GoodWindows V 1.5 Webpage: Good Utiliies front-end IN THIS FILE WHEN I REFER TO Goodxxxx or Goodxxxx.exe I'm talking about Cowering's utilities, NOT GOODWINDOW Really Important: 1. Try to always use the latest Goodxxxx utility. 2. If it's the first time you use GoodWindows.exe you'll have to download & unzip the File from the goodwindows web page. Create a directory named bin in the goodwindows directory & Unzip the 3 dll in the zip file in it. (Or just unzip them with the directory option). -----What's new----- v 1.5 -- Now you can copy the "file he need" generated by a compare, also support collections usings Sep_ & Dirs. (Access it through the file menu on the compare windows) -- Added support for GoodCol,Good2600 & goodgbx to the latest engine of GoodTool (Sep_, Dirs etc.) -- Added ability to filter (through a popup menu) the 3 file listing on the Main Windows -- Major change in the layout, doesn't start maximized in 800x600, but doesn't take the whole screen anymore. THank to Karavidas for the new layout. -- I've forgot to enabled some command supported by the New GoodNes & GoodCpc(not so new), fixed now -- When The SEP_ Option shouldn't be enabled , it is Invisible (lot easier to know if you can use it or not) -- Fixed the bug where the last line of any miss.txt being writen twice in the GoodMiss.txt file (when using the Listing of all Missing Roms features) -- More Bug Fixes. V 1.41 -- Added support for SEPX for the New GoodN64 -- Modules To export LeapFTP queue file -- Now when your resolution in 800x600, GoodWindows Start Maximized V 1.4 -- Added support for SEPx & dirs for GoodNes. -- Added a module to export a bulletproof ftp download file generated from the xxxmiss.txt (event if they are classified using the rename dirs option), this process require to have GoodInfo.cfg file in the GoodWindows directory. -- Updated the Legend with the latest info provided by JTP1018 -- Added an feature that compare two missing file (Just like Good Compare). All the credit goes to him since he had the original idea... and on my computer it goes hella faster then the original GoodCompare (let me know if it's slower on your... I'll try to fix that). BTW the Make the "they need.bat isn't in yet ). You can also export a BPFTP download file from the result of the Compare. -- Changed the caption of the Animation Windows -- Directory for each Game System is saved & loaded. -- Added a missing roms counter that tell you how many roms you are missing of total of roms -- Added a module to put all xxxmiss.txt in one file. V 1.31 -- Added *Dupes.txt to the files that GoodWindows can show. -- Changed to code of the animation so it won't be always on top.(Still Work to do) -- Added an About box with link to the website & my email. -- Addes Support for the SEPx option (New in the latest GoodCPC) & the dirs option now work on GoodCPC (wasn't available in GoodCPC before). V 1.3 -- Fixed the "No disk in the drive" bugs. -- Fixed the Dirs Option bugs. -- Added support for the deep option -- Fixed the Changes & Changes New option to be enabled when they shouldn't -- Added support for the Reverse Option -- Added an option to show the Dos Windows when GoodXXXX.exe is running (this help to show you that GoodWindows doesn't crash but that GoodXXXX.exe is still running) -- Now GoodWindows let you change from the program the path to the GoodXXXX.exe you wanna use (No more deleting settings.ini to do that) -- Now the uneeded strings are removed from the List of Knowns Roms -- Added a label with the number or known roms -- Other Bug Fixes. (Wrong File Deletion) -- Save The Directory to scan when the program close & others settings (in gw.dat) -- Added an option to show a Legend for the Code used in file renaming (ex. (A) - Australian) But it is incomplete. Help me on this... -- Added an animation when GoodXXXX.exe is working. V 1.2 -- Allow you to scan cd ( In this case the GoodXXXX.exe put the text file in C:\ ) ! Warning ! only the list, scan & scan new option can be used and this take a lot of time (you may think that good windows is frozen but it is not..., Goodxxxx.exe is still running in the background) -- Added support for GoodINTV.exe (that why you have to delete the settings.ini) -- Added features: Allow to explore the directory you wanna scan. -- Fixed bug that didn't let user scan other directory than the one that GoodXXXX.exe was in (again). -- Fixed bug that could occur if the needed dll where not found (now they are automaticaly copied to the system dir if they are not already there) -- Fixed file naming bugs. -- Fixed changing directory before choosing a console bug. -- Fixed bug that would'nt let someone open xxxhave.txt after changing directory (if the file is available). V 1.1 -- Ask the roms directory to scan (mean it support that the goodxxx.exe to be anywhere(Path, GoodWindows.exe directory, roms directory or anywhere else) -- Fixed the problem that didn't let Win95 or Win98 user opening file bigger than 64k. V 1.0 -- Better Handling of the Delay before opening files -- Can chose the file to show. -- Bug resolved. -- Others that I don't remember V -0.3 -- Everythings is new Todo: -Add support for GoodSplit & others -Generate a report of # of roms from USA # of bad dump etc. (in progress) -Email Cowering the result of Scannew from the program -A lot more.... Go to . I Bug: - Result maybe corrupted if there is a matching having.txt file in C:\ (add option to include file in c:\ or not explainig that this is the cd-rom file - A LOT more(I know there a bunch of bug but it's still better than nothing) Thanks to: JTP1018, ICQ UIN:2487515, Email: He's a beta tester and helped me a lot. Cowering for is great tools, Emuhq, SandyPup & All of you who support GoodWindows. If you have any idea of what I could implement in the front-end or find a bug, email me at with your idea. Please try to stay realistic. If you want a feature like adding a rom to a good database this isn't possible since the Good utility doesn't support this feature. thank.