# # lines that begin with '#' are comment lines # for boolean variable, 1 = YES, 0 = NO # # You can't load SYSTEM and ASSOCIATION sections from within DISPLAY. # No additional resolution. [SYSTEM] overwrite_confirm=1 # boolean # Ignore image loader error. # ignore_error=0 # Double click interval : 1 ... 50 # double_click_time=4 # If you want to use mouse, set this to 1 # You must install mouse driver first. # If you want to emulate/use mouse ball by default, # set use_mouse_ball to 1 # image displacement = mouse_ball_factor * mouse movement # mouse_ball_factor works in graphics mode, otherwise it is 1. # 1 <= factor <= 20 # need_install_queue=1 use_mouse_ball=0 mouse_ball_factor=1 # Do you want to check Sound Blaster in your system ? # Some SB emulators are incompatible with DISPLAY. # check_sb=1 # boolean # Show text in graphic mode. # You video card must support 640x480 8 bits # # This mode slows down the screen output, but needed for preview. # Can be changed within DISPLAY. # need_graphic_text=0 # Preview image before loaded # This implies that need_graphic_text=1 # # Can be changed within DISPLAY if you set 'need_graphic_text' to 1. # need_preview=0 # Path to find font.(for contact sheet) # Be sure to use UNIX style, like c:/display/fonts # # If not set, this program will : # search environment GRXFONT for path # or set font path to 'DISPLAY_PATH/fonts' # or set font path to current path # DISPLAY_PATH is where display.exe resides # #font_path=c:/temp/tex64 # Hi/True Color Card R/G/B order : # 0 : R/G/B, 1 : B/G/R # card_rgb_order=0 apply_to_15_16=0 # Pseudo 32 bits in TrueColor mode : # If the pixel size of your video card is 32 bits in TrueColor mode, # set this to 1. # For example, the Diamond Viper card. # pseudo_32_bits=0 # If you get black screen when returning from graphic mode # set this to 1. # need_set_page=0 # boolean # Test each graphic mode when program begins to run. # This will take some time. # test_each_mode=0 # Default filename mask : # default is '*' for mask, None for exclude_mask # Use ';' or ',' as separator # For example, *.gif;*.jpg;*.tga # mask=* #exclude_mask= # User-defined help file: # Use CTRL-F1 to view this file # # If you don't include path, DISPLAY will search DISPLAY_PATH for # this file. # DISPLAY_PATH is where display.exe resides # user_help_file=c:/tmp/jsh/work/viewer/brief.doc # # Manually disable some(up to 16) video modes. # If your video card doesn't support Hi/True Color modes & # your video driver does, disable these modes # 8 bits = 0, 15 bits = 1, 16 bits = 2, 24 bits = 3 # # 320 x 200 = 0, 640 x 350 = 1, 640 x 400 = 2, 640 x 480 = 3 # 800 x 600 = 4, 1024 x 768 = 5, 1280 x 1024 = 6 # For additional resolution, Please look at the begin of this file # # Format : video_disable=, # example: video_disable=0,5 will disable 8-bit,1024x768 # if display < 0, for all displays will be disabled # if resolution < 0, will be disabled # # # Bytes per scan line table for TrueColor mode # format: bytes_per_line_true=, # example: bytes_per_line_true=3,2048 # Default bytes per line are screen_width * bytes_per_pixel # 320 x 200 = 0, 640 x 350 = 1, 640 x 400 = 2, 640 x 480 = 3 # 800 x 600 = 4, 1024 x 768 = 5, 1280 x 1024 = 6 # For additional resolution, Please look at the begin of this file # [ASSOCIATION] # # Use external viewers to view files # format: # association=, # example: # association=.ps,gsview # DISPLAY will use 'gsview' to view .ps file with the following format: # gsview c:\current\dir\file.ps # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --> Current directory # Special keywords in : # |full| : File name with full path. e.g. c:\image\gif\example.gif # |file| : File name without path. e.g. example.gif # |path| : Path name only. e.g. c:\image\gif # |wait| : Wait for key press after exiting user program # # Default is |full|. # Path is allowed in , length must < 118. # Note: You can use this resource to override the default action in # DISPLAY # [USER_COMMAND] # # User defined commands. Up to 4 are allowed. # Hot keys are ALT-F5 .. ALT-F8. # format: user_command= # Special keywords: # |full| : File name with full path. e.g. c:\image\gif\example.gif # |file| : File name without path. e.g. example.gif # |path| : Path name only. e.g. c:\image\gif # |wait| : Wait for key press after exiting user program # example: # user_command=scan |path| # # Length must < 118. # user_command=scan |path| [TEXT] # Text Screen Dimension you prefer : # Columns. Must >= 80 # Rows. Must >= 25 # # Will be ignored in graphic text mode. # text_columns=80 text_rows=25 # Use default text dimension in environment GO32 # and Ignore above setting # use_default_text=0 # The resolution for graphic text mode. # Resolution must >= 640 x 480 # 320 x 200 = 0, 640 x 350 = 1, 640 x 400 = 2, 640 x 480 = 3 # 800 x 600 = 4, 1024 x 768 = 5, 1280 x 1024 = 6 # For additional resolution, Please look at the begin of this file # graphic_text_resolution=3 # Text item options(boolean): # dim = dimension. desc = description. # display_file_size=1 display_file_date=0 display_file_dim=0 display_file_desc=0 # Read image dimension as late as possible. # Very useful, if there are many files in the directory # For 'Text item options' only. # delay_read_dimension=0 # boolean # by filename = 0, by extension = 1, by size = 2, by date = 3 # no sort = 4 # sort_file_method=0 # Description file name : (Please read DISPLAY.FAQ) # 'description_file' : description file name in every directory # 'perm_desc_file' : description file in specified location # if you choose 'perm_desc_file', desc. file in current directory # is ignored # 'perm' means 'permanent' # description_file=descript.ion #perm_desc_file= use_perm_desc=0 # boolean perm_desc_path=0 # Include full path in perm. desc. file ? show_hidden_file=0 # boolean show_desc_file=0 # boolean # Want to read/write image dimension infomation from/to description # file ? # read_desc_dim=1 write_desc_dim=0 # Idle time to active screen saver # Note that the timing is not very accurate. # 0 to supress screen saver. 0 <= idle time <= 3600. # screen_save_time=300 # second # Show little clock at the corner. # show_system_time=1 # Auto-change to Photo CD image directory (/PHOTO_CD/IMAGES) after # changing to new CDROM drive. # auto_pcd_path=0 # boolean # Select bar follows mouse in pop-up menu # select_follow_mouse=1 # boolean [GRAPHIC] # Initial display & resolution type when program starts up. # 8 bits = 0, 15 bits = 1, 16 bits = 2, 24 bits = 3 # # 320 x 200 = 0, 640 x 350 = 1, 640 x 400 = 2, 640 x 480 = 3 # 800 x 600 = 4, 1024 x 768 = 5, 1280 x 1024 = 6 # For additional resolution, Please look at the begin of this file # display_type=0 resolution_type=0 # Screen background color : 0...255 # background_red=0 background_green=0 background_blue=0 # display image at center of screen if image is smaller than # screen. # center_image=1 # boolean # Scrolling step: 1% ... 100% of screen dimension # scrolling_step=5 page_scrolling_step=50 # If set to 1, DISPLAY scrolls image at the rate of 18 steps / second. # Otherwise as fast as possible # use_scroll_timing=1 # Big crop step. 1 <= step <= 20 # number of columns or rows to be cropped at one time. # big_crop_step=5 # Reduce/Enlarge image to screen size when it is displayed. # preserve_image : Preserve original image before fitting. # fit_to_screen=0 # boolean smooth_fitting=0 # boolean zoom_small_image=0 #boolean preserve_image=1 #boolean # Preserve original 8-bit image when you view 24-bit image on 8-bit # display. This option works if you have 8-bit display only. # preserve_8bit_image=1 # Gamma step : 1% .. 50% # For keys F1-F8 in graphic mode # gamma_step=10 # Automatically show mouse cursor in graphic mode # auto_show_mouse_cursor=1 # boolean # Use .TNL file as preview. This is much faster # You can use 'make thumbnail' to generate .TNL files # use_tnl_preview=0 # boolean # The global .TNL files path. # DISPLAY checks this path first before loading local (current directory) # .TNL file. # DISPLAY supports to read TNL image from ZIP file. Read DISPLAY.DOC # #global_tnl_path= #global_tnl_packfile= #local_tnl_packfile= # 1: Time to delay before preview is shown. # Unit = 1/18 second. Not very accurate. 0 <= delay <= 100 # 2: Use color preview for 24bit images. # preview_delay_tick=5 use_color_preview=1 [AUTO_SELECTION] # Automatically select screen resolution. # I suggest that you set this to 1. # auto_select_resolution=1 # boolean # Auto selection step(for Hi/True Color Card) : # 1. If 'auto_display_type_xxxxx' is satisfied, return. # 8 bits = 0, 15 bits = 1, 16 bits = 2, 24 bits = 3 # # select_best_resolution(for Hi/True Color Card) : # Whether consider resolution when changing display type or not. # If 1, it implies 'auto_select_resolution' = 1. # # If your video card supports Hi/True Color, # setting 'auto_select_display' to 1 will save your time. # If you have only 8-bit card, set 'auto_select_display' to 0. # auto_select_display=1 # boolean auto_display_type_first=3 auto_display_type_second=2 auto_display_type_third=1 select_best_resolution=1 # boolean # Auto conversion between 8 & 24 bits images before displaying # auto_convert_8_24=1 # boolean # Image viewing parameter : # # 1. auto_display_image : Auto display image when it is loaded. # 2. auto_back_to_main : Auto go back to main menu after viewing image. # 3. return_to_next : RETURN key to next image. # 4. keep_screen_image : This resource is for return_to_next. If 1, # image is kept in screen while loading next image. # # If you set 'auto_display_image' to 1, I suggest that you also set # 'auto_select_resolution' and 'auto_select_display' to 1 # auto_display_image=0 auto_back_to_main=0 return_to_next=0 keep_screen_image=1 # Automatically link 24 bits image to 8 bits image. # For cropping in graphic mode only. # # If 8 bits image is cropped, 24 bits image will be cropped, too. # auto_link_24_to_8=0 # boolean [PROCESS_CONTROL] # these options influence the quality of your image # # Quantization : Convert 24-bit image to 8-bit. # # Fixed 256 = 0, Median Cut = 1, Median Cut(Better) = 2, # Grey 256 = 3, Variance Based = 4, Statistical = 5, Current Palette = 6 # Ordered(fast) = 7, Neural Net(256) = 8 # # If you don't have enough memory or your computer is slow, try to # use Ordered quantization. It is the fastest in DISPLAY. # You can also try Neural Net quant.: better than Ordered quant., fast. # quantization=5 # The result of dithered image is better than non-dithered. # Quantization time is longer when dither is on. # This option is for DISPLAY, not for JPEG. # dither_in_quantization=1 # boolean # If you set it to NO, DISPLAY loads 24-bit image from JPEG files. # Thus you can use the 'quantization' option above to produce 8-bit # image. If you turn this on(1 Pass,2 Pass, Grey256), DISPLAY loads # 8-bit image from JPEG file. Actually the quantization is done by # JPEG decoder. In my opinion, the quantization in DISPLAY is better. # # No = 0, 1 Pass = 1, 2 Pass = 2, Grey256 = 3 # jpeg_quantization=0 # 0 : Off, 1 : FS dither, 2 : Ordered dither # This option has no effect, if 'jpeg_quantization' is NO or Grey256 # Ordered dither works for '1 Pass' quantization only. # FS dither is better than Ordered dither, but slower. # jpeg_color_dither=1 # This option controls the speed of JPEG decoder # 'Fast' produces slightly lower quality image, but faster. # I don't know if it is really faster. # jpeg_fast_decode=1 # boolean # FS = 0, Stucki = 1, JJN = 2 # bw_dither_method=0 # More efficient = 0, Efficient = 1 # For color quantization. Actually, I can't tell the difference. # inverse_color_map=0 # How to treat 'number of color' when 8-bit image is generated/saved. # I suggest 'No effect' # Set to Highest Palette number = 0, Remove unused colors = 1, # Always set to 256 colors = 2, No effect = 3 # number_of_colors=1 # Number of colors for quantization. 2 <= colors <= 256 # This option control both DISPLAY's and JPEG's quantizer # quantization_colors=256 # Which Photo-CD image to load # 0 : Base, 768 x 512 1 : Base/4, 384 x 256 # 2 : Base/16, 192 x 128 3 : 4*Base, 1536 x 1024 # 4 : 16*Base, 3072 x 2048 # pcd_image_type=0 # Check Photo-CD image orientation automatically # The result may be wrong. # Load Photo-CD image as grey scale (use less memory) # check_pcd_orient=1 # boolean pcd_grey_scale=0 # Gamma correction after image loading: # 100 = No correction # 1% <= gamma <= 1000% # red_gamma=100 green_gamma=100 blue_gamma=100 # Sample factor for Neural Net quantization: # 1(best,very slow) <= factor <= 80(worst) # neuquant_sample_factor=10 # Treat 3 planes FITS image as color image # read_fits_color=1 # boolean # How to scale FITS image: # 0 : Auto. use linear scale for 8-bit image, sqrt scale for 16-bit # image, log scale for others # 1 : linear scale, 2 : logarithm scale, 3 : sqare root scale # read_fits_scale=0 # Use text/binary viewer to view UNKNOWN format image # If first 1K bytes are printable, use text viewer # If it is ASCII screen file, use ansi viewer # Otherwise use binary viewer # # Automatically run .EXE/.COM/.BAT program when you select them # If you set run_program to 1, view_unknown doesn't work on # .EXE/.COM/.BAT files. # view_unknown=0 # boolean run_program=0 # boolean # Screen width for ANSI file. default is 80 # ansi_screen_width=80 # Default bytes to skip before reading RAWRGB or RAWGRAY image # raw_bytes_skip=0 # Load/Save comment from/to image file. # boolean. # load_comment=0 save_comment=0 # Save image compression parameters as comment. # You must set 'save_comment' to 1. # save_para_comment=0 [COLOR] # Text Color : # BLACK = 0, BLUE = 1, GREEN = 2, CYAN = 3, RED = 4, MAGENTA = 5, # BROWN = 6, LIGHTGRAY = 7, DARKGRAY = 8, LIGHTBLUE = 9, # LIGHTGREEN = 10, LIGHTCYAN = 11, LIGHTRED = 12, LIGHTMAGENTA = 13, # YELLOW = 14, WHITE = 15 # Blink = Color + 128, for foreground color only # 0 <= Background <= 7 # directory_color=15 # for dir item in file selection menu normal_color=11 # for file item in file selection menu normal_background=1 tag_color=14 # for tagged file tag_background=5 select_color=0 # for select bar select_background=3 # Special item color : # If filename matches with the specified name, the specified color is # used. Otherwise 'normal_color' is used. # Number has no limit. # Format: special_color=, # For example, special_color=4,*.txt,*.doc,*.me # If patterns (length < 100) are too long, use two or more entries. # special_color=10,*.txt,*.doc,*.me,*.1st,*.faq special_color=13,*.exe,*.com,*.bat,*.dll message_color=14 # for text in top, bottom line message_background=7 disable_color=9 # for disabled item in selection disable_background=1 brief_color=15 menu_color=15 menu_background=2 menu_disable_color=8 menu_frame_color=7 menu_select_background=0 dialog_color=14 dialog_background=2 dialog_frame_color=15 input_color=15 input_background=1 preview_background=3 preview_frame_color=15 [DEFAULT] # Default :(For command line image reading) # 320 x 200 = 0, 640 x 350 = 1, 640 x 400 = 2, 640 x 480 = 3 # 800 x 600 = 4, 1024 x 768 = 5, 1280 x 1024 = 6 # For additional resolution, Please look at the begin of this file # # 8 bits = 0, 15 bits = 1, 16 bits = 2, 24 bits = 3 # default_resolution=3 default_display_type=0 [CONTACT_SHEET] # Method : # 0 : Variable box size, 1 : Fixed box size, 2 : Fixed box width, # 3 : Fixed box height. # sheet_method=0 # Font name : # string_font_name=pc8x16.fnt title_font_name=cour20bi.fnt # Contact sheet title : # max 49 characters # format : sheet_title=!any string # needed --------^ # #sheet_title=! # Dimension : # sheet_width=800 sheet_height=600 image_min_width=8 image_min_height=8 image_max_width=100000 image_max_height=100000 box_width=80 box_height=80 spacing_horizontal=5 spacing_vertical=5 spacing_image_string=0 # Contact sheet work space offset and size. These four parameters define # a rectangle for contact sheet making. # Work space must <= contact sheet size. offset starts from 0. # work size can be 0 or >= 32. 0 means using whole contact sheet. # If you set work space, DISPLAY doesn't trim the unused space at the # contact sheet bottom. # sheet_work_offset_x=0 sheet_work_offset_y=0 sheet_work_width=0 sheet_work_height=0 # Color : # sheet_background_red=200 sheet_background_green=200 sheet_background_blue=255 sheet_string_red=0 sheet_string_green=0 sheet_string_blue=0 sheet_title_red=0 sheet_title_green=0 sheet_title_blue=255 frame_red=0 frame_green=0 frame_blue=0 # Show title/string background color : # If no, the background of text is transparent. # If yes, background colors are the same as sheet background colors. # show_text_back=0 # Background image arrangement: # 0 : No background image, 1 : Center, 2 : Repeat # bg_arrange=1 # Text option : # # 0 : Filename only / string1 # 1 : Filename & Dim. / string1 & string2 # 2 : Dimension only / string2 # 3 : None # sheet_text_option=1 # Sort image by: # 0 : None, 1 : Name, 2 : Total height, then width # 3 : Total width, then height # sheet_sort_by=0 # Auto adjust spacing : Rearrange images in contact sheet. # Auto trim : Trim unused space at the contact sheet bottom. You must # set auto_adjust to 1 to enable this feature # frame_around : Draw frame around image or not. # auto_adjust=1 auto_trim=1 frame_around=0 # Resize step in preview screen (%) : 0.1 <= step <= 50 # resize_step=5.0 [SLIDE_SHOW] # Slide show parameters : # def_slide_resolution=3 def_slide_display=0 slide_fit=0 # fit to screen ? slide_scroll=0 # allow to scroll ? slide_enlarge_small=0 # enlarge small image ? slide_smooth_fit=0 # smooth fitting ? slide_preserve=1 # preserve aspect ratio ? slide_keep_tag=1 # keep tag ? slide_auto_res=0 # auto change resolution ? slide_auto_disp=0 # auto change display ? slide_show_name=0 # show filename ? slide_show_desc=0 # show file description ? slide_time=2 # delay time slide_loop=0 # loop count slide_beep=0 # Beep on error # Slide Show Effects: # # 0 : Random # 1 : Normal, 2 : Palette Fade, 3 : Wipe Out, 4 : Wipe In, # 5 : Line Down, 6 : Line Up, 7 : Line Left, 8 : Line right, # 9 : Block, 10: No clear. # special_effect=4 random_order=0 # boolean # Delay for each effect step # slide_effect_delay=5 [BATCH_CONVERT] # For batch conversion. # # To change this section: # Edit the fields for batch conversion inside DISPLAY and # make them the default and then save the config.dis file (Alt-S) # # You can delete the following entries. # # ===== BUT DON'T EDIT ===== # [TEXT_VIEWER] # # 0 : ASCII mode, 1 : HEX mode. # def_binary_display_mode=1 [GENERAL_MOVIE] # Default movie display type & resolution : # # 8 bits = 0, 15 bits = 1, 16 bits = 2, 24 bits = 3 # # 320 x 200 = 0, 640 x 350 = 1, 640 x 400 = 2, 640 x 480 = 3 # 800 x 600 = 4, 1024 x 768 = 5, 1280 x 1024 = 6 # For additional resolution, Please look at the begin of this file # movie_display=0 movie_resolution=0 # # Other movie parameters # Quantization method: # 0 : 3-3-2, 1 : Grey, 2 : Ordered dither # 0 <= loop_count <= 100. 0 = infinite # typical_frame_rate is for movie without timing information. # load sound : Load the whole sound track into memory before play. # movie_quant=2 movie_preload=0 movie_double_size=0 movie_play_sound=1 movie_load_sound=0 loop_count=0 # for slide show only typical_frame_rate=25 # 1 <= rate <= 100 # # Parameters for movie slide show # auto_select_display=1 # boolean auto_select_resolution=1 # boolean [JPEG] # # Quality : 5..100, Smooth : 0..100 # Please read DISPLAY.FAQ for more information # quality=90 optimize=1 # boolean smooth=0 jpeg_fast_encode=0 # boolean [SUN_RASTER] # use_rle=1 # boolean [PBM] # use_raw=1 # boolean [TARGA] # use_rle=1 # boolean [WINBMP] # use_rle=1 # boolean [GEM] # # Plane : 1..8 # number_of_plane=8 [XPM] # # Version : 1 or 3 # version=1 ascii_name=0 # boolean [TIFF] # # 0 : None, 1 : LZW, 2 : PACKBITS, 3 : FAX3, 4 : FAX4 # compression=1 # boolean [ILBM] # # Ham bit : 4..6 # use_rle=1 # boolean use_ham=0 # boolean ham_bit=4 [LASER] # # dpi = 75, 100, 150, 300. # dpi=300 [YUV] # ccir601=0 # boolean split_file=0 # boolean [POSTSCRIPT] # # US Letter = 0, A4 = 1, B5 = 2, US Legal = 3, 11"x17" = 4, # 4 by 5 = 5, 35mm slide = 6 # paper_size=1 # # Portrait = 0, Landscape = 1 # orientation=0 # compress=1 # boolean # max_image=0 # boolean # # Standard dot per inch for 100% scale # 36 <= dpi <= 144, default is 72 # standard_dpi=72 [MPEG_MOVIE] # Default MPEG display type & resolution : # Not used in movie slide show # # 8 bits = 0, 15 bits = 1, 16 bits = 2, 24 bits = 3 # # 320 x 200 = 0, 640 x 350 = 1, 640 x 400 = 2, 640 x 480 = 3 # 800 x 600 = 4, 1024 x 768 = 5, 1280 x 1024 = 6 # For additional resolution, Please look at the begin of this file # mpeg_display=0 mpeg_resolution=0 # Dithering method for 8-bit display : # Gray = 0, FS2 = 1, FS4 = 2, Ordered = 3 # mpeg_dither=3 # number of levels for L , Cr , Cb (8-bit display only) # L,Cr,Cb >= 2 and L * Cr * Cb <= 256 # mpeg_level=16,4,4 # Default buffer size (in K bytes): # must >= 8. If set to 0, whole file size is assumed. # def_buf_k_size=20 [IFF_ANIM] # have_loop_back_frame=1 # boolean [WINDOWS_ICON] # # Icon size: # 0 : 16 x 16, 1 : 32 x 32, 2 : 64 x 64 # icon_size=1 # # Color flavor (for 16-color ICON): # 0 : None(Grey), 1 : Red, 2 : Green, 3 : Blue, 4 : Yellow, # 5 : Magenta, 6 : Cyan # icon_color=0 # # Number of colors in ICON: # 0 : 16-color, 1 : 16M-color(TrueColor) # icon_type=0 [ANSI_TEXT] # # For ANSI text writing: # ANSI screen width : 80..132 # Ratio(W/H) : 0 = 1/1, 1 = 2/1. # ansi_width=80 ratio=0 smooth=1 # boolean [GIF] # # Use Lossy compression to reduce file size # Try_count_max : How many closest neighbors to try for single pixel # to get best compresstion ratio (for lossy). 1 .. 255 # max_distance : Max allowed distance between two pixels that is considered # to be matched (for lossy). # use_interlace=0 use_lossy=0 # boolean try_count_max=255 max_distance=20 # Write transparent GIF # Color = R,G,B. # use_transparent=0 transparent_color=0,0,0 [RIFF_AVI] # # Some programs write AVIs with buggy 'idx1' chunk. These AVIs cause # DISPLAY to crash. So don't use index in these AVI files. # avi_use_index=1 [THUMBNAIL] # # Size of thumbnail image (Always square): 32 <= size <= 200. # Thumbnail format : 0 : raw, 1 : JPEG. # Quality is for JPEG format. Range: 5 .. 100. # thumbnail_size=120 thumbnail_format=1 thumbnail_quality=75 color_thumbnail=0 [PNG] # # Level = 1 .. 9. 1 : Fast, 9 : Best # Interlace: 0 : None, 1 : Adam7 # Filter: 0 : None, 1 : Sub, 2 : Up, 3 : Average, 4 : Paeth # level=9 interlace_type=0 filter_type=0 # Transparent color # Color = R,G,B. # use_transparent=0 transparent_color=0,0,0 [FLIC] # # Align chunk to word (2 bytes) boundary # align_chunk=1 [FLIC_ENCODER] # # Align chunk to word (2 bytes) boundary # Some FLIC player don't like this. # align_chunk=1 use_global_palette=1 [END_OF_CONFIG]