott`a󡡡!&)9CHMPY`e A`esv| %)-VY\_b} )3KPuz!} "%(/;>RVehkvab &-3>ALUX[bjmpw}!}!}bc` dPP -OC>1 -8nHIȌhF<n-%} ӍөHȌhh@(ҭͩP( HIȌh ӍКPQ%}    L  R$R詀)өPӭ ӭ @өEҩҩ%} Ң` LL7`K  `J  0 `` ~` Q%}Q`Q R <`RR`  M `' ȌH gh`ĥ%}н `) ` }``~``RLSHHI B Vh` Mh`h  ) 1HhH%}ȌhȌ  HL`ɛ  `} ``~`H J0h`h `MSS%}T0()@C9 8%`HIjj h  ʠ``8`STii*%}B*8" HH`J)@J)H) Hhh)HhJ.J.JnJn`J.ɀ` @%}x)X`)x X` c   <` MTUޠ `%}D$E% c  ȱ$ɛF0:80 @ ) <0 0 ` `J%}EҠ`K `ԩ ݩ<ԩ ٥ԍՍ```(`mmUUe%}(`K`-}1@z``<ҩҢD`EZHI B VԩPխ֭נԑԑ%}ːԩaթх֩aנmرmqؑץץaѩm`m`L`Modem Driver Rev. 1.0 Installe%}d(c) 1984 Jordan L. Chilcott`a󡡛!&)9]bpsy"&*SVY\_z&0HMrw}%}ab%}`$C