MEGA MAGAZINE ISSUE #1 ---------------------- Release date: 18 September 1991 SIDE ONE Contributors: Frankenstein (The Netherlands) Exterminator (The Netherlands) Prizm (The Netherlands) WosFilm (Sweden) Contents: 1. Welcome to Mega Magazine 2. Help me! 3. Side two of MegaZine 4. Mega Metal Mania 5. Hints, tips and vegetable soup 6. Masking non maskables 7. The hoax 8. LZW compression theory 9. Bad luck 10. The ST-65 assembler 11. The TOP part 1 demo review 12. The TOP part 2 demo review 13. The TOP part 3 demo review 14. The story of the High-Tech Team! 15. 3D Vector graphics 16. The Legend's speaking? 17. The technology of the Lynx 18. Lynx news 19. Lynx tips and hints 20. Lynx game reviews 21. Adventures of HTT in Poland #1 22. Platinum: Rest in pieces 23. Advise office: Frankenstein! 24. M.A.I.L. Bag 25. Contacts and stuff 26. MegaZine inquiry 27. The greetinx SIDE TWO Contributors: Frankenstein (The Netherlands) Exterminator (The Netherlands) Contents: 64 boulderdash screens (BCK) WARNING: This magazine can contain language which may be unsuitable for young people. Don't blame us!! NOTE: Most articles are written by people who usualy don't write or speak English. This means that the articles can contain some spelling errors and other mistakes. If you really bother then write us what we do wrong so we can learn from our mistakes. Mega Magazine Free-Ware note: This disk (or disk image) may be distributed for free as long it's not changed in any way. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the prior written permission of the publisher. Mega Magazine is an independent publication and has no connection with Atari. Free-Ware distribution is handled by Mega Magazine. Reactions and contributions to future issues can be send to: Mega Magazine P.O. Box 164 8800 AD Franeker The Netherlands