Some restrictions became from space reasons necessarily, so e.g. the renouncement of a view into the OS-ROM and the renouncement of a possibility of producing Compoundfiles directly. Whether as disadvantage one feels depends on the work style. The author never pursues OS call by debuggers, but on the basis the OS listing and rather works with handy individual parts than with a wild code monster, which a Compoundfile is even. Finally it is not a trouble to bind after conclusion of all work and tests the parts with a DOS to a Compoundfile. 4.1. Command sentence of the debugger the command sentence limited to the most necessary orients itself strongly at the editor assembler cartridge of Atari and therefore corresponds to many other debuggers so that a tabular listing of the instructions is sufficient. With the instruction input no blanks may be inserted, the instructions must immediately after the prompt begin. To the input only the input line stands for order, but in the output-area ALL changes are along-logged. All inputs understand themselves in hexadecimal. Storage locations or registers without change of contents can be jumped over by omitting a value. Example: Cl00