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[Also available from BELLCOM] - l}Most programs are relatively self-explanatory; however, some have separate DOCumentation files available. Some BASIC m} programs may contain instructions in their program listings. -To use this great MENU program on your own disks, n}simply copy the file "AUTORUN.SYS" onto your disk. * MENU written by DAVID CASTELL * program on your own disks, ^ ============================== SCREEN DESIGNER by Mack Mcleod ==============================From the title screep}n, press andhold to begin.SCREEN DESIGNER allows you to key agraphics mode 0 screen withborders, titles, and markeq}rs wherevariables will be, then save aLISTed BASIC subroutine toreproduce the screen with a simpleGOSUB. The file is ENTEr}Red intoother BASIC programs and can beloaded back into SCREEN DESIGNERfor modifications.Other menu options allow fordis}splaying a directory and settingvalues for: screen colors,subroutine line numbering, leftscreen margin, and the character t}toflag where variables will beprinted.FEATURESDesign screen and menu are switchedby pressing START. Unfinisheddesignu} screens may be saved andreloaded as necessary. SCREENDESIGNER menus can use line 23,column 39 without causing thescroll v}which usually occurs if youPRINT something there. You canexperiment with screen colors andsee the change immediately. Yourw}saved subroutine will set thosecolors each time it is called.Also, when you save a design screenfile, a prompt-box allowx}s you toenter the name of a variable orstring argument to print at thelocation of each "variable tag"character found on ty}he designscreen. SCREEN DESIGNER rememberswhere the variables are, sosubsequent save prompts willalready have the variablz}e filled infor you. You may press RETURN touse it, ESCAPE to ignore the tag,or key a new variable. The variabledata is re{}loaded when you input afile and tags set in the properdesign screen locations. The tagcharacter is never printed by thesa|}ved subroutine. It is alwaysremoved from the text whether ornot you choose a variable to print.THE MENUMenu options ar}}e chosen using thecursor-arrow keys. Type the dataand press RETURN to enter it. A"Completed" message appears in themessag~}e window indicating the datawas accepted. Invalid entries causean error message in the window.Pressing ESCAPE or an arrow} keyrestores the contents of a menuselection, cancelling a partialentry. Pressing OPTION displayshelp information for the} currentmenu selection. This area is alsoused to display directory entriesand the progress of a loadoperation as each scr}een line andvariable name are processed.FilenamesFor I/O options default to disk 1if no qualifier is entered. Fordire}ctory display, enter a searchargument as in DOS. Keying *.*causes all files from D1: to bedisplayed. Screen color selectio}nis 5 hexadecimal digits; the firstis background color, (0-F), second;background brightness, third;character brightness. }Fourth andfifth are the color and brightnessof the screen border. You will notbe allowed to set the brightnessfactors so }that the text isinvisible so there's no chance ofthe screen going blank. For thevariable tag option, choose acharacter wh}ich you will not use inyour design screen text or blank toindicate that no variableprocessing is to be done. Thedefault i}s @.DESIGN SCREENThis is a free format screen whereyou type up a great looking menuusing character graphics forborder}s, inverse characters, etc.Remember the "variable tag", use itonly for positions where a variablewill be printed. The CLEA}R key notonly clears the screen but is theonly operation that empties out thetable of variables and locations.The design} editor is full-screen.You may move the cursor to anyposition and begin keying. Scrollingdoesn't occur when typing the las}tbyte of a line. This ensures thatdata is not repositioned or rolledoff the screen. Scrolling doesoccur if you use the IN}SERT-LINEor DELETE-LINE keys. Pressing STARTreturns you to the menu.SUBROUTINE FILEThis is a BASIC LISTed file whichc}an be ENTERed into other programs.It always uses the ? for the PRINTstatement and fully spells outcommands like POSITION. }If youmodify the subroutine outside ofSCREEN DESIGNER, it may still bereloaded but you will lose anyspecial coding that d}oes not followthe above conventions or doessomething other than screen PRINT,poking colors or margin.Line numbers may be} modified, butwill be renumbered when you savethe file again. The subroutinebegins by clearing the screen. Youmay wish to} delete that statementif your output display is only tocover some screen lines and leaveothers intact.LOGICThe progra}m is fairly long and eachsubroutine is preceded by acomment, so I'll just mention someof the routines that you could usei}n your own programs.The assembler subroutine in stringFK$ is used in conjunction with theBASIC subroutine at lines 120th}rough 190 to provide menukeyboard input. Editting keys suchas insert and delete won't affectthe menu borders, and cursor l}eftand right keys wrap around theinput field, like commercial dataentry software. The routine ignoreskeys such as BREAK a}nd CLEAR. FK$is called with the screenline(0-23), start column(0-39), endcolumn(0-39), and address of astring variable in} which to returnthe data keyed. Each key pressedupdates the screen-field and stringvariable. It returns to BASIC onlywhen} an "action key" is pressed,and the variable set by the USRcall contains the number of thatkey: 3 - OPTION 5 - SELE}CT 6 - START 27 - ESCAPE 28 - CURSOR-UP 29 - CURSOR-DOWN 155 - RETURNThe BASIC subroutine which calls itis then }freed from the task ofhandling key entry and canconcentrate on the data and "actionkey" entered. FK$ is created bylines 3}900 to 4320 which you couldLIST to disk and ENTER into otherprograms. This routine used withSCREEN DESIGNER output can for}m thebasis for professional lookingmenus.SK$ is 148 bytes long and containsthe design screen keying routine.It's main p}urpose is to avoid theATARI editor's scrolling mechanismand provide quick key responsewhile designing. It is called bythe} BASIC routine at line 1000 andno parameters may be passed . Youwill notice the use of memorylocation 93. This is where th}eATARI editor stores the value ofthe screen byte under the cursor.Even when the cursor is turnedoff by poking a nonzero }value intolocation 752, the process ofstoring the byte that is at thecurrent PRINT location, (cursorposition), continues.} Since SCREENDESIGNER manipulates screen datadirectly in some cases, this valuemust be adjusted to reflect what iscurrent}ly on the screen.ATIC$ is an assembler routine whichconverts ATASCII to Internal Codeand back. Internal Code is atransla}tion of ATASCII which isused in screen display memory. Thisroutine should be DIMensioned at 90bytes and is loaded by line }3540.The parms are a flag to indicatetranslation type, source dataaddress, and receive field address.The flag is zero fo}r ATASCII toICODE and 128 for ICODE to ATASCII.Examples of its use are found atlines 1020 and 1070. This routineallows th}e quick switching ofdesign screen and menu, also savingthe entire screen contents in avariable. This presents anothermeth}od of storing screens, as 960byte strings. ATIC$ could be usedto display screens, (or parts), andreturn screen contents ve}ryquickly.SCREEN DESIGNER makes it easy togenerate full screen displays foryour BASIC programs and let yourcomputer han}dle the coding. So letyour creativity flow.The End full screen displays foryour BASIC programs and let yourcomputer han6LLPTILELINEAHELBVARVARROVARCOLKEYMCMAMCMIRSTBREAKEFKMLIATICSCREELINMSTARTMADMADDSCREEN}MLEFTMCOLMVARFLAINDINDLASSKMDIRFDDSCROMINFBADFMOTFNTRAMSTARLADCCINCOLRCOLRBOROPTIO} } }!"#$%&'()*+,-./}0@123456789: Bp ! A4 AC! }A 夛 ! $(07<,47@<@,-6-%@0$26-%@ @0<}F ( $P=AR@'-@@=(7@<@8,Z+-@@+(7@<@8,d}$nx-@&@'!"@:7,,*"@:7%@,,$''$!!6-%@%@:7%@,,}  6- $V-@@+(7@<@8,=-@@S(7@<@8,}V$8B:, +&%@,867B:,%@<&%@,. 6.!6-!AR}6-?:C:,<<<:A%,@&&6-?:C:,<:@0,>:@1,}7<,0)4 A* A*67%@<%@,.  Ap$6.7@<@4,$ A 4  }46.7%@<%@%@:7%@,,,.B:, @4.67B:,%@<@4,. 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D1:*.* to scan for files.;$A-@@A(&Enter a device qualified fi7}le name to $:-@@7(load into the design screen.:$.A-@@A(&Enter a device qualified file8} name to 8B-@@?($write the BASIC subroutine lines on.B$B=-@@=("Enter the starting line9} number forLB-@@?($the subroutine. Range is 1 to 32000.B$V@-@@@(%Enter the number (1-9:}99) by which the`D-@@A(&subroutine lines are to be incrementedD$j?-@@?($A 1 digit flag;}, when found on screentD-@@A(&indicates a variable is to be printed.D$~A-@@A(&Enter 5 <}hex digits(0-9,A-F). 1(color),B-@@?($2(bkg lum), 3(char lum, 4-5(border).B$?-@@?($En=}ter the column, (0-9) at which the>-@@;( left screen margin should begin.>$?-@@?($Pr>}ess Y then RETURN to exit SCREEN '-@@$( DESIGNER.'$i3+@%@'A@H36-@?}iV-@@!@B-,A/@&@VAF:B7p,iT-@@2(@@}ΠT(T:,)(T:@,Bqi- ,-/@&@i iV-@@!@A}B-,@A/@&VAF:B7p,iaB7h6-%@)"@@56-a6-@$+B}@,%@$+@,i- ,@-/@&iT-@@2(@SCREEN DESIGNERC}T(T:,)(T:@,Bq`m F:B2y,@Bpm + @D2:SDESIGN.BASREEN DESIGNERpDEVlGRAPHCHAR1CHAR2KEYS1KEYS2DEC1DEC2PADBLANKFIRSLASSELOO (E}<?BV @ $$******************************$$** ATAF}RI SPECIAL CHARACTERS **$$** PRINTER LISTING **$$** by Peter Kirton **$$** G} **$$** NEW ATARI USER **$$****************************** Y +-@@,(KEYPH}RESS>-@@Y(Press any key to start RR;@,;@,;@,;@ ,;@ ,;@,;@I},B;@ ,;@ ,66. 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INV CTRL ,26.7@<+B:,&B:,,,267B:,%@,R}.<<3     "@$ #A'3-@@S}")67<,.>:,- 3"26.7@<+B:,&B:,,,267B:,%@,.3  '6-@6T}-@('6-@7 A3>:@,,AR++0,48,120,124,62,124,120,48,COMMA1, 0''0,U}0,0,255,255,24,24,24,CTRL A, 1$$0,0,0,0,0,0,255,255,CTRL B, 2''24,24,24,248,248,0,0,0,CTRL C, 3''24,24,24,255,V}255,0,0,0,CTRL D, 4%%24,24,24,31,31,0,0,0,CTRL E, 5))3,7,14,28,56,112,224,192,CTRL F, 6))192,224,112,56,28,14,W}7,3,CTRL G, 7''1,3,7,15,31,63,127,255,CTRL H, 8$$0,0,0,0,15,15,15,15,CTRL I, 9''255,127,63,31,15,7,3,1,CTRL J,X} 10((0,0,0,0,240,240,240,240,CTRL K, 11((240,240,240,240,0,0,0,0,CTRL L, 1200192,192,192,192,192,192,192,192,CTRLY} M, 13 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,CTRL N, 14$$15,15,15,15,0,0,0,0,CTRL O, 15**0,24,24,122,102,122,24,24,CTRL P, 16%%0,0Z},0,31,31,24,24,24,CTRL Q, 17((24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,CTRL R, 18**24,24,24,255,255,24,24,24,CTRL S, 19&&0,28,62,6[}2,62,62,28,0,CTRL T, 20((15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,CTRL U, 21$$255,255,0,0,0,0,0,0,CTRL V, 22((24,24,24,31,31,24,24\},24,CTRL W, 23**24,24,24,248,248,24,24,24,CTRL X, 24((255,255,255,255,0,0,0,0,CTRL Y, 25''0,0,0,248,248,24,24,24,]}CTRL Z, 26++0,248,248,174,174,10,10,0,ESC ESC, 27,,0,16,48,126,126,48,16,0,ESC CTRL -, 28**0,8,12,126,126,12,8,0,^}ESC CTRL =, 29++0,16,56,124,84,16,16,0,ESC CTRL +, 30++0,16,16,84,124,56,16,0,ESC CTRL *, 31((0,24,60,126,126,60,_}24,0,CTRL ., 96 ((0,24,58,126,126,58,24,0,CTRL ;,123 %%0,0,0,255,255,0,0,0,SHIFT =,124 330,124,124,112,120,94,78,0,E`}SC SHIFT CLEAR,125 **0,16,56,124,254,0,0,0,ESC DELETE,126 ''0,0,0,254,124,56,16,0,ESC TAB,12700255,207,135,131,193,a}131,135,207,COMMA2,12800255,255,255,0,0,231,231,231,INV CTRL A,12900255,255,255,255,255,255,0,0,INV CTRL B,130002b}31,231,231,7,7,255,255,255,INV CTRL C,13100231,231,231,0,0,255,255,255,INV CTRL D,13244231,231,231,224,224,255,255,25c}5,INV CTRL E,13322252,248,241,227,199,143,31,63,INV CTRL F,1342263,31,143,199,227,241,248,252,INV CTRL G,13522254d},252,248,240,224,192,128,0,INV CTRL H,13644255,255,255,255,240,240,240,240,INV CTRL I,137220,128,192,224,240,248,252,e}254,INV CTRL J,13800255,255,255,255,15,15,15,15,INV CTRL K,1390015,15,15,15,255,255,255,255,INV CTRL L,140,,63,63f},63,63,63,63,63,63,INV CTRL M,14144252,252,252,252,252,252,252,252,INV CTRL N,14244240,240,240,240,255,255,255,255,INg}V CTRL O,14344255,231,231,133,153,133,231,231,INV CTRL P,14444255,255,255,224,224,231,231,231,INV CTRL Q,14544231q}?b%DOS SYSb*)DUP SYSb SAUTORUN SYSb_HELP DOCb;oSDESIGN DOCbSDESIGN BASb,DKEYPRESSBASbyCUSTCURSDOCbCUSTCURSBASbQUICKREFDOCbJQUICKREFOBJbDELETE BASb8DELETE b.DIRPRINTDOCb@GDIRPRINTBASbFONTMKR OBJbTWOFONTZDOCbTWOFONTZBASb FONT b FONT2 ,231,231,231,231,231,231,231,INV CTRL R,14600231,231,231,0,0,231,231,231,INV CTRL S,14744255,227,193,193,193,193,227,r}255,INV CTRL T,14844240,240,240,240,240,240,240,240,INV CTRL U,149000,0,255,255,255,255,255,255,INV CTRL V,150442s}31,231,231,224,224,231,231,231,INV CTRL W,15100231,231,231,7,7,231,231,231,INV CTRL X,152,,0,0,0,0,255,255,255,255,INt}V CTRL Y,15300255,255,255,7,7,231,231,231,INV CTRL Z,154::255,239,207,129,129,207,239,255,ESC SHIFT DELETE,156::2u}55,247,243,129,129,243,247,255,ESC SHIFT INSERT,15766255,239,199,131,171,239,239,255,ESC CTRL TAB,15877255,239,239,17v}1,131,199,239,255,ESC SHIFT TAB,15944255,231,195,129,129,195,231,255,INV CTRL .,22444255,231,197,129,129,197,231,255,w}INV CTRL ;,25111255,255,255,0,0,255,255,255,INV SHIFT =,25244255,131,131,143,135,161,177,255,ESC CTRL 2,25377255,x}239,199,131,1,255,255,255,ESC CTRL DELETE,25477255,255,255,1,131,199,239,255,ESC CTRL INSERT,255D:KEYPRESS.BAS5,{ CUSTOM CURSOR KIT by Ed Hall ============================NO MORE DUMB ATARI CURSOR!NOW YOU CAN SELECT A CUSTOMIZEDz}CURSOR OF YOUR CHOICE.And, your new cursor can becontrolled by either your keyboardor your joystick. It's amazing!!The{} cursor is actually a playermissile graphic, which is designedon an 8 x 8 grid. The illustrationbelow shows how to arrive |}at the 8numbers (listed vertically) neededfor a "LIGHTNING BOLT" cursor.Eight numbers are required, andnone may exceed a }}value of 240.Enter 0 for a blank row.128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 TOTALS-------------------------------- 0 0 0 0 X X~} 0 0 12 -------------------------- 0 0 0 X X 0 0 0 24 -------------------------- 0 0 X }X 0 0 0 0 48 -------------------------- 0 X X 0 0 0 0 0 96 -------------------------- 0 } 0 X X 0 0 0 0 48 -------------------------- 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 32 -------------------------- } 0 X 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 -------------------------- X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 128 -----------------------}--- i.e. by adding the X's accross andtaking the TOTALS in the exampleabove, we have the "LIGHTNING BOLT"cursor:1}2,24,48,96,48,32,64,128CURSOR SHAPE------------The cursor shape data, consistingof 8 numbers, is found in line 650.Si}mply replace the 8 numbers inline 650 of the program with any ofthe following sets to produce thecursor shape of your choi}ce.PACMAN:30,63,118,124,120,120,60,30TIE-FIGHTER:0,65,73,93,127,93,73,65INSECT:66,36,24,126,153,36,66,129BULLDO}ZER:0,64,64,122,2,122,134,121HAND:96,50,26,29,54,111,95,63COILED ARROW:62,34,42,42,42,174,224,240CROOKED ARROW:}240,192,160,144,144,16,16,16INSERT SYMBOL:0,128,64,32,32,64,128,0MACINTOSH-STYLE I-BEAM:160,64,64,64,64,64,64,160HO}RIZONTAL LINES:0,240,0,240,0,240,0,240HOLLOW SQUARE:240,144,144,144,144,144,144,240UNDERLINE:0,0,0,0,0,0,0,240LIG}HTNING BOLT (current):12,24,48,96,48,32,64,128NOTE: Cursor shape data numbers goin line 650, the 8 numbers areseparated} by commas exactly asgiven above.CURSOR BLINKING RATE--------------------The cursor's blinking rate iscontrolled in l}ine 660, e.g.RATE=25. Experiment with variousvalues for RATE. Enter a 0 if youdon't want the cursor to blink.CURSOR COL}OR------------The cursor's color is controlled inline 670, e.g. COLOUR=28.Experiment with any value from0-255 for COLOU}R.CURSOR SPEED------------The cursor's speed of movement iscontrolled in line 680, e.g.SPEED=2. Experiment with vario}usvalues for SPEED.HAVE FUN!!!-----------Since the program takes a fewmoments to initialize, I added afinal touch - }a little guy whogreets me with a message. Themessage may be changed to anythingyou wish.Now when ever you power up my8-}bit, I can use my Joystick tocontrol a cursor which suits mymood. to anythingyou wish.Now when ever you power up my8-E&'g 6 JOYSTICROUTINRATCOLOUSPEECURSO%%###!}############################%%# CUSTOM CURSOR KIT #%%# J.White, T. Stockwell #%%# E. Hall, A Wa!}ranowitz #%%# --------------------------- #%%# NEW ATARI USER - FEB 1993 #%%###############################!}d +AR@$-@@$( $-@@$( ||$-@@!}$( $-@@$( |$-@@$( #-@@#( !}#-@@ #( "-@@"("-@@"( "-@@!}"( |ˠś4-ArA"!% 46-?:Ar,104,160,27,162,1,169,6,32!}92,228,96,206,63,1,208,24"165,0,141,63,1,173,120,2,!!73,15,240,12,162,255,232,746 144,252,189,59,1,141,252,2@!!!}76,95,228,142,143,134,135,5JҠśT$-@ @ $( JOYSTICK ^$$6-+F:A,&@,$AVh'!}-@`"#%' r&-@@ &( CONTROLS |'-@aA "#%' &-@!}@ &( CURSOR '-A!A"#%' <-@@ %( 7-@@<(!}##104,165,212,24,105,36,133,212!!165,213,105,0,133,213,162,7!!160,144,177,212,157,0,6,136$$202,16,247,164,212,1!}66,213,1697,76,92,228,173,240,2,240124,173,43,2,240,4,169,0240,6,173,255,6,24,105,8""141,255,6,48,104,1!}60,254,1690,153,0,6,136,192,7,208!!248,169,10,141,194,2,141,20 208,169,1,141,111,2,141,27 208,169,0,141,1!}0,208,169,0 141,7,212,169,2,141,29,208&169,58,141,47,2,141,0,2120!!166,85,164,84,165,87,13,147:2,240,12,173!},191,2,201,4D""208,35,152,24,105,20,168,138N 10,10,105,48,141,2,208,152X10,10,10,105,39,168,162,7b189,0,6,15!}3,0,6,136,202l 16,246,76,98,228,169,0,141v2,208,76,98,228נŠԡ12,24,48,96,48,32,64,1286!}-@%%@U6-@(%@t6-@!!堶᛼!!堶!}!!堶!!堶䠛 6-?:,D2:CUSTCURS.BAS z QUICKREF --------No DOCS for this handy utility assuch, but it is extremely easy touse and you%} should have no realproblems.This program is mainly usefull forfinding out which constants areused the most in a program%}, andthen converting them to variableswith a decent constant to variablechanger (I use 'Program Helper'from an ANTIC maga%}zine, but thereare others available in the P.D.).As you all should know, changingfrequently used constants tovariables ca%}n save you a lot ofmemory and disk space.If when you wish to examine a BASICfile, you are given the message'NOT A BASIC %}SAVED FILE' then go toBASIC and LOAD, LIST, ENTER andSAVE the file you wish to examine.Everything should then be fine.C ${TT9)ȄȄ08LUTx(  VUUU|D LtM()}    <i&i' 5$)ҩ;= >*Ω/$̍$$)}$$$$0$1 ~("/ [:LJ} quickref OPT=Directory SEL=Type program name QUICKREF )}Rev 1.2 _ 7/15/83Atari BASIC Variable Cross Reference(c) 1983 Don Wahrmund & Gary HewerInsert BASIC disk, )}press console key.} quickref  5 Type in name of Atari BASIC saved program and press . /)}0$1*1 ~(` !L% >: $w٠K ~( '"/BHDE V0L 9Ls)}HL%轀:ɛˢʽ25 34Ȅ膽 AE[A0<ɛ^[1A:)0椳)}! .L0 ɛ/ Q ~(L' ILLEGAL FILENAME \ʠɛC\ 㦾)})ȩ.Ȅ轀ɛ漤\ ©* 6 Li0a\ L*i ƳhhL)}`? ~( :w  L%Ls FILE NOT FOUND p o Y# iȱiee8)}l mnmnllll V*)膹/$$0$1 BDEHI)} V ~(͠ ~(%8T%&i' eTT  "/ ! >: ( LR [:L` [: $"/O)} ~( ~( / ( )) ) >*L} SEND RESULTS TO: _ Screen (default) 40 column printer 80 col)}umn printer 132 column printer this screen |variables & constants quickref OPT=menu SEL=cursor STR=run R)}ST=quit Ready to reference THUHTU 1 "@ ~(hUhT '` this screen 40 col print)}er 80 col printer132 col printer Referencing T/? ~(%8T%&i' eTT "/ ! 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M`})} quickref STR=Get incomplete results RST=QuitToo many variables and/or constants!You may (1) Get incomplete resul)}ts or (2) Quit and run variables& constants separately i i8   nn)}`   hhLZ!  4潤澤Ѻii`8L")}潤澤8    L # S0) \g 9hhw#L%## ~( :hhw )}  L%Ls NOT A BASIC SAVED FILE  }mi ) )JJ*   S0)}`fL#0̭1͠$$ȱ$$$@ԩ/0$1$% \ϩ`pFA$ )} pFpPA$HHϽ$ EO%NЍн$EO%Nhh@ύ@ԥTTT5T5)M3))}32)21) 1Lr%54123Lx%451ҭ2ҭ3L_ $"/& ~(wL6i@w  )}i@  )) & W'L & [: `'%w& !! >: (L&)}BDEH J V J $"/& ~( BDEH VL Loading directory$$0$)}1ՠ& ~("/RUT`}Screen/Printer | Variables/Constants quickref SEL=cur SPACE=pag STR=load RST=qu)}itDIRECTORY ` &'i06ƾi© ~( (( ~(i © ~( /i¥г)} W'T UR|( ~(`8'徍''( ~( /ƾ W' '`. *  N(Э$  Э )} >: N(L.(`T' &Tx(% ~(Ц`HH BhDEhHI V`8lR)}00[뱶0hL#)ȑƽeeeзг`8L)})Ņǭmƥiǭ =;Lq)إƴ ƵDžťLS))}ЃĪƑĊƈ0`=lƼ05 <襾<¥iieeǥ  l )}<`‘`@P* 8=ԭ; (۰17 ݭlԭm ݢ7 (۰ ٰ ԅՅ`1 9LV*PVar)}iable an array, was found on lines: It had references uv2-0111 1L+Ru)}vo p  S / ȱLi+ 9L+8 i}i) ȱ m )} S /Ƴuiuvivl=L,L, L,é3 $qD,E2H BI V"/)}06 B V 9L2,BJNKD*E V 9L(, 0  L, Outputting to printer Press SPACE BAR to pause)}6é h1 /L2lL2)8)VȱL- L9ȱJmxxyiyLZ-)VyȱJ)}čxÅL.ȱ)7ʈ 7`67DEH` G-Ȅ *-6 B V 9L{-Ʋ 0ƿ / G-)}Å0иU/ȱL,WX)L-WXȱL,ee 0ƿ6)} BםD*E H V 9L.xԭymx5 ؠȱ)6 BDEȘH V 9LW.noy.LW.D*E)} H V 9L.8 0L.ƿƿ / / 7ƴ 6 0L2L,8 0ƿƿ6 BD*E H V 9L.uvV)}0L/0eiL /*)(* 6 BDEȘHI V 9L@/ / B*D*EHL/)}ÝD*EH V 9Li/ /i*LZ- 76 BHI V 9L/` S S  9hhL6`H} V`)}/$$[0$01 $ȱ$0$166 16"/` Press SPACE BAR to continue)}FTU BcD0E"H V 9L0 [:! / h1 1` >:0 /0 0 /036 &2)} &2D1EH 2 h1ȝD1E H 26 &2 92 92 &2 &2ԝD1EH 2 / /`19/119/)}1111` Quick Reference} quickref  Page 06D1E6H V 9L1 /`I B V 9L 2 7`D)}1EH 2`D1EH 2`-$ Constants-$ CONSTANT TIMES USEDLk5|} 7i i2- )} 086 BLD2EdH V 9L 3 38 ݥ ȱ=|} *- 0 3ƿ 3ȱ )} *- 3 7 /L13Lk56H 3` B7DEI V 9L3`ƿƿ6 BD2E#H V 9L3` OPT=Pg1 START=Same)} options RESET=New-$ SUMMARY-$ Lines Statements Variables Constants Bytes for program Bytes for const)}ants Bytes for remarks Bytes for system tables Bytes left Number of syntax errors Line # of first error2-)}o4 ȱei5iLx5ԭ 77o4hԭi 77.5jԭk 77M5(ԭ) 77)}4ԭ 77|4 7L%6lԩ 774 7Ln6|ԭ} 774ԭ ٢7 *-7)}4 7 8Ԡ 774 78Ԡ  *-748ԭեɐ 8 ՠ ȱ)}8峅ԥ彅 *-750 06 D4E_HI V 9L7I / :TUD3E%H)}I B V !  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It's a ShareWare programthat's well-deserv60}ing of a donationto the author.DIRPRINT is a utility to printout the directory structure of anySpartaDOS disk. And I mea61}n ANYSpartaDOS disk: This program willread a MIO Ramdisk, hard drive, orfloppy disk in any density. Theonly limitation on62} the program isthat there must be at least onesubdirectory on the disk, otherwisethe program will give you an errorreport63}.DIRPRINT.BAS is written in AtariBASIC and is menu-driven for easeof operation. When you RUN theprogram you'll first see64} theauthor's name and address (currentas of this writing). After youfinish jotting down the address (soyou'll know where 65}to send yourdonation), press any key, and theprogram will ask which disk driveyou want to read from. After youselect the 66}drive, DIRPRINT.BAS willbuild a directory map for thatdisk. This may take a bit of time,especially for large-capacity disk67}sor large HD partitions.When the program finishes doingthis, you'll be asked to selectfrom a list of options includings68}creen display, two-column orshorter four-column printout to aprinter, or exiting the programeither to BASIC or to DOS.Th69}e two-column printout displaysthe directory listing in theexpanded SpartaDOS directoryformat, using two columns of 40char6:}acters each on an 80-columnprinter. The four-column printoutdisplays only the filename andextension and the sector count.6;}DIRPRINT will print (or display onthe screen) the full directorystructure of the disk, displayingthe MAIN directory first6<}, then eachlayer of the subdirectory tree,along with all files under eachsubdirectory. I keep it in the MAINdirectory on 6=}my MIO Ramdisk so it'salways handy, and now there's neverany question about what's on thatdouble-sided, double-density flo6>}ppyin my XF-551 drive, or where thatfile is that's buried in thesubdirectories on my MIO.Here's another important point:6?}DIRPRINT.BAS is PERFECTLY SAFE onhard drive partitions! This makesit an excellent substitute for theSpartaDOS TREE.COM wh6@}ich isnotorious for completely destroyingthe directory tree on a hard drive.I know of at least two people whohave had the6A}ir hard drivedirectories completely scrambled byTREE.COM, so if you have SpartaDOSon your hard drive, take thisadvice: 6B} DON'T use TREE.COM on your D!!DIRPRINT.BAS has been used on MIOramdisk and on various size HDpartitions (up to 16Mb) w6C}ithout anyproblems of any kind (other thanfolding through the lengthyprintout produced by runningDIRPRINT.BAS on a full 16D}6Mbpartition!).So, the only thing this programdoes NOT do is let you send theprintout to a disk file. it wouldNOT be di6E}fficult to modify theprogram to do this: Just change theroutine for the screen display tosend the output to a drive andfi6F}lename instead of to E: andyou'll be in business!e theroutine for the screen display tosend the output to a drive andfi44YZ:IABCDE1E2E3E4WDSPECDNUMDIRPVFPATHNESTFIRSLASC:H} :I}@e ;@,(} 2-@@ :J}2(This program written by;&-@@&( Kenneth Ames,-@@,(210 Larkspur Court--@:K}@-(Kissimmee, FL 34743+-@@+(BBS (407)348-25340-@@0(Released as Shareware.:L}<-@@<("All donations graciously accepted.#-@@"#( ""@@:M}K()@2"@"AUAF Ad11;@6,;@6,;@ ,;@`,g11;:N}@ ,;@ ,;@ ,;@ ,i<<;@,;@,;@,;@ ,;@,n11;@ ,;@ :O},;@d,;AT`,x 6.D :6.>*.*e (}(Which Drive: 1-8 #:67@<@,.Q67@<@:P},.e67B:,%@,.* (}-@@*( HOLD ON...9-@@9(I am building subdirectory map.:Q}0-@@0(This may take a while.6-@6-@ A+@+@@A(:R}@4A ,,7@<@ ,4 DirectoryA //7@<@,4 FREE SECTORSA :S}&&7@<@,0DIRA $&6.7@<@,&6-@.(7<,4 6-&@( Ap8""67:T}B:,%@,.7@<,B67B:,%@,. L A VA6.`:"@A0"7,0 :U}06-&@: A e Aj-@:7,,@2#6-%@- A0t(67B:,%@,.7<,(67B:,,.~:V}6.7<,6-%@6-%@6.7@ %6-%@6-6.%6.H +@+@@A(R +@4A4:h}+6-@\ ++7@<@,4Volume: A4f S$7@<@ ,4 Directory*6.S7@<@ ,4 :i}DirectoryA4u A3Pz //7@<@,4 FREE SECTORSA4e "@6. @A4 :j}"@3 "@3 "@3 "@3 @ 5'7@<@,4 FREE SEC:k}TORS+35 A5  3 6-%@ A4#A3# A " AS(}"( Working...:l}$ 6.6.$67B:,%@,.A 6.6.6-@)6-@56-@A6-@+@+@:m}@A(@4AP@Q#7@<@,4Volume: )6.Q7@<@,4Volume: AP:n}@S$7@<@ ,4 Directory*6.S7@<@ ,4 DirectoryAP@Y'7@<@,4 FREE SECTOR:o}S-6.Y7@<@,4 FREE SECTORSAS"@6.'"@6-%@' AP@"@:p}6.'"@6-%@' AP@"@6. '"@6-%@' AP@"@6:q}."@3("@32"@3<"@3F"@6-%@P 3d:r}6-@ AP@n AP@"@3"@36."@36."@:s}6.6.K A`6-@%6-@16-@=6-@D6.K6. 6.6.7 Ab@::t}7,,@2-6-%@7 AS067B:,%@,.7<,67B:,,.%6-%@6-6.%6. 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Ap!1'7@<@,4 FREE SECTORS1 A!!@ A0!(!(!(!(!:}(!6-%@ Ap`"(e"(j"( t"""@@K~")@""@:}"AUA D3:DIRPRINT.BAS>t"""@@K~")@""@8=0':} `6 5 6 >2 l2 -00 0 q0 1LS3@0 6` %0 R4 6R`FontMaker by Charles Brannon0 0``` ]0 >}6 6 ˭0 ̢0Ș) ]0 6 6`̭0 & & &m0˥̅m0` >}0˙00` 00ˈ`Xi˥Yi̩0000 0 i(˥iڭ0w1 ȭ0>}F`4hequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydogs ! Pick a character...1 6 1 0 q0*+>}x1 p5m0)0)?0L1L;2 :)` i@L/28 0 1 0 q0L%0j8̍0ˍ00ͩΠ͑Υ>}`./Щo080ԩ0 0̭0ˢѩ˭0 ̅ҩϠϑIȘ)I88ЍЍ>} Ѝ Ѝ ЩZȍ&`0Э0 ̠ˑ0/3`800 3x>}0@ύХ033m08U0C3m050 3ϥ p5UЪ80JJ ]0L38088JJ8j>}Y00 6 70 r5L]3L%0 :a{8 :4:4L`3ʊ 3H\HV4HU4H`-=+* P}_|\^GIUFMRSLCB\7c7j7q76>}6<7L73y71766$7075777888899 - - Toggle Blank Graphics Mode>} Pick Inverse Undo Fix -F Fix all Rotate Mirror Copy Bytes Save font >} Load Exit to DOSZ`Xi˅ѥYi̅Ң` {5000 5 0 q0 1`0˭1̠‘ˠȩ>}ȭ0˭0ȑȑȑȩA˥ȑ˥ȑ`@ԩ6`HH ԍLW6 ԭ0 LQ6Z6>}0 hh@L 0HI B V0`X(`HHU w6Thh˄̩ `6` 1 q0` 6 ]00 6` 6 6`0H>}00h0` 6 ]00 6` 6 6`0H00h0`ҢҠ`0 6`^0 6`0 >0 6`>}0J~0 6`hhLc3hh Lc3hh Lc3hhLc3`@ԩТl 0 6`0I0 6`0H00h0 6`>}) >20 0 1 q0` 0υ˥i̢˝0 6`^0*0 6`0*000 6`>} `6~ `60 :0ɛ/~ ) a{8 U'ؙ `6 `6LP8 `60`Save (Device:Filename)>8 6 A8>}ES o90 0 9L%0Load (Device:Filename)>ߠ8 6 A8ES o900 9L%0DE0HIB0J>}K V020D0EHI0B V0 o90 ` B V` o99 6 :`I/O ERROR: PRESS Copy to which character?>}009 100 6` w6U00 90 : %0`ԩ ؠ0 `6) `6 `6`%H$H`0aracter?<p ---------- TWO FONTZ! two fontz! ---------- by John E. (TEBSF)HavB}e you ever wished to have twodifferent fonts on a Mode 0 screenat the same time? If so then thisprogram is for you!All tB}he hard work is already donefor you, all you have to do isfollow a few 'rules' and modify alittle to suit your ownpreferaB}tions. Firstly though, theprogram...DO NOT DELETE LINE 0! This lineshould always be first because itloads the fonts and B}then does a'CLR' so that if (say) you alreadyuse 'A$' in your program you willnot get an error-9 when you try toDIMensionB} it. Line 1 GOSUBs line32765 and this is to start theeffect, you may delete this lineand insert where it is needed inyourB} program, you must always do aGOSUB 32765 after a GRAPHICS 0call.Lines 2-3 can be deleted, they arejust an example.NowB} the main part of the program...Lines 32750-32756 is the fontloading part of the program, itloads the two fonts into thehB}ighest possible free memory andstores the display list interrupt(which allows the two fonts) intothe bottom of Page 6 and B}start ofPage 7, if your program also usesPage 6 then there is a good chancethat they will not collide as myroutine uses oB}nly a few bytes atthe end of Page 6.If you wish to rename the fontsthat are loaded then modify lines32753 and 32755. IMPB}ORTANT! Do notchange the IOCB number! You shouldhave no reason to do this anyway ifyou follow my instructions and makesurB}e line 0 IS line 0! After theloading all used IOCB's are closed,so if you use this IOCB number foryour keyboard GET's, eveB}rythingwill be fine.The next part of the program is the'turn fonts ON' part. Line 32765pokes start of DLI into the DLIvB}ectors (512 and 513) and turns onthe DLI's, it also stores the startof the DList to be used below...Line 32766 is the plaB}ce the secondfont will start, add a number from6-27 to DL (at the moment it is 16,which is central) and the secondfonts wB}ill start higher or lower onthe screen. If you want to messabout with this line then aftermodifying press RESET to clear tB}heold DLI and type GOSUB 32765 tostart the new one.I'd advise you to do a POKE 559,0before any disk I/O, turn thescreenB} back on with POKE 559,34(will be different if you are usingPMG's) after all the disk accesshas ceased. Why? Try loading aB} filewith two fonts on the screen andsee!I think that is it all explained,but if you have problems (do notmention the kB}eyboard glitch!) thendo not hesitate to contact me toask. Many thanx to Spite for givingme the idea for this program.e k@z0AD@#Bh + B'P B'ejA'F}AR@*(>-@@"f(# SEE DOCUMENTATION FOR ALL THE INFOj  @V #B'P!-AAF}%"+/ V72,169,0,141,10,212,141,9,212,104,64j;@4,96."hRTXYULVP6-F:AF},&@j67@!<@!,.>:,''@@D:FONTB6-?:C:,,@(6-%@B67@!F}<@!,.>:,((@@D:FONT2,6-?:C:,,@&A)#,$x AVF:A,&F}@2AAQDA@VBBAx6-F:A`,%F:Aa,$AV%@A0$F} D:TWO.BASAQDA@VBBAx6-F:A`,%F:Aa,$AV%@A0$Dffffffff0nʎ~`f800000008 8f<8|x|~~>|<|l|88|l88888<>>>||||~~~~~p8||N}><<|~|||~~~<<<<<~|xxxx~~~N}|||v||888||8~||88|||<~N}8pp8?N}ww<~~~<x`x`~<~~>fN}<~v~~<~~~|8~88>>~|8|l||~ >~|8|l||~