Bugs and Known Problems ----------------------- o a few keyboard-related bugs: e.g. pressing SHIFT+1 and then releasing SHIFT should still give '!' characters o ANTIC emulation is scanline-, not pixel-exact. This causes display bugs in following programs: - 8 Players Demo (demo) - Bewesoft's Demo (demo) - Bitter Reality (demo) - Darkness Warrior (picture) - Demonic Laughter (music collection) - Extract (graphics collection) - GED (graphics editor) - Joyride (demo) - Orneta '95 invitro (demo) - Our 5oft Unity Part (demo) - Power Graph (graphics editor) - Studio Dream (demo) - Sweet Illusion (demo) - Te.mod (demo) - The Break (demo) o POKEY interrupts are scanline-, not cycle-exact. This causes sound bugs in following programs: - Mirax Force (game) - Saturday Demo (demo) - The Last Guardian (game) o sound emulation uses VOL_ONLY hack. This causes sound bugs in following programs: - Digital Trash (demo) - Ghostbusters (game) - Overmind (demo) o intensive 130xe-banks switching slows down emulation much. This causes performance problems in following programs: - Impossible but Real (demo) - Sheol (demo) - Total Daze (demo) - Ultra (demo) o SDL port uses call back system for filling sound buffer. This causes wrong sound effects (noise) in some games.