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F0Ξ05: [ BDEHI%}% VY8 B V  @  /DE `E:D1:DUP.SYSERROR-SAVING USER MEMORY ON DISKTYPE Y TO &}STILL RUN DOS B;DE J V (` 9 V⪍ ઍ  -'}ǔLLu DEHILV 9 .l 9 .l  `` s$B VBH(}I|DE V BLV nB,DE J V* \*` B V BLVDEHI BLVL)}Ǫ1u H232435; 1 ;  hh@2 e1i1LHҍ 00) 08 109hh@ Ҡ2e*}'1i1232435ޥ<<8>} 3E:}DISK OPERATING SYSTEM II VERSION 2.0SCOPYRIGHT 1980 ATARIA. DISK DIRECTORY I. FORMAT DISKB. RUN CARTRIDGE J. D,}UPLICATE DISKC. COPY FILE ^K. BINARY SAVED. DELETE FILE(S) L. BINARY LOADE. RENAME FILEb M. RUN AT ADDRESSF. LOCK F-}ILE )N. CREATE MEM.SAVG. UNLOCK FILE- RO. DUPLICATE FILEH. WRITE DOS FILESW9!&x#!7&p))'&X*./)L''-؆莟.}R'S  vW DEHHI 1A#! @ ~0ɛ8A0.) ȅ 1 1i/}ǥil ! 1L NO SUCH ITEMSELECT ITEM OR FOR MENU! 0 .{z:*{}.|~ 1 0 00}JB 18L^%|DLl%DIRECTORY--SEARCH SPEC,LIST FILE? # 0 0 n&|D! 1L NOT A DISK FILE1}ǛN !B 1L " 1 !BDED:}:1BJ|DE 1DEBH2}I 1 h0ߢ 0.  0?詛 1 ~0YЛ 1 "L<" "L 3} BL1TYPE "Y" TO DELETE...DELETE FILE SPECCOPY--FROM, TO?OPTION NOT ALLOWED 017 FREE SECTORS COPYING---D1:DERS4}HAM.LAB # 0|D .L$A#B#C#JB|DE 1BHIDD#E 1D#0: B5} 1L B#C#C#B# B 1N#$0SYS1}:e#D# d# D# .d#ȽD# d# 𩛙d#X# 1,A#6}GPdD#ELO- A.BJdD#E 1 1HH 0hh|DL^%1}:e# Lt% e#dD#EL%7}7 1 0 . .0% 1L WILD CARDS NOT ALLOWED IN DESTINATION 0 A.|K@C}ǩ//3Hu ξL/L DRIVE TO WRITE DOS FILES TO?WRITING NEW DOS FILESTYPE "Y" TO WRITE DOS TO DRIVE 1.?}D1:DOS.SYSERROR - NOT VERSION 2 FORMAT. , &* բ( 1L `[) 0NΞ 0 L1M) 1@} L BAD LOAD FILELOAD FROM WHAT FILE?) 0 0#B 1L WHAT FILE TO LOCK?) 0 0$B 1L WHAT FILE TO UNLOCK?DUA}P DISK-SOURCE,DEST DRIVES?TYPE "Y" IF OK TO USE PROGRAM AREACAUTION: A "Y" INVALIDATES MEM.SAV. h  ,B}  `)  <0 2 2 0  ,   ,,ޢ* 1L ,K* 1 ~0 0C}FINSERT BOTH DISKS, TYPE RETURNERROR - DRIVES INCOMPATIBLE., 1 ~038  , 1L D}Ǿ, &*  Lz+, 0 , 1 ~0 + Y,0!,0 ,L+ ,mm  v,"ǭE}0Ξ, 05,Lt+L +,Hh` NOT ENOUGH ROOMINSERT SOURCE DISK,TYPE RETURNF}INSERT DESTINATION DISK,TYPE RETURN`    `L,8,0( rG}L1(`ߢ) 1* 1 ~0Y`hhL S SL1) 8`NAME OF FILE TO MOVE?- 0 0|DLtH}G% A., 1 <0 0 .@L# .BJ 1  DEHIB V L1 ,5 1 <0,L. I}I JB|,A#Pd#DE 1 HI BDEHHII 1 B 1 , 1 <0,0Lf- B VJ},A#P, 1 <0 0L#L ߢ) 1* 1 ~0Yj383}mm ݭK}}`8}``|* ? ɛ,`|:(|/ 1L `DESTINATION CANT L}BE DOS.SYS0 0H{ $22Δ $28/L /) $2 Π $2 0 ξM}ǩhAΞB,0 J 1 BޝDEHI,HDE 1HIHIDELSAVE-N}GIVE FILE,START,END(,INIT,RUN)O X0 1`BDEPHI V` X0H 1 L O}ǭ0 0 1L0`PLEASE TYPE 1 LETTER,0`hhL <0 1L0LA1 ,;ɛ7,"ɛ:ݦ1ݥP}A"D|ݤD|ȩ:|ȩ|ɛ,,(/+.ީ1 1,ɛ`轤{Q}?NAME TOO LONG B VL ` L1I H1EӝDL1DEI|mDiE` V0`8d/8 i:"2!22 1R} L ERROR- 164ɛ+,' 20*.. өw2 1``2TOO MANY DIGITSINVALIDS} HEXADECIMAL PARAMETER800 0 8 00`,0'D800H,ɛh`2L1NEED D1 THRU D4 uT}~%D:DISK.CATD39AS BOWLING INDEX FILE) NWORK DATA N/A 001*D30ATESTDISKR XDELETE| 0/You are in a blue, featureless room.An interesting object is in one ofthe corners./You are in the west corner of theblue W} room in front of an ATARI. Adisk drive and a voice input deviceare connected to it./You are in the primary windings ofth X}e transformer. This place is filledwith impatient electrons waiting togain admission to the secondary. Atthe passage to th Y}e secondary anadmissions officer is checkingcredentials. He's wearing a buttonthat says "Leave it!"./You are in a misty r Z}Goom at thecathode of a power diode. Through themist you can see the anode./You are in the rectifier where allelectrons ar [}[e lining up patiently ina single, neat queue. The front ofqueue is slowly moving into a largehole in the floor./You are i \}n the secondary of thetransformer. There are lots of happyelectrons holding admission slips intheir hands. More keep comin ]}g in fromthe northwest./You are in the 12 volt room where itsays "12V" all over the walls. Yousee something shiny to the ^}east./You are on a narrow ledge near theceiling in a silver, cylindrical roomwhich is a plated through hole. Apole runs d _}own the middle of thisroom into the depths below./You are in the flip-flop. A passageto the south is blocked because thef `}lip-flop is set. To the north youhear many voices./You are in the switch room. If thepower switch were open the floorwoul a}d be an unpassable, bottomlesspit. But the switch is closed andeverybody is walking across the roomto the northeast./You b}are in the transformer core. Acouple of electrons are wanderingaround aimlessly. They seem to bemumbling something, but yo c}u can'thear a word./You are in a large room resembling amilitary drill field. This must bethe regulator, since all electr d}onsare being turned into responsibleentities. There are several exits./You are in the five volt room. Itsays "5V" all ove e}r the walls./You are in the cassette relay. A lotof deenergized and worn out electronsare chained to the wall./You are in f} the ceramic capacitor. Acapacitron is sleeping peacefully onthe ground./You are in the NP side of the powertransistor. M g}any electrons readythemselves to be amplified and headsouth. You can see the switch room inthe west./You are in the negat h}ive five voltroom. It says "-5V" all over thewalls. This is not a very popularplace since it has less than nopotential. T i}he only way out is to the%&$#./You are in the electrolyticcapacitor. A narrow path leads acrossthe room to the south. You j}'d betterwalk very carefully since some of theelectrons danced around and fell offthe path into the depths below./You are k} in the resistor room, thedreariest of all. Go west young man./You are in main memory. There areseveral exits, but the one l}C" leadingeast looks very promising'./You are in a geometrical maze of bitcells, all equivalent./You are in a geometrica m}ml maze of bitcells, all equivalent./You are in a geometrical maze of bitcells, all equivalent./You are in a geometrical m n}aze of bitcells, all equivalent./You are in a geometrical maze of bitcells, all equivalent./You are in a geometrical maze o} of bitcells, all equivalent./You are in a geometrical maze of bitcells, all equivalent./You are in a geometrical maze of p} bitcells, all equivalent./You are in a geometrical maze of bitcells, all equivalent./You are in the janitor's closet.Th q}ere is a locked door on the southwall./You are in the snack bar. There is alarge vending machine sellingCONTACT-COLA./Yo r}u are in the crystal. The mega-hertzoids are wildly oscillating backand forth. You realize that this mustbe the famous MIC s}ROWORLD disco./You are on the bottom of a deep,three dimensional potential well.Strange, you're alone here./You are in th t}e static discharge roomor better, the little electrons room.A note on the wall says: "EQUAL RIGHTS FOR LOWERCASE"There i u}s a door on the north wall, onwhich it says "JANITOR"./You are in the recreation room.There are several tables, some ofwh v}ich are occupied by protons eatingneutroburgers. There is a pinballmachine here./You are in the microprocessor room.There w} are several groups of electronsmarching around. A new group entersperiodically from the north./You are in the PN side of x}the powertransistor. Many amplified electronsare jumping up and down. The westleads to a brightly lit room, theeast somew y}here else./You are in the keyboard controller.All activity is interrupted once ina while when a new charactoid appearsfro z}m a hole in the ceiling and isimmediately ushered out of the room./You are in the data bus. Nothingspecial going on here. {}/You are in the address bus. The roomdivides into sixteen similar passagesleading west, but none of theelectrons flowing w |}est look like theywould let you tag along./You are in the keyboard matrix, agiant net. Keep your balance!/You are in the }}VLSI room. The entireeast wall is occupied by a largecomputer./You are in the initialization room.There is a small heap o ~}Gf jumbledletters on the floor, each lettermade of tiny dots. The initializerstanding next to the heap looks verypuzzled. }/You are in the inverter. Allelectrons going south have to turnupside down before proceeding./You are in the jumper room. }There'sa lot of enabling going on here./You are in the ASCII room. Severalcharactoids are in a heateddiscussion about som }ething. You canhear the word "EBCDIC" several times./Nothing/You are at a junction. Passages leadnorth and south./You ar }e in the BASIC cartridge. Thisplace is like a pyramid. It has beenexplored by many explorers, butluckily none of the treas }ures havebeen stolen. All the wise electronsare still here./You are in the counter room. Nothingto write home about./You } are in the north ground plane.Electrons are constantly falling outof the sky and landing on theirvalences./You are in th }e disk select latch.There is a large,silver button on thewall with a sign hanging from it./You are in the multiplexer. The }reare sixteen exits on the west wall,but only one of them is open./You are in the west ground plane.There are several bum }trons on thefloor who protectively hide theirpaper bags when they see you./You are in the center ground plane.You can't s }tand still because astrong magnetic field is pushing youaround./You are in the east ground plane./You are in the column a }ddressdecoder. There is not much decodinggoing on presently. Your friend, thestaticon is here, but he seems to behybernat }ing. The room is litteredwith the skeletons of unfortunatealpha particles./You are in the CIO chip. Severalpassages lead }away from here./You are in the LOST and FOUNDdepartment. There is a counter behindwhich a clerk is reading theMICROWORLD }TIMES./You are in the south ground plane.There is a sign on the ceiling./You are in the cassette audioprocessor. A drill }sergeant is tryingto get a couple of undisciplinedelectrons to straighten out, but he'snot being very successful./You are } in a 741 OpAmp. There is areception desk manned by a strictlooking female electron. She looksisotopian./You are in the z }ener diode. Thisplace looks like a battlefield, thereare broken down electrons everywhere./You are in the printer controll }Ger.Charactoids are forming a long lineleading south. They look tired andaggressive. I think you shouldn't tryto cut into }the line. There must be areal slow printer here./You are in the printer. Things arehappening very slowly here./You are in } the dot matrix room. Allcharactoids are rushing to the south./You are in a telephone. Better getout of here fast, you mig }ht be sentacross the country any microsecond./You are in the RS-232 board. Severalelectrons coming in in groups ofeight a }re formed into a single rowand proceed southeast./You are in a toroid. Electrons seemto either grow taller and weaker ors }horter and stronger./You are in the baud rate generator./You are in the north disk controllerroom. This place looks more c }omplexthan the microprocessor. Let meremind you not to disturb anything orthe CRC's will punish you./You are in the south } disk controllerroom. Looks just like the northernpart./You are in a shift register.Electrons are coming in groups ofeig }ht and are shifted out one by one./You are in the character generator.There are all races of charactoidshere./You are in }video RAM. It is very hotin here./You are in the character shiftregister. The charactoids are playingmusical chairs, and }the losers aregoing west./You are in the CRT deflection coil.Unhappy looking charactoids areflying all over the place. Be } gladyou're an electroid./You are in an optoisolator. To thesouth you see a deep pit filled withelectromagnetic waves. Lo }oks nasty!/You are in the contrast room.Everything is so sharply defined thatyou can't make out anything. But youfeel a l }arge coil in front of you./You are in the feedback room. Apassage leads northwest./You are in the cassette recorder.There } are some square waves here thatdon't look like square waves at all./You are in the display room. Theentire east wall is a }0 giant phosphorcoated screen on which it says:7 R10101011 00010111 01000111Y c11100111 1h011 11000111/You are }next to a large mainframe,an IBM 360\3033. There is a singlebutton on the operator's console.Below the console you can see } anexposed logic board./You are in the interrupt room. Theinterrupts are presently disabled,and thus everybody in here is }G takinga break./I don't understand./You can't go that way./That doesn't make sense./Doesn't work./Nothing happens./You } are carrying:/Nothing at all./Don't be ridiculous!/I don't see anything special./I don't see it here./You already have }it./You can't, you're carrying too much./When leaving the room you *lost*something/Screen says: "Insert DOS and saypassw }:ord"./It's a *Texas Union* calculator. Thedisplay says "A.when?"/This is the only help you're goingto get. Try enter }ing a four digityear./Maybe you should look at it./They are saying:"Getting excited ispotentially well."/Says:"Go PLUS o }n display error."/A megahertzoid grabs the radio inutter joy and then leads you out ofthe room so you don't change yourmi }nd and demand the radio back./Says:"My gain is your loss."/You arrange the letters into thewords "ATARI MEMO PAD." Theini }tializer is grateful and shows youthrough a secret passage./You can't do that./You don't have it./It's part of a MICROWOR }LD hint sheetAll useful info has been ripped offby some selfish soul./Clerk looks at you expectantly./Clerk mistakes the }paper for a claimslip and drops something on thecounter./Asks me:"What is your gain to me?"./Doesn't like to be waved./I }t sure is a nice specimen./Looks abused./You are transformed into anelectroid, a human the size of anelectron. Don't forg }et to behave, youare now in an ATARI./You are transformed into a human./You ride the waves like a pro. Toobad nobody is p }aying attention./An unfriendly charactoid grabs thecard, examines it and shakes his headBut then he ushers you through a d }oor./A staticon comes out of somewhere,robs you and vanishes, mumblingsomething unkind about tourists./Inscription says:" }All you need is asocket"./There is a diskette inside the cube!/Not so hollow voice says:"Don't be apain in the glass!"./ }Glass shatters into a thousand piecesand the diskette vanishes./You hit the exact resonant frequencyof the glass. It shatt }ers intomicroscopic pieces leaving somethingbehind./Not here./You don't have it./Something falls out of the computer.A }mechanical voice says:"Strike itrich"./It's a perfect one periodsquare*WAVE*./It is a DOS master disk./You see *EIGHT* c }Golorful IC socketson the logic board./Says:"PRINTER MAINTENANCE"./The electron grabs the bottle andruns off, but in his h }urry he losessomething./Machine groans and unwillinglythrows something out./She amplifies you into another room.Don't ge }t excited, everybody receivesthe same treatment./Says:"Push to start disk"./It didn't hit the spot, but at leastyou got c }lean contacts now. Bottlewas of the dispose-itself kind andvanished after you emptied it./You reset the flip-flop and are }swept to another room./The disk drive is empty./A disk is mounted on the drive./The machine boots up and the screensays: }$ "FANTASTIC! You solved the entire? adventure"You can hear the electrons cheeringfrom within the } computer./Would you like to play again?/Would you like to restore a game?/Four available areas, which one?/Bad save file }./That wasn't too wise. You are nowstuck between the anodes of two verybiased diodes who won't ever let yougo. It was nic }e serving you./As soon as you free them they allfall over you and rob you of all yourenergy. You are now a very immobilep }article. That's what you get fortrying to be of help./Did you have to play follow theleader? You are now part of a mailing }Ǜlabel. I wish you a good trip anddon't forget to write./Blue IC chip./Red IC chip./Green IC chip./Yellow IC chip./Whit }e IC chip./Black IC chip./Orange IC chip./Grey IC chip./Large refrigerator./Clock pulse./Surfboard./Bottle of CONTACT- }COLA./*Crystal* Radio./Shattered glass./Calculator./Piece of paper./ID card./Diskette./Dielectric coin./Tuning fork. }/Spinnifax./There is a blue IC chip here./There is a red IC chip here./There is a green IC chip here./There is a yellow I }C chip here./There is a white IC chip here./There is a black IC chip here./There is an orange IC chip here./There is a gr }Eey IC chip here./There is a large refrigerator here./There is a lonely clock pulse here./There is a surfboard here./There } is a bottle of CONTACT-COLAhere./There is a *crystal* radio here./There is some shattered glass here./There is a calcula }tor here./There is a piece of paper here./There is an ID card here./There is a disk here!/There is a dielectric coin here }./There is a tuning fork here./There is a spinnifax here./There is a charactoid sitting on thefloor with his tongue hangi }ng out./There is a glass cube here./A blue chip is in the blue socket./A red chip is in the red socket./A green chip is i }n the green socket./A yellow chip is in the yellow socket/A white chip is in the white socket./A black chip is in the blac }k socket./An orange chip is in the orangesocket./A grey chip is in the grey socket./Exactly 440 hertz. Sounds very pretty }/ Welcome to MICROWORLD.+ :(Version 5.20)> Zcreated by Arti Haroutunian}- }--In this adventure you'll be wanderingthrough an ATARI. The object of thisadventure is part of the mystery youare to sol }ve. Your computer will beyour slave in carrying out your twoword commands. To move around useabbreviations such as N(orth) },D(own)or N(orth)W(est). Other commands areof the form GET CABLE, PUSH BUTTON orSAVE GAME. This game recognizes manywords }, so keep on trying if you don'tsucceed at first. The HELP command isnot strongly supported, you shouldrather LOOK at thin }gs. This adventureis quite large. Rarely are all exitsfrom a room revealed, therefore tryall directions and draw a map!St }Irange worlds can best be dealt withby strange actions. G O O D L U C KO hit /Enter a one line description of }yourpresent position./DISK ERROR! Try again./ MICROWORLD was originally writtenfor the TRS-80 computer. The ATARIversio }n is topologically identicalto the original although some of theroom descriptions are slightly re-written to accomodate th }e differentinternal structure of the ATARI. Thetranslation is by the author. Use"LIST" for more info during the game. }C hit  Dedicated to C.S.H./Use a color instead of "CHIP"./Some of the available commands are:INSTALL } INVENTORY EXAMINE SCORELOOK& +LEAVE1 5KICK: DSMASHSAVEJ PSTRIKEU ZPRESS^ gWALKPUSHm rSLIDEx WAVE } SORTARRANGE HELP "RIDE' ;SORTEXAMINE THROWA CGOJ \TAPINVENTORY OPENc gPLUGl POURUNCHAIN YE }LL BREAK DRINKThe abbreviations for directions are:N = North NW = Northwest U = UpS = South SW = Southwes }t D = DownW = West NE = NortheastE = East SE = SoutheastUse UPPERCASE for all your commands./@corner of theblue kEMPTY& >4BTRFQ)1 $J8CCVll your commands./@corner of theblueV}V}V}V&`p a `c `$ `cL`/ M I C R O W O R L D0BD`EJK VL`BD }ǝEHI V0@ 汌Lz` B VL` B V aL`D:MWORLD.002 a c a c ba a"k qc d d e a- } aꥻ) aL`}L`c:k0`:k f9#kx -c``a` lc cY N aL_a a cYN }/j"kL` 7bturz{0 VLartuxy lc0 VLa `c&0 VLa"k0 r }0 VLaL` r0 V -cLeatburz{ V r VLk lc c1b`2b`3b`4٢ c` 7btu } -c 'drz{0 V r0 VL-c rtuxyd0 V0Ц&"k0 V00 r0 V0LkD:M }WORLD.003D:MWORLD.004D:MWORLD.005D:MWORLD.006 -ctd 'd%tdd`/L;c湱/ `cLNc` }Ǥ`L`c"k lc"k -c c"kSLGgLdg#k"k`i -cLc>nZ"kLc洄`d }݅m LciɤU -cL`jj(L6n`Command:d `c % d膰 ɛd lc`~L5 }Gdʩ~ `cL5d$L5dd `cL5d ddɛP ddɛ? ddɛ+ dɛ dȽdɛ } d`QUIT N: WL-cdAl L'eiUL-cjm^em_e }l^e LeZVL-cŰ Lse洱LeLqc c LqeLqe NkLqeLqe#Lqe }VL-c)i -c kLLa"k4Lqe f Lqe f#ka -c Lqe cLTf0kL-c?k`L-c f_L-c f^L-c f#kL }k!"k~L-c%Lqc c flL-c f"k#k Lf Lg "kLqcLk:kŲ``#k"k`?k:k:k`Lf?k }Ǣ:kŲ:k`LfJ"kLk -c8k.kJ3k` "kLk /kh -cLqc c$\L-c"kWL-c.kɀYL-c.kL-cAk }Lci -cLNgPkL-cL-cd "kLqc c&Lg!Lg f fRkL-c^L-c8l"k零RkL-c"k4 }<Lg]L-c"k4SLg8"k\L-c9k8TL-c@k @k{L-c9k80k|L-c cWL-c flL-c"k8L-c9k9k }ǩ84k}L-cZ -c?k[L-c:k i -c` cXL-c flL-c"k ~L-ct -c JkLqcu -cLqc"k }WL-c Lqc c qL-c"k ~L-c flL-c -cIkLqc c XL-c flL-c"kN~L-c lcv -cKkMLqc cW }L-c"k+XL-c lcj -cMkTLqc c "Lk"k> -c?Lqc"kPk੍ -c Qk kLLa c'Lk"k@~L-c f }lL-cw -cALqc flL-c"k;Lk#k;#kLkoL-c"k~L-c cWL-cLqe"k3SXL-c c0\L-c f }ǩlL-c f Ak#kLk cօ f۩ Pk fLk c!YL-c"k4L bS^L-cAkOk٩ OkS6kL-c c& %"eL-c }R"k4L-c"k<]L-ciL-c"k fL-c"kXL-cdL-c4BTRFQ)1 $J8WWk4BTRFQ)1 $ }J8 %y']+]cmg]r]znp]\]\\]\]\ks]]bDonezk `c`Out of 145 possible points you haves }cored Ake8d idkLkk8 i ikikk `cLl`;>S+O  f }ǩlL-c.k fL-cD U SE SW NE NW E S W N L LOOKEXAMSCORGET TAKEGRABDROPTHROLEAVLISTKICKHIT SMASBREASHOWDIS }PQUITSAY YELLREADUNCHFREEDRINPOURINSEINSTPLUGOPENSTRITAP INVEPUSHPRESGO WALKSLIDWAVEARRASORTRIDEHELPSAVEENTE`eaebecedeeefege }Gheiesgsgsgkfffefefef.nggggiiLabibijii&l&ljjj)nhhQhkjkjeehh8i8iijcbyhBLUERED GREEYELLWHITBLACORANGREYR }EFRPULSSURFBOTTRADIGLASCALCPAPEID DISKCOINTUNISPINELECCUBECLERRECECORN1845ANODCOMPPLUSEXCILETTSYNTBUTTLOSSCOILMACHLIPSSIGNAT }ARCHIPXL-c aL-c -cL`Z  ZZ ZZ ZZ Z Z Z  Z Z ZZZ$Z !ZZ Z7 }Z3Z  Z  Z Z  7Z  Z }  Z9  Z  Z  ZZ#Z$Z%Z#Z"$Z #(%')Z!$Z*)Z },Z--$Z)).&ZS&&ZT,Z+(0Z()1Z)2Z+Z,:Z-5Z.6Z7Z :Z16;Z75IZ36<8Z7=ZZ4@DG0Z5Z7NZ }G<>Z=?ZQPZA:ZB@ZAZDZC:EZDFZEZH:ZG HHZN< 6JZKLZ:LZINZNOZM