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This game is designed to simulate pro-basketball! ){} Statistics such as FG, FT 3FG, rebounds assists, steals, turnovers, and blocked shots have be)|}en used to reflect the offensive and defensive abilities of each player and team! BASKETBALL P)}}ROSTYLE is a 64K program which requires 64K of RAM and two joysticks. Play this game for awhile. If y)~}ou like it, you can send a donation to show your appreciation. Just send what you think the gam)}e is worth to you. Feel free to make comments and suggestions for improvement. If there is eno)}ugh support, I'll be able to take the time to improve it. Where else can you get (legally) )} software like this for the price YOU want to pay? In order to select YOUR teams and )}play BASKETBALL PROSTYLE you will need two joysticks plugged into port 1 and port 2. When you have selec)}ted PLAY GAME from the main menu and the game finishes loading, you will see a listing of all t)}he teams in pro-basketball. To select the team of YOUR choice, use the joystick plugged into p)}ort 1 to select player one's team (move the cursor up and down using the joystick and then pres)}s the fire button when the cursor is next to your team). The program then asks you to insert your team )} disk. You may order a team disk from us with all 27 teams! Without this disk, you will only be )}able to play the 1990-91 Boston Celtics and the Los Angeles Lakers. Repeat this process for pl)}ayer two using the joystick in port two. To order the team disk with all 27 teams, send only )}$10.00 (plus $2.00 shipping) to: Tobiah Rothlingshofer Post Office Box 96 )} Hampstead, MD 21074 (An updated team disk will be available each year) After)} both teams have been selected a chart with the home team (team number one which does have a slight )} advantage) on the left, and team number two on the right. It will look something like this: )} CELTICS 60 60 LAKERS BIRD 0 0 WORTHY McHALE 0 0 JOHNSON )} LEWIS 0 0 SCOTT and so on ... This is the heart of BASKETBALL PRO STYLE.)} Each player must select how many minutes each player will play up to a maximum of 12. Each p)}layer may select the number of minutes simultaneously. To move the cursor up and down push the joystick)} up and down. To add minutes to the highlighted player move the joystick to the right. To subt)}ract minutes move the joystick to the left. The number of minutes you have left is displayed a)}t the top of the screen (this value starts at 60). When you are done press the fire button. )} When both players complete filling in the minutes, the screen will clear and display the following )} information: <1> Injurys The first four spaces in front of the player's n)}ame is reserved for showing injurys. BLANK : No injury! 1 DIAMOND : Sl)}ightly tired (a whiff of pure oxygen should cure )} this) 2 DIAMONDS: Tired or Injured! (a cramped calf )} muscle, bruised ribs, etc.) 3 DIAMONDS: Majorly injured )} (cracked ribs, etc.) 4 DIAMONDS: Hurt Badly !!! (a )} broken leg, arm or neck or someother monstrosit)}y) Out for the remainder of the game!!!!! <2> Player's )}name (I hope you can figure this one out!) <3> Scor)}e Number of points that player scored. Press your fire button to exit this )} screen. This screen shows the total number of fouls that each player has accumulated up t)}o that point. (Remember, six fouls and they're out of the game!) Occasionally a player may pic)}k up more than six fouls. This means that they fouled out early in the period and so they will )}score less points. Press your fire button to exit this screen. The screen will now show the period )} score. Press your fire button to exit. Repeat steps two thru five until the game is)} completed. At games end you will be shown the scores and records of both teams. Press the fi)}re button to record the wins and losses to disk. After a short wait, the listing of all the teams will b)}e displayed and you will be again ready to play BASKETBALL PRO STYLE!!! After you get done r)}eading this select NBA PLAYER RATINGS from the main menu. The program will ask you if you want)} the results on screen or printer. The program will then display the following information: )}<1> The name of the team. <2> The name of the player followed by their offensive number )} (The higher the better), their defensive number (The higher the better), their )} fatigue number indicates the minimum number of minutes that each player can play wit)}h out geting tired or injured. Each minute played greater than this number i)}ncreases the possibility that that player will get "tired" or "injured". The )}number under "fouls" indicates the frequency with which each player receives )}fouls. The higher this number the better. You stand a better chance of picking up fouls the)} more minutes you play. If you select NEW SEASON from the main menu, all teams will ha)}ve their records reset to zero wins and zero losses. HAVE FUN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )} PROGRAMED BY : Tobiah Rothlingshofer CREATED BY : Richard and Tobiah Rothlingshofer(}IJ21DNTXYPLAYERPLAYER2TEAMTEAM2AXLPBOTYPFILINFOU@-}@ -}~~;A,;@ ,9A$,9A$,;A-},;A,;@,;@,;@@,;@ ,;A@,;@@,;@@,::6.0 -}  A5(@@D:*.BAL56-6@@''7@-}<@,4FREEAi6-%@(6.7@<@,A67@ <@ ,..i67@<@,.7@<@-},$2 6.67B:,%@,.267B:,%@,.. 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