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Similar to DOS II. Minor change to read a wholedirectory into memory bev}fore displaying it. If MEM.SAV is used, it will askpermission, first, to overwrite the program area. B-RUN CARTRIDGE. Saw}me as DOS II. If you are using MACH on one of the newerXL series systems (excluding the 1200XL), you will have a pleasantsx}urprise. MACH switches the XL BASIC in an out to give you more ram whileoperating in MACH mode. BASIC is switched back in y}when you requestoption "B". C-COPY FILE(s). Same as DOS II D-DELETE FILE(s). Same as DOS II. E-RENAME FILE(s). Same az}s DOS II. F-LOCK FILE(s). Same as DOS II. G-UNLOCK FILE(s). Same as DOS II. H-WRITE MACH FILES. Changed from DOS II t{}o load the "MACHGN.SYS" programfrom the system disk. If the system disk is not in D1:, MACH will ask forit to be inserted.|} Don't worry if you have changed the density; MACH will setit to load the program then reset it to what it was, if necessar}}y, for you towrite the MACH files at a density different than the boot disk. I-FORMAT DISK. Similar to DOS II. The only d~}ifference is that if you try toboot a disk that was formatted under MACH but does not contain any operatingsystem, you will} NOT get a boot error. Instead, it will boot as though thedisk drive was not turned on. J-DUPLICATE DISK. Similar to DOS} II with one major exception: after youhave told MACH the source and destination drives, it will ask you if it isa "DOS" o}r "BOOT" disk. Atari DOS II's "J" function is the same as the "DOS"option here. The "BOOT" option will perform a sector by} sector copy of yourdisk, regardless of the contents. K-BINARY SAVE. Same as DOS II. L-BINARY LOAD. Same as DOS II. }M-RUN AT ADDRESS. Same as DOS II. N-CREATE MEMSAV FILE. Same as DOS II. O-DUPLICATE FILE(s). The MACH DUP FILE is really} a full one drive copyfunction. If you specify wild cards for more than one file, MACH will read asmany files into memory a}s it can, then ask you to switch disks, repeating theprocess as times as necessary to complete the request. P-SET DENSITY.} Asks you for the drive number to reverse the density (betweensingle & double). The menu display will be updated to reflec}t the newdensity. Q-CONVERT FILE(s). Similar to the "O" function with one important difference:the output will be at the }opposite density as the input. R-SET DEFAULT DRIVE. Changes the drive which is to be assigned as D1:. Inother words, if y}ou say the default drive is 2, then all requests for D1: willbe routed to drive 2, and all request for D2: will be routed to} drive 1.Sounds a little confusing, but it won't be after you try it a couple of times. V-SET WRITE VERIFY. Reverses the }current Write verify status. X-FIX the non-resident portion of MACH in memory. Transfers to the cartridgeor XL BASIC will} have approximately 7k less RAM, but transfers between DOS andthe cartridge will take less than half a second.MACH Differ}ences. 1. The first thing you will notice is the new menu. The MACH "flip-up" menuis unique among Atari operating system.} You can control the menu and displaytotally. Pressing the SELECT function key flips the menu up and down,revealing the d}isplay contents which are behind it. 2. The next thing you notice is that selecting a menu option does notrequire hitting }the return key. You can now type non-stop when requesting menufunctions. 3. Whenever MACH wants the system disk (to load t}he non-resident part, or toload the MACHGN program), it will instruct you to insert it into drive 1.It will reset the densi}ty to the proper setting for the system disk. The systemdisk is defined as the one you booted from. 4. Unlike some other A}tari operating systems, you can generate MACH on ANYdiskette which is in DOS II format. It does NOT have to be formatted by }MACH. 5. Even if you don't fix MACH (menu option X), it will check if the consoleprocessor is intact. If it is, guess wha}t, no disk access! Also, even ifFix is ON, MACH will reload the console processor if the copy in RAM isdamaged. 6. If yo}u have double density drives that will automatically switch densityto match your diskette, more good news. MACH will automa}tically "sense" thedensity of the disk when it opens a file. Most of the double densitydrives I have tested will do this.} 7. The operating system file names are totally different. There is no DOS.SYSor DUP.SYS files. Their equivalents are MACH}.SYS and MACHCP.SYS. Also, MEM.SAVhas been changed to MEMSAV.SYS 8. You cannot open D:MACH.SYS from your program. You m}ust use the consoleprocessor to generate MACH files.7))MPTNDRNBLKFNMDATXYMARKMPGNDPAGCROUPDACOYLXLNMMLMCENTNADSFLTEMPMPMOFC25JL}STRFNBMARODNFLDEFNEEPTOBILITTLMEAMEANSVASPDLISTAFFLA(<K }YA]eAeA e @ @ @2 @@@@@#@/3}@@@!@A A5 @!"#$%}AU&@'()*+,@ -./01234}56789:;Bh<=@>?@ $$******************************} $$** XYENTRY ** $$** PART OF XYGRAF ** $$** S. 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OCKERS 12/84 **""** ACE Newsletter Feb. 84 **""** 3662 Vine Maple Dr. **""** Eug}ene, OR 97405 ** ""** $12 year **"""****************************$&P A A R)AR}@F(>:A%, INITIALIZINGP A@(a6-Aa;@,;@ ,;@,;A ,;@,9},9,9,9,9,2<9@,9@,;@@,;@$,;@@,G6..DATg@@K:}y@AB7tA<<6-6-'6-1 A1<6.X 10FK6-@E6-A'}6-@36-Ac96-?6-E6-K6-P F:AT,@X@Re6-#-@@<67<,.>:}F:A9%,,S7<,4.*"Y6-e6-@T*  6.7@<%@,* AV*** JUMP HERE IF NO FILEN}AME TO LOAD *c* MENU *ddAR@2(>:A%, XYPLOT MENU5(G( (1) READ FILEJ(d((2) PLOT GRAPH & AX}Sn`(!((3) LIST FILES ON DISK$(?((4) CHOOSE TITLES ETC.B(`((5) PLOT ADDITIONAL CURVEsE(&((6) DISPLAY GRAP}HIC SCREEN E( (PRESS KEY TO RETURN)xd(%((7) PRINT GRAPH ON PRINTER((C((8) CLEAR GRAPH SCREENF(d((9) ENTE}R/MANIPULATE DATA=B:,!$-@@"=( FILENAME=7@,.)@. @I)!@WAP}WW&@HAAAAAPA pApAuA! A A0! A }A P A% D:XYENTRY* TITLES ETC. FOR GRAPH *a!(>:A%, GRAPH CHOICES$(A( XMIN,XMAX,YMIN,}YMAX a(    '(( X-AXIS TITLE'( '(( Y-AXIS TITLE'( &((} GRAPH TITLE&( ((( GRID !"( "@(B(( GRAPH STYLE ("}B(ӭԠϠ"@( Ӡ&(&( RETURN TO XYPLOT MENU$)@$"@2}A!! @I)!@TA0??&@HA@A`AbAdApA* NEW MIN O }R MAX VALUES *Q B)(>:A%, CHOOSE ONE,(=( (1) XMIN =@(Q( (2) XMAX =O(( (3) YMIN =(+( } (4) YMAX =.(O( RETURN TO CHOICES MENU$)@$"@2A!! @I)!@RAD// }&@HAPARATAVH AP(>:A%,( (:( INPUT XMIN () >H A@H AR }(>:A%,( (:( INPUT XMAX () >H A@H AT(>:A%,( (:( INPUT YMIN () >H  }A@H AV(>:A%,( (:( INPUT YMAX () >H A@=(>:A%,((/(INPUT X-AXIS TITLE }3= A=(>:A%,((/(INPUT Y-AXIS TITLE 3= A<(>:A%,((.(INPUT GRAPH TITLE 2}< A%"6-@% A6- A%"6-@% A6-} A+&&* FIND HIGHEST & LOWEST VALUES *,?6-8@,!6-8@,06-8@,?6-8@,@-@}B8,!AbJ 8,  Ad AT 8, 6-8,^ 8,!6-8,h 8,!6-8,j}   $k!!* ORDER X DATA SUBROUTINE *lV(( Sorting$6-:-@&@V8%@,8,Ah}nk 6-8, 68,-8%@,168%@,-=6-@F6-8,Z68,-8%@,k68%@,-p "@}Adr${* PLOT GRAPH AND AXES *|$ A P($( SCALING~'6-+&,'@'6-+&,'@?} A A@! A+ A5 AP? 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OCKERS 12/84 **""** ACE Newsletter Feb. 84 **""** 3662 Vine Maple Dr. **e}""** Eugene, OR 97405 ** ""** $12 year **"""****************************$1AA`1*f} REQUIRES 48K COMPUTER *&P A A R)AR@F(>:A%, INITIALIZINGP A@(l6-Al;g}@,;@ ,;@,;A ,;@,;@,9,9,9,9,9,2<9@,9@,;@@,q}BŠˠb'MACH SYSb2;MACHCP SYSbmMACHGN SYSb&uMACHDOS DOCbSXYENTRY blXYPLOT FEBbkZXYPLOT b<XYGRAF DOCb XYPLOT DOCb&UPDATE DOCb5GROWTH DATbK7CAD BASbMENUMKR2COMb MENU bAUTORUN SYSbACEDISK DOC;@$,;@@,G6..DATg@@K:y@AB7tA<<6-6-r}'6-1 A1<6.X 10FK6-@E6-A'6-@36-Ac96-?6-E6-K6-P F:AAs},@X@Re6-#-@@<67<,.>:F:A9%,,S7<,4.*"Y6-e6-@T* t} 6.7@<%@,* AV*** JUMP HERE IF NO FILENAME TO LOAD *c* MENU *ddAR@2(>:A%u}, XYPLOT MENU5(G( (1) READ FILEJ(d((2) PLOT GRAPH & AXESn`(!((3) LIST FILES ON DISK$(?((4) CHOOSE TITLESv} ETC.B(`((5) PLOT ADDITIONAL CURVEsE(&((6) DISPLAY GRAPHIC SCREEN E( (PRESS KEY TO RETURN)xd(%((7) PRIw}NT GRAPH ON PRINTER((C((8) CLEAR GRAPH SCREENF(d((9) ENTER/MANIPULATE DATA=B:,!$-@@"=( FIx}LENAME=7@,.)@. @I)!@WAPWW&@HAAAAAPA py}ApAuA! 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FOR GRAPH *a!(>:A%, GRAPH CHOICES$(A( XMIN{},XMAX,YMIN,YMAX a(    '(( X-AXIS TITLE'( '(( Y-AXIS TITLE'( |}&(( GRAPH TITLE&( ((( GRID !"( "@(B(( GRAPH ST}}YLE ("B(ӭԠϠ"@( Ӡ&(&( RETURN TO XYPLOT MENU$)@~}$"@2A!! @I)!@TA0??&@HA@A`AbAdApA}* NEW MIN OR MAX VALUES *Q B)(>:A%, CHOOSE ONE,(=( (1) XMIN =@(Q( (2) XMAX =O(( (3) YMIN} =(+( (4) YMAX =.(O( RETURN TO CHOICES MENU$)@$"@2A!! @I)!@RA}D//&@HAPARATAVH AP(>:A%,( (:( INPUT XMIN () >H A@}H AR(>:A%,( (:( INPUT XMAX () >H A@H AT(>:A%,( (:( INPUT YMIN (}) >H A@H AV(>:A%,( (:( INPUT YMAX () >H A@=(>:A%,((/(INPUT X-A}XIS TITLE 3= A=(>:A%,((/(INPUT Y-AXIS TITLE 3= A<(>:A%,((.(INPUT GRAPH }TITLE 2< A%"6-@% A6- A%"6-@% A}6- A+&&* FIND HIGHEST & LOWEST VALUES *,?6-8@,!6-8@,06-8@,?6-8@,@}-@B8,!AbJ 8,  Ad AT 8, 6-8,^ 8,!6-8,h 8,!}6-8,j   $k!!* ORDER X DATA SUBROUTINE *lV(( Sorting$6-:-@&@V8%@,}8,Ahnk 6-8, 68,-8%@,168%@,-=6-@F6-8,Z68,-8%@,k68%@,-p} "@Adr${* PLOT GRAPH AND AXES *|$ A P($( SCALING~'6-+&,'@'6-+&,'}@? A A@! A+ A5 AP? 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K6-?:C:,<:@',L>:A ,>:,D }G3K  $ ))* ML ROUTINE USED IN PRINTER DUMP * 9A6@'A7@@9A8! kk6.ahh}hhhͩѩϩԢм%Ѕѥ ȑȑFϐ̥x`& $))* ML ROUTINE FOR GR.} 8 CHARACTERS *DD* MODIFIED VERSION OF ANALOG #23 P. 57 (OCT '84, TOM HUDSON) *;AW,6-C:,_67@<}@h,.Dhhhhh̩&&&ͥeXΥeY&&ͥe΅Υeυϥe˅΍67@i<@i,.>:A&,C#67@p}<@w,.iύC67@x<@x,.>:A',R267@y<A,.hhhhzzhh|R67A<A,.>}:A%,O/67A<A",.{y{y)O67A#<A#,.>:A',oO67A$<Au,.4 i@}`8 ̩ͅ&&&ͥmͤбMyo67Av<Av,.>:A%,V667Aw<A,.Хi(ΐ}V67A<A,.>:A%,E%67A<A,. {z0+E67A<A,.>:A%,X$67A<A$},. |.#A@B-A%AWF"T67<,.>:,X 125,6,24,173,126,6bb105,64,141,126,6,173,127,6,1}05,1,141,127,6,173,126,6,133,206,173,127,6,133,207,24,144,200,96$125,6,145,206D:XYPLOTj?2CYXLASNE@@7@"@3AAPdY +AR@+6-@=@!}@O@@9Y A@iAdAUn F:Ad,AUA0s* -6-%@# @ !}*(x.!@( "!@.6-} A66-F:Ad,2"@)"A4)"@R6 !} *** FRAME 1 ***(>:A%,22(&  22(& |XYGRAF!}| 22(&  (22(& This program is used to enter X-Y !}22(& data, save it as a .DAT file to 22(& disk and produce a plot which can 22(& be seen on t!}he screen or dumped to 22(& a Gemini 10X printer. (22(& You are initially given the c!}hoice 22(& of: entering/manipulating data 22(& or plotting a graph from data 22(& !} entered or from a disk file (22(& If you choose , a screen of lines 22(& two columns wide is d!}isplayed. At 22(& the bottom are abbreviations of 22(& possible options. You may just 22(!}& enter data or choose an option. 22(& Most options require that you hit 22(& a letter while pres!}sing . 22(& Press to see options  =6-Ap6-A@'6-@"36-@5= A!}*** FRAME 2 ***(>:A%,(22(& ٠Ӡ "('22(&נ!} Move to any page location ,(122(&rk Mark data pair with *. All such 622(& pairs will be ignore!}d but can ;22(& be restored by nmarking them. @(E22(&el Mark a pair for deletion (D). J!}22(& It will be removed at the next O22(& operation that requires update. T(Y22(&ndo wil!}l remove a mark or delete ^22(& symbol from the current pair. c(h22(&xt Go to the next page; !}5 maximum. m(r22(&k Go back to the previous page. w(|22(&chg Exchange the X and Y columns.!} (22(& to continue to go back =6-A6-AE'6-@"36-@7= A!}*** FRAME 3 ***(>:A%,(22(& Š٠ (22(&d Read a!} .DAT file from disk 22(&av Save a .DAT file to disk (22(&dr Put the X column in nume!}ric order (22(&qn Write an equation(s) to modify 22(& values in the X or Y columns 22(!}& eg. X(J)=J*10:Y(J)=3.14*X(J)^2 (22(& Escape to initial entry menu 22(& Delete !}all pairs marked with D 22(& Clear out data (22(&il Show names of all .DAT f!}iles (22(&sat Elementary statistics on Y's (22(&st List data to printer !}(22(& or  =6-A06-Au'6-@"36-@8= A!}*** FRAME 4 ***(>:A%,(!22(&Option of the ٠ takes you &22(&to the plotting part of!} the program. +22(& Be sure to save your data (av) 022(&first because this loads an entirely 522(!}&new program. Your new .DAT file will :22(&be automatically loaded and you will ?22(& be presented with a ne!}w menu, the: D(I22(& Ԡ N(S22(& Reads a .DAT file for plottin!}g X22(& Plots current file with axes ]22(& Gives a directory of .DAT files b22(& Goes!} to the Ӡ g22(& Additional graph; overplots using l22(& current file (no axis) !} q22(& Turns on graphic screen v22(& Prints graphic screen to printer {22(& Clea!}rs out the graphics screen 22(& Returns you to the ٠ (22(& !} or =6-A`6-A'6-@"36-@8= A*** FRAME 5 ***(>:A%,(!}22(&Option of the Ԡ gives the:(22(& Ӡ (22(&!} Allows setting of the maximum or 22(& minimum values of X and Y (22(& Entry of an X-a!}xis title (22(& Entry of a Y-axis title (22(& Entry of a graph title t!}o be 22(& centered across the top (22(& Allows toggling between and 22!}(& (just tic marks) (22(& Allows toggling between ӭ 22(& Ԡ!} and Ӡ (22(& Returns to the Ԡ  22(& !} or =6-A6-A5'6-@"36-@7= A*** FRAME 6 ***(>:A%, (%22(!}&Option of the Ӡ brings *22(&up another menu allowing selection /22(&of maximum and minimu!}m values of X 422(&and Y for the axes. These will very 922(&much determine what your graph will >22(!}&look like. Any points outside these C22(&limits will not be plotted. You can H22(&then 'blow up' a port!}ion of the graph.M(R22(&Curves can be plotted on top of each W22(&other using option of XYPLOT menu. !}\22(&Just bring in the next curve from a22(&disk after using option to plot the f22(&first. Limit!}s are decided by this k22(&first plot however; any portions of p22(&additional curves outside these won't !}u22(&be plotted. Toggling of CHOICES z22(&menu and using of the XYPLOT menu 22(&allows you to!} have both a curve and 22(&individual point outlined. (22(& "}or =6-A 6-Ae'6-@"36-@7= A*** FRAME 7 ***(>:A%,(22("}& first appeared in: (22(&  22(& | ACE "}Newsletter | 22(& | 3662 Vine Maple Dr.| 22(& | Eugene, OR 97405 | "}22(& |$12/year (10 issues)| 22(&  (22(& Dec.'8"}4/Jan.'85 - Part I 22(& Feb.'85 - Part II (22(&I welcome comments or su"}ggestions 22(&for improvement of this program. 22(&It is in the public domain. Feel 22("}&free to copy and modify it as you 22(&wish. I can be reached at: 22(& Stan O"}ckers 22(& R.R. #4, Box 209 22(& Lockport,IL 60441  22("}& (815) 838-3603 22(& TO RUN XYGRAF OR =6-AP6-A'6-@"" }36-@7= AB(>:A%,"AdAU4ARB% D:XYENTRY D:XYGRAF.DOC qXYGRAF PART IIXYPLOT'XYPLOT' is the graph drawing portion of 'XYGRAF'. It takes files of X-Ydata from disk and conver& }ts them to X-Y graphs on the screen. Provision hasbeen included for dumping the screen to a Gemini 10X print (an Epson MX80& } withGraftrax should work as well). You may plot more than one file on the samescreen. Any points falling outside the lim& }its determined for the inital plotwill be clipped. Points may be plotted individually or a line connectingpoint-to-point m&}ay be selected.When the program is initialized, a set of data from disk may be read inautomatically. You will be presente&}d with a number of options. If you wisha different .DAT file select number (1). Option (3) will list all .DATfiles on the&} disk. Selection (2) will plot a graph and provide axes. Scalingwill be done using the minimum and maximum values of X and&} Y as limits.Any previous graph will be cleared when using this option.You may wish to choose your own limits, provide axe&}s titles and choose point orline plotting. If so, select option (4) before using (2). If you wish todraw a line plot as w&}ell as marking individual data points, you can useoption (2) for one, (say line), go to the choices menu (4) and switch to t&}heother. When you return to the main menu, option (5) can be used to add thepoints. Option (5) can also be used after loa&}ding additional files fromdisk to give multiple curves on one graph. Remember, the limits will bethose determined when fir&}st using option (2) and any points outside theselimits won't appear.Any time you want to display the graphics screen use o&}ption (6). It willbe displayed until another key (I use the spacebar) is pressed. Selection (7)prints the screen to a Gem&}ini 10X printer. The pixels are tripled uphorizontally and doubled up vertically for 960 X 384 dots. This takes alittle w&}hile so be patient. You can clear the graphics screen usingoption (8). You may wish to do this if you want to plot a curve&} without axes.If your data needs to be changed, option (9) will automatically load 'XYENTRY'.Choice (4) of the main menu b&}rings up another menu providing a number ofoptions. The first lists the current values of the limits of X and Y. Ifyou wa&}nt to change any of these, choose (1) and you will be presented with yet another menu. As you pick limits try and make the &}difference betweenthem multiples of 10. This will give you the best scale values. If Y valuesfall between 1 and 1000 they&} will belisted normally on the graph, otherwise you will get numbers between 1 and 10expressed to tenths with an exponent i&}n the lower left corner. X scale valueswork much the same except there is a little more room so you get numbersbetween 1 a& }nd 10000 or decimal values to hundredths. Negative numbers areprinted in inverse. The spacebar will return you to the choi&!}ces menu and usedagain will return you to the main menu.Titles may be placed on the axes or across the top (graph title) u&"}singchoices 2,3 or 4. The titles will be approximately centered on the axes.You may choose either a full grid or just tic &#}marks by toggling with choice 5.The final choice (6) determines if just points or a line between points will beplotted.&$}I haven't had time to extensively test this program so be sure to let me knowof any bugs or suggestions for improvement.S&%}tan OckersR.R. #4, Box 209Lockport,IL 60441$/XYENTRY UPDATEI seem to have made an oversight in writing 'XYENTRY'. I filled it with allsorts of fancy things; display*'} list interrupts, PM graphics and even a timerprogram running in the background, forgetting that I was planning to load ino*(}ther programs from this one. That means all of the fancy things have to bedisconnected. I suppose it can be done but it's *)}far easier to not have usedthe routines in the first place.If you want to use 'XYENTRY' as given in the last issue, you c**}an. Just createyour file and then hit system reset and load 'XYPLOT' to graph it. If howeveryou want to run 'XYPLOT' auto*+}matically from 'XYENTRY' the following changesare necessary: (1) in line 20 use underscores instead of blanks in NBLK$ *,} (2) enter line: 25 POKE 708,34:POKE 709,178:POKE 710,184:POKE 712,10:DLIST=PEEK(560)+256*PEEK(561):POKE DLIST+3,70:POKE DLI*-}ST+6,6 (3) get rid of the GOSUB 3000 in line 30 and DELETE all lines above 2000 (4) replace the POKE 694,0 in line 310 *.}with POS. COL-1,ROW:PRINT " "; andget rid of the POKE 694,0 in line 410 (5) line 420 should read: IF K=155 THEN 500 (6*/}) add OR K=46 to the others in line 360 (7) delete lines 899 through 920 and any references to these lines (thereare qui*0}te a few) (8) add a semicolon to the end of the print statement in line 1082 (9) copy lines 80-84 and 742 from 'XYPLOT'*1} (10) line 170 should read:? CHR$(125):POS. 10,10:?"LOADING XYPLOT":RUN "D:XYPLOT"You should of course have 'XYPLOT' o*2}n your disk. These and a few minorcosmetic changes should allow you to run either program from the other. Theslow initial*3}ization time of 'XYPLOT' can be helped by putting the ML programin strings. The result (I've done it) is all but unreadable*4} in print thoughso I've provided the DATA statement listing for printing in the newsletter.Stan Ockers(l100,1975,191.2260,1976,327.8160,1977,398.4660,1978,284.4840,1979,180.8640,1980,286.3680,1981,307.0920,1982,413.5380,.6}1983,472.8840,1984,435.204,a4%A%CIRCLESCTRUPRECIRCLECIRCOLDCOLDSTRIRDRDXPOYPORD1RD1RD2RD2RDARDBRD1RD2RD1RD2YPOS28}YPOSCHORVERCOLOCOLORANTANVEIWDLISLMSLOLMSHIGQPADDIRUVIEWRADFRRFVWARFRSCKSBYTEXYXYLI29}NECIRCLEQ@@ @ @ @ 2:}2;} !"#$%&@'@()*+,-2<}./012@3@45@6@789:;<2=}=>@?@A@BCDEFGHIJK@L2>};@, A9@3<@,++9@0<@,9@0<@,&&;@,9@0,2?}9@0,<;@,$6-@"'@<6-+'@,'@ A A$ Ap $$6-+H:2@},$@,%@0@0@0@@ (}(--(%2A}---(%àϠ͠РՠԠŠҠӠӠɠӠԠŠĠ.--(%/--(%2B}ĠŠӠɠǠΠ2--(%4$d6-H:,$@n+@%@2C}x0@0@@0@@ @$ A-@62D}-+AP'+&@,,68<@,-A$$68<@,-++$,&,%@!68<@,-8<@,68<2E}@,-8<@, $,-@@'',8<@,&@@8<@,J O',A`'/A`2F}AP AT++,8@<@,8@<@,h-@r/8<@,8<@,| 2G}"T:,"" A6-R:,@,F:B2y,"@*!@*!6 Ap@ A **F:B22H}y,"@* @A6"F:B2y,"@* @,+6 A,F:B2y,"@"+, A2I}"@A="@368<@,-8<@,&@= A="@368<@,-8<@2J},%@= A="@368<@,-8<@,&@= A="@368<@,-8<@2K},%@= Aa"@368<@,-8<@,%@W68<@,-8<@,&@a Aa"2L}@368<@,-8<@,%@W68<@,-8<@,%@a Aa"@ 368<@,-8<2M}@,&@W68<@,-8<@,%@a Aa"@368<@,-8<@,&@W68<@2N},-8<@,&@a A AX6-%@b"%@ Al6-&@v"62O}- @',A0'/A0A @,A08<@,$= @,A02P}1/A0A=6-@1,A@'/A@A1@-@(,A@8<@2Q}, ( A  E8<@,$ A;68<@,-@E A%E8<@,A$ A;62R}8<@,-AE A*E8<@,A`$ A;68<@,-AaE A4E8<@,A2S}$ A;68<@,-AE A9#"@ AP# A> " A@ AC! 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All eight directions are 2y}supported and there are limit checks.'d(d(Y then draws design if other parameters have been2z} entered.'(((( goes back to MENU',(,( ӠΧϠ' F:B2y,@2{}B' @'(([11] MAIN MENU'n(n(b Attempting to 'draw current design' without enteri2|}ng other parameters '(will result in (..(& program asking for these entries. (o(o(c 'Draw 2}}current design' will draw three-dimentional representation of ((drawn profile.(2( ( (22~}( ӠΧϠ#( F:B2y,@Bu(( @2( ( ( ( ([12] PARAMETERS<(P(P(E 2} 'Construction lines' Any number from 1 upwards.F(n(n(c 'Angle of veiw' 0 d2}eg - eye level, 90 deg - overhead.P(:-@@ :( ӠΧҠΠd( F:B2y2},@B@n( A D:CAD0-8kB D3?B4?x'687 X {== = V=)`8 A*B)C(D'E&F%G$H#I"J!K L8L6}8L9LU9L9L9L:LH:Ls:L;L`Y"Ya>Eb>Sc>GW G WL'8Na>Ob> c>GWȍ G WL'8>YY>E>S6}>-HYL'8N>O> >-HYL'8>YY>E>S>HXL'8N>O> >HXL'8 {=Π? = *= >h6}HXYH<jB8jBJlB)  `8 >8 hHXYjBL'8?4? 1? <3?D6} m B. Rotate color during load C. Screen off after load D. Title < ATARI ARCADE 6} >Modify disk parameters: E. Change Drive Number <1 > F. Change density G. Format disk 6} H. Delete *.SYS files Options: I. Disk directory J. Write boot loader program K. Exit to D6}OS} --- TITLE LINE OF MENU ---Enter up to 20 characters usingupper-case letters or numbers orany special characters6} which can bedisplayed in GRAPHICS 1.} --- DISK DIRECTORY ---Insert disk into drive number 1.Then press Π.6}Press Π to continue.} --- CREATE BOOT PROGRAM ---Insert disk in drive number 1.Then press ٠ to continue 6}orpress any other key to abort.}Insert DOS disk and press Π.Press Π to restart.Directory could not be opene6}d.Directory could not be read.Disk could not be formatted.*.SYS files could not be deleted.Could not write to sector 6}Drive could not be configured.D1:*.*D1:*.SYS8GHwDȄ J01|i   ʽ O06}A)=氤  iȩȽ 8 i泥 )i A8@ŰP    C D%C 6}E F CCD ECFD džI Il}?  /l @ Y0} ) ~ Э )6} `%H$H`pppGhpAJatariarcadeWYwDȄ N@   6} Y0ݩ   O Y0R@ Ѝ   Y0ӭ01/:0 1l i 6}  ʽ O0A)=氤  iȩȽ 8 i浥 )i "/ & 8@Ű  6}h i/ X X/01"/   C D%C E F CCD E6}CFD džI IlQ  $/l1R  @ Y0 )  Э  6}`%H$H`,oadingpppGX pA: atariarcade4[[\CRCCCCCCCCC1C1C2C3C19COCOLCUMENSEMDOWAIERDDFABDRCFJBFSCR@@@:}@@@@@ @ @ @! @2 A @AARB&B':}B'!B'7B'`@@A` ``0(( A@ !@:}"@#$C@@c(}C堳88":}VV1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,11,17,21,32,195,82,712,752,32698,32712,32721,32737,32760,1,1,560:;%,;:},;%,;,"0K::%%2E:&$,&2O6-F:,%AV$F:%,%%:}&-&7%%A&%I&O6-Z6-F:A ,"AU*A ?6.D1:ACEDISK.DOCN6.ACEDISK :}T6-Z % 6-䛼C 6.D1:*.*"67<,.=:,'4%:6-@"C$E 6-&:}&%#6._.67%,.767,.=E&L&(} master menu  DRIVE #*(4%%8(@%F6-L:}6- (67,. 6-% %%%+"B:,&&)$,$>"(>:,)7<,7%<%%,46-&$$+"%,>6-":}$% 6-%6-%"%- &, ( -&((>:@:7%,,%$,, @  &"&:}(@(}RUN/ENTER,gg(_+LOAD rerun menu, miniDOS, printout more, *. files print:} to screen% )6-F:B2y,%6-")"II+"&,%+"%,$%+"A',$%+"AU,$+!%,$&%%I:} %)!%)!$*$I6-%$$+ @W,&&%++!%,,$$B !&6-$&&)67,.7<%,1->7<:},0 B C7%<%,0 !67<,..)6-%=67,.7%<%%,C %9 & +-+( 7,/5:}9%V & )')7"AU*"<GV6-?:AUv,2 (:}ĺ#6-2 &$+F:,",g"6.}ˠ堭36. $#! Rr3c@9A&g(!}Ӻ (1) Unlock (2) :}LockS*("(3) Delete (4) Rename (5) FormatS(#(6) Quit Rerun to MenuT )6-&@HH+ )!%,:}%+"&,%+"A,$%%&T6-@:7,,#!%%6-@:7%,,# &67,.7,$67<,.$:}367<,.067%,.󠨧3$-*6. }Ԡ렭-$ + K (:}(=>#)/(5"K &%@F$+0A,A4%+B:, ,&!-06-7<,4:=6.7$%,A  :}!%E!)"%$4(堧٧;)E%[  6.67&$+!,,.+/@:}67,.DOS.SYSEPU[6-$ $$(塠9  6--$ 9 &%$+F:,!:},%$+",)6-%Ax$6-&!6-) %$D+(#CHOOSE: Enter Merge Return2):"&@D :}% &O &(}NEW8(POKE842,12:GR.0:E.>:%,FAB%L-O&+7,4SYS)7,4COM!.+:} B&%"7,0DOC)7,4 XYGRAF.DOC%$A&%A(}7<%, documentation/ &6-:}$6-F:, (!%/6-( (F:%,  &G --(٠ݠ4)A"$)F:}:,G % %%(} &S 6-P:E6.'}堨 M&S &:}4( }Ǻ*(EF. 46-+ B:, %(E F+ &(( 6-%"#6:}-(( &2 $.( *** ERROR #F:, ***2 f;(%}Πխ堣>:%Av,:}B)P6-&@HV6-`!*f6- 6-6- F((Write 'DOS.SYS' file also? =>/)96-"%F(>::}&%$,@:,%)@:, %6.9$D1:MENU8=R) !"`3!3