THE PAWN (Magnetic Scrolls) --------------------------- (You begin on a road) E (Kronos approaches you), EXAMINE PLATFORM (Kronos asks you to deliver a letter), GET NOTE, ASK KRONOS ABOUT WRISTBAND (he will remove it if you kill the adventurer), GET CHEST, E, E, E, E, SHOW NOTE TO GUARDS (King Erik receives the letter, which states that his daughter has been kidnapped. You are kicked out), W, LOOK IN FOUNTAIN, GET CHIT, LIFT MAT (you find a wooden key), GET WOODEN KEY, EXAMINE POCKET (you find a metal key), UNLOCK DOOR WITH METAL KEY, OPEN IT, SW, EXAMINE WORKBENCH, GET HOE;RAKE AND TROWEL, LOOK UNDER WORKBENCH (you find the plant), PLANT POT PLANT IN PLANT POT WITH TROWEL (the plant is happy now. I seem to remember there being a problem with either the syntax or getting points here), NE (around this time the adventurer arrives), GIVE CHEST TO ADVENTURER (he dies), PUT ADVENTURER ON HORSE (the horse provides light, see??), MOUNT HORSE, W, W, W, W, N, N, NW, NW, DISMOUNT HORSE, REMOVE SHIRT, COVER BAND WITH SHIRT, U (the guru asks you to fetch some water in the bowl), E, E, NE, REMOVE SHIRT, ATTACH HOE TO RAKE WITH SHIRT, LEVER BOULDER WITH HOE AND RAKE (the passage is clear), UNTIE SHIRT, WEAR IT, DROP RAKE AND HOE, U, CLIMB ROCKS, U, U, FILL BOWL WITH SNOW (will become water shortly), D, D, D, D, S, NW, NW, U, GIVE BOWL TO GURU (he makes the pouch appear in the woods), GET RICE, E, SE, S, S, LOOK IN STUMP, GET POUCH, OPEN IT (you find three... balls, I presume!), GET RED;BLUE AND GREEN, MIX RED;BLUE AND GREEN (they melt into one shape, a 'white' - whatever that is, it's glowing), N, N, NW, MOUNT HORSE, E, E, N, U, CLIMB ROCKS, E, E, E, D, E, E, PUT ALL ON HORSE, U, U, HIT WALL (the water pours down and cools off the lava. You are flushed along), E, GET ALL BUT ADVENTURER, N, MOVE PEDESTAL, LOOK IN NICHE (you find a blue key. If isn't here, you have been too slow!), GET BLUE KEY, S, REMOVE SHIRT, DROP HOE AND RAKE, W, W, U, W, W, W, D, D, S, W, S, S, S, U (in the tree), UNLOCK DOOR WITH WOODEN KEY, OPEN IT, E, CLOSE DOOR (otherwise the boards can't be moved), MOVE PLANKS (you find a passage leading downwards), D, D, E, N, MOVE RUG (underneath is a safe), UNLOCK SAFE WITH BLUE KEY, OPEN IT, LOOK UNDER IT (here is a ballot), GET PAPER, S, E, PUT PAPER IN LARGE BOX, W, W, W, SW, OPEN DOOR, W, GET HARD HAT, WEAR IT, EXAMINE SETTEE, MOVE CUSHIONS (aha! a coin), GET COIN, W, LOOK ON STOVE, GET TEAPOT, LOOK ON WORKTOP, GET CARROT, E, NE, NW, PRESS BUTTON (the elevator goes up), WAIT (4 times), SLIDE DOOR, N, GET ROPE, SLIDE DOOR, PRESS SECOND BUTTON (you descend), SLIDE DOOR, S (the roof collapses, but the hat saves you), GET LUMPS WITH TROWEL, N, SLIDE DOOR, PRESS FIRST BUTTON (you go up again), SLIDE DOOR, S, SE, E, U, U, OPEN DOOR, W, D, NE, NE, NE, N, DROP TROWEL; KEY AND TEAPOT, BUY WHISKY BOTTLE AND BEER BOTTLE WITH COIN (from Honest John), NW, U, CLIMB ROCKS, U, U, WEAR SHIRT (it is cold), S, W, MELT SNOWMAN WITH WHITE (makes sense! You may enter the tower), NE, W, GET BOOTS, WEAR THEM, GET PRISM, PUT IT IN POUCH, E, SW, GET WHITE, N, E, D, D, E, E, E, D, N, N (you meet some alchemists who are hungry), GIVE RICE TO ALCHEMISTS, GIVE LUMPS TO ALCHEMISTS (they run away), NE, GET AEROSOUL (note spelling!), SW, W, W, N, N, N, NE, N, CUT PAPER WALL WITH BOOTS (there is a hole in the floor), OPEN CUPBOARD, EXAMINE IT (it contains a hook), TIE ROPE TO HOOK, CLIMB ROPE (down the hole), DROP ROPE, S, PUT WHITE IN POUCH, KNOCK ON DOORS (5 times. The gatekeeper comes out), GIVE WHISKY BOTTLE TO PORTER (you can pass now), E, D, N, GIVE BEER BOTTLE TO JERRY (Jerry Lee Lewis thanks you), S, E, N, E (du see the Devil), ASK DEVIL ABOUT WRISTBAND (he will remove it if you kill Kronos. You are given some poison and teleported to the bridge), GET BOTTLE, N, N, OPEN POUCH, GET WHITE, NW (the dragon is hungry), LOOK IN SHADOWS (you spot 30 hobbits), POINT AT SHADOWS, SHINE WHITE AT SHADOWS (the dragon notices the hobbits), N, THROW BOTTLE AT KRONOS (he melts), PRESS NOZZLE (on the aerosoul. It absorbs his spirit), EXAMINE RACK, GET WANDS, GET POINTY HAT, WEAR IT, GET CLOAK, WEAR IT, GET WAND, S (the dragon thinks you are Kronos and lets you pass), SE, NE, N, GET ROPE, CLIMB IT, DROP IT, S, PUT WHITE IN POUCH, CLOSE POUCH, E, D, E, N, E, GIVE AEROSOUL TO DEVIL (he removes the wristband in return), W, S, W, U, W, GET WHITE, N, GET ROPE, CLIMB IT, DROP IT, S, S, S, S, S, E, SE, NE, CAST SPELL ON TOMES (the old book opens), READ TOMES (it tells the story of Kronos looking for the souls of three good men), SW, S, S, S, OPEN DOORS, S, KNOCK ON DOOR (a voice asks if you're wearing the wristband), SAY "NO" (the door opens), S (a programmer hands you a computer printout which must be debugged. What a finale! Talk about contrived puzzles (Jerry Lee Lewis, legless horses, hobbits and debugging... give me a break). Anyway, your score ends being 350/350!!) Jacob Gunness - summer 1989. ***************************************************** Displayed on the Classic Adventures Solution Archive: