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Some BASIC programs m j}ay contain instructions in their program listings. LIST to read. -To view DOCumentation files one page at a time, k} press [START], [Return], or the Joystick Trigger to display the highlighted DOC file. Pressing the [Esc] key cau l}ses a return to MENU. -To print out a hard-copy of any DOCumentation file, [Q]uit the MENU, boot DOS, and then from m} DOS, use the (C)Copy command: D:Filename.DOC,P: -To use this great MENU program on your own disks, simply n} copy the file "AUTORUN.SYS". D:Filename.DOC,P: -To use this great MENU program on your own disks, simply !@WXCOPCDCCCC4CUCBr@@@@@@ @d?6-p}@6-@'6-@36-@?6-@@** DISPLAY TITLE SCREEN*7+AA q}+A7A--6-F:A`,%AV$F:Aa,%@&@q#-@%@# r})-@@%%@) %@@e1%@ F:A`,1%@!F:Aa,@s}% -% @EASYSTOR V1.0) -) @DATA ENTRY UTILITY@ --@- @t} --@ - @ЮϮ  /-@/ @Ŭ ,+-@+ u}@ɠ..-@. @Ӡ0+-@+ @43Av}!A@t3AA(>% D:EASYSTOR D2:EASYINIT-.L" w};#L! 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GENERAL INTRODUCTIONEasyStor is menu driven program for the entry and modification ofEasyFind index reference record!I}s and is a companion product to theEasyFind retrieval program. Up until now, the only way to create ormodify indexes was b!J}y using a word processor according to the recordformat required by the EasyFind retrieval program. Now, however, withEasyS!K}tor new indexes can be created, new records added to existingindexes, or index records can be individually deleted or modifi!L}ed. Thenew or modified indexes can be accessed by EasyFind as can the indexessupplied by Sierra Services.In keeping with!M} the simple, easy-to-use style of the EasyFind retrievalprogram, the user interface for EasyStor looks and acts very similar!N} toEasyFind: all the keys work in the same way, the screen is layed out ina similar fashion, and the menus and windows per!O}form is a familiar way.Also, the same retrieval capabilites of EasyFind were included inEasyStor so that records to be dele!P}ted or modified could be foundquickly and easily. However, the new features and functions added tothe menu allow you to Ad!Q}d, Delete, or Modify records as well as createNew indexes, Load old ones, and Save all your changes.The EasyFind system wa!R}s first created to solve the problem of finding anarticle you once read many months or years ago in one of the Ataricompute!S}r magazines. Sierra Services is providing indexes for three ofthe major computer magazines, but the EasyFind retreival prog!T}ram can andhas been used for almost any kind of reference information: technicaljournals from other fields, Atari club new!U}sletters, and even record andtape collections. Although the documentation provided with the EasyFindretrieval program tell!V}s the format needed for the index files, there isno way to enter them besides using a word processor. Although, using awor!W}d processing system is a very good way to create an index, EasyStoris more convenient and was designed to handle the special!X}ized formatrequired.2. INSTALLATIONEasyStor is designed to work with any 8-bit Atari - 400, 800, 600XL,800XL, 65XE, or!Y} 130XE with a disk drive, 40K of memory, and Atari BASIC.Optionally, it will support a RAMdisk on 130XE or modified 800XLco!Z}mputers.Installation is quite simple. You just put the disk containing EasyStorinto disk drive 1 and turn the power on to![} your machine. There is anAUTORUN.SYS file on the disk that automatically runs anytime you bootyour system. It in turn ru!\}ns the BASIC program on the disk, calledEASYLOAD which then runs the BASIC program, EASYSTOR. Once EasyStor hasloaded you !]}can remove it from the disk drive and use it for other datadiskettes.EasyStor comes on a disk with Atari DOS 2.5 and suppo!^}rt for a RAMdiskand it will work with other Disk Operating Systems such as the doubledensity DOS/XL from OSS, SpartaDos, an!_}d others although it has not beentested with all of them.3. GETTING STARTEDIn order to get started quickly using EasySt!`}or just follow these steps.You can come back to the manual later to learn more, or just use the on-line help feature, by pr!a}essing the button to get information onall the features.o Put the EasyStor diskette in drive 1 and boot your system!b} The system will display a title screen while it is loading EasyStor. After it is thru loading the main screen will dis!c}play. o Using the left and right arrow keys (without holding the CTRL key) move the wide cursor so the New option at the!d} bottom of the screen is shown in reverse video. Now press . At the prompt for "New File Name :" enter a file na!e}me for a new index, say MYINDEX.DAT. o Now select the Add option by pressing the left arrow key until that option is hig!f}hlighted. Now press to active that option. You You will see 7 lines in the middle of the screen. These are the 7!g} lines of information that will become a reference record. Enter 7 lines of any information you want. Just end each line!q}b%DOS SYSb*)DUP SYSb SAUTORUN SYSb_HELP DOCb oEASYSTORBASbxEASYSTOR b)README OBJb ?FONT SETbHDOC 000 with a . After the last line is entered, the screen will be cleared and seven more lines will be displayed. Ent!r}er a few records. o After you have entered the last record, press the key to end adding records. Now, using the U!s}p and Down arrows, display the records that you have just entered and make sure they are there. 4. FEATURES EasyStor!t} has many features that make it easy and enjoyable to use:Simple menus, On-line help, Windows, Simple Editing, Multiplesear!u}ch phrases, Boolean logic, and more!There are two main modes for EasyStor: the menu mode and the editingmode. EasyFind is!v} in a menu mode unless you are adding or modifyingrecords. Editing is very similar to the standard Atari editor exceptthat!w} the Insert and Delete keys do not work.After you have started up EasyStor, you will be presented with a fullscreen displa!x}y. At this point you can activate any of EasyStor'sfeatures using the menus and certain keys, but first let's look at thes!y}creen display.The Screen DisplayThe screen is divided vertically into three main areas: - The Option Menu is at the bo!z}ttom of the screen. This is where you control how and what EasyStor will do. There are eleven different option choi!{}ces in this menu: Search, Add, Delete, Modify, Record, Disk, New, Load, Save, Temp, and Exit. - The Option Display is!|} at the top of the screen. This always shows you what options you have selected: Disk, File, Record, and how many C!}}hanges made. - The Display Window is in the middle of the screen. This is where selected records are displayed, added,!~} or modified and where the on-line help is shown. The Keys All of EasyStor's functions are controlled by just a few !}keys that aredescribed here. Of course, to enter or edit records you will utilizethe entire keyboard in similar manner to !}the Atari Editor, but thesekeys also control the menu and display. Note especially that the Arrowkeys work differently when!} used for editing than when selecting menuitems.LEFT and RIGHT ARROW KEYS1. Selecting Menu Options-Using these keys (w!}ithout holding down the CTRL key) allows you toselect a option from the Option Menu at the bottom of the screen. Whenan op!}tion is selected, is will appear in reverse video. Although themenu appears on two lines, you only have to use these two ke!}ys to selectany option. Also, the menu wraps around from Search to Exit, so that ifyou move left past Search you wind up d!}own at the bottom at Exit. Thereare other menus that are shown in smaller windows for choices tooptions. For example, the!} Search option has a small menu of twochoices: BOTH or EITHER. The arrow keys are used to select either ofthese choices.!} 2. Editing Records-When adding or modifying records, these keys work WITH the CTRL key helddown to move the cursor le!}ft and right in the same was as the Atarieditor.UP and DOWN ARROW KEYS1. Selecting Index Records-Using these keys (wit!}hout holding down the CTRL key) will find the nextor previous record in the current index file. Once you have told EasyStor!}what file to search the up arrow key will find the prior record in thefile and the down arrow will find the next record. N!}ote that if you use thesekeys before you enter a search phrase, EasyStor will simply move up anddown sequentially through t!}he file.2. Selecting Menu Options-Another use for these arrow keys (also without holding down the CTRLkey) is with the L!}oad option. If you activate this option, you will beshown a vertical menu of file names on the current disk and you select !}afile name by moving up and down the list.3. Editing Records-Finally, when adding or changing records, using these keys !}WITH the CTRLkey, will move the cursor up or down one line in a similar fashion tothe Atari editor. Also, there are only s!}even lines to edit and movingup past the first line will wrap around to the last line and viceversa.NOTE: Unlike the Atar!}i Editor, any changes made in that line WILL takeeffect before the key is pressed when moving up and down lines.!}HELP, RETURN, START, ESC On of the most useful features is EasyFind's context-sensitive on-linehelp function that is act!}ivated at any time by pressing the keyon XL and XE machines or CTRL-H on the older Atari 400's and 800's. Youmight !}be asking yourself, What is 'context-sensitive on-line help'?This simply means that when you ask for help, the computer know!}s whatoption you are using and displays help that is relevant to only thatoption.The key is an all-purpose key. !} When a menu choice has beenselected (it's shown in reverse video) you 'activate' that choice withthe key. This a!}pplies both to the main option menu at thebottom of the screen as well as the smaller menus in the windows.When the button is pressed, EasyFind 'starts' searching throughthe database for whatever records match the search phrases you have!}entered. As it finds a record it will automatically display it on thescreen and then continue to look through the database !}for another recordthat matches.The key will stop the automatic search function and put you backin control again. T!}his may give you some time to look at things beforegoing on. If you press the button again, EasyFind will continue!}its search through the database from wherever it last stopped.The key is also used in editing to exit editing. If dur!}ing themiddle of modifying or adding a record the key is pressed,modifications or additions are ignored. However, pr!}essing the keyis the ONLY way to stop adding records and is best used just after acomplete record has been entered.!}5. MENU OPTIONSThe menu at the bottom of the screen controls the whole program and itis the most important to understand.!}The Search option When you want to find some information in an index in order to modify ordelete it , you have to tell th!}e computer what to look for. Here youcan enter one or two search phrases, up to 20 characters each, and alsotell the compu!}ter if it has to match both phrases in the record or onlyone of the phrases. For example, let's say you wanted to find out !}allreviews of game programs. You would enter REVIEW for the first searchphrase, GAME for the second, and require that reco!}rds must match BOTHphrases. This corresponds to the Boolean AND function. If you had saidthat records only need to match !}EITHER phrase, this would be like theBoolean OR function and records that had either GAME or REVIEW in themwould be selecte!}d. Also, if you wanted to select or look at allrecords, you only need to enter an asterisk "*" for the first searchphrase.!}The Add optionThis allows you to add records to the end of the current file. You areonly limited by the amount of spac!}e available on the diskette. Beforerecords can be added, a current file must be established: you must firstcreate a new in!}dex file with the New option or load an existing filewith the Load option. When you activate this option, the main screen!} area in the middle of thescreen will clear and the display will look like this: Reference ________________!}_____________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ !} _____________________________________ _____________________________________ ___________________________!}__________ _____________________________________ This is the same format used to display existing records ex!}cept thatblank lines (underscored lines) are shown instead of referenceinformation. The cursor should be positioned on the!} first line and youare able to enter information one line at a time. You do not have tocomplete all seven lines, just thos!}e that you need. See the section onIndex Files for additional information on the format of index referencerecords.When y!}ou are through entering new records or if you want to abort addingthe current record, press the key, the screen will b!}e cleared, andyou are able to select other menu items.The Delete option !} This deletes the current record shown on the screen. In fact, therecord is not actually deleted at this time, but simply !}marked fordeletion. The real deletion takes place when the Save option isactivated. At that time, all the deletions are a!}pplied against theoriginal file so that those records are not copied to the Save file.This method has the advantage that th!}e original file is not altereduntil you specify the changes to be applied. Unfortunately, even afteryou delete a record it!} is still viewable in the original file anddeleting a record twice can have unpredictable results.There is a limit of 50 c!}hanges that can be made in one editing session.A change is either a delete or modify. The count of the number ofchanges is!} shown in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, justunder the current record number.The Modify optionThis allows y!}ou to modify the current record displayed. Afteractivating this option, you will be allowed to edit the record using theed!}iting keys. Editing is performed in a manner very similar to thestandard Atari editor, except that the Delete and Insert keys do notwork. To complete the modification of the record, you MUST position thecursor on the last line a pres!}s . If you want to abortmodifying this record, just press the key.As with the Delete option, modifications !}are not made to the originalfile but are saved until you choose to apply them with the Save option.The modified records are!} stored in a temporary file (see the Temp optionfor more details). When a Save is made, the modified records are copiedfro!}m the temporary file into the save file in place of the records fromthe original file. Please note that changes are NOT mad!}e until youactivate the Save option.There is a limit of 50 changes that can be made in one editing session.A change is ei!}ther a delete or modify. The count of the number ofchanges is shown in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, justunde!}r the current record number.The Record option Information is accessed by records when you are searching for a givenrefe!}rence. The records are stored in the database file just as simplesequential records. However, when you read these records,!} EasyStorremembers where they are in the file and can then later access them bynumber. When you activate this option, you !}will see the prompt,"RECORD: " in a small text window. If you enter in a record numberthat has already been accessed, the!}n that record will be displayed. Youwill also note that the current record being displayed is shown in theupper right hand!} corner of the Option Display area.The Disk option You can search files that are on any disk drive including a RAMdiskd!}rive. For those users with more than one disk drive, several differentdatabases can be kept on multiple disk drives. When yo!}u activate thisoption , you will see the prompt "DISK: " in a small text window. Youcan enter any number between 1 and 8.!} If you enter an invalid number,the program defaults to drive 1 for the current drive. You must selecta disk drive, before!} you can load a file on that drive to modify.The New option If you want to create a completely!} new index file, then you need toactivate this option. When you are prompted for a "New File Name:"enter a complete file s!}pecification such as D3:NEWFILE.DAT includingboth the device and filename. If the device is available, a new filewill be c!}reated and opened. Otherwise, the bell will ring, and an errormessage will be displayed in a small window in the middle of !}the screen.Once you have created a new index file, you will want to select the Addoption so you can add records to this ne!}w file. If you want to Addrecords to an existing file, you should use the Load option to accessthe index file instead of t!}he New option.The Load option There can be many different files or databases on a disk that you wouldwant to change or !}modify. When you activate this option, a directory ofall files with an extension of ".DAT" on the current disk will appear !}ina text window. Using the up and down arrows you select one of the filesthat you want to search for information. Once yo!}u have selected thefile you simply press and that file will be OPENed for use byEasyStor.The Save option !} This is the most significant option on the menu since any changes(deletes or modifys) are!} not actually effected until the Save option isactivated and completed successfully. Before you activate this option,be su!}re that you have adequate space on disk for the file that will becreated with the Save option. The newly created file will !}beapproximately the size of the original index file depending upon howmany records have been added or deleted.In order to!} understand this option, a brief explanation of how EasyStoractually adds, deletes, and modifies records is given.Here is !}how EasyStor actually updates an index file: 1. A temporary file is created automatically when the program is first sta!}rted called "TEMP.999". EasyStor attempts to create this file on D8, the RAMdisk first, and if it fails, then on D1. If!} there is not enough space of D1 then the error message, "NO TEMP STORAGE ON D1:" is displayed upon starting up EasyS!}tor. 2. All deletes are traced by record number within the original file. The record number is kept track of in an !}array to be used later. 3. All modified records are also traced by record number within the original file and the m!}odified records are saved in the file TEMP.999 until later. 4. All new records created by the Add option are immedi!}ately appended to the end of the original file. They are not affected by the Save option. 5. When the Save opt!}ion is activated, you will be prompted for a "Save File Name:". This will become the updated index file with all the !} deletes and modifications. This allows you to keep both the original version and the updated version , just in case som!}ething goes wrong (such as a power failure in the middle of an update) or you made a mistake! 6. The original index!} file is read, record by record, and each record is checked to see if it was marked for deletion or modified. If not!}, then it is simply written to the Save file. If it is marked for deletion, then the record is not written to the Save f!}ile. If it is marked for modify, then the modified record is copied from the temporary file, TEMP.999, into the new !}Save file in place of the old record from the original file. --------------- | | |!} Original | | Index | | file | | | --------------- !} -------------------- | | + !} ===============>>>> | Save File | | !} | | -------------- -------------------- | !} | | TEMP.999 | | | --------------If anything goes wrong during a Save operation, yo!}u should correctwhatever caused the problem (such as insufficient disk space) and retryto save again. The original file wi!}ll be intact and TEMP.999 should bethe same.The Temp optionAs detailed under the Save option section, EasyStor saves al!}l modifiedrecords on a temporary file and then applies these changes to create theupdated index file. When EasyStor is fir!}st started, it tries to createa file called TEMP.999 on D8: (RAMdisk) first and if that fails then onD1:. If EasyStor fail!}s to create TEMP.999, you must then specify atemporary file to use, before you can modify any records. Also, if forsome r!}eason you want to change the name of the temporary file beingused, this option allows you to do that. Be careful, however, !}that youdo not change the file AFTER you have modified some records since allyour changes up to that point will be lost and!} results of a Saveoperation are unpredictable.When you activate this option, you will be prompted with "Temp FileName:". !} Respond with a complete file specification such as D3:TEMP.XXX,including both filename and device.The Exit option This!} is the easiest option of all. This simply closes all the files,stops the EasyStor program, and returns to BASIC. 6. IND!}EX FILES As we said earlier, EasyFind is a specialized database program that wasoriginally designed to search and retriev!}e references to articles andprograms in Atari magazines. The databases that contain this informat-ion are called index fil!}es, since they are essentially card or magazineindexes. The index files have a very simple design, but because of itssimpl!}icity, it is also very flexible.File Format EasyStor allows the entry and !}modification of records that can later besearched and retrieved by the EasyFind program. In order to createrecords that ar!}e meaningful, the format for the index files needs to beunderstood. Fortunately, the format of records in the EasyFind syst!}emis quite simple.All database programs work with records and EasyFind is no different inthat respect, but the definition!} of a record is slightly different fromwhat you might expect. A record is simply a collection of related dataitems, usually"} called fields. However, for EasyFind, a record is acollection of seven lines or strings of information. There are nofiel"}ds or specialized formats. Anything you want can be entered inthese lines or strings.Actually, each of these lines or stri"}ngs is a 'record' as far as theAtari I/O systems is concerned, since it considers a record to be somenumber of contiguous b"}ytes terminated by a End Of Line (EOL) or Returncharacter.Here is the format of the file that EasyFind expects to read. E"}ach linemust be 39 characters or less and it must be terminated by a End Of Linecharacter. Anytime you PRINT a string in B"}ASIC, it is terminated by aEnd Of Line character and most all word processors do also. Line 1: Magazine, Month, Year, Page"}, Author (Each of these "fields" should be separated by a space) Line 2: Title or article Line 3: Description of art"}icle Line 4: Description of article Line 5: Description of article Line 6: Description of article Line 7: Descrip"}tion of articleA sample record might look something like this: ANALOG JAN 86 p56 Hudson, Tom "Simpli" }fying Player/Missle Graphics" This tutorial article discusses the various methods and techniques used " } for employing P/M within BASIC programs for better graphics displays. ML P/M subroutine demo given" }. NOTE:Although EasyFind doesn't care what information is in these seven linesas far a searching and retrievin" }g is concerned, the Brief format willlook for a space between the Magazine and Month in the first 10 charac-ters of line 1." } If it finds a space, it takes the next three charactersand displays them as the month. It also uses the first 31 characte"}rs ofLine 2 in the display as the Title.How to Create Your Own Indexes In order to create an index, all that i"}s needed is to create a new indexfile using the New option from the main menu and then to select the Addoption. The Add op"}tion lets you add as many records as you want to thenew index. If you want to enter some records now and then other records"}later that is possible also. When you want to add more records to a filethat has already been created with the New option, "}you simply use theLoad option to open the index file. The Add option will append the newrecords you add to the end of the "}file.For each database record, enter up to seven lines and terminate eachline by pressing the . You must end each"} line with a .You don't have to fill in each line. For example, if you only have 5lines of useful information for "}one record, just press the twice for each of the two missing lines. This in effect gives you 5actual lines and 2 e"}mpty lines. The only rule here, is that each recordmust have 7 lines, whether they are empty or not.NOTE:EasyFind and E"}asyStor expect each index file to have a file extention of".DAT". When the File option is activated, it only allows you to "}selector open a file with this extension. The following are examples of filenames that EasyFind and EasyStor would recogni"}ze: ANALOG85.DAT,MYDATA.DAT7. CUSTOMER SERVICEOur policy on Customer Service is quite simple. If for any reason, you"}are not satisfied with any purchase you have made, simply return it tous and you will be issued a complete refund. Also, we"} will replace anydefective disk free of charge that is returned to us, other than thatcaused by negligence.We will provid"}e free telephone assistance to the best of our ability.However, if your question is complicated, we suggest that you send a"}letter describing your problem or situation. All letters sent in willbe answered in a timely manner.Sierra ServicesP.O."} Box 40454Bellevue, WA 98004(206) 881-0512ecords and EasyFind is no different inthat respect, but the definition of a"} record is slightly different fromwhat y-0512ecords and EasyFind is no different inthat respect, but the definition of a )